Exemple #1
 public static OSD DeserializeJson(JsonData json)
     switch (json.GetJsonType())
         case JsonType.Boolean:
             return OSD.FromBoolean((bool)json);
         case JsonType.Int:
             return OSD.FromInteger((int)json);
         case JsonType.Long:
             return OSD.FromLong((long)json);
         case JsonType.Double:
             return OSD.FromReal((double)json);
         case JsonType.String:
             string str = (string)json;
             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 return new OSD();
                 return OSD.FromString(str);
         case JsonType.Array:
             OSDArray array = new OSDArray(json.Count);
             for (int i = 0; i < json.Count; i++)
             return array;
         case JsonType.Object:
             OSDMap map = new OSDMap(json.Count);
             foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> kvp in json)
                 map.Add(kvp.Key, DeserializeJson(kvp.Value));
             return map;
         case JsonType.None:
             return new OSD();
        OSDMap GetParcelsByRegion (OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap ();
            resp ["Parcels"] = new OSDArray ();
            resp ["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger (0);

            var directory = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin<IDirectoryServiceConnector> ();

            if (directory != null && map.ContainsKey ("Region") == true) {
                UUID regionID = UUID.Parse (map ["Region"]);
                UUID scopeID = map.ContainsKey ("ScopeID") ? UUID.Parse (map ["ScopeID"].ToString ()) : UUID.Zero;
                UUID owner = map.ContainsKey ("Owner") ? UUID.Parse (map ["Owner"].ToString ()) : UUID.Zero;
                uint start = map.ContainsKey ("Start") ? uint.Parse (map ["Start"].ToString ()) : 0;
                uint count = map.ContainsKey ("Count") ? uint.Parse (map ["Count"].ToString ()) : 10;
                ParcelFlags flags = map.ContainsKey ("Flags") ? (ParcelFlags)int.Parse (map ["Flags"].ToString ()) : ParcelFlags.None;
                ParcelCategory category = map.ContainsKey ("Category") ? (ParcelCategory)uint.Parse (map ["Flags"].ToString ()) : ParcelCategory.Any;
                uint total = directory.GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion (regionID, owner, flags, category);

                if (total > 0) {
                    resp ["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger ((int)total);
                    if (count == 0) {
                        return resp;
                    List<LandData> regionParcels = directory.GetParcelsByRegion (start, count, regionID, owner, flags, category);
                    OSDArray parcels = new OSDArray (regionParcels.Count);
                    regionParcels.ForEach (delegate (LandData parcel) {
                        parcels.Add (LandData2WebOSD (parcel));
                    resp ["Parcels"] = parcels;

            return resp;
        OSDMap GetAbuseReports (OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap ();
            var areports = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAbuseReports> ();

            int start = map ["Start"].AsInteger ();
            int count = map ["Count"].AsInteger ();
            bool active = map ["Active"].AsBoolean ();

            List<AbuseReport> arList = areports.GetAbuseReports (start, count, active);
            var AbuseReports = new OSDArray ();

            if (arList != null) {
                foreach (AbuseReport rpt in arList) {
                    AbuseReports.Add (rpt.ToOSD ());

            resp ["AbuseReports"] = AbuseReports;
            resp ["Start"] = OSD.FromInteger (start);
            resp ["Count"] = OSD.FromInteger (count); 
            resp ["Active"] = OSD.FromBoolean (active);

            return resp;
Exemple #4
 public static OSD DeserializeJson(JsonData json)
     switch (json.GetJsonType())
         case JsonType.Boolean:
             return OSD.FromBoolean((bool)json);
         case JsonType.Int:
             return OSD.FromInteger((int)json);
         case JsonType.Long:
             return OSD.FromLong((long)json);
         case JsonType.Double:
             return OSD.FromReal((double)json);
         case JsonType.String:
             string str = (string)json;
             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 return new OSD();
                 return OSD.FromString(str);
         case JsonType.Array:
             OSDArray array = new OSDArray(json.Count);
             for (int i = 0; i < json.Count; i++)
             return array;
         case JsonType.Object:
             OSDMap map = new OSDMap(json.Count);
             IDictionaryEnumerator e = ((IOrderedDictionary)json).GetEnumerator();
             while (e.MoveNext())
                 map.Add((string)e.Key, DeserializeJson((JsonData)e.Value));
             return map;
         case JsonType.None:
             return new OSD();
 protected OSDMap OnMessageReceived(OSDMap message)
     //If it is an async message request, make sure that the request is valid and check it
     if (message["Method"] == "AsyncMessageRequest")
             OSDMap response = new OSDMap();
             OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
             if (m_regionMessages.ContainsKey(message["RegionHandle"].AsULong()))
                 foreach (OSDMap asyncMess in m_regionMessages[message["RegionHandle"].AsULong()])
             response["Messages"] = array;
             return response;
     return null;
Exemple #6
        public OSDMap PackAgentCircuitData()
            OSDMap args = new OSDMap();
            args["agent_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(AgentID);
            args["base_folder"] = OSD.FromUUID(BaseFolder);
            args["caps_path"] = OSD.FromString(CapsPath);

            OSDArray childrenSeeds = new OSDArray(ChildrenCapSeeds.Count);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, string> kvp in ChildrenCapSeeds)
                OSDMap pair = new OSDMap();
                pair["handle"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Key.ToString());
                pair["seed"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value);
            if (ChildrenCapSeeds.Count > 0)
                args["children_seeds"] = childrenSeeds;

            args["child"] = OSD.FromBoolean(child);
            args["circuit_code"] = OSD.FromString(circuitcode.ToString());
            args["first_name"] = OSD.FromString(firstname);
            args["last_name"] = OSD.FromString(lastname);
            args["inventory_folder"] = OSD.FromUUID(InventoryFolder);
            args["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SecureSessionID);
            args["session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SessionID);
            args["start_pos"] = OSD.FromString(startpos.ToString());

            return args;
        public OSD ToOSD()
            OSDArray array = new OSDArray(4) {null, null, null, null};
            array[0] = new OSDMap {{"regionID", RegionID}};
            Cycle.ToOSD(ref array);
            Water.ToOSD(ref array);

            return array;
        public override OSDMap ToOSD()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

            map["Items"] = new OSDArray(Items.ConvertAll<OSD>((item) => item.ToOSD()));
            map["Folders"] = new OSDArray(Folders.ConvertAll<OSD>((folder) => folder.ToOSD()));
            map["UserID"] = UserID;

            return map;
 public OSDMap ToOSD()
     OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
     map["AuctionStart"] = AuctionStart;
     map["AuctionLength"] = AuctionLength;
     map["Description"] = Description;
     OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
     foreach (AuctionBid bid in AuctionBids)
     map["AuctionBids"] = array;
     return map;
 public override OSDMap ToOSD()
     OSDMap result = new OSDMap();
     foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, List<mapItemReply>> kvp in items)
         OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
         foreach (mapItemReply item in kvp.Value)
         result[kvp.Key.ToString()] = array;
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// This adds the entire region into the search database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 public void AddRegion(List<LandData> parcels)
     OSDMap mess = new OSDMap();
     OSDArray requests = new OSDArray();
     foreach (LandData data in parcels)
     mess["Requests"] = requests;
     mess["Method"] = "addregion";
     List<string> m_ServerURIs = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IConfigurationService>().FindValueOf("RemoteServerURI");
     foreach (string m_ServerURI in m_ServerURIs)
         WebUtils.PostToService (m_ServerURI + "osd", mess, false, false);
        byte[] ProductInfoRequestCAP(string path, Stream request, OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            //OSDMap data = m_service.GetCAPS ();
            var data = new OSDArray();

            var mf = new OSDMap ();
            mf ["name"] = "mainland_full";
            mf ["description"] = "Mainland / Full Region";
            mf ["sku"] = "001";

            var mh = new OSDMap ();
            mh ["name"] = "mainland_homestead";
            mh ["description"] = "Mainland / Homestead";
            mh ["sku"] = "011";

            var mo = new OSDMap ();
            mo ["name"] = "mainland_openspace";
            mo ["description"] = "Mainland / Openspace";
            mo ["sku"] = "021";

            var ef = new OSDMap ();
            ef ["name"] = "estate_full";
            ef ["description"] = "Estate / Full Region";
            ef ["sku"] = "002";

            var eh = new OSDMap ();
            eh ["name"] = "estate_homestead";
            eh ["description"] = "Estate / Homestead";
            eh ["sku"] = "012";

            var eo = new OSDMap ();
            eo ["name"] = "estate_openspace";
            eo ["description"] = "Estate / Openspace";
            eo ["sku"] = "022";

            var wh = new OSDMap ();
            wh ["name"] = "universe_homes";
            wh ["description"] = "Universe Homes / Full Region";
            wh ["sku"] = "101";

            return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes (data);
            public OSDArray ToOSD(ref OSDArray array)
                OSDMap settings = new OSDMap();
                OSDArray cycle = new OSDArray();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SkyData> kvp in DataSettings)
                    cycle.Add(new OSDArray {kvp.Key, kvp.Value.preset_name});
                    settings[kvp.Value.preset_name] = kvp.Value.ToOSD();

                array[1] = cycle;
                array[2] = settings;

                return array;
 void LoadFromOSD(ConcurrentDictionary<string, FilterItem> items, OSDArray filters)
         foreach (var filter in filters)
             if (filter is OSDMap)
                 var item = FilterItem.FromOSD((OSDMap)filter);
                 items[item.Name] = item;
     catch { }
Exemple #15
        public static OSD EnableSimulator(ulong handle, IPEndPoint endPoint)
            OSDMap llsdSimInfo = new OSDMap(3);

            llsdSimInfo.Add("Handle", new OSDBinary(ulongToByteArray(handle)));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("IP", new OSDBinary(endPoint.Address.GetAddressBytes()));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("Port", new OSDInteger(endPoint.Port));

            OSDArray arr = new OSDArray(1);

            OSDMap llsdBody = new OSDMap(1);
            llsdBody.Add("SimulatorInfo", arr);

            return BuildEvent("EnableSimulator", llsdBody);
Exemple #16
        public static OSDMap EnableSimulator(ulong regionHandle, IPAddress ip, int port)
            OSDMap llsdSimInfo = new OSDMap(3);

            llsdSimInfo.Add("Handle", OSD.FromULong(regionHandle));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("IP", OSD.FromBinary(ip.GetAddressBytes()));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("Port", OSD.FromInteger(port));

            OSDArray arr = new OSDArray(1);

            OSDMap llsdBody = new OSDMap(1);
            llsdBody.Add("SimulatorInfo", arr);

            return llsdBody;
        public static OSD EnableSimulator(ulong handle, byte[] IPAddress, int Port)
            OSDMap llsdSimInfo = new OSDMap(3);

            llsdSimInfo.Add("Handle", new OSDBinary(ulongToByteArray(handle)));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("IP", new OSDBinary(IPAddress));
            llsdSimInfo.Add("Port", new OSDInteger(Port));

            OSDArray arr = new OSDArray(1);

