// Collection/DVD/Actors/* private void HandleActors(OMLSDKTitle title, XPathNavigator actorsNavigator) { foreach (XPathNavigator actorNavigator in actorsNavigator.SelectChildren("Actor", string.Empty)) { string role = actorNavigator.GetAttribute("Role", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty; string fullName = ReadFullName(actorNavigator); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) // Skip dividers { title.AddActingRole(fullName, role); } } }
public static OMLSDKTitle TitleFromAmazonItem(Item amazonItem) { try { OMLSDKTitle t = new OMLSDKTitle(); t.Name = amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Title; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(amazonItem.ASIN.ToString())) { t.UPC = amazonItem.ASIN.ToString(); } t.Synopsis = AmazonItemDescriptionToString(amazonItem); if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Actor != null) { foreach (string actor in amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Actor) { t.AddActingRole(actor, ""); } } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Director != null) { foreach (string director in amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Director) { t.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(director)); } } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.AudienceRating != null) { t.ParentalRating = AmazonRatingToString(amazonItem.ItemAttributes.AudienceRating); } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.RunningTime != null) { t.Runtime = Convert.ToInt32(amazonItem.ItemAttributes.RunningTime.Value); } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.TheatricalReleaseDate != null) { t.ReleaseDate = AmazonYearToDateTime(amazonItem.ItemAttributes.TheatricalReleaseDate); } if (amazonItem.DetailPageURL != null) { t.OfficialWebsiteURL = amazonItem.DetailPageURL; } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Studio != null) { t.Studio = amazonItem.ItemAttributes.Studio; } if (amazonItem.ItemAttributes.AspectRatio != null) { t.AspectRatio = amazonItem.ItemAttributes.AspectRatio; } // add only the genres that we have in our list otherwise we get too much crap if (amazonItem.Subjects != null) { foreach (string subject in amazonItem.Subjects) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Genres.Contains(subject)) { t.AddGenre(subject); } } } if (amazonItem.LargeImage.URL != null) { t.FrontCoverPath = amazonItem.LargeImage.URL;// title.ImageUrl; } //DownloadImage(t, amazonItem); return(t); } catch { return(null); } }
public bool SearchForMovie(string movieName, int maxResults) { if (_xmlFile == null) { Initialize(PluginName, null); } if (_xmlFile == null) { return(false); } if (!File.Exists(_xmlFile)) { return(false); } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(_xmlFile); movieName = movieName.ToLowerInvariant(); List <DataRow> dvds = (from dvd in ds.Tables["DVD"].AsEnumerable() where dvd.Field <String>("Title").ToLowerInvariant().Contains(movieName) select dvd).ToList <DataRow>(); List <OMLSDKTitle> dvdList = new List <OMLSDKTitle>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dvds) { OMLSDKTitle t = new OMLSDKTitle(); t.Name = (String)dr["Title"]; t.ParentalRating = (String)dr["Rating"]; t.Synopsis = (String)dr["Overview"]; t.CountryOfOrigin = (String)dr["CountryOfOrigin"]; t.UPC = (String)dr["UPC"]; t.OriginalName = (String)dr["OriginalTitle"]; t.SortName = (String)dr["SortTitle"]; int runTime; if (int.TryParse((String)dr["RunningTime"], out runTime)) { t.Runtime = runTime; } DateTime dtReleased; if (DateTime.TryParse((String)dr["Released"], out dtReleased)) { t.ReleaseDate = dtReleased; } int prodYr; if (int.TryParse((String)dr["ProductionYear"], out prodYr)) { t.ProductionYear = prodYr; } t.FrontCoverPath = Path.Combine(DVDProfilerImageDir, (String)dr["ID"] + @"f.jpg"); t.BackCoverPath = Path.Combine(DVDProfilerImageDir, (String)dr["ID"] + @"b.jpg"); if (ds.Relations.Contains("DVD_Format")) { DataRow Format = dr.GetChildRows("DVD_Format")[0]; t.VideoStandard = (String)Format["FormatVideoStandard"]; t.VideoResolution = (String)Format["FormatAspectRatio"]; } if (ds.Relations.Contains("DVD_Genres") && ds.Relations.Contains("Genres_Genre")) { DataRow genres = dr.GetChildRows("DVD_Genres")[0]; foreach (DataRow gen in genres.GetChildRows("Genres_Genre")) { String genre = (String)gen[0]; t.Genres.Add(genre); } } if (ds.Relations.Contains("DVD_Actors") && ds.Relations.Contains("Actors_Actor")) { DataRow actors = dr.GetChildRows("DVD_Actors")[0]; foreach (DataRow actor in actors.GetChildRows("Actors_Actor")) { String fullName = String.Format(@"{0} {1}", actor["FirstName"], actor["LastName"]); t.AddActingRole(fullName, (String)actor["Role"]); } } if (ds.Relations.Contains("DVD_Credits") && ds.Relations.Contains("Credits_Credit")) { DataRow credits = dr.GetChildRows("DVD_Credits")[0]; foreach (DataRow credit in credits.GetChildRows("Credits_Credit")) { String CreditType = (String)credit["CreditType"]; String fullName = String.Format(@"{0} {1}", credit["FirstName"], credit["LastName"]); if (CreditType == "Direction") { t.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(fullName)); } else if (CreditType == "Writing") { t.AddWriter(new OMLSDKPerson(fullName)); } else if (CreditType == "Production") { t.AddProducer(new OMLSDKPerson(fullName)); } } } List <String> _studios = new List <String>(); if (ds.Relations.Contains("DVD_Studios") && ds.Relations.Contains("Studios_Studio")) { DataRow studios = dr.GetChildRows("DVD_Studios")[0]; foreach (DataRow studio in studios.GetChildRows("Studios_Studio")) { _studios.Add((String)studio[0]); } } t.Studio = String.Join("; ", _studios.ToArray <String>()); dvdList.Add(t); } _searchResult = new DVDProfilerSearchResult(dvdList, dvds.Count, dvds.Count); bool rslt = (dvds.Count > 0); ds.Dispose(); ds = null; return(rslt); }
