Exemple #1
        private void afElementFindCtrl1_AFElementUpdated(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            _TargetElement = afElementFindCtrl1.AFElement;

            //Resets attribute filter state
Exemple #2
        private void btnDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OSIsoft.AF.AFDatabase dbSelected = OSIsoft.AF.UI.AFOperations.SelectDatabase(this, _AFServer, _AFDB);

            if (dbSelected == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Database was not changed", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                _AFDB = dbSelected;

                afElementFindCtrl1.Text     = "";
                _TargetElement              = null;
                afElementFindCtrl1.Database = _AFDB;

                this.Text = _AFDB.GetPath() + " - PI Analysis Output Bulk Deleter";
Exemple #3
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            List <object> args = (List <object>)e.Argument;

            OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFValues afValues = new OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFValues();

            //Parsing arguments from object sender
            DateTime dtStartTime = (DateTime)args[0];                                         //start time
            DateTime dtEndTime   = (DateTime)args[1];                                         //end time

            OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFElement elTargetElement = (OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFElement)args[2]; //target AF element
            int    opCode         = ((int)args[3]);                                           //operation code (delete pi tags only, EF only or both)
            string attrPathFilter = ((string)args[4]);                                        //filter by attribute name using wildcards (*, ?)

            DateTime writeTime = dtStartTime;

            OSIsoft.AF.Time.AFTimeRange timeRange = new OSIsoft.AF.Time.AFTimeRange(dtStartTime, dtEndTime);

            backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0, "Searching elements for data deletion...");

            OSIsoft.AF.AFNamedCollectionList <OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFElement> AnalysesElements;

            if (ckbIncludeChildElements.Checked) //Searchs for child elements
                AnalysesElements = OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFElement.FindElements(_AFDB, _TargetElement, "*", OSIsoft.AF.AFSearchField.Name, true, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortField.Name, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortOrder.Ascending, iMaxRetrievedObjects);
            else   //just creates an empty list
                AnalysesElements = new OSIsoft.AF.AFNamedCollectionList <OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFElement>();

            //Add the target element
            if (_TargetElement != null)
                AnalysesElements.Add(_TargetElement); //Including the root element to be processed too
            backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0, AnalysesElements.Count.ToString() + " elements found.\n");

            double elementCount           = AnalysesElements.Count;
            double operationsCount        = 1;
            int    processingElementCount = 1;

            //Searching all elements in the list to obtain the attributes used as analyses outputs

            foreach (var element in AnalysesElements)
                if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(100, "Delete operation cancelled.\n");
                //Used to track operation progress - ##### not being used because I changed the progress bar style to marquee #####
                int progressPercent = (int)(operationsCount / elementCount * 100);
                //int numOfEventsDeleted = 0;

                //Reporting the order of the element being processed
                backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(processingElementCount, "Processing element " + processingElementCount.ToString() + " of " + elementCount.ToString() + "...\n");

                //Obtaining the list of analysis associated with the current element
                OSIsoft.AF.AFNamedCollectionList <OSIsoft.AF.Analysis.AFAnalysis> elAnalyses = element.GetAnalyses(OSIsoft.AF.AFSortField.Name, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortOrder.Ascending, element.Analyses.Count + 1);

                if (opCode == 0 || opCode == 2) //To be executed if asked to delete PI Values only or (PI Values + EFs)
                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Deleting analyses output attributes from " + element.GetPath() + "...\n");

                    //Obtaining the list of attributes that are PI Point DRs associated with the analyses
                    List <OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFAttribute> attrOutputs = GetAnalysesOutputPointDR(elAnalyses);

                    //Using parallelism to speed up the deletes
                    Parallel.ForEach(attrOutputs, new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = iAFThreadCount
                    }, (attr) =>
                                     //foreach (var attr in attrOutputs)
                        OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFValues values = null;
                        int valueCount = 0;

                        if (_AttributeListFilterIsActive)
                            bool bValueFound; //Flag to inform if the attr is selected in the filter list
                            bool IsSelected = _AttributeFilter.TryGetValue(attr.GetPath(), out bValueFound);