            OSDMap llsdBody = new OSDMap(1);
            llsdBody.Add("SimulatorInfo", arr);

            return buildEvent("EnableSimulator", llsdBody);
        public static OSD EnableSimulator (ulong handle, byte[] IPAddress, int Port, int RegionSizeX, int RegionSizeY)
            OSDMap llsdSimInfo = new OSDMap (3) {
                { "Handle", new OSDBinary (ulongToByteArray (handle)) },
                { "IP", new OSDBinary (IPAddress) },
                { "Port", new OSDInteger (Port) },
                { "RegionSizeX", OSD.FromUInteger ((uint)RegionSizeX) },
                { "RegionSizeY", OSD.FromUInteger ((uint)RegionSizeY) }

            OSDArray arr = new OSDArray (1) { llsdSimInfo };

            OSDMap llsdBody = new OSDMap (1) { { "SimulatorInfo", arr } };

            return buildEvent ("EnableSimulator", llsdBody);
        OSDMap GetRegions (OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap ();
            RegionFlags type = map.Keys.Contains ("RegionFlags") ? (RegionFlags)map ["RegionFlags"].AsInteger () : RegionFlags.RegionOnline;
            int start = map.Keys.Contains ("Start") ? map ["Start"].AsInteger () : 0;
            if (start < 0) {
                start = 0;
            int count = map.Keys.Contains ("Count") ? map ["Count"].AsInteger () : 10;
            if (count < 0) {
                count = 1;

            var regiondata = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin<IRegionData> ();

            Dictionary<string, bool> sort = new Dictionary<string, bool> ();

            string [] supportedSort = {

            foreach (string sortable in supportedSort) {
                if (map.ContainsKey (sortable)) {
                    sort [sortable.Substring (4)] = map [sortable].AsBoolean ();

            List<GridRegion> regions = regiondata.Get (type, sort);
            OSDArray Regions = new OSDArray ();
            if (start < regions.Count) {
                int i = 0;
                int j = regions.Count <= (start + count) ? regions.Count : (start + count);
                for (i = start; i < j; ++i) {
                    Regions.Add (regions [i].ToOSD ());
            resp ["Start"] = OSD.FromInteger (start);
            resp ["Count"] = OSD.FromInteger (count);
            resp ["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger (regions.Count);
            resp ["Regions"] = Regions;
            return resp;
        OSDMap GetGroups (OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap ();
            var start = map.ContainsKey ("Start") ? map ["Start"].AsUInteger () : 0;
            resp ["Start"] = start;
            resp ["Total"] = 0;

            var groups = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector> ();
            var Groups = new OSDArray ();

            if (groups != null) {
                var sort = new Dictionary<string, bool> ();
                var boolFields = new Dictionary<string, bool> ();

                if (map.ContainsKey ("Sort") && map ["Sort"].Type == OSDType.Map) {
                    var fields = (OSDMap)map ["Sort"];
                    foreach (string field in fields.Keys) {
                        sort [field] = int.Parse (fields [field]) != 0;
                if (map.ContainsKey ("BoolFields") && map ["BoolFields"].Type == OSDType.Map) {
                    var fields = (OSDMap)map ["BoolFields"];
                    foreach (string field in fields.Keys) {
                        boolFields [field] = int.Parse (fields [field]) != 0;
                var reply = groups.GetGroupRecords (
                    map.ContainsKey ("Count") ? map ["Count"].AsUInteger () : 10,
                if (reply.Count > 0) {
                    foreach (GroupRecord groupReply in reply) {
                        Groups.Add (GroupRecord2OSDMap (groupReply));
                resp ["Total"] = groups.GetNumberOfGroups (AdminAgentID, boolFields);

            resp ["Groups"] = Groups;
            return resp;
 public OSDMap ToOSD()
     OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
     map["CurrentAnimationPosition"] = CurrentAnimationPosition;
     map["CurrentMode"] = (int)CurrentMode;
     OSDArray times = new OSDArray();
     foreach (int time in TimeList)
     map["TimeList"] = times;
     OSDArray positions = new OSDArray();
     foreach (Vector3 v in PositionList)
     map["PositionList"] = positions;
     OSDArray rotations = new OSDArray();
     foreach (Quaternion v in RotationList)
     map["RotationList"] = rotations;
     return map;
        OSDMap GetAvatarArchives (OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap ();
            var temp = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarAppearanceArchiver> ().GetAvatarArchives ();
            var names = new OSDArray ();
            var snapshot = new OSDArray ();

            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[API] {0} avatar archives found", temp.Count);

            foreach (AvatarArchive a in temp) {
                names.Add (OSD.FromString (a.FolderName));
                snapshot.Add (OSD.FromUUID (a.Snapshot));

            resp ["names"] = names;
            resp ["snapshot"] = snapshot;

            return resp;
		OSDMap GetClassifieds (OSDMap map)
			var classifiedListVars = new List<Dictionary<string, object>> ();
            var resp = new OSDMap ();

            var directory = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin<IDirectoryServiceConnector> ();

			if (directory != null) {

				var classifieds = new List<Classified> ();

                int category = map.Keys.Contains ("category")
                                  ? map ["category"].AsInteger ()
                                  : (int)DirectoryManager.ClassifiedCategories.Any;
				int maturity = map.Keys.Contains  ("maturity")
                                  ? map ["maturity"].AsInteger ()
                                  : (int)DirectoryManager.ClassifiedFlags.None;

                classifieds = directory.GetAllClassifieds (category, (uint)maturity);

                if (classifieds.Count > 0) {

                    // build a list of classifieds
                    var clarry = new OSDArray ();
                    foreach (var classified in classifieds)
                        clarry.Add (classified.ToOSD ());

                    resp ["classifieds"] = clarry;
                    resp ["count"] = clarry.Count.ToString ();

                    return resp;

			// no classifieds
			resp ["classifieds"] = new OSDArray ();
			resp ["count"] = "0";

			return resp;

            public void FromOSD(OSDArray osd)
                OSDArray array = osd as OSDArray;
                OSDArray settingsArray = array[1] as OSDArray;
                OSDMap windlightSettingsArray = array[2] as OSDMap;
                foreach (OSD setting in settingsArray)
                    OSDArray innerSetting = setting as OSDArray;
                    string key = innerSetting[0];
                    string name = innerSetting[1];

                    OSDMap settings = windlightSettingsArray[name] as OSDMap;

                    SkyData skySettings = new SkyData();
                    skySettings.FromOSD(name, settings);
                    DataSettings[key] = skySettings;

                if (DataSettings.Count == 1 && DataSettings.ContainsKey("-1"))
                    IsStaticDayCycle = true;
Exemple #25
        public static OSDMap TeleportFinish(UUID agentID, int locationID, ulong regionHandle, Uri seedCap, SimAccess simAccess,
            IPAddress simIP, int simPort, TeleportFlags teleportFlags)
            OSDMap info = new OSDMap(8);
            info.Add("AgentID", OSD.FromUUID(agentID));
            info.Add("LocationID", OSD.FromInteger(locationID)); // Unused by the client
            info.Add("RegionHandle", OSD.FromULong(regionHandle));
            info.Add("SeedCapability", OSD.FromUri(seedCap));
            info.Add("SimAccess", OSD.FromInteger((byte)simAccess));
            info.Add("SimIP", OSD.FromBinary(simIP.GetAddressBytes()));
            info.Add("SimPort", OSD.FromInteger(simPort));
            info.Add("TeleportFlags", OSD.FromUInteger((uint)teleportFlags));

            OSDArray infoArray = new OSDArray(1);

            OSDMap teleport = new OSDMap(1);
            teleport.Add("Info", infoArray);

            return teleport;
		OSDMap GetEvents(OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap ();
            var directory = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin<IDirectoryServiceConnector> ();

			if (directory != null) {

				var events = new List<EventData> ();
				var timeframe = map.Keys.Contains ("timeframe")
                                   ? map ["timeframe"].AsInteger ()
                                   : 24;
				var category = map.Keys.Contains ("category")
                                  ? map ["category"].AsInteger ()
				int eventMaturity = map.Keys.Contains ("maturity")
                                       ? map ["maturity"].AsInteger ()
                                       : Util.ConvertEventMaturityToDBMaturity (DirectoryManager.EventFlags.PG);
				events = directory.GetAllEvents(timeframe, category , eventMaturity);

				if (events.Count > 0) {

					// build a list of classifieds
					var evarry = new OSDArray ();
					foreach (var evnt in events)
						evarry.Add (evnt.ToOSD ());

					resp ["events"] = evarry;
					resp ["count"] = evarry.Count.ToString ();

					return resp;

			// no eventss
			resp ["events"] = new OSDArray ();
			resp ["count"] = "0";

			return resp;
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="OSDMap"/> containing the objects data</returns>
        public OSDMap Serialize()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap(1);

            OSDArray infoArray = new OSDArray(1);

            OSDMap info = new OSDMap(8);
            info.Add("AgentID", OSD.FromUUID(AgentID));
            info.Add("LocationID", OSD.FromInteger(LocationID)); // Unused by the client
            info.Add("RegionHandle", OSD.FromULong(RegionHandle));
            info.Add("SeedCapability", OSD.FromUri(SeedCapability));
            info.Add("SimAccess", OSD.FromInteger((byte)SimAccess));
            info.Add("SimIP", MessageUtils.FromIP(IP));
            info.Add("SimPort", OSD.FromInteger(Port));
            info.Add("TeleportFlags", OSD.FromUInteger((uint)Flags));


            map.Add("Info", infoArray);

            return map;
        public OSDMap Serialize()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
            if (MessageSessions.Count > 0)
                OSDArray messageArray = new OSDArray(MessageSessions.Count);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FilterEntryOptions> kvp in MessageSessions)
                    OSDMap sessionMap = new OSDMap(4);
                    sessionMap["Name"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Key);
                    sessionMap["Type"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value.Type);
                    sessionMap["Capture"] = OSD.FromBoolean(kvp.Value.Checked);
                    sessionMap["Group"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value.Group);
                map.Add("message_sessions", messageArray);

            if (PacketSessions.Count > 0)
                OSDArray packetArray = new OSDArray(PacketSessions.Count);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FilterEntryOptions> kvp in PacketSessions)
                    OSDMap sessionMap = new OSDMap(4);
                    sessionMap["Name"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Key);
                    sessionMap["Type"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value.Type);
                    sessionMap["Capture"] = OSD.FromBoolean(kvp.Value.Checked);
                    sessionMap["Group"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value.Group);
                map.Add("packet_sessions", packetArray);

            map.Add("CaptureStatistics", OSD.FromBoolean(StatisticsEnabled));
            map.Add("SaveProfileOnExit", OSD.FromBoolean(SaveSessionOnExit));
            map.Add("AutoCheckNewCaps", OSD.FromBoolean(AutoCheckNewCaps));
            map.Add("FileVersion", OSD.FromInteger(FileVersion));
            return map;
Exemple #29
        public static OSD GetLLSD(Packet packet)
            OSDMap body = new OSDMap();
            Type type = packet.GetType();

            foreach (FieldInfo field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.IsPublic)
                    Type blockType = field.FieldType;

                    if (blockType.IsArray)
                        object blockArray = field.GetValue(packet);
                        Array array = (Array)blockArray;
                        OSDArray blockList = new OSDArray(array.Length);
                        IEnumerator ie = array.GetEnumerator();

