public Result <List <string> > getLineUDChangedData(string startTime, string endTime) { Result <List <string> > result = new Result <List <string> >(); string sql = $"select distinct(ud.线路id) from syn_log s ,gj_公交线路上下行表 ud, gj_公交线路表 l, gj_公交线路组 g, gj_depart d where s.ybid=ud.f_id and ud.线路id = l.f_id and l.所属线路组 = g.f_id and g.单位id = d.f_id and d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} and s.adddatetime >= to_date('{startTime}', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mi:ss') and s.adddatetime < to_date('{endTime}', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mi:ss') and s.sjly = 'GJ_公交线路上下行表'"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.ChangeData); factory.logTimes(sql); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { list.Add(item[0].ToString()); } = list; } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
//打卡: //司机: private async void push() { try { log.Info($"API do timers {timers++}"); DateTime current = DateTime.Now; string sql = $"select t.bus_card_no 车牌, t.DRIVER_ID,t.driver_name, t.tRADE_DATE|| t.TRADE_TIME tradeTime, t.DUTY_FLAG from MANAGE_REC_DRIVER_TOLED@ytiic t where t.tRADE_DATE='{current.ToString("yyyyMMdd")}' and t.TRADE_TIME<='{current.ToString("HHmmss")}'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); ORACLEHelper context = new ORACLEHelper(); dt = context.QueryTable(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <DriverClock> dataList = TableToList_DriverClock(dt); HttpClient client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(ConstInfo.URL_ZhongHangXun) }; var jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList); Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("jsonStr", jsonStr);//bmpm/Driver/reportDriverClockInfo var response = await client.PostAsync("mediaplayer/Driver/reportDriverClockInfo", new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict)); var result = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <HttpError>(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK && result.code == "200") { sql = $"insert into gj_driverclock select * from MANAGE_REC_DRIVER_TOLED@ytiic t where t.tRADE_DATE='{current.ToString("yyyyMMdd")}' and t.TRADE_TIME<='{current.ToString("HHmmss")}'"; context.ExecuteSql(sql); sql = $"delete from MANAGE_REC_DRIVER_TOLED@ytiic t where t.TRADE_TIME<='{current.ToString("HHmmss")}'"; int count = context.ExecuteSql(sql); log.Info($"推送成功,删除记录{count}条"); } else { log.Error("调用接口失败:" + result.code + result.message); } } } catch (Exception err) { log.Error(err); } }
public Result <List <LineStation> > getLineStationByUDID(int UDID) { Result <List <LineStation> > result = new Result <List <LineStation> >(); string sql = $" select ls.线路上下行id,ls.顺序, ls.站点id,s.名称,s.gpsx2,s.gpsy2,decode(substr(s.名称,0,1),'.',1,0) realStation from gj_线路站点表 ls,gj_站点 s,gj_公交线路上下行表 ud, gj_公交线路表 l, gj_公交线路组 g, gj_depart d where ls.站点id = s.f_id and ls.线路上下行id = ud.f_id and ud.线路id = l.f_id and l.所属线路组 = g.f_id and g.单位id = d.f_id and d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} and ls.线路上下行id ={UDID} order by ls.顺序 "; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.LineStation); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
public Result <Bus> getBusById(int id) { Result <Bus> result = new Result <Bus>(); string sql = $"select c.f_id,c.线路id,c.车牌,c.是否报废 from gj_公交车 c ,gj_公交线路表 l,gj_公交线路组 g ,gj_depart d where c.线路id = l.f_id and l.所属线路组 = g.f_id and g.单位id = d.f_id and d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} and c.f_id={id}"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.Bus); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
public Result <Depart> getDepartById(int id) { Result <Depart> result = new Result <Depart>(); string sql = $"select d.f_id,d.f_name,d.f_pid,decode(d.f_pid,0,1,2) departLevel from gj_depart d where d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartAll} and d.f_id={id}"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.Depart); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
