// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { reciever1 = new OSCReciever(); reciever1.Open(port1); reciever2 = new OSCReciever(); reciever2.Open(port2); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the OSC Handler. /// Here you can create the OSC servers and clientes. /// </summary> public void Init() { //Initialize OSC clients (transmitters) CreateClient("UnityOSC", IPAddress.Parse(""), 8000); //Initialize OSC servers (listeners) reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(9000); }
/// <summary> /// This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. /// </summary> void OnEnable() { if (reciever == null) { reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(oscPort); } }
public double deltaM, thetaM, alphaM, muM, smrM, lowbetaM, betaM, highbetaM; //Waves values (max values) // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //Initialize all values and recievers c = 0; reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever2 = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(port); reciever2.Open(port2); initWaves(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(port); _audiosource = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); //osc.SetAddressHandler("/audio", GetSpectrumAudioSource); for (int i = 0; i > 512; i++) { _samples[i] = 0.0f; } }
/// <summary> /// Registers a holoLens tracker for the master node. /// </summary> /// <param name="tracker">The holoLens tracker of the master.</param> public void RegisterHoloLensTracker(HoloLensTracker tracker) { // Create the reciever and dictionary if there is none if (_reciever == null) { _reciever = new OSCReciever(); _reciever.Open(holoPort); _holoTrackerFromID = new Dictionary <string, HoloLensTracker>(); } // add tracker to dictionary _holoTrackerFromID.Add(tracker.displayID, tracker); }
public BrainSensor() { messages = new OSCMessage[datas.Length]; reciever = new OSCReciever(); if (!Application.isEditor) { reciever.Open(port); isActive = true; CoroutineHandler.StartStaticCoroutine(Update()); } }
/// <summary> /// This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled or inactive. /// </summary> void OnDisable() { if (reciever != null) { reciever.Close(); reciever = null; } if (oscClient != null) { oscClient.Close(); oscClient = null; } }
void Start() { dancerNames = dancerList.text.Split('\n'); videoTex = new RenderTexture(1280, 720, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); noCachePlayer.loopPointReached += EndReached; noCachePlayer.audioOutputMode = UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode.None; cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); if (reciever == null) { reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(oscPort); } info.enabled = false; myIP = GetLocalIPAddress(); StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("v" + Application.version + ";" + myIP, 10, 60, 1)); DeviceUtils.SetScreenBrightness(255); }
public void Connect() { Debug.Log("[OCF] Connecting to port " + localPort); try { if (server != null) { server.Close(); } server = new OSCReciever(); server.Open(localPort); // server.PacketReceivedEvent += packetReceived; isConnected = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Error with port " + localPort); Debug.LogWarning(e.StackTrace); isConnected = false; server = null; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(port); // }
void Start() { reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(port); Debug.Log("Waiting messages・・・"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { reciever = new OSCReciever(); Debug.Log("Open port " + port); reciever.Open(port); }
void ExecuteOSCCmd(string address, List <System.Object> dataList) { int count = dataList.Count; if (address.Equals("/play-video")) { if (count > 0) { ResetVideoRelatedParams(); var url = dataList[0].ToString(); if (!url.Contains("http")) { if (url.Equals("-1")) { StopVideo(); DoNextCmd(); return; } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(url); var fullPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, fileName); url = "file://" + fullPath; if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("no " + fileName, 3, 40)); return; } } var isLooping = false; int val = 0; if (count > 1) { float.