public static void Batch(OTSprite sprite, OTSpriteBatch batch) { if (batch!=null) { OTBatching b = sprite.GetComponent<OTBatching>(); if (b==null) b = sprite.gameObject.AddComponent<OTBatching>(); b.batch = batch; b.Batch(); } }
// Because we are creating sprites from scratch, it is best to start creating our sprites // after all containers are initialized and ready. void DoStart() { // Indicate that we are creating sprites from scratch OT.RuntimeCreationMode(); // Create tile sprites CreateTiles(); // Create asteroid sprites CreateAsteroids(); // Create star sprites Createstars(); // Put nice shadows under the text ShadowText(); // Store the reference to the SpriteBatch object batch = GameObject.Find("-Batch").GetComponent<OTSpriteBatch>(); if (batch==null) print("batch null"); // Store the reference to the text container texts = GameObject.Find("-Text"); // Store the reference of the transparent text panel textPlane = GameObject.Find("Text-Plane"); }