Exemple #1
        public override ODataPath Parse(string serviceRoot, string odataPath, IServiceProvider requestContainer)
            ODL.ODataUriParser uriParser;
            Uri       serviceRootUri = null;
            Uri       fullUri        = null;
            string    dataSourceName = odataPath.Split('/')[0];
            IEdmModel model          = requestContainer.GetService(typeof(IEdmModel)) as IEdmModel;

            Contract.Assert(serviceRoot != null);

            serviceRootUri = new Uri(
                serviceRoot.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                    ? serviceRoot
                    : serviceRoot + "/");

            // Concatenate the root and path and create a Uri. Using Uri to build a Uri from
            // a root and relative path changes the casing on .NetCore. However, odataPath may
            // be a full Uri.
            if (!Uri.TryCreate(odataPath, UriKind.Absolute, out fullUri))
                fullUri = new Uri(serviceRootUri + odataPath);
            serviceRootUri = new Uri(serviceRootUri, dataSourceName);
            uriParser      = new ODL.ODataUriParser(model, serviceRootUri, fullUri, requestContainer);

            if (UrlKeyDelimiter != null)
                uriParser.UrlKeyDelimiter = UrlKeyDelimiter;
                // ODL changes to use ODataUrlKeyDelimiter.Slash as default value.
                // Web API still uses the ODataUrlKeyDelimiter.Parentheses as default value.
                // Please remove it after fix: https://github.com/OData/odata.net/issues/642
                uriParser.UrlKeyDelimiter = ODataUrlKeyDelimiter.Parentheses;

            ODL.ODataPath         path;
            UnresolvedPathSegment unresolvedPathSegment = null;

            ODL.KeySegment id = null;

                path = uriParser.ParsePath();
            catch (ODL.ODataUnrecognizedPathException ex)
                if (ex.ParsedSegments != null &&
                    ex.ParsedSegments.Any() &&
                    (ex.ParsedSegments.Last().EdmType is IEdmComplexType ||
                     ex.ParsedSegments.Last().EdmType is IEdmEntityType) &&
                    ex.CurrentSegment != ODataSegmentKinds.Count)
                    if (!ex.UnparsedSegments.Any())
                        path = new ODL.ODataPath(ex.ParsedSegments);
                        unresolvedPathSegment = new UnresolvedPathSegment(ex.CurrentSegment);
                        // Throw ODataException if there is some segment following the unresolved segment.
                        throw new ODataException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
            if (path.LastSegment is ODL.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)
                IEdmCollectionType lastSegmentEdmType = path.LastSegment.EdmType as IEdmCollectionType;

                if (lastSegmentEdmType != null)
                    ODL.EntityIdSegment entityIdSegment = null;
                    bool exceptionThrown = false;

                        entityIdSegment = uriParser.ParseEntityId();

                        if (entityIdSegment != null)
                            // Create another ODataUriParser to parse $id, which is absolute or relative.
                            ODL.ODataUriParser parser = new ODL.ODataUriParser(model, serviceRootUri, entityIdSegment.Id, requestContainer);
                            id = parser.ParsePath().LastSegment as ODL.KeySegment;
                    catch (ODataException)
                        // Exception was thrown while parsing the $id.
                        // We will throw another exception about the invalid $id.
                        exceptionThrown = true;

                    if (exceptionThrown ||
                        (entityIdSegment != null &&
                         (id == null ||
                          !(id.EdmType.IsOrInheritsFrom(lastSegmentEdmType.ElementType.Definition) ||
                        // System.Net.Http on NetCore does not have the Uri extension method
                        // ParseQueryString(), to avoid a platform-specific call, extract $id manually.
                        string idValue = fullUri.Query;
                        string idParam = "$id=";
                        int    start   = idValue.IndexOf(idParam, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        if (start >= 0)
                            int end = idValue.IndexOf("&", start, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                            if (end >= 0)
                                idValue = idValue.Substring(start + idParam.Length, end - 1);
                                idValue = idValue.Substring(start + idParam.Length);

                        throw new ODataException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "InvalidDollarId", idValue));

            // do validation for the odata path
            path.WalkWith(new DefaultODataPathValidator(model));

            // do segment translator (for example parameter alias, key & function parameter template, etc)
            var segments =
                ODataPathSegmentTranslator.Translate(model, path, uriParser.ParameterAliasNodes).ToList();

            if (unresolvedPathSegment != null)
            AppendIdForRef(segments, id);
            return(new ODataPath(segments));