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out firstPlayStartPos); } if (count > 2) { float.TryParse(dataList[2].ToString(), out firstPlayStopPos); } if (count > 3 && int.TryParse(dataList[3].ToString(), out val)) { isLooping = val == 1; } if (count > 4) { float.TryParse(dataList[4].ToString(), out loopingStartPos); } if (count > 5) { float.TryParse(dataList[5].ToString(), out loopingStopPos); } PlayVideo(url, isLooping, false); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/stop-video")) { StopVideo(); DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/pause-video")) { if (curPlayer != null) { curPlayer.Pause(); } DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/continue-video")) { if (curPlayer != null && !curPlayer.isPlaying) { ResetVideoRelatedParams(); if (count > 0) { float.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out firstPlayStopPos); if (firstPlayStopPos > 0) { stopFrame = (long)(curPlayer.frameCount * firstPlayStopPos); } } if (count > 1) { float.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out loopingStartPos); } if (count > 2) { float.TryParse(dataList[2].ToString(), out loopingStopPos); } curPlayer.Play(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/load-video")) { if (count > 0) { var url = dataList[0].ToString(); if (!url.Contains("http")) { if (url.Equals("-1")) { StopVideo(); return; } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(url); var fullPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, fileName); url = "file://" + fullPath; if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("no " + fileName, 3, 40)); return; } } LoadVideo(url, true, false, OnVideoLoaded); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/download-file")) { if (count > 0) { var url = dataList[0].ToString(); var filename = Path.GetFileName(url); var filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename); int val; bool testPlay = false; bool overwrite = true; bool interruptDuringDownload = false; if (count > 1 && int.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out val)) { interruptDuringDownload = val == 1; } if (count > 2 && int.TryParse(dataList[2].ToString(), out val)) { overwrite = val == 1; } if (count > 3 && int.TryParse(dataList[3].ToString(), out val)) { testPlay = val == 1; } if (!overwrite && File.Exists(filePath)) { return; } if (downloadRoutine != null) { if (interruptDuringDownload) { StopCoroutine(downloadRoutine); } else { return; } } downloadRoutine = StartCoroutine(DownloadFileToPath(url, filePath, () => { var fileExist = File.Exists(filePath); if (!fileExist) { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("download failed", 3, 40)); return; } if (testPlay) { PlayVideo("file://" + filePath, false, false); } if (oscClient != null) { OSCMessage message = new OSCMessage("/download-done"); message.Append(myIP); message.Append(filename); message.Append(fileExist? "succeed" : "failed"); oscClient.Send(message); } DoNextCmd(); })); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-server")) { if (count > 1) { if (oscClient != null) { oscClient.Close(); oscClient = null; } targetServerIP = dataList[0].ToString(); if (int.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out port)) { oscClient = CreateOSCClient(targetServerIP, port); var oscMsg = new OSCMessage("/set-server-response"); oscMsg.Append(myIP); oscMsg.Append("connected"); oscClient.Send(oscMsg); } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-id")) { if (count > 0) { if (count > 1) { int val = 1; if (int.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out val)) { info.enabled = val == 1; } } else { info.enabled = !info.enabled; } if (info.enabled) { info.fontSize = 90; int index = -1; int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out index); if (index >= 0 && index < dancerNames.Length) { info.text = dancerNames[index]; } else { info.text = dataList[0].ToString(); } } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-effect-param")) { if (count > 0) { int effectIndex = -1; if (int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out effectIndex)) { if (effectIndex >= 0 && effectIndex < effectList.Length) { bool toRecord = false; int temp = 0; if (count > 1) { int.