Exemple #1
        private async Task <Movie> LoadInfoForMovie(Movie movie)
            // Load movie from OMDB
            var getInfoTask = OMDbAPI.GetMovieByImdbID(movie.IMDBID);

            Logger.Info("SEARCH", $"Downloading movie details for {movie.IDTitle} from OMDB");
            return(await getInfoTask);
Exemple #2
        private async Task <List <Movie> > SearchForMovieRemote(string searchString)
            var searchTask = OMDbAPI.SearchForMoviesByTitle(searchString);

            Logger.Info("SEARCH", $"Searching for {searchString} in OMDB");
            List <Movie> movies = await searchTask;

            if (movies is null) // no movies found
                Logger.Warn("HTTP", $"Found 0 matches in OMDB for {searchString}");

            Logger.Info("SEARCH", $"Found {movies?.Count ?? 0} matches in OMDB for {searchString}");

            for (int i = 0; i < movies.Count; i++)

            if (!PresentYesNoQuestion("Is your movie in this list?"))

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the movie you wish to load full info for.");

            // Select the specific movie and get the info
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (int.TryParse(input, out int selection) &&
                selection >= 0 && selection < movies.Count)
                Movie m = await LoadInfoForMovie(movies[selection]);  // Load the Movie from OMDB

                await movieController.AddCachedMovie(m);              // Add Movie to local cache

                Console.WriteLine($"{m.TitleYear} added to local cache");
                List <Movie> output = new List <Movie>();       // Create a new list to return
                output.Add(m);                                  // add single movie to the list
                return(output);                                 // return the list with a single movie element

                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input");

        private void SearchMovie(object send, EventArgs args)
            string movieName = nomeFilme.Text;

            Movie.Rootobject movie = OMDbAPI.BuscaFilme(movieName);

            cartaz.Source    = movie.Poster;
            sobreFilme.Text  = "Title: " + movie.Title;
            sobreFilme.Text += "\n\nYear: " + movie.Year;
            sobreFilme.Text += "\n\nGenre: " + movie.Genre;
            sobreFilme.Text += "\n\nWriter: " + movie.Writer;
            sobreFilme.Text += "\n\nAwards: " + movie.Awards;
            sobreFilme.Text += "\n\nPlot: " + movie.Plot;
        public static async void SendMovie(string title, int year)
            JObject jObjectMovie = OMDbAPI.GetMovie(title, year);
            string  json         = jObjectMovie.ToString();
            Movie   movie        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Movie>(json);

            if (movie != null && movie.Year != null)
                movie.Year = movie.Year.Substring(0, 4);
                Console.WriteLine(movie.Title + " added");
            //string jsonMovie = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movie);
        static async Task TestConnection()
            bool success = await OMDbAPI.TestConnection();

            if (success)
                Console.WriteLine("Connection established");

                Console.WriteLine("Connection failure");

 public async Task GetMovieByImdbIDTest()
     Assert.IsNull(await OMDbAPI.GetMovieByImdbID(null));
        public async Task SearchForMoviesByTitleTest()
            List <Movie> result = await OMDbAPI.SearchForMoviesByTitle(null);

 public async Task TestConnectionTest()
     Assert.IsTrue(await OMDbAPI.TestConnection(), "Testing connection to OMDB failed");