Exemple #1
        // the directory path is based on Virtio driver version 0.1-59 (Apr 2013)
        static private void InstallVirtIODrivers(string baseDir)
            if (!Directory.Exists(baseDir))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the driver directory ({0})", baseDir));

            OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName osName = OSEnvironment.OS_Name;
            bool is64bit = OSEnvironment.Is64bit;

            // resolve OS
            string virtioDir = baseDir;

            if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.XP)
                virtioDir += "\\WXP"; // there's  no AMD64 directory ==> should check against 64bit XP
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003R2)
                virtioDir += "\\WNET";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Vista || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008)
                virtioDir += "\\WLH";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win7 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008R2)
                virtioDir += "\\WIN7";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win8 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2012)
                virtioDir += "\\WIN8";
                throw new Exception("OS type can't be determined");

            // resolve 64/32 bit
            if (is64bit)
                virtioDir += "\\AMD64";
                virtioDir += "\\X86";

            if (!Directory.Exists(virtioDir))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the VirtIO driver directory({0})", virtioDir));

            // this call may throw an exception if failed
            DriverManager.Instance.InstallDrivers(new string[] { virtioDir });
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _installLocation = EucaConstant.ProgramRoot;
            if (_installLocation == null)
                Log("[FAILURE] Can't find the Eucalyptus install location while installing XenPV installer");

            string xenPVDir = string.Format("{0}\\xenpv", _installLocation);

            if (Directory.Exists(xenPVDir))
                OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName osName = OSEnvironment.OS_Name;
                if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Vista || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win7 ||
                    osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008R2)
                    string msg = "XenPV installation may fail due to driver signing requirements. Please read admin manual if you encounter the problem.";
                    // Log("OS is Vista or newer; warning message displayed");
                    // MessageBox.Show(msg, "WARNING");
Exemple #3
        // this directory path is based on Virtio driver version 1.1.11-0
        static private void InstallVirtIODrivers(string baseDir)
            if (!Directory.Exists(baseDir))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the driver directory ({0})", baseDir));

            /// determine O/S, 32/64bit
            OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName osName = OSEnvironment.OS_Name;
            bool is64bit = OSEnvironment.Is64bit;

            // first check NetKVM directory exists
            string netDir = baseDir + "\\NetKVM";

            if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.XP || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003R2)
                netDir += "\\XP";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Vista || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win7 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008R2)
                netDir += "\\Vista";
                throw new Exception("OS type can't be determined");

            if (is64bit)
                netDir += "\\amd64";
                netDir += "\\x86";

            if (!Directory.Exists(netDir))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the VirtIO Net driver directory({0})", netDir));

            string storDir = baseDir + "\\viostor";

            if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.XP)
                storDir += "\\WXp\\x86"; // there's  no AMD64 directory ==> should check against 64bit XP
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003R2)
                storDir += "\\Wnet";
                if (is64bit)
                    storDir += "\\amd64";
                    storDir += "\\x86";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Vista || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008)
                storDir += "\\Wlh";
                if (is64bit)
                    storDir += "\\amd64";
                    storDir += "\\x86";
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win7 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008R2)
                storDir += "\\win7";
                if (is64bit)
                    storDir += "\\amd64";
                    storDir += "\\x86";
                throw new Exception("OS type can't be determined");

            if (!Directory.Exists(storDir))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the VirtIO storage driver directory({0})", storDir));

            // this call may throw an exception if failed
            DriverManager.Instance.InstallDrivers(new string[] { netDir, storDir });
Exemple #4
        static private void InstallXenPVDrivers(string baseDir)
            OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName osName = OSEnvironment.OS_Name;
            bool is64bit = OSEnvironment.Is64bit;

            string msiFile = null;

            if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.XP)
                msiFile = baseDir + "\\" + GPLPV_XP_MSI;
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2003R2)
                if (is64bit)
                    msiFile = baseDir + "\\" + GPLPV_S2003_64_MSI;
                    msiFile = baseDir + "\\" + GPLPV_S2003_32_MSI;
            else if (osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Vista || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.Win7 ||
                     osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008 || osName == OSEnvironment.Enum_OsName.S2008R2)
                if (is64bit)
                    msiFile = baseDir + "\\" + GPLPV_S2008_64_MSI;
                    msiFile = baseDir + "\\" + GPLPV_S2008_32_MSI;
                throw new Exception("OS type can't be determined");

            if (!File.Exists(msiFile))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the file {0}", msiFile));

            using (System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
                proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                proc.StartInfo.FileName  = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) + "\\msiexec.exe";
                proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("/i \"{0}\"", msiFile);

                if (!File.Exists(proc.StartInfo.FileName))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find the exe file ({0})", proc.StartInfo.FileName));

                int exitCode = proc.ExitCode;
                if (!(exitCode == 0 || exitCode == 1602)) // complete or user canceled installation
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("XenPV installer returned exit code={0})", exitCode));