private OMLSDKTitle ReadMetaData(string movieFolder, string dvdCacheXMLFile) { OMLSDKTitle t = new OMLSDKTitle(); try { if (File.Exists(dvdCacheXMLFile)) { XmlReaderSettings xmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings(); xmlSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = false; using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(dvdCacheXMLFile, xmlSettings)) { bool bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("MDR-DVD"); if (!bFound) { return(null); } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("dvdTitle"); if (!bFound) { return(null); } t.Name = reader.ReadString().Trim(); bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("studio"); if (bFound) { t.Studio = reader.ReadString().Trim(); } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("leadPerformer"); if (bFound) { string leadPerformer = reader.ReadString(); string[] actors = leadPerformer.Split(new char[] { ';', ',', '|' }); foreach (string actor in actors) { t.AddActingRole(actor.Trim(), ""); } } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("director"); if (bFound) { string directorList = reader.ReadString(); string[] directors = directorList.Split(new char[] { ';', ',', '|' }); foreach (string director in directors) { t.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(director.Trim())); } } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("MPAARating"); if (bFound) { t.ParentalRating = reader.ReadString().Trim(); } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("language"); if (bFound) { t.AddAudioTrack(reader.ReadString().Trim()); } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("releaseDate"); if (bFound) { string releaseDate = reader.ReadString().Trim(); DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(releaseDate, out dt)) { t.ReleaseDate = dt; } } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("genre"); if (bFound) { string genreList = reader.ReadString(); string[] genres = genreList.Split(new char[] { ';', ',', '|' }); foreach (string genre in genres) { t.AddGenre(genre.Trim()); } } string imageFileName = ""; bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("largeCoverParams"); if (bFound) { imageFileName = reader.ReadString().Trim(); if (!File.Exists(imageFileName) && File.Exists(movieFolder + "\\folder.jpg")) { imageFileName = movieFolder + "\\folder.jpg"; } } else if (File.Exists(movieFolder + "\\folder.jpg")) { imageFileName = movieFolder + "\\folder.jpg"; } t.FrontCoverPath = imageFileName; bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("duration"); if (bFound) { int runtime; if (Int32.TryParse(reader.ReadString(), out runtime)) { t.Runtime = runtime; } } bFound = reader.ReadToFollowing("synopsis"); if (bFound) { t.Synopsis = reader.ReadString().Trim(); } } } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVDLibraryImporter] An error occured: " + ex.Message); return(null); } return(t); }
public override void ProcessFile(string file) { XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(file); XmlNodeList nodeList = xDoc.SelectNodes("//movielist/movie"); foreach (XmlNode movieNode in nodeList) { OMLSDKTitle newTitle = new OMLSDKTitle(); XPathNavigator nav = movieNode.CreateNavigator(); newTitle.MetadataSourceID = GetChildNodesValue(nav, "id"); if (nav.MoveToChild("coverfront", "")) { newTitle.FrontCoverPath = nav.Value; nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("coverback", "")) { newTitle.BackCoverPath = nav.Value; nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("country", "")) { if (nav.MoveToChild("displayname", "")) { newTitle.CountryOfOrigin = nav.Value; nav.MoveToParent(); } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("title", "")) { newTitle.Name = nav.Value; nav.MoveToParent(); } /*if (nav.MoveToChild("plot", "")) * { * newTitle.Synopsis = nav.Value; * nav.MoveToParent(); * }*/ // Fix from DVDJunkie // http://www.ornskov.dk/forum/index.php?topic=1605.msg12171#msg12171 if (nav.MoveToChild("plot", "")) { string plot = nav.Value; plot = plot.Replace("<B>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("<b>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("</B>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("</b>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("<I>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("<i>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("</I>", ""); plot = plot.Replace("</i>", ""); newTitle.Synopsis = plot; nav.MoveToParent(); } /*if (nav.MoveToChild("releasedate", "")) * { * XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); * //XmlNode rdYear = nav.SelectSingleNode("year"); * //XmlNode rdMonth = nav.SelectSingleNode("month"); * //XmlNode rdDay = nav.SelectSingleNode("day"); * * //if (rdYear != null && rdMonth != null && rdDay != null) * //{ * // DateTime rd = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(rdYear.InnerText), * // Int32.Parse(rdMonth.InnerText), * // Int32.Parse(rdDay.InnerText)); * * // if (rd != null) * // newTitle.ReleaseDate = rd; * //} * nav.MoveToParent(); * }*/ // Fix from DVDJunkie // http://www.ornskov.dk/forum/index.php?topic=1605.msg12171#msg12171 //hwh 12-7-09 if (nav.MoveToChild("releasedate", "")) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); string rdate = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "date"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rdate)) { newTitle.ProductionYear = Convert.ToInt32(rdate); } } catch (FormatException) { } nav.MoveToParent(); } //hwh 12-7-09 if (nav.MoveToChild("dvdreleasedate", "")) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); string rdate = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "date"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rdate)) { newTitle.ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse(rdate); } } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (FormatException) { } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("mpaarating", "")) { newTitle.ParentalRating = GetChildNodesValue(nav, "displayname"); nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("upc", "")) { newTitle.UPC = nav.Value; nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("runtimeminutes", "")) { //newTitle.Runtime = nav.ValueAsInt; newTitle.Runtime = ConvertStringToInt(nav.Value); nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("genres", "")) { XPathNodeIterator genreIter = nav.SelectChildren("genre", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < genreIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.AddGenre(GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "displayname")); localNav.MoveToNext("genre", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("cast", "")) { XPathNodeIterator starIter = nav.SelectChildren("star", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < starIter.Count; i++) { string role = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "role"); XPathNavigator personNav = localNav.SelectSingleNode("person"); if (personNav != null) { string name = GetChildNodesValue(personNav, "displayname"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { newTitle.AddActingRole(name, role); } } localNav.MoveToNext("star", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("crew", "")) { XPathNodeIterator crewMemberIter = nav.SelectChildren("crewmember", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < crewMemberIter.Count; i++) { string role = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "role"); XPathNavigator cmNav = localNav.SelectSingleNode("person"); if (cmNav != null) { string name = GetChildNodesValue(cmNav, "displayname"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { switch (role.ToLower()) { case "director": newTitle.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(name)); break; case "writer": newTitle.AddWriter(new OMLSDKPerson(name)); break; default: break; } } } localNav.MoveToNext("crewmember", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("subtitles", "")) { XPathNodeIterator subtitleIter = nav.SelectChildren("subtitle", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < subtitleIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.AddSubtitle(GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "displayname")); localNav.MoveToNext("subtitle", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("audios", "")) { XPathNodeIterator audioIter = nav.SelectChildren("audio", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < audioIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.AddAudioTrack(GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "displayname")); localNav.MoveToNext("audio", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("studios", "")) { XPathNodeIterator studioIter = nav.SelectChildren("studio", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < studioIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.Studio = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "displayname"); localNav.MoveToNext("studio", ""); } } nav.MoveToParent(); } if (nav.MoveToChild("links", "")) { XPathNodeIterator linkIter = nav.SelectChildren("link", ""); if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = nav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < linkIter.Count; i++) { string type = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "urltype"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { if (type.ToUpper().CompareTo("MOVIE") == 0) { string path = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "url"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { try { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); if (fi.Exists) { string ext = fi.Extension.Substring(1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) { if (IsSupportedFormat(ext)) { OMLSDKDisk disk = new OMLSDKDisk(); disk.Format = (OMLSDKVideoFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(OMLSDKVideoFormat), ext, true); disk.Path = path; disk.Name = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "description"); newTitle.AddDisk(disk); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("MovieCollectorzPlugin: {0}", ex); } } } } localNav.MoveToNext("link", ""); } } } if (ValidateTitle(newTitle)) { try { AddTitle(newTitle); } catch (Exception e) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MovieCollectorzPlugin] Error adding row: " + e.Message); } } else { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MovieCollectorzPlugin] Error saving row"); } } }
public override void ProcessFile(string file) { OMLSDKTitle newTitle = new OMLSDKTitle(); String fPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); newTitle.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); IDictionary meta; DvrmsMetadataEditor editor = new DvrmsMetadataEditor(file); meta = editor.GetAttributes(); foreach (string item in meta.Keys) { MetadataItem attr = (MetadataItem)meta[item]; switch (item) { case DvrmsMetadataEditor.Title: string sTitle = (string)attr.Value; sTitle = sTitle.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitle)) { newTitle.Name = sTitle; } newTitle.ImporterSource = @"DVRMSImporter"; newTitle.MetadataSourceName = @"DVR-MS"; OMLSDKDisk disk = new OMLSDKDisk(); string ext = Path.GetExtension(file).Substring(1).Replace(@"-", @""); disk.Format = (OMLSDKVideoFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(OMLSDKVideoFormat), ext, true); SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVRMSPlugin] Adding file: " + Path.GetFullPath(file)); disk.Path = Path.GetFullPath(file); disk.Name = @"Disk 1"; newTitle.AddDisk(disk); //newTitle.FileLocation = file; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle.AspectRatio)) { newTitle.AspectRatio = @"Widescreen"; } //string ext = Path.GetExtension(file).Substring(1).Replace(@"-", @""); //newTitle.VideoFormat = (VideoFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoFormat), ext, true); string cover = fPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + @".jpg"; if (File.Exists(cover)) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVRMSPlugin] Setting CoverArt: " + Path.GetFullPath(cover)); newTitle.FrontCoverPath = Path.GetFullPath(cover); //newTitle.FrontCoverPath = cover; } else { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVRMSPlugin] No coverart found"); } break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.MediaOriginalBroadcastDateTime: string sDT = (string)attr.Value; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sDT)) { DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(sDT, out dt)) { newTitle.ReleaseDate = dt; } } break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.Genre: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)attr.Value)) { string sGenre = (string)attr.Value; string[] gen = sGenre.Split(','); newTitle.Genres.Clear(); foreach (string genre in gen) { string uGenre = genre.ToUpper().Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uGenre)) { continue; } if (uGenre.StartsWith(@"MOVIE")) { continue; } uGenre = genre.Trim(); newTitle.AddGenre(uGenre); } } break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.Duration: Int64 rTime = (long)attr.Value; rTime = rTime / 600 / 1000000; newTitle.Runtime = (int)rTime; break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.ParentalRating: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)attr.Value)) { newTitle.ParentalRating = (string)attr.Value; } break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.Credits: string persona = (string)attr.Value; persona += @";;;;"; string[] credits = persona.Split(';'); string[] cast = credits[0].Split('/'); foreach (string nm in cast) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nm)) { newTitle.AddActingRole(nm, ""); } } string[] dirs = credits[1].Split('/'); if (dirs.Length > 0) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dirs[0])) { string nm = dirs[0]; newTitle.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(nm)); } } break; case DvrmsMetadataEditor.SubtitleDescription: newTitle.Synopsis = (string)attr.Value; break; } attr = null; } if (ValidateTitle(newTitle)) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle.Name)) { newTitle.