public async Task <ActionResult <OClass> > PostOClass(OClass oClass) { _context.OClass.Add(oClass); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetOClass", new { id = oClass.Id }, oClass)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutOClass(Guid id, OClass oClass) { if (id != oClass.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(oClass).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!OClassExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public bool AddToTree(OClass ontologyClass) { bool bAdded = false; OClass currentRoot = null; if (ontologyClass.IsSubClassOf != null) { foreach (OClass root in rootClasses) { if (root.ContainsOntologyClass(ontologyClass.IsSubClassOf)) { currentRoot = root; bAdded = currentRoot.AddOClassChild(ontologyClass); if (bAdded) break; } } } if (!bAdded) { #region otherwise create new root entry rootClasses.Add(ontologyClass); currentRoot = ontologyClass; bAdded = true; #endregion } if (currentRoot == null) { return false; } if (bAdded && currentRoot != null) { // cross check tree structure vs. updated tree List<OClass> lClassesToRemove = new List<OClass>(); foreach (OClass otherRoot in rootClasses) { if (!currentRoot.Equals(otherRoot) && otherRoot.IsSubClassOf != null && currentRoot.ContainsOntologyClass(otherRoot.IsSubClassOf)) { currentRoot.AddOClassChild(otherRoot); lClassesToRemove.Add(otherRoot); } } foreach (OClass classToRemove in lClassesToRemove) { this.RemoveFromTree(classToRemove); } } else { Console.WriteLine("should not happen."); } return bAdded; }
public ODataItem(OClass originClass) { currentClass = originClass; allowedProperties = new List<string>(); allowedProperties = currentClass.GetAttributeNames(); updateProperties = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (string prop in allowedProperties) { updateProperties.Add(prop, new List<string>()); } }
public void Whatever() { GameThread.IgnoreThreadRestrictions = true; using (var engine = new GameEngine(null)) { engine.EngineInitialized.WaitOne(); var o = new OClass(engine); engine.Javascript.Execute("var a = new Array();"); var obj = engine.Javascript.ExecuteAndReturn("a"); } }
private void InitializeJS() { this.AssertRunningOnThisThread(); Javascript = new JavascriptEngine(); Javascript.Script.console = new { log = new Action <object>(ScriptLog) }; O = new OClass(this); #pragma warning disable CC0021 // Use nameof Javascript.AddObject("O", O); #pragma warning restore CC0021 // Use nameof O.Init(); if (Resources != null) { Javascript.Execute(Resources.ReadEntryPoint()); } ((ManualResetEvent)EngineInitialized).Set(); }
public void Spec() { GameThread.IgnoreThreadRestrictions = true; using (var engine = new GameEngine(null)) { engine.EngineInitialized.WaitOne(); var o = new OClass(engine); engine.Javascript.Execute("O.state.test = {}"); engine.Javascript.Execute("O.state.test.jimmy = 12;"); var val = engine.Javascript.Script.O.state.test.jimmy; // var list = engine.StateHistory.GetLatestChanges() // .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("O.state.test")) // .ToArray(); // Assert.AreEqual(12, val); // Assert.AreEqual("O.state.test", list[0].Name); // Assert.AreEqual("{}", list[0].Change); // Assert.AreEqual("O.state.test.jimmy", list[1].Name); // Assert.AreEqual("12", list[1].Change); } }
public bool RemoveFromTree(OClass oClassToRemove) { #region if class-to-remove is a root-element if (rootClasses.Contains(oClassToRemove)) { return rootClasses.Remove(oClassToRemove); } #endregion #region if class-to-remove is nested into tree structure - walk through and delete within foreach (OClass rootClass in rootClasses) { if (rootClass.ContainsOntologyClass(oClassToRemove)) { return rootClass.RemoveOClassChild(oClassToRemove); } } #endregion return false; }
public int GetOntologyClassLevel(OClass refOClass) { int iLevel; foreach (OClass rootClass in rootClasses) { iLevel = rootClass.GetOntologyClassLevel(refOClass); if (iLevel >= 0) return iLevel; } return -1; }
public OClass GetOntologyClass(OClass refOClass) { OClass retClass; foreach (OClass rootClass in rootClasses) { retClass = rootClass.GetOntologyClass(refOClass); if (retClass != null) return retClass; } return null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(now.Year.ToString() + now.Month.ToString() + now.Day.ToString() + now.Hour.ToString() + now.Minute.ToString() + now.Second.ToString() + ".log"); while (true) { #region define logging actions Action<string> LogDevNull = new Action<string>((msg) => { }); Action<string> LogError = new Action<string>((msg) => { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + msg); }); Action<string> LogMessage = new Action<string>((msg) => { sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + msg); sw.Flush(); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + msg); }); #endregion #region check file existence and load ontology Ontology thisOntology = null; try { string ontologyFilename = "dbpedia_3.6.owl"; rootElement = XmlParser.loadXml(new StreamReader(ontologyFilename), LogError); if (rootElement == null) { LogError("Null or empty XmlStructure in file: '" + ontologyFilename + "'"); break; } thisOntology = OwlParser.CreateOntologyFromXml(rootElement, LogDevNull); #region add Thing manually! OClass thing = new OClass(""); OProperty oPropertyName = new OProperty(); oPropertyName.ID = "Name"; oPropertyName.