Exemple #1
		} //	end GetParent

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns a list of children. This list is empty in case of an error or if no children are there to be delivered
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// List of this element's children. If the element has no children, the list is empty
		/// </returns>
		/// <include
		///		file='TBNS.doc.xml'
		///		path='//class[@name="DaAddressSpaceElement"]/
		///		method[@name="GetChildren"]/doc/*'
		///	/>
		public override ArrayList GetChildren()
			ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
			IntPtr ptrData = IntPtr.Zero;
			int count = 0;

			int res = OTBFunctions.OTSGetChildren(m_objectHandle, (byte) EnumAddressSpaceElementType.DA, out count, out ptrData);

			if (ResultCode.SUCCEEDED(res))
				if (count > 0)
					int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (OTObjectData));

					lock (Application.Instance.DaAddressSpaceRoot.ElementSyncRoot)
						for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
							IntPtr currentPtr = new IntPtr(ptrData.ToInt64() + size*i);
							OTObjectData myData = (OTObjectData) Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof (OTObjectData));
								Application.Instance.DaAddressSpaceRoot.GetElementFromArray(myData.m_userData) as DaAddressSpaceElement);
						} //	end for
				} //	end if

			} //	end if

			return children;
		} //	end GetChildren
		/// <summary>
		/// retrieves the parent from a handle
		/// </summary>
		internal AddressSpaceElement GetParent(uint aHandle)
			if (aHandle == 0)
				return m_root;
			} //	end if

			OTObjectData parent = new OTObjectData();
			IntPtr pParent = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(parent));
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(parent, pParent, false);

			if ((uint) EnumResultCode.S_OK != OTBFunctions.OTSGetParent(aHandle, pParent))
				return null;
			} //	end if

			parent = (OTObjectData) Marshal.PtrToStructure(pParent, typeof (OTObjectData));

			AddressSpaceElement elementParent = GetElementFromArray(parent.m_userData);
			if (elementParent == null)
				return m_root;
			} //	end if

			return elementParent;
		} //	end getParent