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); newTitle.ImporterSource = @"DVRMSImporter"; newTitle.MetadataSourceName = @"DVR-MS"; OMLSDKDisk disk = new OMLSDKDisk(); disk.Name = @"Disk 1"; disk.Path = file; //newTitle.FileLocation = file; string ext = Path.GetExtension(file).Substring(1).Replace(@"-", @""); //newTitle.VideoFormat = (VideoFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoFormat), ext, true); disk.Format = (OMLSDKVideoFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(OMLSDKVideoFormat), ext, true); newTitle.AddDisk(disk); string cover = fPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + @".jpg"; if (File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(cover))) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVRMSPlugin] Setting CoverArt: " + Path.GetFullPath(cover)); newTitle.FrontCoverPath = cover; } else { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[DVRMSPlugin] No coverart found"); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle.AspectRatio)) { newTitle.AspectRatio = @"Widescreen"; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle.ParentalRating)) { newTitle.ParentalRating = @"--"; } AddTitle(newTitle); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("[DVRMSPlugin] Error adding row: " + e.Message); } } else { Trace.WriteLine("[DVRMSPlugin] Error saving row"); } }
private void loadDataFromNavigatorToTitle(ref XPathNavigator navigator, ref OMLSDKTitle newTitle) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Loading data for a new title"); newTitle.MetadataSourceID = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "WebServiceID"); #region covers SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Scanning for {0} node", "Covers"); if (navigator.MoveToChild("Covers", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Covers found, processing"); SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Scanning for {0} node", "Front"); if (navigator.MoveToChild("Front", "")) { string imagePath = navigator.Value; string finalImagePath = FindFinalImagePath(imagePath); SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Final image path is: {0}", finalImagePath); if (File.Exists(finalImagePath)) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This file appears to be valid, we'll set it on the title"); newTitle.FrontCoverPath = finalImagePath; } navigator.MoveToParent(); } SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Scanning for {0} node", "Back"); if (navigator.MoveToChild("Back", "")) { string imagePath = navigator.Value; if (File.Exists(imagePath)) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Found Back cover image"); newTitle.BackCoverPath = imagePath; } navigator.MoveToParent(); } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion newTitle.Synopsis = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "Description"); #region production year if (navigator.MoveToChild("ProductionYear", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Found production year, I hope the format is something we can read"); try { string year = navigator.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) { DateTime rls_date = new DateTime(int.Parse(year), 1, 1); if (rls_date != null) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Got it, loading the production year"); newTitle.ReleaseDate = rls_date; } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } catch (Exception e) { navigator.MoveToParent(); SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] error reading ProductionYear: " + e.Message); } } #endregion #region parental rating (mpaa rating) if (navigator.MoveToChild("ParentalRating", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Scanning for the ParentalRating"); if (navigator.HasChildren) { string ratingId = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "Value"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ratingId)) { int mmRatingId; if (int.TryParse(ratingId, out mmRatingId)) { switch (mmRatingId) { case 0: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This appears to be unrated"); newTitle.ParentalRating = "Unrated"; break; case 1: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This appears to be rated G"); newTitle.ParentalRating = "G"; break; case 2: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] I have no idea what rating this is"); break; case 3: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This appears to be rated PG"); newTitle.ParentalRating = "PG"; break; case 4: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This appears to be rated PG13"); newTitle.ParentalRating = "PG13"; break; case 5: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] I have NO idea what rating this is"); break; case 6: SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] This appears to be rated R"); newTitle.ParentalRating = "R"; break; } } else { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Error parsing rating: {0} not a number", ratingId); } } string ratingReason = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "Description"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ratingReason)) { newTitle.ParentalRatingReason = ratingReason; } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion newTitle.Runtime = Int32.Parse(GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "RunningTime")); #region persons if (navigator.MoveToChild("Persons", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Beginning the long, painful process of scanning people"); if (navigator.HasChildren) { XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("Person", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); navigator.