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyName); OProperty oPropertyLongAbstract = new OProperty(); oPropertyLongAbstract.ID = "LongAbstract"; oPropertyLongAbstract.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyLongAbstract); OProperty oPropertyShortAbstract = new OProperty(); oPropertyShortAbstract.ID = "ShortAbstract"; oPropertyShortAbstract.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyShortAbstract); thisOntology.AddOntologyClass(thing); #endregion } catch (Exception a) { LogError("Error parsing ontology!"); LogError(a.Message); LogError(a.StackTrace); break; } #endregion #region ask for langs to import --> de, en List<String> lLangs = new List<string>(); Console.WriteLine("Which language data should be added to the database?"); Console.WriteLine("Enter language id and press <Enter>"); Console.WriteLine("An empty line quits the iteration process."); String currentLine = null; bool bFirst = true; while ((currentLine = Console.ReadLine().Trim()) != "") { lLangs.Add(currentLine); bFirst = true; Console.Write("CurrentlySelected: "); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (bFirst) bFirst = false; else Console.Write(", "); Console.Write(lang); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion #region load dictExistingNodes Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictExistingNodes = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("ExistingNodes.dict"); String line = null; String[] strToken = null; char[] cToken = { ';' }; List<string> lData = null; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { strToken = line.Split(cToken, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strToken.Length != 4) { LogError("ERROR: load dictExistingNodes: reading line: " + line); continue; } else { lData = new List<string>(); lData.Add(strToken[1]); lData.Add(strToken[2]); lData.Add(strToken[3]); dictExistingNodes.Add(strToken[0], lData); } } } catch (Exception a) { LogError("Error load dictExistingNodes"); LogError(a.Message); LogError(a.StackTrace); break; } LogMessage("dictExistingNodes.Count=" + dictExistingNodes.Count); #endregion #region write data to XmlBulkImport format try { #region local vars String[] token; String Key, Type, Subject, Filename; List<string> Value = null; // long VertexID; char[] sepChars = { '=' }; ODataItem dataItem = null; Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictNodeAttributes; uint fileCounter = 0; uint lineCount = 0; #endregion #region begin writing xml structure (header) XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.XmlFile, settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ??? // <BulkImport xmlns=""> writer.WriteStartElement("BulkImport", ""); writer.WriteStartElement("Import"); // <Import> #endregion #region process all data files LogMessage("begin 'process all data files'"); foreach (string dirname in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir)) { foreach (string filename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dirname)) { Subject = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1, (filename.Length - filename.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) - 1)); #region transfer all atributes from filestream to dictionary (for better handling) dictNodeAttributes = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(filename)) { token = line.Split(sepChars); if (token.Length < 2) { LogError("Invalid line content: " + line); continue; } Key = token[0]; Value = new List<string>(); for (int i = 1; i < token.Length; i++) { Value.Add(token[i]); } if (RemoveEvilCharactersForFile(Key).Equals(Subject)) Key = RemoveEvilCharactersForFile(Key); if (!dictNodeAttributes.ContainsKey(Key)) dictNodeAttributes.Add(Key, Value); else { foreach (String value in Value) { dictNodeAttributes[Key].Add(value); } } } #endregion #region check data validity before starting evaluation dataItem = null; if (!dictNodeAttributes.ContainsKey(Subject) || dictNodeAttributes[Subject] == null) { LogError("Data file contains no Type of the Instance!" + filename); // Subject); continue; } #endregion #region process data else { #region write <Insert VertexType="..." VertexId="..."> // <Insert VertexType="User" VertexID="-9223372036854775808"> Type = dictNodeAttributes[Subject][0]; writer.WriteStartElement("Insert"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(Type)); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", dictNodeAttributes["VertexID"][0]); // VertexID.ToString()); #endregion #region write all other attributes foreach (String key in dictNodeAttributes.Keys) { if (!key.Equals(Subject) && !key.Equals("VertexID")) { #region get attribute's data-type information from Ontology OClass oClass = thisOntology.GetOClass(Type); string searchkey = key; if (key.LastIndexOf('_') > 0) { searchkey = key.Substring(0, key.LastIndexOf('_')); } OProperty oProp = oClass.GetProperty(searchkey); #endregion #region <SetValue ..