                        while (ie.MoveNext())
                            object block = ie.Current;

                        body[field.Name] = blockList;
                        object block = field.GetValue(packet);
                        body[field.Name] = BuildLLSDBlock(block);

            return body;
        public virtual byte[] FetchInventoryReply(OSDArray fetchRequest, UUID agentID, UUID forceOwnerID,
                                                  UUID libraryOwnerID)
            LLSDSerializationDictionary contents = new LLSDSerializationDictionary();

            contents.WriteStartMap("llsd");      //Start llsd

            contents.WriteKey("folders");        //Start array items
            contents.WriteStartArray("folders"); //Start array folders

            foreach (OSD m in fetchRequest)
                contents.WriteStartMap("internalContents"); //Start internalContents kvp
                OSDMap invFetch = (OSDMap)m;

                //UUID agent_id = invFetch["agent_id"].AsUUID();
                UUID owner_id      = invFetch["owner_id"].AsUUID();
                UUID folder_id     = invFetch["folder_id"].AsUUID();
                bool fetch_folders = invFetch["fetch_folders"].AsBoolean();
                bool fetch_items   = invFetch["fetch_items"].AsBoolean();
                //int sort_order = invFetch["sort_order"].AsInteger();

                //Set the normal stuff
                contents["agent_id"]  = agentID;
                contents["owner_id"]  = owner_id;
                contents["folder_id"] = folder_id;

                int    count = 0;
                string query = "";

                if (fetch_items)
                    contents.WriteKey("items"); //Start array items
                    List <UUID> moreLinkedItems = new List <UUID>();
                    bool        addToCount      = true;
                    query = string.Format("where {0} = '{1}'", "parentFolderID", folder_id);
                    using (DataReaderConnection retVal = GD.QueryData(query, m_itemsrealm, "*"))
                            while (retVal.DataReader.Read())
                                contents.WriteStartMap("item"); //Start item kvp
                                UUID assetID = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["assetID"].ToString());
                                contents["asset_id"] = assetID;
                                contents["name"]     = retVal.DataReader["inventoryName"].ToString();
                                contents["desc"]     = retVal.DataReader["inventoryDescription"].ToString();

                                contents.WriteKey("permissions"); //Start permissions kvp
                                contents["group_id"]       = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["groupID"].ToString());
                                contents["is_owner_group"] = int.Parse(retVal.DataReader["groupOwned"].ToString()) == 1;
                                contents["group_mask"]     =
                                contents["owner_id"] = forceOwnerID == UUID.Zero
                                                           ? UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["avatarID"].ToString())
                                                           : forceOwnerID;
                                contents["last_owner_id"]   = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["avatarID"].ToString());
                                contents["next_owner_mask"] =
                                contents["owner_mask"] =
                                UUID creator;
                                if (UUID.TryParse(retVal.DataReader["creatorID"].ToString(), out creator))
                                    contents["creator_id"] = creator;
                                    contents["creator_id"] = UUID.Zero;
                                contents["base_mask"] =
                                contents["everyone_mask"] =

                                contents.WriteKey("sale_info");      //Start permissions kvp
                                contents.WriteStartMap("sale_info"); //Start sale_info kvp
                                contents["sale_price"] = int.Parse(retVal.DataReader["salePrice"].ToString());
                                switch (byte.Parse(retVal.DataReader["saleType"].ToString()))
                                    contents["sale_type"] = "not";

                                case 1:
                                    contents["sale_type"] = "original";

                                case 2:
                                    contents["sale_type"] = "copy";

                                case 3:
                                    contents["sale_type"] = "contents";

                                contents["created_at"] = int.Parse(retVal.DataReader["creationDate"].ToString());
                                contents["flags"]      = uint.Parse(retVal.DataReader["flags"].ToString());
                                UUID inventoryID = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["inventoryID"].ToString());
                                contents["item_id"]   = inventoryID;
                                contents["parent_id"] = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["parentFolderID"].ToString());
                                UUID avatarID = forceOwnerID == UUID.Zero
                                                    ? UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["avatarID"].ToString())
                                                    : forceOwnerID;
                                contents["agent_id"] = avatarID;

                                AssetType assetType = (AssetType)int.Parse(retVal.DataReader["assetType"].ToString());
                                if (assetType == AssetType.Link)
                                if (assetType == AssetType.Unknown)
                                    assetType = AssetType.Link;
                                contents["type"] =
                                InventoryType invType =
                                contents["inv_type"] = Utils.InventoryTypeToString(invType);

                                if ((int)invType == -1)
                                    //Asset problem, fix it, it's supposed to be 0
                                    List <InventoryItemBase> itms = GetItems(agentID,
                                                                             new string[] { "inventoryID", "avatarID" },
                                                                             new string[]
                                    itms[0].InvType = 0;

                                if (addToCount)
                                contents.WriteEndMap(/*"item"*/);  //end array items
                        } catch {
                        } finally {

                    if (moreLinkedItems.Count > 0)
                        addToCount = false;
                        query      = "where (";

                        query = moreLinkedItems.Aggregate(query,
                                                          (current, t) =>
                                                          current + string.Format("{0} = '{1}' or ", "inventoryID", t));

                        query  = query.Remove(query.Length - 4, 4);
                        query += ")";
                        goto redoQuery;
                    contents.WriteEndArray(/*"items"*/);  //end array items

                contents.WriteStartArray("categories"); //We don't send any folders
                int         version = 0;
                QueryFilter filter  = new QueryFilter();
                filter.andFilters["folderID"] = folder_id;
                List <string> versionRetVal = GD.Query(new[]
                }, m_foldersrealm, filter, null, null, null);

                if (versionRetVal.Count > 0)
                    version = int.Parse(versionRetVal[0]);

                    if (fetch_folders)
                        if (int.Parse(versionRetVal[1]) == (int)FolderType.Trash ||
                            int.Parse(versionRetVal[1]) == (int)FolderType.CurrentOutfit ||
                            int.Parse(versionRetVal[1]) == (int)AssetType.LinkFolder)
                            //If it is the trash folder, we need to send its descendents, because the viewer wants it
                            query = string.Format("where {0} = '{1}' and {2} = '{3}'", "parentFolderID", folder_id,
                                                  "agentID", agentID);
                            using (DataReaderConnection retVal = GD.QueryData(query, m_foldersrealm, "*"))
                                try {
                                    while (retVal.DataReader.Read())
                                        contents.WriteStartMap("folder"); //Start item kvp
                                        contents["folder_id"] = UUID.Parse(retVal.DataReader["folderID"].ToString());
                                        contents["parent_id"] =
                                        contents["name"] = retVal.DataReader["folderName"].ToString();
                                        int type = int.Parse(retVal.DataReader["type"].ToString());
                                        contents["type"]           = type;
                                        contents["preferred_type"] = type;

                                        contents.WriteEndMap(/*"folder"*/);  //end array items
                                } catch {
                                } finally {

                contents["descendents"] = count;
                contents["version"]     = version;

                //Now add it to the folder array
                contents.WriteEndMap(); //end array internalContents

            contents.WriteEndArray();         //end array folders
            contents.WriteEndMap(/*"llsd"*/); //end llsd

            try {
            } finally {
                contents = null;
        OSDArray ParseLLSDInventoryItems(IDataReader retVal)
            OSDArray array = new OSDArray();

            while (retVal.Read())
                OSDMap item        = new OSDMap();
                OSDMap permissions = new OSDMap();
                item["asset_id"] = UUID.Parse(retVal["assetID"].ToString());
                item["name"]     = retVal["inventoryName"].ToString();
                item["desc"]     = retVal["inventoryDescription"].ToString();
                permissions["next_owner_mask"] = uint.Parse(retVal["inventoryNextPermissions"].ToString());
                permissions["owner_mask"]      = uint.Parse(retVal["inventoryCurrentPermissions"].ToString());
                UUID creator;
                if (UUID.TryParse(retVal["creatorID"].ToString(), out creator))
                    permissions["creator_id"] = creator;
                    permissions["creator_id"] = UUID.Zero;
                permissions["base_mask"]     = uint.Parse(retVal["inventoryBasePermissions"].ToString());
                permissions["everyone_mask"] = uint.Parse(retVal["inventoryEveryOnePermissions"].ToString());
                OSDMap sale_info = new OSDMap();
                sale_info["sale_price"] = int.Parse(retVal["salePrice"].ToString());
                switch (byte.Parse(retVal["saleType"].ToString()))
                    sale_info["sale_type"] = "not";

                case 1:
                    sale_info["sale_type"] = "original";

                case 2:
                    sale_info["sale_type"] = "copy";

                case 3:
                    sale_info["sale_type"] = "contents";
                item["sale_info"]             = sale_info;
                item["created_at"]            = int.Parse(retVal["creationDate"].ToString());
                permissions["group_id"]       = UUID.Parse(retVal["groupID"].ToString());
                permissions["is_owner_group"] = int.Parse(retVal["groupOwned"].ToString()) == 1;
                item["flags"]                = uint.Parse(retVal["flags"].ToString());
                item["item_id"]              = UUID.Parse(retVal["inventoryID"].ToString());
                item["parent_id"]            = UUID.Parse(retVal["parentFolderID"].ToString());
                permissions["group_mask"]    = uint.Parse(retVal["inventoryGroupPermissions"].ToString());
                item["agent_id"]             = UUID.Parse(retVal["avatarID"].ToString());
                permissions["owner_id"]      = item["agent_id"];
                permissions["last_owner_id"] = item["agent_id"];

                item["type"]     = Utils.AssetTypeToString((AssetType)int.Parse(retVal["assetType"].ToString()));
                item["inv_type"] = Utils.InventoryTypeToString((InventoryType)int.Parse(retVal["invType"].ToString()));

                item["permissions"] = permissions;


Exemple #32
        public OSDArray GetUserImageAssets(UUID avatarId)
            OSDArray data  = new OSDArray();
            string   query = "SELECT \"snapshotuuid\" FROM {0} WHERE \"creatoruuid\" = :Id";

                using (NpgsqlConnection dbcon = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionString))

                    using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(string.Format(query, "\"classifieds\""), dbcon))
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(m_database.CreateParameter("Id", avatarId));

                        using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                            if (reader.HasRows)
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    data.Add(new OSDString(reader["snapshotuuid"].ToString()));


                    using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(string.Format(query, "\"userpicks\""), dbcon))
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(m_database.CreateParameter("Id", avatarId));

                        using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                            if (reader.HasRows)
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    data.Add(new OSDString(reader["snapshotuuid"].ToString()));


                    query = "SELECT \"profileImage\", \"profileFirstImage\" FROM \"userprofile\" WHERE \"useruuid\" = :Id";

                    using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(string.Format(query, "\"userpicks\""), dbcon))
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(m_database.CreateParameter("Id", avatarId));