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out temp); toRecord = temp == 1; EffectParamsRecording.EffectParams paramFrame = null; if (toRecord && paramRecording.state == EffectParamsRecording.State.Recording && curPlayer != null && curPlayer.isPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i < paramRecording.seq.Count; i++) { var frameData = paramRecording.seq[i]; if (frameData.effectIndex == effectIndex && frameData.videoFrame == curPlayer.frame) { paramFrame = frameData; break; } } if (paramFrame == null) { paramFrame = new EffectParamsRecording.EffectParams(); paramRecording.seq.Add(paramFrame); paramFrame.effectIndex = effectIndex; paramFrame.videoFrame = curPlayer.frame; } } var effect = effectList[effectIndex]; float val = -1; int paramIndex = -1; for (int i = 2; i < count;) { var data = dataList[i].ToString(); if (data.Equals("i")) { if ((i + 2) < count && int.TryParse(dataList[i + 1].ToString(), out paramIndex) && float.TryParse(dataList[i + 2].ToString(), out val)) { effect.SetParameter(paramIndex, val); if (paramFrame != null) { paramFrame.paramIndex.Add(paramIndex); paramFrame.paramVal.Add(val); } } i += 3; } else if (data.Equals("s")) { int startIndex = 0; int paramCount = 0; if ((i + 2) < count && int.TryParse(dataList[i + 1].ToString(), out startIndex) && int.TryParse(dataList[i + 2].ToString(), out paramCount)) { if (i + 2 + paramCount < count) { for (int k = 0; k < paramCount; k++) { if (float.TryParse(dataList[k + i + 3].ToString(), out val)) { paramIndex = startIndex + k; effect.SetParameter(paramIndex, val); if (paramFrame != null) { paramFrame.paramIndex.Add(paramIndex); paramFrame.paramVal.Add(val); } } } } } i += (3 + paramCount); } else { i++; } } effect.SetEffectActive(true); } } else { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("effectIndex out of bound", 3, 25)); } DoNextCmd(); } } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/trigger-effect")) { if (count > 0) { int effectIndex = -1; if (int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out effectIndex)) { if (effectIndex >= 0 && effectIndex < effectList.Length) { paramRecording.Reset(); float duration = 1; float.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out duration); var effect = effectList[effectIndex]; effect.ResetTriggerData(); effect.SetEffectRoutineDuration(duration); List <object> funcParamBuf = new List <object>(); for (int i = 2; i < count;) { int paramIndex = -1, patternID = -1, funcParamCount = -1; funcParamBuf.Clear(); int.TryParse(dataList[i].ToString(), out paramIndex); int.TryParse(dataList[i + 1].ToString(), out patternID); int.TryParse(dataList[i + 2].ToString(), out funcParamCount); if (paramIndex >= 0 && patternID >= 0 && funcParamCount > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < funcParamCount; k++) { funcParamBuf.Add(dataList[i + 3 + k].ToString()); } var paramFunc = ParamPattern.GetFunc( (ParamPattern.PatternType)patternID, funcParamBuf); effect.AddData(paramIndex, paramFunc); i = i + 3 + funcParamCount; } else { i += 3; } } effect.TriggerEffect(DoNextCmd); } else { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("effectIndex out of bound", 3, 25)); DoNextCmd(); } } } else { return; } } else if (address.Equals("/record-params")) { int policy = 0; if (count > 0) { int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out policy); } paramRecording.Reset(); paramRecording.state = EffectParamsRecording.State.Recording; if (curPlayer != null && curPlayer.url != null) { switch (policy) { case 0: //replay if (curPlayer.isPlaying) { PlayVideo(curPlayer.url, true, false); } break; case 1: //no replay if (!curPlayer.isPlaying) { PlayVideo(curPlayer.url, true, false); } break; case 2: //no action break; } } DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/stop-recording")) { StopRecording(); DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/clear-recording")) { paramRecording.Reset(); DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/set-image")) { if (count > 0) { var imgName = dataList[0].ToString(); if (imgName.Equals("-1")) { stillImage.sprite = null; } else if (imgCache.ContainsKey(imgName)) { var img = imgCache[imgName]; stillImage.sprite = img; } else { var sprite = LoadSprite(imgName); if (sprite != null) { imgCache.Add(imgName, sprite); stillImage.sprite = sprite; } } if (count > 1) { float alpha = 0; if (float.