> for all attributes if (oProp == null || oProp.Range == null || !oProp.Range.StartsWith("")) // undefined attribute { // <SetValue Key="Name" Value="SGFydHdpZw=="/> #region write undefined attribute if (oProp == null || oProp.Range == null) { StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder(); foreach (String value in dictNodeAttributes[key]) { sbValue.Append(value); } writer.WriteStartElement("SetValue"); writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(key)); writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sbValue.ToString()))); writer.WriteEndElement(); // </SetValue> } #endregion #region write ontology attribute (includes attribute data-type handling) else { String value = null; try { switch (oProp.Range) { #region number data types case "": case "": case "": case "": { value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt64(dictNodeAttributes[key][0]).ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"))));//.ToString()).ToString())); break; } case "": case "": { value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Convert.ToDouble(dictNodeAttributes[key][0]).ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US")))); break; } case "": { if (dictNodeAttributes[key][0].ToString().Equals("True") || dictNodeAttributes[key][0].ToString().Equals("1")) value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("True")); else value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("False")); break; } #endregion #region dbpedia case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": #endregion #region currencies case "": case "": case "": case "órdoba": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "łoty": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": #endregion { value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Convert.ToDouble(dictNodeAttributes[key][0]).ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US")))); break; } #region date case "": { value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Convert.ToDateTime(dictNodeAttributes[key][0]).ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US")))); break; } case "": case "": #endregion #region workaround simple types case "": case "": #endregion { StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder(); foreach (String strValue in dictNodeAttributes[key]) { sbValue.Append(strValue); } value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sbValue.ToString())); break; } default: { break; } } } catch (Exception a) { StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder(); foreach (String strValue in dictNodeAttributes[key]) { sbValue.Append(strValue); } LogError("Invalid data content!: " + sbValue); value = null; } if (value != null) { writer.WriteStartElement("SetValue"); writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(key)); writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", value); writer.WriteEndElement(); // </SetValue> } } #endregion } #endregion #region <MultiLink ..> for all attributes that represent edges else { writer.WriteStartElement("MultiLink"); // <MultiLink Key="Friends"> writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(key)); foreach (String value in dictNodeAttributes[key]) { if (dictExistingNodes.ContainsKey(value)) { writer.WriteStartElement("Link"); // <Link VertexType="User" VertexID="-9223372036854775806"/> // writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(oProp.Range)); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(dictExistingNodes[value][2])); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", dictExistingNodes[value][1]); writer.WriteEndElement(); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </MultiLink> } #endregion } } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </Insert> #endregion } // end else ( corr. if:(!dictNodeAttributes.ContainsKey(Subject) || dictNodeAttributes[Subject].Count < 1)) #endregion #region some debug/processing info fileCounter++; if (fileCounter % 10000 == 0) { LogMessage("processed " + fileCounter + " items."); } #endregion } // string filename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dirname) } // foreach (string dirname in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir)) LogMessage("end 'process all data files'"); #endregion #region evaluate labels LogMessage("begin 'evaluate labels'"); Dictionary<string, long> dictLabelIds = new Dictionary<string, long>(); Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<long>>> dictInstanceLabels = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<long>>>(); long currentLabelVertexID = long.MinValue; foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) { Filename = "labels_" + lang + ".nt"; if (!File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) { continue; } uint insertedLabels = 0; LogMessage("begin read labels from " + Filename); using (StreamReader srNodes = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) { #region if input stream is empty --> do error handling if (srNodes == null) { LogError("Error reading Nodes file: '" + Filename + "'"); return; } #endregion #region init local vars String strCurrentTriple; Triple currentTriple; #endregion #region for each triple (line) while ((strCurrentTriple = srNodes.ReadLine()) != null) { currentTriple = NTripleParser.Split(strCurrentTriple, LogError); #region some debug info if (lineCount % 1000 == 0) { Console.Write("."); } if (lineCount % 100000 == 0) { LogMessage("EvaluateLabels('" + lang + "'): lineCount=" + lineCount); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); } lineCount++; #endregion if (currentTriple == null || currentTriple.TripleObject == null) continue; if (!dictExistingNodes.ContainsKey(currentTriple.Subject)) { continue; } if (!dictLabelIds.ContainsKey(currentTriple.TripleObject)) { dictLabelIds.Add(currentTriple.TripleObject, currentLabelVertexID); currentLabelVertexID++; // <Insert VertexType="Label" VertexID="-9223372036854775808"> writer.WriteStartElement("Insert"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", "Label"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", dictLabelIds[currentTriple.TripleObject].ToString()); // VertexID.ToString()); // <SetValue AttributeName="Name" Value="SGFydHdpZw=="/> writer.WriteStartElement("SetValue"); writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", "Name"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentTriple.TripleObject))); writer.WriteEndElement(); // </SetValue> writer.WriteEndElement(); // </Insert> insertedLabels++; } if (!dictInstanceLabels.ContainsKey(currentTriple.Subject)) { dictInstanceLabels.Add(currentTriple.Subject, new Dictionary<string, List<long>>()); } if (!dictInstanceLabels[currentTriple.Subject].ContainsKey(lang)) { dictInstanceLabels[currentTriple.Subject].Add(lang, new List<long>()); } dictInstanceLabels[currentTriple.Subject][lang].Add(currentLabelVertexID - 1); } // while ((strCurrentTriple = srNodes.ReadLine()) != null) #endregion } // using (StreamReader srNodes = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) LogMessage("end read labels from " + Filename + " inserted " + insertedLabels + "entries"); } // if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) } // foreach (String lang in lLangs) LogMessage("end 'evaluate labels'"); #endregion #region create all instance entries in dictionary LogMessage("begin 'create all instance entries in dictionary'"); Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>> dictInstances = new Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>>(); Dictionary<string, long> dictInstanceVertexIDs = new Dictionary<string, long>(); long lInstanceVertexID_count = long.MinValue; foreach (String instance in dictExistingNodes.Keys) { List<KeyValuePair<long, string>> lNodeIds = new List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>(); lNodeIds.Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(Int64.Parse(dictExistingNodes[instance][1]), dictExistingNodes[instance][2])); dictInstances.Add(instance, lNodeIds); dictInstanceVertexIDs.Add(instance, lInstanceVertexID_count); lInstanceVertexID_count++; } LogMessage("end 'create all instance entries in dictionary'"); #endregion #region evaluate disambiguations LogMessage("begin evaluate disambiguations"); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) { Filename = "disambiguations_" + lang + ".nt"; if (!File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) { continue; } using (StreamReader srNodes = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) { #region if input stream is empty --> do error handling if (srNodes == null) { LogError("Error reading Nodes file: '" + Filename + "'"); return; } #endregion #region init local vars String strCurrentTriple; Triple currentTriple; #endregion #region for each triple (line), add or append dictInstances dictionary while ((strCurrentTriple = srNodes.ReadLine()) != null) { currentTriple = NTripleParser.Split(strCurrentTriple, LogError); if (dictExistingNodes.ContainsKey(currentTriple.Subject)) { Console.WriteLine("should not happen currentTriple.Subject='" + currentTriple.Subject + "'"); continue; } if (!dictExistingNodes.ContainsKey(currentTriple.TripleObject)) { continue; } if (!dictInstanceVertexIDs.ContainsKey(currentTriple.Subject)) { dictInstanceVertexIDs.Add(currentTriple.Subject, lInstanceVertexID_count); lInstanceVertexID_count++; } if (!dictInstances.ContainsKey(currentTriple.Subject)) { dictInstances.Add(currentTriple.Subject, new List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>()); } // string vertexType = "httpwwww3org200207owlThing"; if (dictExistingNodes.ContainsKey(currentTriple.TripleObject)) { // vertexType = dictExistingNodes[currentTriple.TripleObject][2]; dictInstances[currentTriple.Subject].Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(Int64.Parse(dictExistingNodes[currentTriple.TripleObject][1]), dictExistingNodes[currentTriple.TripleObject][2])); } // dictInstances[currentTriple.Subject].Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(dictInstanceVertexIDs[currentTriple.TripleObject], vertexType)); } // while ((strCurrentTriple = srNodes.ReadLine()) != null) #endregion } // using (StreamReader srNodes = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Filename)) } // if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) } // foreach (String lang in lLangs) LogMessage("end evaluate disambiguations"); #endregion #region create Instance xml bulk import format LogMessage("begin create Instance xml bulk import format"); foreach (string currentInstance in dictInstances.Keys) { if (dictInstances[currentInstance].Count < 1) { continue; } writer.WriteStartElement("Insert"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", "Instance"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", dictInstanceVertexIDs[currentInstance].ToString()); #region add instance name // <SetValue AttributeName="Name" Value="SGFydHdpZw=="/> writer.WriteStartElement("SetValue"); writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", "Name"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentInstance))); writer.WriteEndElement(); // </SetValue> #endregion #region add labels (for all langs) if (dictInstanceLabels.ContainsKey(currentInstance)) { Dictionary<string, List<long>> dictLangLabels = dictInstanceLabels[currentInstance]; if (dictLangLabels.Keys.Count == 0) LogMessage("'dictLangLabels.Keys.Count == 0' for '" + currentInstance + "'"); foreach (string currentLang in dictLangLabels.Keys) { List<long> lLabels = dictLangLabels[currentLang]; if (lLabels.Count == 0) LogMessage("'lLabels.Count == 0' for currentLang='" + currentLang + "' and currentInstance='" + currentInstance + "'"); else { writer.WriteStartElement("MultiLink"); // <MultiLink Key="Label_de"> writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", "Labels_" + currentLang); foreach (long currentLabelId in lLabels) { writer.WriteStartElement("Link"); // <Link VertexType="User" VertexID="-9223372036854775806"/> // writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(oProp.Range)); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", "Label"); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", currentLabelId.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </MultiLink> } } } else LogMessage("!dictInstanceLabels.ContainsKey('" + currentInstance + "')"); #endregion #region add disambiguation if (dictInstances[currentInstance].Count > 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("MultiLink"); // <MultiLink Key="Label_de"> writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", "RefersToEntry"); foreach (KeyValuePair<long, string> currentThingId in dictInstances[currentInstance]) { writer.WriteStartElement("Link"); // <Link VertexType="User" VertexID="-9223372036854775806"/> // writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(oProp.Range)); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexType", GqlStringExtension.RemoveEvilCharacters(currentThingId.Value)); writer.WriteAttributeString("VertexID", currentThingId.Key.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </MultiLink> } // if (dictInstances[currentInstance].Count > 0) #endregion writer.WriteEndElement(); // </Insert> } // foreach (string currentInstance in dictInstances.Keys) LogMessage("end create Instance xml bulk import format"); #endregion #region finish writing xml-structure writer.WriteEndElement(); // </Import> writer.WriteEndElement(); // </BulkImport> writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); #endregion } catch (Exception a) { LogError("Error reading data files."); LogError(a.Message); LogError(a.StackTrace); } #endregion break; // default behaviour } // while (true) sw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to quit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
// List<OClass> lOClasses = null; public bool AddOntologyClass(OClass newClass) { if (ClassTree == null) ClassTree = new OClassTree(); if (newClass.ID == null /* && newClass.About == null*/) return false; bool bAdded = ClassTree.AddToTree(newClass); if (!bAdded) Console.WriteLine("Error! Didn't add <owl:class>: " + newClass); return true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { #region extract ontology filename from command line args String ontologyFilename = null; String gqlFilename = null; if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong number of arguments!"