                        using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                            if (reader.HasRows)
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    data.Add(new OSDString(reader["profileImage"].ToString()));
                                    data.Add(new OSDString(reader["profileFirstImage"].ToString()));
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Error("[PROFILES_DATA]: GetUserImageAssets exception ", e);

Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Unpack agent circuit data map into an AgentCiruitData object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void UnpackAgentCircuitData(OSDMap args)
            if (args["agent_id"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_id"].AsUUID();
            if (args["base_folder"] != null)
                BaseFolder = args["base_folder"].AsUUID();
            if (args["caps_path"] != null)
                CapsPath = args["caps_path"].AsString();

            if ((args["children_seeds"] != null) && (args["children_seeds"].Type == OSDType.Array))
                OSDArray childrenSeeds = (OSDArray)(args["children_seeds"]);
                ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary <ulong, string>();
                foreach (OSD o in childrenSeeds)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        ulong  handle = 0;
                        string seed   = "";
                        OSDMap pair   = (OSDMap)o;
                        if (pair["handle"] != null)
                            if (!UInt64.TryParse(pair["handle"].AsString(), out handle))
                        if (pair["seed"] != null)
                            seed = pair["seed"].AsString();
                        if (!ChildrenCapSeeds.ContainsKey(handle))
                            ChildrenCapSeeds.Add(handle, seed);
                ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary <ulong, string>();

            if (args["child"] != null)
                child = args["child"].AsBoolean();
            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out circuitcode);
            if (args["first_name"] != null)
                firstname = args["first_name"].AsString();
            if (args["last_name"] != null)
                lastname = args["last_name"].AsString();
            if (args["inventory_folder"] != null)
                InventoryFolder = args["inventory_folder"].AsUUID();
            if (args["secure_session_id"] != null)
                SecureSessionID = args["secure_session_id"].AsUUID();
            if (args["session_id"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_id"].AsUUID();
            if (args["service_session_id"] != null)
                ServiceSessionID = args["service_session_id"].AsString();
            if (args["client_ip"] != null)
                IPAddress = args["client_ip"].AsString();
            if (args["viewer"] != null)
                Viewer = args["viewer"].AsString();
            if (args["channel"] != null)
                Channel = args["channel"].AsString();
            if (args["mac"] != null)
                Mac = args["mac"].AsString();
            if (args["id0"] != null)
                Id0 = args["id0"].AsString();

            if (args["start_pos"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["start_pos"].AsString(), out startpos);

            //m_log.InfoFormat("[AGENTCIRCUITDATA]: agentid={0}, child={1}, startpos={2}", AgentID, child, startpos);

                // Unpack various appearance elements
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                // Eventually this code should be deprecated, use full appearance
                // packing in packed_appearance
                if (args["appearance_serial"] != null)
                    Appearance.Serial = args["appearance_serial"].AsInteger();

                if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"].Type == OSDType.Map))
//                    m_log.InfoFormat("[AGENTCIRCUITDATA] unpacked appearance");
                    m_log.Warn("[AGENTCIRCUITDATA]: failed to find a valid packed_appearance");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[AGENTCIRCUITDATA] failed to unpack appearance; {0}", e.Message);

            ServiceURLs = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            // Try parse the new way, OSDMap
            if (args.ContainsKey("serviceurls") && args["serviceurls"] != null && (args["serviceurls"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                OSDMap urls = (OSDMap)(args["serviceurls"]);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, OSD> kvp in urls)
                    ServiceURLs[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.AsString();
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("XXX " + kvp.Key + "=" + ServiceURLs[kvp.Key]);
            // else try the old way, OSDArray
            // OBSOLETE -- soon to be deleted
            else if (args.ContainsKey("service_urls") && args["service_urls"] != null && (args["service_urls"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray urls = (OSDArray)(args["service_urls"]);
                for (int i = 0; i < urls.Count / 2; i++)
                    ServiceURLs[urls[i * 2].AsString()] = urls[(i * 2) + 1].AsString();
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("XXX " + urls[i * 2].AsString() + "=" + urls[(i * 2) + 1].AsString());
Exemple #34
        public void RenderMaterialsPostCap(IOSHttpRequest request, IOSHttpResponse response, UUID agentID)
            OSDMap req;

                req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request.InputStream);
                response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            OSDArray respArr = new OSDArray();
            OSD      tmpOSD;

            if (req.TryGetValue("Zipped", out tmpOSD))
                OSD osd = null;

                byte[] inBytes = tmpOSD.AsBinary();

                    osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);

                    if (osd != null && osd is OSDArray)
                        foreach (OSD elem in (OSDArray)osd)
                                UUID id = new UUID(elem.AsBinary(), 0);

                                lock (materialslock)
                                    if (m_Materials.ContainsKey(id))
                                        OSDMap matMap = new OSDMap();
                                        matMap["ID"]       = OSD.FromBinary(id.GetBytes());
                                        matMap["Material"] = m_Materials[id].toOSD();
                                        m_log.Warn("[Materials]: request for unknown material ID: " + id.ToString());

                                        // Theoretically we could try to load the material from the assets service,
                                        // but that shouldn't be necessary because the viewer should only request
                                        // materials that exist in a prim on the region, and all of these materials
                                        // are already stored in m_regionMaterials.
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.Error("Error getting materials in response to viewer request", e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception decoding zipped CAP payload ", e);
                    response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            resp["Zipped"]     = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
            response.RawBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp));

            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request: " + request);
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request (zipped portion): " + ZippedOsdBytesToString(req["Zipped"].AsBinary()));
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap response: " + response);
        void RequestCompletedHandler(HttpWebRequest request, HttpWebResponse response, byte[] responseData, Exception error)
            // We don't care about this request now that it has completed
            _Request = null;

            OSDArray events = null;
            int      ack    = 0;

            if (responseData != null)
                _errorCount = 0;
                // Got a response
                OSDMap result = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(responseData) as OSDMap;

                if (result != null)
                    events = result["events"] as OSDArray;
                    ack    = result["id"].AsInteger();
                    Logger.Log("Got an unparseable response from the event queue: \"" +
                               System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseData) + "\"", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
            else if (error != null)
                #region Error handling

                HttpStatusCode code = HttpStatusCode.OK;

                if (error is WebException)
                    WebException webException = (WebException)error;

                    if (webException.Response != null)
                        code = ((HttpWebResponse)webException.Response).StatusCode;
                    else if (webException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
                        goto HandlingDone;

                if (error is WebException && ((WebException)error).Response != null)
                    code = ((HttpWebResponse)((WebException)error).Response).StatusCode;

                if (code == HttpStatusCode.NotFound || code == HttpStatusCode.Gone)
                    Logger.Log(String.Format("Closing event queue at {0} due to missing caps URI", _Address), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                    _Running = false;
                    _Dead    = true;
                else if (code == HttpStatusCode.BadGateway)
                    // This is not good (server) protocol design, but it's normal.
                    // The EventQueue server is a proxy that connects to a Squid
                    // cache which will time out periodically. The EventQueue server
                    // interprets this as a generic error and returns a 502 to us
                    // that we ignore

                    // Try to log a meaningful error message
                    if (code != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Logger.Log(String.Format("Unrecognized caps connection problem from {0}: {1}",
                                                 _Address, code), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                    else if (error.InnerException != null)
                        Logger.Log(String.Format("Unrecognized internal caps exception from {0}: {1}",
                                                 _Address, error.InnerException.Message), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                        Logger.Log(String.Format("Unrecognized caps exception from {0}: {1}",
                                                 _Address, error.Message), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                #endregion Error handling

                Logger.Log("No response from the event queue but no reported error either", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);


            #region Resume the connection

            if (_Running)
                OSDMap osdRequest = new OSDMap();
                if (ack != 0)
                    osdRequest["ack"] = OSD.FromInteger(ack);
                    osdRequest["ack"] = new OSD();
                osdRequest["done"] = OSD.FromBoolean(_Dead);

                byte[] postData = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(osdRequest);

                if (_errorCount > 0) // Exponentially back off, so we don't hammer the CPU
                    Thread.Sleep(_random.Next(500 + (int)Math.Pow(2, _errorCount)));

                // Resume the connection. The event handler for the connection opening
                // just sets class _Request variable to the current HttpWebRequest
                CapsBase.UploadDataAsync(_Address, null, "application/xml", postData, REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
                                         delegate(HttpWebRequest newRequest) { _Request = newRequest; }, null, RequestCompletedHandler);

                // If the event queue is dead at this point, turn it off since
                // that was the last thing we want to do
                if (_Dead)
                    _Running = false;
                    Logger.DebugLog("Sent event queue shutdown message");

            #endregion Resume the connection

            #region Handle incoming events

            if (OnEvent != null && events != null && events.Count > 0)
                // Fire callbacks for each event received
                foreach (OSDMap evt in events)
                    string msg  = evt["message"].AsString();
                    OSDMap body = (OSDMap)evt["body"];

                    try { OnEvent(msg, body); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.Message, Helpers.LogLevel.Error, ex); }

            #endregion Handle incoming events
Exemple #36
        public void Initialize(ISimulationBase openSim)
                //Check whether this is enabled
                IConfig updateConfig = openSim.ConfigSource.Configs["Update"];
                if (updateConfig == null || updateConfig.GetString("Module", string.Empty) != Name || !updateConfig.GetBoolean("Enabled", false))

                InfoMsg("Checking for updates...");

                string WebSite = m_urlToCheckForUpdates;

                // Call the github API
                OSD data = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(Utilities.ReadExternalWebsite(WebSite));
                if (data.Type != OSDType.Array)
                    ErrorMsg("Failed to get downloads from github API.");
                OSDArray JsonData = (OSDArray)data;

                if (JsonData.Count == 0)
                    ErrorMsg("No downloads found.");
                    TraceMsg(JsonData.Count + " downloads found, parsing.");

                SortedDictionary <Version, OSDMap> releases = new SortedDictionary <Version, OSDMap>();
                foreach (OSD map in JsonData)
                    if (map.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        OSDMap download = (OSDMap)map;
                        if (
                            download.ContainsKey("download_count") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("created_at") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("description") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("url") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("html_url") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("size") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("name") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("content_type") &&
                            download.ContainsKey("id") &&
                            download["content_type"].AsString() == ".zip" &&
                            Regex.IsMatch(download["name"].ToString(), m_regexRelease)
                            Match matches = Regex.Match(download["name"].ToString(), m_regexRelease);
                            releases[new Version(matches.Groups[1].ToString())] = download;

                if (releases.Count < 1)
                    ErrorMsg("No releases found");