public Result <LineUD> getLineUDById(int id) { Result <LineUD> result = new Result <LineUD>(); string sql = $"select ud.线路id,ud.f_id,ud.公交线路,decode(ud.updown,1,2,1) 方向,ud.票价,ud.首班车时间,ud.末班车时间 from gj_公交线路上下行表 ud, gj_公交线路表 l, gj_公交线路组 g, gj_depart d where ud.线路id = l.f_id and l.所属线路组 = g.f_id and g.单位id = d.f_id and d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} and ud.f_id = { id}"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.LineUD); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
public Result <DriverClock> getBusById(int id) { Result <DriverClock> result = new Result <DriverClock>(); string sql = $"select c.车牌, lpad(t.driver_id, 5, '0') driverNo, t.duty_time tradeTime, t.duty_flag from v_driver_ban_last@ytiic t, bus_info@ytiic b, gj_公交车 c where c.车牌 =b.bus_card_no and t.bus_id = b.bus_id and c.f_id ={id}"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.Driver); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList_DriverClock(dt).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
private async void push() { ORACLEHelper context = new ORACLEHelper(); DateTime current = DateTime.Now; string sql = $"select lpad(OPER_ID,5,'0') 员工号,trim(OPER_NAME) 姓名,-1 线路id,flag isWork from DRIVER_INFO_CHANGE_TOLED@ytiic where UPDATE_TIME<=to_date('{current.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss")}','yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { dt = context.QueryTable(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <Driver> dataList = TableToList(dt); HttpClient client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(ConstInfo.URL_ZhongHangXun) }; var jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList); Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("jsonStr", jsonStr);//bmpm/Driver/reportDriverInfo var response = await client.PostAsync("/mediaplayer/Driver/reportDriverInfo", new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict)); var result = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <HttpError>(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK && result.code == "200") { sql = $"delete from DRIVER_INFO_CHANGE_TOLED@ytiic t where t.UPDATE_TIME<to_date('{current.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}','yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')"; context.ExecuteSql(sql); } else { log.Error("调用接口失败:" + result.code + result.message); } } } catch (Exception err) { log.Error(err); } }
public Result <Driver> getDriverById(string id) { Result <Driver> result = new Result <Driver>(); //select lpad(OPER_ID,5,'0') driverNo,trim(OPER_NAME)driverName, nvl(d.线路id,-1) lineid,nvl(d.using,1)isWork from EMPLOYEE_INFO@ytiic e,gj_驾驶员表 d,gj_公交线路表 l,gj_公交线路组 g, gj_depart t where e.driver_flag='Y' and trim(e.oper_name)=d.姓名(+) and d.线路id=l.f_id and l.所属线路组=g.f_id and g.单位id=t.f_id and t.f_id in(2,3,4,5,10) string sql = $"select lpad(OPER_ID,5,'0') 员工号,trim(OPER_NAME) 姓名, nvl(d.线路id,-1) 线路id,nvl(d.using,1)isWork from EMPLOYEE_INFO@ytiic e,(select * from (select d.线路id,d.姓名,d.using,row_number() over(partition by d.姓名 order by d.modify_time desc)sn from gj_驾驶员表 d)d where d,gj_公交线路表 l,gj_公交线路组 g, gj_depart t where e.driver_flag='Y' and trim(e.oper_name)=d.姓名(+) and d.线路id=l.f_id(+) and l.所属线路组=g.f_id(+) and g.单位id=t.f_id(+) and (t.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} or t.f_id is null) and lpad(OPER_ID,5,'0')='{id}'"; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.Driver); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }
public Result <List <Line> > getLineByDepartId(int?id) { Result <List <Line> > result = new Result <List <Line> >(); string sql = $"select l.f_id,l.线路名称,d.f_id departId from gj_公交线路表 l,gj_公交线路组 g ,gj_depart d where l.所属线路组 = g.f_id and g.单位id = d.f_id and d.f_id in {ConstInfo.DepartRight} "; sql += id == null ? "" : $" and d.f_id ={id} "; var context = new ORACLEHelper(); try { DataTable dt = context.QueryTable(sql); LogTimesFactory factory = new LogTimesFactory(); factory.createLogTimes(LogTimeType.Line); factory.logTimes(sql); = TableToList(dt); } catch (Exception err) { result.addError(err.Message); log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() + err.Message); } return(result); }