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter.Count; i++) { string name = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "Name"); string role = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "Role"); string type = GetChildNodesValue(localNav, "Type"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { switch (type) { case "Actor": SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] actor {0}, {1}", name, role); newTitle.AddActingRole(name, role); break; case "Director": SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] director {0}", name); newTitle.AddDirector(new OMLSDKPerson(name)); break; default: break; } } localNav.MoveToNext("Person", ""); } } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion #region studio (s) if (navigator.MoveToChild("Studios", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Ahh... Studios (pssst.. we only copy the last entry from here... dont tell anyone)"); if (navigator.HasChildren) { XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("Studio", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); navigator.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.Studio = localNav.Value; } } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion newTitle.CountryOfOrigin = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "Country"); newTitle.AspectRatio = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "AspectRatio"); newTitle.VideoStandard = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "VideoStandard"); newTitle.OriginalName = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "OriginalTitle"); newTitle.SortName = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "SortTitle"); #region genres if (navigator.MoveToChild("Genres", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Genres... good old genres"); XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("Genre", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); navigator.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter.Count; i++) { newTitle.AddGenre(localNav.Value); localNav.MoveToNext("Genre", ""); } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion #region audio tracks if (navigator.MoveToChild("AudioTracks", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] AudioTracks.. yeah, like you can even change them anyway"); XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("AudioTrack", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); navigator.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter.Count; i++) { string audioLanguage = localNav.GetAttribute("Language", ""); string audioType = localNav.GetAttribute("Type", ""); string audioChannels = localNav.GetAttribute("Channels", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioLanguage)) { string audioTrackString = audioLanguage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioType)) { audioTrackString += string.Format(", {0}", audioType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioChannels)) { audioTrackString += string.Format(", {0}", audioChannels); } SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Got one: {0}, {1}, {2}", audioLanguage, audioType, audioChannels); newTitle.AddAudioTrack(audioTrackString); } localNav.MoveToNext("AudioTrack", ""); } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion #region watched status (Submitted by yodine from our forums) if (navigator.MoveToChild("Watched", "")) { navigator.MoveToParent(); // move back, we just wanted to know this field existed. SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Found Watched status. Trying to decode"); string watched = GetChildNodesValue(navigator, "Watched"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(watched)) { if (Boolean.Parse(watched)) { newTitle.WatchedCount++; } } } #endregion #region subtitles if (navigator.MoveToChild("Subtitles", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Subtitles here we come!"); if (navigator.GetAttribute("NotPresent", "").CompareTo("False") == 0) { XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("Subtitle", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); navigator.MoveToParent(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter.Count; i++) { string subtitleLanguage = localNav.GetAttribute("Language", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitleLanguage)) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Subtitle {0}", subtitleLanguage); newTitle.AddSubtitle(subtitleLanguage); } localNav.MoveToNext("Subtitle", ""); } } } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion #region discs if (navigator.MoveToChild("Discs", "")) { SDKUtilities.DebugLine("[MyMoviesImporter] Discs... ok here is the good one, we'll passing this off to some other method to handle."); XPathNodeIterator nIter = navigator.SelectChildren("Disc", ""); if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { XPathNavigator localNav = navigator.CreateNavigator(); extractDisksFromXML(nIter, localNav, newTitle); navigator.MoveToParent(); } navigator.MoveToParent(); } #endregion }