                KeyValuePair <Version, OSDMap> latest = releases.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Key).First();
                if (latest.Key <= new Version(VersionInfo.VERSION_NUMBER))
                    InfoMsg("You are already using a newer version, no updated is necessary.");
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("A new version of Aurora has been released, version " + latest.Key.ToString() + " (" + latest.Value["description"] + ")" + ", do you want to download the update?", "Aurora Update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    Utilities.DownloadFile(latest.Value["html_url"], "Updates" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "AuroraVersion" + latest.Key.ToString() + ".zip");
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Downloaded to {0}, exiting for user to upgrade.", "Updates" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "AuroraVersion" + latest.Key.ToString() + ".zip"), "Aurora Update");
                updateConfig.Set("LatestRelease", latest.Key.ToString());
        public Hashtable GetEvents(UUID requestID, UUID pAgentId)
            if (DebugLevel >= 2)
                m_log.WarnFormat("POLLED FOR EQ MESSAGES BY {0} in {1}", pAgentId, m_scene.Name);

            Queue <OSD> queue = GetQueue(pAgentId);

            if (queue == null)
                return(NoEvents(requestID, pAgentId));

            OSD      element    = null;;
            OSDArray array      = new OSDArray();
            int      thisID     = 0;
            bool     negativeID = false;

            lock (queue)
                if (queue.Count == 0)
                    return(NoEvents(requestID, pAgentId));

                lock (m_ids)
                    thisID = m_ids[pAgentId];

                if (thisID < 0)
                    negativeID = true;
                    thisID     = -thisID;

                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    element = queue.Dequeue();
                    // add elements until a marker is found
                    // so they get into a response
                    if (element == null)
                    if (DebugLevel > 0)
                        LogOutboundDebugMessage(element, pAgentId);

            OSDMap events = null;

            if (array.Count > 0)
                events = new OSDMap();
                events.Add("events", array);
                events.Add("id", new OSDInteger(thisID));

            if (negativeID && element == null)
                Random rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                thisID = rnd.Next(30000000);

            lock (m_ids)
                m_ids[pAgentId] = thisID + 1;

            Hashtable responsedata;

            // if there where no elements before a marker send a NoEvents
            if (events == null)
                return(NoEvents(requestID, pAgentId));
                responsedata = new Hashtable();
                responsedata["int_response_code"] = 200;
                responsedata["content_type"]      = "application/xml";
                responsedata["bin_response_data"] = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(events));
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: sending response for {0} in region {1}: {2}", pAgentId, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, responsedata["str_response_string"]);
Exemple #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the avatar classifieds request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='sender'>
        /// Sender.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='method'>
        /// Method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='args'>
        /// Arguments.
        /// </param>
        public void ClassifiedsRequest(Object sender, string method, List <String> args)
            if (!(sender is IClientAPI))

            IClientAPI remoteClient = (IClientAPI)sender;

            UUID targetID;

            UUID.TryParse(args[0], out targetID);

            // Can't handle NPC yet...
            ScenePresence p = FindPresence(targetID);

            if (null != p)
                if (p.PresenceType == PresenceType.Npc)

            string serverURI = string.Empty;

            GetUserProfileServerURI(targetID, out serverURI);
            UUID creatorId = UUID.Zero;
            Dictionary <UUID, string> classifieds = new Dictionary <UUID, string>();

            OSDMap parameters = new OSDMap();

            UUID.TryParse(args[0], out creatorId);
            parameters.Add("creatorId", OSD.FromUUID(creatorId));
            OSD Params = (OSD)parameters;

            if (!rpc.JsonRpcRequest(ref Params, "avatarclassifiedsrequest", serverURI, UUID.Random().ToString()))
                remoteClient.SendAvatarClassifiedReply(new UUID(args[0]), classifieds);

            parameters = (OSDMap)Params;

            OSDArray list = (OSDArray)parameters["result"];

            foreach (OSD map in list)
                OSDMap m    = (OSDMap)map;
                UUID   cid  = m["classifieduuid"].AsUUID();
                string name = m["name"].AsString();

                classifieds[cid] = name;

                lock (m_classifiedCache)
                    if (!m_classifiedCache.ContainsKey(cid))
                        m_classifiedCache.Add(cid, creatorId);
                        m_classifiedInterest.Add(cid, 0);


            remoteClient.SendAvatarClassifiedReply(new UUID(args[0]), classifieds);
Exemple #39
 public AvatarWearable(OSDArray args)
Exemple #40
        public string RenderMaterialsPostCap(string request, UUID agentID)
            OSDMap req  = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            OSDMap materialsFromViewer = null;

            OSDArray respArr = new OSDArray();

            if (req.ContainsKey("Zipped"))
                OSD osd = null;

                byte[] inBytes = req["Zipped"].AsBinary();

                    osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);

                    if (osd != null)
                        if (osd is OSDArray) // assume array of MaterialIDs designating requested material entries
                            foreach (OSD elem in (OSDArray)osd)
                                    UUID id = new UUID(elem.AsBinary(), 0);

                                    lock (m_regionMaterials)
                                        if (m_regionMaterials.ContainsKey(id))
                                            OSDMap matMap = new OSDMap();
                                            matMap["ID"]       = OSD.FromBinary(id.GetBytes());
                                            matMap["Material"] = m_regionMaterials[id];
                                            m_log.Warn("[Materials]: request for unknown material ID: " + id.ToString());

                                            // Theoretically we could try to load the material from the assets service,
                                            // but that shouldn't be necessary because the viewer should only request
                                            // materials that exist in a prim on the region, and all of these materials
                                            // are already stored in m_regionMaterials.
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    m_log.Error("Error getting materials in response to viewer request", e);
                        else if (osd is OSDMap) // request to assign a material
                            materialsFromViewer = osd as OSDMap;

                            if (materialsFromViewer.ContainsKey("FullMaterialsPerFace"))
                                OSD matsOsd = materialsFromViewer["FullMaterialsPerFace"];
                                if (matsOsd is OSDArray)
                                    OSDArray matsArr = matsOsd as OSDArray;

                                        foreach (OSDMap matsMap in matsArr)
                                            uint primLocalID = 0;
                                            try {
                                                primLocalID = matsMap["ID"].AsUInteger();
                                            catch (Exception e) {
                                                m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"ID\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);

                                            OSDMap mat = null;
                                                mat = matsMap["Material"] as OSDMap;
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"Material\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);

                                            SceneObjectPart sop = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primLocalID);
                                            if (sop == null)
                                                m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: SOP not found for localId: {0}", primLocalID.ToString());

                                            if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanEditObject(sop.UUID, agentID))
                                                m_log.WarnFormat("User {0} can't edit object {1} {2}", agentID, sop.Name, sop.UUID);

                                            Primitive.TextureEntry te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(sop.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, sop.Shape.TextureEntry.Length);
                                            if (te == null)
                                                m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: Error in TextureEntry for SOP {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);

                                            UUID id;
                                            if (mat == null)
                                                // This happens then the user removes a material from a prim
                                                id = UUID.Zero;
                                                id = StoreMaterialAsAsset(agentID, mat, sop);

                                            int face = -1;

                                            if (matsMap.ContainsKey("Face"))
                                                face = matsMap["Face"].AsInteger();
                                                Primitive.TextureEntryFace faceEntry = te.CreateFace((uint)face);
                                                faceEntry.MaterialID = id;
                                                if (te.DefaultTexture == null)
                                                    m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: TextureEntry.DefaultTexture is null in {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);
                                                    te.DefaultTexture.MaterialID = id;

                                            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Materials]: in \"{0}\" {1}, setting material ID for face {2} to {3}", sop.Name, sop.UUID, face, id);

                                            // We can't use sop.UpdateTextureEntry(te) because it filters, so do it manually
                                            sop.Shape.TextureEntry = te.GetBytes();

                                            if (sop.ParentGroup != null)
                                                sop.UpdateFlag = UpdateRequired.FULL;
                                                sop.ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception processing received material ", e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception decoding zipped CAP payload ", e);
                    //return "";

            resp["Zipped"] = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);

            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request: " + request);
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request (zipped portion): " + ZippedOsdBytesToString(req["Zipped"].AsBinary()));
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap response: " + response);
Exemple #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds any legacy materials stored in DynAttrs that may exist for this part and add them to 'm_regionMaterials'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        private bool GetLegacyStoredMaterialsInPart(SceneObjectPart part)
            if (part.DynAttrs == null)

            OSD      OSMaterials = null;
            OSDArray matsArr     = null;

            bool partchanged = false;

            lock (part.DynAttrs)
                if (part.DynAttrs.ContainsStore("OpenSim", "Materials"))
                    OSDMap materialsStore = part.DynAttrs.GetStore("OpenSim", "Materials");

                    if (materialsStore == null)

                    materialsStore.TryGetValue("Materials", out OSMaterials);
                    part.DynAttrs.RemoveStore("OpenSim", "Materials");
                    partchanged = true;

                if (OSMaterials != null && OSMaterials is OSDArray)
                    matsArr = OSMaterials as OSDArray;

            if (matsArr == null)

            foreach (OSD elemOsd in matsArr)
                if (elemOsd != null && elemOsd is OSDMap)
                    OSDMap matMap = elemOsd as OSDMap;
                    OSD    OSDID;
                    OSD    OSDMaterial;
                    if (matMap.TryGetValue("ID", out OSDID) && matMap.TryGetValue("Material", out OSDMaterial) && OSDMaterial is OSDMap)
                            lock (materialslock)
                                UUID id = OSDID.AsUUID();
                                if (m_Materials.ContainsKey(id))

                                OSDMap       theMatMap = (OSDMap)OSDMaterial;
                                FaceMaterial fmat      = new FaceMaterial(theMatMap);

                                if (fmat == null ||
                                    (fmat.DiffuseAlphaMode == 1 &&
                                     fmat.NormalMapID == UUID.Zero &&
                                     fmat.SpecularMapID == UUID.Zero))

                                fmat.ID                 = id;
                                m_Materials[id]         = fmat;
                                m_MaterialsRefCount[id] = 0;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception decoding persisted legacy material: " + e.ToString());
Exemple #42
        public Hashtable GetEvents(UUID requestID, UUID pAgentId, string request)
            Queue <OSD> queue = TryGetQueue(pAgentId);
            OSD         element;

            lock (queue)
                if (queue.Count == 0)
                    return(NoEvents(requestID, pAgentId));
                element = queue.Dequeue(); // 15s timeout

            int thisID = 0;

            lock (m_ids)
                thisID = m_ids[pAgentId];

            OSDArray array = new OSDArray();

            if (element == null) // didn't have an event in 15s
                // Send it a fake event to keep the client polling!   It doesn't like 502s like the proxys say!
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: adding fake event for {0} in region {1}", pAgentId, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                lock (queue)
                    while (queue.Count > 0)

            OSDMap events = new OSDMap();

            events.Add("events", array);

            events.Add("id", new OSDInteger(thisID));
            lock (m_ids)
                m_ids[pAgentId] = thisID + 1;
            Hashtable responsedata = new Hashtable();

            responsedata["int_response_code"]   = 200;
            responsedata["content_type"]        = "application/xml";
            responsedata["keepalive"]           = false;
            responsedata["reusecontext"]        = false;
            responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(events);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: sending response for {0} in region {1}: {2}", pAgentId, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, responsedata["str_response_string"]);
Exemple #43
        public Hashtable ProcessQueue(Hashtable request, UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            // TODO: this has to be redone to not busy-wait (and block the thread),
            // TODO: as soon as we have a non-blocking way to handle HTTP-requests.