                            if (bValueFound)
                                //Perform the tasks

                                //Search values if the attribute is selected in the attribute list filter
                                if (IsSelected)
                                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Deleting values from attribute " + attr.GetPath() + "...\n");
                                    values     = attr.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, null, true);
                                    valueCount = values.Count();
                                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Deleting " + valueCount.ToString() + " values from attribute " + attr.GetPath() + "...\n");
                                //backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "The attribute " + attr.GetPath() + " was not processed (filtered out). \n");
                                //values = attr.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, null, true);
                            //Search values only for those attributes included by the attribute path filter
                            // of if the filter is empty (not set)
                            //This will already return everything in upper case and convert the wild cards expressions to regular expressions
                            string attrNameFilterRegExpression = WildcardToRegex(attrPathFilter);

                            if (attrPathFilter == String.Empty ||
                                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(attr.GetPath().ToUpper(), attrNameFilterRegExpression))
                                values     = attr.Data.RecordedValues(timeRange, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, null, true);
                                valueCount = values.Count();
                                //backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "The attribute " + attr.Name + " from element " + element.Name + " was not processed (filtered out). \n");

                        if (valueCount > 0)
                                //This is the new method supported only in PI Data Archive 2015 and above (don't need to retrieve all values - just pass the range)
                                //attr.Data.ReplaceValues(timeRange, new OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFValues(), OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBufferOption.BufferIfPossible);

                                //This is the only method supported for PI Data Archive 2015 and below (need to retrieve all values before deleting it)
                                attr.Data.UpdateValues(values, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFUpdateOption.Remove, OSIsoft.AF.Data.AFBufferOption.BufferIfPossible);

                                backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Deleted " + valueCount.ToString() + " values from " + attr.GetPath() + ".\n");
                                backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Error deleting tag events from " + attr.GetPath() + ".\n");

                        if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                            backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(100, "Delete operation cancelled.\n");

                        //numOfEventsDeleted += values.Count; --> Can't use this "as is" inside the paralle foreach loop, otherwise we lose parallelism efficiency

                    int numAttrFilteredOut = GetAttributeFilteredCount();
                    int numAttrProcessed   = attrOutputs.Count - numAttrFilteredOut;

                    //backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, numOfEventsDeleted.ToString() + " tag events were deleted from " + attrOutputs.Count.ToString() + " analysis output(s)\n");
                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Finished processing PI values deletion for element " + element.GetPath() + ".\n");

                if (opCode == 1 || opCode == 2) //To be executed if asked to delete EFs only or (PI Values + EFs)
                     * foreach (var analysis in elAnalyses)
                     * {
                     *  // var analysesEventFrameList = OSIsoft.AF.EventFrame.AFEventFrame.FindEventFramesByAnalysis(analysis, OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFSearchMode.Overlapped,
                     *  //    timeRange.StartTime, timeRange.EndTime, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortField.Name, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortOrder.Ascending, 0, iMaxRetrievedObjects);
                     * }

                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Searching event frames for the " + element.Name + " element.\n");
                    var analysesEventFrameList = element.GetEventFrames(OSIsoft.AF.Asset.AFSearchMode.StartInclusive, timeRange.StartTime, timeRange.EndTime, "*", null, null, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortField.StartTime, OSIsoft.AF.AFSortOrder.Ascending, 0, iMaxRetrievedObjects);

                    int efCount = analysesEventFrameList.Count;
                    //Deleting each individual event frame from the current element
                    Parallel.ForEach(analysesEventFrameList, new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = iAFThreadCount
                    }, (ef) =>
                                     //foreach (var ef in analysesEventFrameList)
                            backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Error deleting the following event: " + ef.Name);

                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(progressPercent, "Deleted " + efCount.ToString() + " event frames from the  " + element.Name + " element.\n");

                    //Commiting changes to database

                //Update counter used to calculate the operation progress

            backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(100, "Operation completed.\n");