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out alpha)) { var color = stillImage.color; color.a = alpha; stillImage.color = color; stillImage.enabled = true; bgCanvas.enabled = true; } } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/load-image")) { if (count > 0) { var imgName = dataList[0].ToString(); var img = LoadSprite(imgName); if (imgCache.ContainsKey(imgName)) { imgCache[imgName] = img; } else { imgCache.Add(imgName, img); } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/disable-effect")) { if (count > 0) { if (dataList[0].ToString().Equals("-1")) { DisableAllEffect(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int effectIndex = -1; if (int.TryParse(dataList[i].ToString(), out effectIndex)) { if (effectList.Length > effectIndex && effectIndex >= 0) { effectList[effectIndex].SetEffectActive(false); } } } } } paramRecording.Reset(); DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/close-all")) { CloseAll(); DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/show-text")) { if (count > 5) { TextManager.SentenceData sd = null; string content = dataList[0].ToString(); if (content.Equals("-1")) { sd = txtManager.GetRandSentenceData(); } else { sd = new TextManager.SentenceData(); sd.main = content; } TextManager.Orientation orient = TextManager.Orientation.Horizontal; int fontSize = 28; float posX = 0.5f; float posY = 0.5f; int effectIndex = 0; int val = 0; if (int.TryParse(dataList[1].ToString(), out val)) { orient = (TextManager.Orientation)val; } if (count > 2) { int.TryParse(dataList[2].ToString(), out fontSize); } if (count > 3) { float.TryParse(dataList[3].ToString(), out posX); } if (count > 4) { float.TryParse(dataList[4].ToString(), out posY); } if (count > 5) { int.TryParse(dataList[5].ToString(), out effectIndex); } dataBuf.Clear(); for (int i = 6; i < count; i++) { dataBuf.Add(dataList[i].ToString()); } txtManager.ShowText(sd, orient, fontSize, posX, posY, effectIndex, dataBuf); } else { txtManager.ShowText(); } DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/set-brightness")) { if (count > 0) { int val = 0; if (int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out val)) { DeviceUtils.SetScreenBrightness(val); } } DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/set-bg-color")) { if (count > 0) { float val = 0; Color color = Color.white; int i = 0; foreach (var valStr in dataList) { if (float.TryParse(valStr.ToString(), out val)) { if (i == 0) { color.r = val; } else if (i == 1) { color.g = val; } else if (i == 2) { color.b = val; } else { color.a = val; } } i++; } bg.color = color; DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-video-alpha")) { if (count > 0) { float alpha = 1; if (float.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out alpha)) { var color = videoImage.color; color.a = alpha; videoImage.color = color; } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-video-speed")) { if (count > 0) { float factor = 0; if (float.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out factor)) { SetVideoSpeed(factor); } DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/set-start-pos")) { if (count > 0) { float val = -1; float.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out val); SetLoopStartPos(val); DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/get-battery-level")) { if (oscClient != null) { if (oscClient != null) { OSCMessage message = new OSCMessage("/battery-level"); message.Append(SystemInfo.batteryLevel); oscClient.Send(message); } } DoNextCmd(); } else if (address.Equals("/set-text-effect-sentences-file")) { if (count > 0) { string path = GetTextFilePath(dataList[0].ToString()); if (!File.Exists(path)) { StartCoroutine(ShowInfoForFixedDuration("no such text file", 3, 25)); return; } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString(TextManager.sentenceInputPathKey, path); txtManager.ProcessInputData(File.ReadAllText(path)); } DoNextCmd(); } else { DoNextCmd(); } } else if (address.Equals("/reset-receiver")) { Debug.Log("reset receiver"); reciever.Close(); reciever = new OSCReciever(); reciever.Open(oscPort); DoNextCmd(); } //unused cmds else if (address.Equals("/set-canvas")) { if (count > 0) { int val = 1; if (int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out val)) { if (count > 1) { if (dataList[1].ToString().Equals("txt")) { txtCanvas.enabled = val == 1; } else { bgCanvas.enabled = val == 1; } } else { bgCanvas.enabled = val == 1; } } } else { return; } } else if (address.Equals("/set-camera")) { if (count > 0 && cam != null) { int val = 0; if (int.TryParse(dataList[0].ToString(), out val)) { cam.clearFlags = (CameraClearFlags)val; } } } else if (address.Equals("/cache-video")) { if (count > 0) { var url = dataList[0].ToString(); CacheVideoPlayer(url); } else { return; } } else if (address.Equals("/release-video")) { if (count > 0) { var url = dataList[0].ToString(); ReleaseVideoPlayer(url); } else { return; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { manager = new OSCReciever(); manager.Open(port); }