//            if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled)
//            {
//                String debug = "[EVENTQUEUE]: Got request for agent {0} in region {1} from thread {2}: [  ";
//                foreach (object key in request.Keys)
//                {
//                    debug += key.ToString() + "=" + request[key].ToString() + "  ";
//                }
//                m_log.DebugFormat(debug + "  ]", agentID, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
//            }

            Queue <OSD> queue   = TryGetQueue(agentID);
            OSD         element = queue.Dequeue(); // 15s timeout

            Hashtable responsedata = new Hashtable();

            int thisID = 0;

            lock (m_ids)
                thisID = m_ids[agentID];

            if (element == null)
                //m_log.ErrorFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: Nothing to process in " + m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                if (thisID == -1) // close-request
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: 404 in " + m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                    responsedata["int_response_code"]   = 404; //501; //410; //404;
                    responsedata["content_type"]        = "text/plain";
                    responsedata["keepalive"]           = false;
                    responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Closed EQG";
                responsedata["int_response_code"]     = 502;
                responsedata["content_type"]          = "text/plain";
                responsedata["keepalive"]             = false;
                responsedata["str_response_string"]   = "Upstream error: ";
                responsedata["error_status_text"]     = "Upstream error:";
                responsedata["http_protocol_version"] = "HTTP/1.0";

            OSDArray array = new OSDArray();

            if (element == null) // didn't have an event in 15s
                // Send it a fake event to keep the client polling!   It doesn't like 502s like the proxys say!
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: adding fake event for {0} in region {1}", agentID, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                while (queue.Count > 0)

            OSDMap events = new OSDMap();

            events.Add("events", array);

            events.Add("id", new OSDInteger(thisID));
            lock (m_ids)
                m_ids[agentID] = thisID + 1;

            responsedata["int_response_code"]   = 200;
            responsedata["content_type"]        = "application/xml";
            responsedata["keepalive"]           = false;
            responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(events);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[EVENTQUEUE]: sending response for {0} in region {1}: {2}", agentID, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, responsedata["str_response_string"]);

        public OSDArray GetUserImageAssets(UUID avatarId)
            IDataReader reader = null;
            OSDArray    data   = new OSDArray();
            string      query  = "SELECT `snapshotuuid` FROM {0} WHERE `creatoruuid` = :Id";

            // Get classified image assets

                using (SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)m_connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(":Id", avatarId.ToString());

                    using (reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                        while (reader.Read())
                            data.Add(new OSDString((string)reader["snapshotuuid"].ToString()));

                using (SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)m_connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(":Id", avatarId.ToString());

                    using (reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                        if (reader.Read())
                            data.Add(new OSDString((string)reader["snapshotuuid"].ToString()));

                query = "SELECT `profileImage`, `profileFirstImage` FROM `userprofile` WHERE `useruuid` = :Id";

                using (SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)m_connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(":Id", avatarId.ToString());

                    using (reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                        if (reader.Read())
                            data.Add(new OSDString((string)reader["profileImage"].ToString()));
                            data.Add(new OSDString((string)reader["profileFirstImage"].ToString()));
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[PROFILES_DATA]" +
                                  ": GetAvatarNotes exception {0}", e.Message);
        public static OSD PlacesQuery(PlacesReplyPacket PlacesReply, string[] regionType)
            OpenMetaverse.Messages.Linden.PlacesReplyMessage message = new PlacesReplyMessage();
            message.AgentID         = PlacesReply.AgentData.AgentID;
            message.QueryID         = PlacesReply.AgentData.QueryID;
            message.TransactionID   = PlacesReply.TransactionData.TransactionID;
            message.QueryDataBlocks = new PlacesReplyMessage.QueryData[PlacesReply.QueryData.Length];
            OSDMap placesReply = new OSDMap {
                { "message", OSD.FromString("PlacesReplyMessage") }

            OSDArray QueryData = new OSDArray();

#if (!ISWIN)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (PlacesReplyPacket.QueryDataBlock groupDataBlock in PlacesReply.QueryData)
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i]              = new PlacesReplyMessage.QueryData();
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].ActualArea   = groupDataBlock.ActualArea;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].BillableArea = groupDataBlock.BillableArea;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].Description  = Utils.BytesToString(groupDataBlock.Desc);
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].Dwell        = groupDataBlock.Dwell;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].Flags        = groupDataBlock.Flags;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].GlobalX      = groupDataBlock.GlobalX;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].GlobalY      = groupDataBlock.GlobalY;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].GlobalZ      = groupDataBlock.GlobalZ;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].Name         = Utils.BytesToString(groupDataBlock.Name);
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].OwnerID      = groupDataBlock.OwnerID;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].SimName      = Utils.BytesToString(groupDataBlock.SimName);
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].SnapShotID   = groupDataBlock.SnapshotID;
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].ProductSku   = regionType[i];
                message.QueryDataBlocks[i].Price        = groupDataBlock.Price;

            int[] i = { 0 };
            foreach (OSDMap QueryDataMap in PlacesReply.QueryData.Select(groupDataBlock => new OSDMap
                { "ActualArea", OSD.FromInteger(groupDataBlock.ActualArea) },
                { "BillableArea", OSD.FromInteger(groupDataBlock.BillableArea) },
                { "Description", OSD.FromBinary(groupDataBlock.Desc) },
                { "Dwell", OSD.FromInteger((int)groupDataBlock.Dwell) },
                { "Flags", OSD.FromString(Convert.ToString(groupDataBlock.Flags)) },
                { "GlobalX", OSD.FromInteger((int)groupDataBlock.GlobalX) },
                { "GlobalY", OSD.FromInteger((int)groupDataBlock.GlobalY) },
                { "GlobalZ", OSD.FromInteger((int)groupDataBlock.GlobalZ) },
                { "Name", OSD.FromBinary(groupDataBlock.Name) },
                { "OwnerID", OSD.FromUUID(groupDataBlock.OwnerID) },
                { "SimName", OSD.FromBinary(groupDataBlock.SimName) },
                { "SnapShotID", OSD.FromUUID(groupDataBlock.SnapshotID) },
                { "ProductSku", OSD.FromString(regionType[i[0]]) },
                { "Price", OSD.FromInteger(groupDataBlock.Price) }
            OSDMap map = message.Serialize();
            placesReply["body"] = map;
Exemple #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Pack AgentCircuitData into an OSDMap for transmission over LLSD XML or LLSD json
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>map of the agent circuit data</returns>
        public OSDMap PackAgentCircuitData()
            OSDMap args = new OSDMap();

            args["agent_id"]    = OSD.FromUUID(AgentID);
            args["base_folder"] = OSD.FromUUID(BaseFolder);
            args["caps_path"]   = OSD.FromString(CapsPath);

            if (ChildrenCapSeeds != null)
                OSDArray childrenSeeds = new OSDArray(ChildrenCapSeeds.Count);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, string> kvp in ChildrenCapSeeds)
                    OSDMap pair = new OSDMap();
                    pair["handle"] = OSD.FromString(kvp.Key.ToString());
                    pair["seed"]   = OSD.FromString(kvp.Value);
                if (ChildrenCapSeeds.Count > 0)
                    args["children_seeds"] = childrenSeeds;
            args["child"]             = OSD.FromBoolean(child);
            args["circuit_code"]      = OSD.FromString(circuitcode.ToString());
            args["first_name"]        = OSD.FromString(firstname);
            args["last_name"]         = OSD.FromString(lastname);
            args["inventory_folder"]  = OSD.FromUUID(InventoryFolder);
            args["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SecureSessionID);
            args["session_id"]        = OSD.FromUUID(SessionID);

            args["service_session_id"] = OSD.FromString(ServiceSessionID);
            args["start_pos"]          = OSD.FromString(startpos.ToString());
            args["client_ip"]          = OSD.FromString(IPAddress);
            args["viewer"]             = OSD.FromString(Viewer);
            args["channel"]            = OSD.FromString(Channel);
            args["mac"] = OSD.FromString(Mac);
            args["id0"] = OSD.FromString(Id0);

            if (Appearance != null)
                args["appearance_serial"] = OSD.FromInteger(Appearance.Serial);

                OSDMap appmap = Appearance.Pack();
                args["packed_appearance"] = appmap;

            // Old, bad  way. Keeping it fow now for backwards compatibility
            // OBSOLETE -- soon to be deleted
            if (ServiceURLs != null && ServiceURLs.Count > 0)
                OSDArray urls = new OSDArray(ServiceURLs.Count * 2);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in ServiceURLs)
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("XXX " + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value);
                    urls.Add(OSD.FromString((kvp.Value == null) ? string.Empty : kvp.Value.ToString()));
                args["service_urls"] = urls;

            // again, this time the right way
            if (ServiceURLs != null && ServiceURLs.Count > 0)
                OSDMap urls = new OSDMap();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in ServiceURLs)
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("XXX " + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value);
                    urls[kvp.Key] = OSD.FromString((kvp.Value == null) ? string.Empty : kvp.Value.ToString());
                args["serviceurls"] = urls;

Exemple #47
        public static new Avatar FromOSD(OSD O)
            OSDMap tex = (OSDMap)O;

            Avatar A = new Avatar();

            Primitive P = Primitive.FromOSD(O);

            Type Prim = typeof(Primitive);

            FieldInfo[] Fields = Prim.GetFields();

            for (int x = 0; x < Fields.Length; x++)
                Logger.Log("Field Matched in FromOSD: " + Fields[x].Name, Helpers.LogLevel.Debug);
                Fields[x].SetValue(A, Fields[x].GetValue(P));

            A.Groups = new List <UUID>();

            foreach (OSD U in (OSDArray)tex["groups"])

            A.ProfileStatistics = Statistics.FromOSD(tex["profile_statistics"]);
            A.ProfileProperties = AvatarProperties.FromOSD(tex["profile_properties"]);
            A.ProfileInterests  = Interests.FromOSD(tex["profile_interest"]);
            A.ControlFlags      = (AgentManager.ControlFlags)tex["control_flags"].AsInteger();

            OSDArray vp = (OSDArray)tex["visual_parameters"];

            A.VisualParameters = new byte[vp.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < vp.Count; i++)
                A.VisualParameters[i] = (byte)vp[i].AsInteger();

            // *********************From Code Above *******************************

            /*if (NameValues[i].Name == "FirstName" && NameValues[i].Type == NameValue.ValueType.String)
             *                firstName = (string)NameValues[i].Value;
             *            else if (NameValues[i].Name == "LastName" && NameValues[i].Type == NameValue.ValueType.String)
             *                lastName = (string)NameValues[i].Value;*/
            // ********************************************************************

            A.NameValues = new NameValue[3];

            NameValue First = new NameValue();

            First.Name  = "FirstName";
            First.Type  = NameValue.ValueType.String;
            First.Value = tex["first_name"].AsString();

            NameValue Last = new NameValue();

            Last.Name  = "LastName";
            Last.Type  = NameValue.ValueType.String;
            Last.Value = tex["last_name"].AsString();

