public static void RestoreAllData() { if (GetEasyRoads3DObjects()) { OCQQDQCDDO.OOQQOOOQQD(Selection.activeGameObject); ODDDCQCDCO.ODCCQCOOCD(true, 100, 4, "", Selection.activeGameObject); OCQQDQCDDO.OCODCOCDOQ(Selection.activeGameObject); } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Alert", "No EasyRoads3D objects found! Terrain functions cannot be accessed!", "Close"); } }
public static void OOQDOQOODQ() { if (GetEasyRoads3DObjects()) { string path = ""; if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Road Splatmap", "Would you like to merge the terrain splatmap(s) with a road splatmap?", "Yes", "No")) { path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select png road splatmap texture", "", "png"); } ODDDCQCDCO.ODCCQCOOCD(true, 100, 4, path, Selection.activeGameObject); } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Alert", "No EasyRoads3D objects found! Terrain functions cannot be accessed!", "Close"); } }