            // ***************From Code Above***************
            // if (NameValues[i].Name == "Title" && NameValues[i].Type == NameValue.ValueType.String)
            // *********************************************

            NameValue Group = new NameValue();

            Group.Name  = "Title";
            Group.Type  = NameValue.ValueType.String;
            Group.Value = tex["group_name"].AsString();

            A.NameValues[0] = First;
            A.NameValues[1] = Last;
            A.NameValues[2] = Group;

        public bool QueryAccess(GridRegion destination, UUID agentID, string agentHomeURI, bool viaTeleport, Vector3 position, List <UUID> featuresAvailable, EntityTransferContext ctx, out string reason)

            reason = "Failed to contact destination";

            // m_log.DebugFormat("[REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: QueryAccess start, position={0}", position);

            // Eventually, we want to use a caps url instead of the agentID
            string uri = destination.ServerURI + AgentPath() + agentID + "/" + destination.RegionID.ToString() + "/";

            OSDMap request = new OSDMap();

            request.Add("viaTeleport", OSD.FromBoolean(viaTeleport));
            request.Add("position", OSD.FromString(position.ToString()));
            // To those who still understad this field, we're telling them
            // the lowest version just to be safe
            request.Add("my_version", OSD.FromString(String.Format("SIMULATION/{0}", VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionSupportedMin)));
            // New simulation service negotiation
            request.Add("simulation_service_supported_min", OSD.FromReal(VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionSupportedMin));
            request.Add("simulation_service_supported_max", OSD.FromReal(VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionSupportedMax));
            request.Add("simulation_service_accepted_min", OSD.FromReal(VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionAcceptedMin));
            request.Add("simulation_service_accepted_max", OSD.FromReal(VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionAcceptedMax));

            request.Add("context", ctx.Pack());

            OSDArray features = new OSDArray();

            foreach (UUID feature in featuresAvailable)

            request.Add("features", features);

            if (agentHomeURI != null)
                request.Add("agent_home_uri", OSD.FromString(agentHomeURI));

                OSDMap result  = WebUtil.ServiceOSDRequest(uri, request, "QUERYACCESS", 30000, false, false);
                bool   success = result["success"].AsBoolean();
                if (result.ContainsKey("_Result"))
                    OSDMap data = (OSDMap)result["_Result"];

                    // FIXME: If there is a _Result map then it's the success key here that indicates the true success
                    // or failure, not the sibling result node.
                    success = data["success"].AsBoolean();

                    reason = data["reason"].AsString();
                    // We will need to plumb this and start sing the outbound version as well
                    // TODO: lay the pipe for version plumbing
                    if (data.ContainsKey("negotiated_inbound_version") && data["negotiated_inbound_version"] != null)
                        ctx.InboundVersion  = (float)data["negotiated_inbound_version"].AsReal();
                        ctx.OutboundVersion = (float)data["negotiated_outbound_version"].AsReal();
                    else if (data["version"] != null && data["version"].AsString() != string.Empty)
                        string   versionString = data["version"].AsString();
                        String[] parts         = versionString.Split(new char[] { '/' });
                        if (parts.Length > 1)
                            ctx.InboundVersion  = float.Parse(parts[1], Culture.FormatProvider);
                            ctx.OutboundVersion = float.Parse(parts[1], Culture.FormatProvider);

                        "[REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: QueryAccess to {0} returned {1}, reason {2}, version {3}/{4}",
                        uri, success, reason, ctx.InboundVersion, ctx.OutboundVersion);

                if (!success || ctx.InboundVersion == 0f || ctx.OutboundVersion == 0f)
                    // If we don't check this then OpenSimulator and some period before will never see the
                    // actual failure message
                    if (!result.ContainsKey("_Result"))
                        if (result.ContainsKey("Message"))
                            string message = result["Message"].AsString();
                            if (message == "Service request failed: [MethodNotAllowed] MethodNotAllowed") // Old style region
                                m_log.Info("[REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: The above web util error was caused by a TP to a sim that doesn't support QUERYACCESS and can be ignored");

                            reason = result["Message"];
                            reason = "Communications failure";



                if (result.ContainsKey("features"))
                    OSDArray array = (OSDArray)result["features"];

                    foreach (OSD o in array)
                        featuresAvailable.Add(new UUID(o.AsString()));

                // Version stuff
                if (ctx.OutboundVersion < 0.5)
                    ctx.WearablesCount = AvatarWearable.LEGACY_VERSION_MAX_WEARABLES;
                else if (ctx.OutboundVersion < 0.6)
                    ctx.WearablesCount = AvatarWearable.LEGACY_VERSION_MAX_WEARABLES + 1;
                    ctx.WearablesCount = -1; // send all (just in case..)
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR] QueryAcesss failed with exception; {0}", e.ToString());

Exemple #49
        public void RenderMaterialsPutCap(IOSHttpRequest request, IOSHttpResponse response, UUID agentID)
            OSDMap req;

                req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request.InputStream);
                response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            OSDMap   materialsFromViewer = null;
            OSDArray respArr             = new OSDArray();

            OSD tmpOSD;
            HashSet <SceneObjectPart> parts = new HashSet <SceneObjectPart>();

            if (req.TryGetValue("Zipped", out tmpOSD))
                OSD osd = null;

                byte[] inBytes = tmpOSD.AsBinary();

                    osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);

                    if (osd != null && osd is OSDMap)
                        materialsFromViewer = osd as OSDMap;

                        if (materialsFromViewer.TryGetValue("FullMaterialsPerFace", out tmpOSD) && (tmpOSD is OSDArray))
                            OSDArray matsArr = tmpOSD as OSDArray;
                                foreach (OSDMap matsMap in matsArr)
                                    uint primLocalID = 0;
                                        primLocalID = matsMap["ID"].AsUInteger();
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"ID\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);

                                    SceneObjectPart sop = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primLocalID);
                                    if (sop == null)
                                        m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: SOP not found for localId: {0}", primLocalID.ToString());

                                    if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanEditObject(sop.UUID, agentID))
                                        m_log.WarnFormat("User {0} can't edit object {1} {2}", agentID, sop.Name, sop.UUID);

                                    OSDMap mat = null;
                                        mat = matsMap["Material"] as OSDMap;
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"Material\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);

                                    Primitive.TextureEntry te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(sop.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, sop.Shape.TextureEntry.Length);
                                    if (te == null)
                                        m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: Error in TextureEntry for SOP {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);

                                    int  face  = -1;
                                    UUID oldid = UUID.Zero;
                                    Primitive.TextureEntryFace faceEntry = null;
                                    if (matsMap.TryGetValue("Face", out tmpOSD))
                                        face      = tmpOSD.AsInteger();
                                        faceEntry = te.CreateFace((uint)face);
                                        faceEntry = te.DefaultTexture;

                                    if (faceEntry == null)

                                    UUID         id;
                                    FaceMaterial newFaceMat = null;
                                    if (mat == null)
                                        // This happens then the user removes a material from a prim
                                        id = UUID.Zero;
                                        newFaceMat = new FaceMaterial(mat);
                                        if (newFaceMat.DiffuseAlphaMode == 1 &&
                                            newFaceMat.NormalMapID == UUID.Zero &&
                                            newFaceMat.SpecularMapID == UUID.Zero
                                            id = UUID.Zero;
                                            id = newFaceMat.ID;

                                    oldid = faceEntry.MaterialID;

                                    if (oldid == id)

                                    if (faceEntry != null)
                                        faceEntry.MaterialID = id;
                                        //m_log.DebugFormat("[Materials]: in \"{0}\" {1}, setting material ID for face {2} to {3}", sop.Name, sop.UUID, face, id);
                                        // We can't use sop.UpdateTextureEntry(te) because it filters, so do it manually
                                        sop.Shape.TextureEntry = te.GetBytes(9);

                                    if (oldid != UUID.Zero)

                                    lock (materialslock)
                                        if (id != UUID.Zero)
                                            if (m_Materials.ContainsKey(id))
                                                m_Materials[id]         = newFaceMat;
                                                m_MaterialsRefCount[id] = 1;
                                                m_changed[newFaceMat]   = Util.GetTimeStamp();

                                    if (!parts.Contains(sop))

                                foreach (SceneObjectPart sop in parts)
                                    if (sop.ParentGroup != null && !sop.ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
                                        sop.ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception processing received material ", e);
                                response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception decoding zipped CAP payload ", e);
                    response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            resp["Zipped"]     = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
            response.RawBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp));

            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request: " + request);
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request (zipped portion): " + ZippedOsdBytesToString(req["Zipped"].AsBinary()));
            //m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap response: " + response);
 public AvatarWearable(OSDArray args)
        public OSDMap GetUrlForRegisteringClient(string SessionID)
            GridRegistrationURLs urls = m_genericsConnector.GetGeneric <GridRegistrationURLs>(UUID.Zero,
                                                                                              "GridRegistrationUrls", SessionID);
            OSDMap retVal = new OSDMap();

            if (urls != null)
                if (urls.HostNames == null || urls.Ports == null ||
                    urls.URLS == null || urls.SessionID != SessionID ||
                    MainServer.Instance.HostName != urls._ParentHostName ||
                    !CheckModuleNames(urls) || urls.VersionNumber < GridRegistrationURLs.CurrentVersionNumber)
                    if (urls.VersionNumber == GridRegistrationURLs.CurrentVersionNumber)
                        if (CheckModuleNames(urls))
                            MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[GridRegService]: Null stuff in GetUrls, HostNames " + (urls.HostNames == null) + ", Ports " +
                                                      (urls.Ports == null) + ", URLS " + (urls.URLS == null) + ", SessionID 1 " + SessionID + ", SessionID 2 " + urls.SessionID +
                                                      ", checkModuleNames: " + CheckModuleNames(urls));
                    urls.Expiration = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(m_timeBeforeTimeout * 60);
                    urls.SessionID  = SessionID;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OSD> module in urls.URLS)
                        if (module.Value.Type == OSDType.Array)
                            OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
                            int      i     = 0;
                            foreach (OSD o in (OSDArray)module.Value)
                                //Build the URL
                                if (o.AsString().StartsWith("http://") || o.AsString().StartsWith("https://"))
                                    array.Add(((OSDArray)urls.HostNames[module.Key])[i] + ":" +
                                              (int)((OSDArray)urls.Ports[module.Key])[i].AsUInteger() +
                            retVal[module.Key] = array;
                            //Build the URL
                            if (module.Value.AsString().StartsWith("http://") || module.Value.AsString().StartsWith("https://"))
                                retVal[module.Key] = module.Value.AsString();
                                retVal[module.Key] = urls.HostNames[module.Key] + ":" + urls.Ports[module.Key] + module.Value.AsString();
            OSDMap databaseSave = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap ports        = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap hostnames    = new OSDMap();

            //Get the URLs from all the modules that have registered with us
            foreach (IGridRegistrationUrlModule module in m_modules.Values)
                List <uint>   port;
                List <string> hostName;
                List <string> innerURL;

                m_loadBalancer.GetHost(module.UrlName, module, SessionID, out port, out hostName, out innerURL);
                ports[module.UrlName]        = port.Count == 1 ? (OSD)port[0] : (OSD)port.ToOSDArray();
                hostnames[module.UrlName]    = hostName.Count == 1 ? (OSD)hostName[0] : (OSD)hostName.ToOSDArray();
                databaseSave[module.UrlName] = innerURL.Count == 1 ? (OSD)innerURL[0] : (OSD)innerURL.ToOSDArray();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OSD> module in databaseSave)
                if (module.Value.Type == OSDType.Array)
                    OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
                    int      i     = 0;
                    foreach (OSD o in (OSDArray)module.Value)
                        //Build the URL
                        if (o.AsString().StartsWith("http://") || o.AsString().StartsWith("https://"))
                            array.Add(((OSDArray)hostnames[module.Key])[i] + ":" +
                                      (int)((OSDArray)ports[module.Key])[i].AsUInteger() +
                    retVal[module.Key] = array;
                    //Build the URL
                    if (module.Value.AsString().StartsWith("http://") || module.Value.AsString().StartsWith("https://"))
                        retVal[module.Key] = module.Value.AsString();
                        retVal[module.Key] = hostnames[module.Key] + ":" + ports[module.Key] + module.Value.AsString();

            //Save into the database so that we can rebuild later if the server goes offline
            urls = new GridRegistrationURLs
                URLS            = databaseSave,
                SessionID       = SessionID,
                Ports           = ports,
                HostNames       = hostnames,
                Expiration      = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(m_timeBeforeTimeout * 60),
                _ParentHostName = MainServer.Instance.HostName
            m_genericsConnector.AddGeneric(UUID.Zero, "GridRegistrationUrls", SessionID, urls.ToOSD());

        /// <summary>
        /// Create an OSDMap from the appearance data
        /// </summary>
        public OSDMap Pack()
            OSDMap data = new OSDMap();

            data["serial"] = OSD.FromInteger(m_serial);
            data["height"] = OSD.FromReal(m_avatarHeight);

            // Wearables
            OSDArray wears = new OSDArray(AvatarWearable.MAX_WEARABLES);
            for (int i = 0; i < AvatarWearable.MAX_WEARABLES; i++)
            data["wearables"] = wears;

            // Avatar Textures
            OSDArray textures = new OSDArray(AvatarAppearance.TEXTURE_COUNT);
            for (uint i = 0; i < AvatarAppearance.TEXTURE_COUNT; i++)
                if (m_texture.FaceTextures[i] != null)
            data["textures"] = textures;

            // Visual Parameters
            OSDBinary visualparams = new OSDBinary(m_visualparams);
            data["visualparams"] = visualparams;

            // Attachments
            OSDArray attachs = new OSDArray(m_attachments.Count);
            foreach (AvatarAttachment attach in GetAttachments())
            data["attachments"] = attachs;

            return data;
Exemple #53
        ///<param name = "assetID"></param>
        ///<param name = "inventoryItem"></param>
        ///<param name = "data"></param>
        public UUID UploadCompleteHandler(string assetName, string assetDescription, UUID assetID,
                                          UUID inventoryItem, UUID parentFolder, byte[] data, string inventoryType,
                                          string assetType, uint everyone_mask, uint group_mask, uint next_owner_mask)
            sbyte assType = 0;
            sbyte inType  = 0;

            if (inventoryType == "sound")
                inType  = 1;
                assType = 1;
            else if (inventoryType == "animation")
                inType  = 19;
                assType = 20;
            else if (inventoryType == "snapshot")
                inType  = 15;
                assType = 0;
            else if (inventoryType == "wearable")
                inType = 18;
                switch (assetType)
                case "bodypart":
                    assType = 13;

                case "clothing":
                    assType = 5;
            else if (inventoryType == "object")
                inType  = (sbyte)InventoryType.Object;
                assType = (sbyte)AssetType.Object;

                List <Vector3>    positions     = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Quaternion> rotations     = new List <Quaternion>();
                OSDMap            request       = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(data);
                OSDArray          instance_list = (OSDArray)request["instance_list"];
                OSDArray          mesh_list     = (OSDArray)request["mesh_list"];
                OSDArray          texture_list  = (OSDArray)request["texture_list"];
                SceneObjectGroup  grp           = null;

                List <UUID> textures = new List <UUID>();
#if (!ISWIN)
                for (int i = 0; i < texture_list.Count; i++)
                    AssetBase textureAsset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), assetName, AssetType.Texture, m_service.AgentID);
                    textureAsset.Data = texture_list[i].AsBinary();
                    textureAsset.ID   = m_assetService.Store(textureAsset);
                foreach (AssetBase textureAsset in texture_list.Select(t => new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), assetName, AssetType.Texture,
                    Data = t.AsBinary()
                    textureAsset.ID = m_assetService.Store(textureAsset);
                InventoryFolderBase meshFolder = m_inventoryService.GetFolderForType(m_service.AgentID,
                                                                                     InventoryType.Mesh, AssetType.Mesh);
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh_list.Count; i++)
                    PrimitiveBaseShape pbs = PrimitiveBaseShape.CreateBox();

                    Primitive.TextureEntry textureEntry =
                        new Primitive.TextureEntry(Primitive.TextureEntry.WHITE_TEXTURE);
                    OSDMap inner_instance_list = (OSDMap)instance_list[i];

                    OSDArray face_list = (OSDArray)inner_instance_list["face_list"];
                    for (uint face = 0; face < face_list.Count; face++)
                        OSDMap faceMap = (OSDMap)face_list[(int)face];
                        Primitive.TextureEntryFace f = pbs.Textures.CreateFace(face);
                        if (faceMap.ContainsKey("fullbright"))
                            f.Fullbright = faceMap["fullbright"].AsBoolean();
                        if (faceMap.ContainsKey("diffuse_color"))
                            f.RGBA = faceMap["diffuse_color"].AsColor4();

                        int   textureNum = faceMap["image"].AsInteger();
                        float imagerot   = faceMap["imagerot"].AsInteger();
                        float offsets    = (float)faceMap["offsets"].AsReal();
                        float offsett    = (float)faceMap["offsett"].AsReal();
                        float scales     = (float)faceMap["scales"].AsReal();
                        float scalet     = (float)faceMap["scalet"].AsReal();

                        if (imagerot != 0)
                            f.Rotation = imagerot;
                        if (offsets != 0)
                            f.OffsetU = offsets;
                        if (offsett != 0)
                            f.OffsetV = offsett;
                        if (scales != 0)
                            f.RepeatU = scales;
                        if (scalet != 0)
                            f.RepeatV = scalet;
                        f.TextureID = textures.Count > textureNum ? textures[textureNum] : Primitive.TextureEntry.WHITE_TEXTURE;
                        textureEntry.FaceTextures[face] = f;
                    pbs.TextureEntry = textureEntry.GetBytes();

                    AssetBase meshAsset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), assetName, AssetType.Mesh, m_service.AgentID)
                        Data = mesh_list[i].AsBinary()
                    meshAsset.ID = m_assetService.Store(meshAsset);

                    if (meshFolder == null)
                        m_inventoryService.CreateUserInventory(m_service.AgentID, false);
                        meshFolder = m_inventoryService.GetFolderForType(m_service.AgentID, InventoryType.Mesh,

                    InventoryItemBase itemBase = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), m_service.AgentID)
                        AssetType           = (sbyte)AssetType.Mesh,
                        AssetID             = meshAsset.ID,
                        CreatorId           = m_service.AgentID.ToString(),
                        Folder              = meshFolder.ID,
                        InvType             = (int)InventoryType.Texture,
                        Name                = "(Mesh) - " + assetName,
                        CurrentPermissions  = (uint)PermissionMask.All,
                        BasePermissions     = (uint)PermissionMask.All,
                        EveryOnePermissions = everyone_mask,
                        GroupPermissions    = group_mask,
                        NextPermissions     = next_owner_mask
                    //Bad... but whatever

                    pbs.SculptEntry   = true;
                    pbs.SculptTexture = meshAsset.ID;
                    pbs.SculptType    = (byte)SculptType.Mesh;
                    pbs.SculptData    = meshAsset.Data;

                    Vector3    position = inner_instance_list["position"].AsVector3();
                    Vector3    scale    = inner_instance_list["scale"].AsVector3();
                    Quaternion rotation = inner_instance_list["rotation"].AsQuaternion();

                    int physicsShapeType = inner_instance_list["physics_shape_type"].AsInteger();
                    int material         = inner_instance_list["material"].AsInteger();
                    int mesh             = inner_instance_list["mesh"].AsInteger();

                    UUID owner_id = m_service.AgentID;

                    IScene fakeScene = new Scene();

                    SceneObjectPart prim = new SceneObjectPart(owner_id, pbs, position, Quaternion.Identity,
                                                               Vector3.Zero, assetName, fakeScene)
                        Scale = scale, AbsolutePosition = position

                    prim.UUID         = UUID.Random();
                    prim.CreatorID    = owner_id;
                    prim.OwnerID      = owner_id;
                    prim.GroupID      = UUID.Zero;
                    prim.LastOwnerID  = prim.OwnerID;
                    prim.CreationDate = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
                    prim.Name         = assetName;
                    prim.Description  = "";
                    prim.PhysicsType  = (byte)physicsShapeType;

                    prim.BaseMask      = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
                    prim.EveryoneMask  = everyone_mask;
                    prim.NextOwnerMask = next_owner_mask;
                    prim.GroupMask     = group_mask;
                    prim.OwnerMask     = (uint)PermissionMask.All;

                    if (grp == null)
                        grp = new SceneObjectGroup(prim, fakeScene);
                        grp.AddChild(prim, i + 1);
                    grp.RootPart.IsAttachment = false;
                if (grp.ChildrenList.Count > 1) //Fix first link #

                Vector3 rootPos = positions[0];
                grp.SetAbsolutePosition(false, rootPos);
                for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
                    Vector3 offset = positions[i] - rootPos;
                    Vector3 abs        = grp.ChildrenList[i].AbsolutePosition;
                    Vector3 currentPos = positions[i];
                //grp.Rotation = rotations[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < rotations.Count; i++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        grp.ChildrenList[i].SetRotationOffset(false, rotations[i], false);
                data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(grp.ToXml2());
            AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(assetID, assetName, (AssetType)assType, m_service.AgentID)
                Data = data
            asset.ID = m_assetService.Store(asset);
            assetID  = asset.ID;

            InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase
                Owner               = m_service.AgentID,
                CreatorId           = m_service.AgentID.ToString(),
                ID                  = inventoryItem,
                AssetID             = asset.ID,
                Description         = assetDescription,
                Name                = assetName,
                AssetType           = assType,
                InvType             = inType,
                Folder              = parentFolder,
                CurrentPermissions  = (uint)PermissionMask.All,
                BasePermissions     = (uint)PermissionMask.All,
                EveryOnePermissions = everyone_mask,
                NextPermissions     = next_owner_mask,
                GroupPermissions    = group_mask,
                CreationDate        = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch()