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: CreateSchemaFromOntology <OntologyFilename> <GqlFilename>"); Console.WriteLine(" e.g. CreateSchemaFromOntology dbpedia_3.6.owl dbpedia.gql"); Console.WriteLine("File to import should reside at the execution directory: " + Environment.CurrentDirectory); } else { ontologyFilename = args[0]; gqlFilename = args[1]; } #endregion #region check file existence and load ontology Ontology ontology = null; try { XmlElement rootElement = XmlParser.loadXml(new StreamReader(ontologyFilename), Console.WriteLine); if (rootElement == null) { Console.WriteLine("Null or empty XmlStructure in file: '" + ontologyFilename + "'"); break; } ontology = OwlParser.CreateOntologyFromXml(rootElement, Console.WriteLine); // .CreateOntologyFromXml(rootElement, Console.WriteLine); #region add Thing manually! - with 3 attributes (Name, ShortAbstract, LongAbstract) OClass thing = new OClass(""); OProperty oPropertyName = new OProperty(); oPropertyName.ID = "Name"; oPropertyName.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyName); OProperty oPropertyLongAbstract = new OProperty(); oPropertyLongAbstract.ID = "LongAbstract"; oPropertyLongAbstract.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyLongAbstract); OProperty oPropertyShortAbstract = new OProperty(); oPropertyShortAbstract.ID = "ShortAbstract"; oPropertyShortAbstract.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyShortAbstract); ontology.AddOntologyClass(thing); #endregion } catch (Exception a) { Console.WriteLine(a.Message); Console.WriteLine(a.StackTrace); break; } #endregion #region ask for languages to add List<String> lLangs = new List<string>(); Console.WriteLine("Which languages should be added to the Ontology?"); Console.WriteLine("Enter language id and press <Enter>"); Console.WriteLine("An empty line quits the iteration process."); String currentLine = null; bool bFirst = true; while ((currentLine = Console.ReadLine().Trim()) != "") { lLangs.Add("_" + currentLine); bFirst = true; Console.Write("CurrentlySelected: "); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (bFirst) bFirst = false; else Console.Write(", "); Console.Write(lang); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion #region create gql file try { StreamWriter swGql = new StreamWriter(gqlFilename); swGql.WriteLine("CREATE VERTEX TYPE httpwwww3org200301geowgs84_posSpatialThing"); ontology.ClassTree.GetAllOClassesGql(swGql.WriteLine, lLangs.ToArray()); swGql.WriteLine("CREATE VERTEX TYPE Label ATTRIBUTES (String Name)"); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { swGql.WriteLine("CREATE INDEX IDX_Thing_Name" + lang + " ON VERTEX TYPE httpwwww3org200207owlThing (Name" + lang + ") INDEXTYPE SingleValuePersistent"); } // swGql.WriteLine("ALTER VERTEX TYPE httpwwww3org200207owlThing ADD ATTRIBUTES (String ShortAbstract_de, String ShortAbstract_en)"); StringBuilder sbCreateInstance = new StringBuilder(); sbCreateInstance.Append("CREATE VERTEX TYPE Instance ATTRIBUTES (String Name, "); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { sbCreateInstance.Append("SET<Label> Labels"); sbCreateInstance.Append(lang); sbCreateInstance.Append(", "); } sbCreateInstance.Append("SET<httpwwww3org200207owlThing> RefersToEntry)"); swGql.WriteLine(sbCreateInstance.ToString()); swGql.WriteLine("CREATE INDEX IDX_Instance_Name ON VERTEX TYPE Instance (Name) INDEXTYPE SingleValuePersistent"); swGql.Flush(); swGql.Close(); } catch (Exception a) { Console.WriteLine(a.Message); Console.WriteLine(a.StackTrace); break; } #endregion break; } Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to quit program."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { #region create Logging Actions Action<string> LogMessage = new Action<string>((msg) => { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + msg); }); Action<string> LogError = new Action<string>((msg) => { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + msg); }); Action<string> LogNull = new Action<string>((msg) => { }); #endregion #region check file existence and load ontology Ontology thisOntology = null; try { string ontologyFilename = "dbpedia_3.6.owl"; XmlElement rootElement = XmlParser.loadXml(new StreamReader(ontologyFilename), LogNull); if (rootElement == null) { LogError("Null or empty XmlStructure in file: '" + ontologyFilename + "'"); break; } thisOntology = OwlParser.CreateOntologyFromXml(rootElement, LogNull); #region add Thing manually! OClass thing = new OClass(""); OProperty oPropertyName = new OProperty(); oPropertyName.ID = "Name"; oPropertyName.Range = ""; thing.AddDatatype(oPropertyName); thisOntology.AddOntologyClass(thing); #endregion } catch (Exception a) { LogError("Error parsing ontology!"); LogError(a.Message); LogError(a.StackTrace); break; } #endregion #region ask for langs to import --> de, en List<String> lLangs = new List<string>(); Console.WriteLine("Which language data should be added to the database?"); Console.WriteLine("Enter language id and press <Enter>"); Console.WriteLine("An empty line quits the iteration process."); String currentLine = null; bool bFirst = true; while ((currentLine = Console.ReadLine().Trim()) != "") { lLangs.Add(currentLine); bFirst = true; Console.Write("CurrentlySelected: "); foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (bFirst) bFirst = false; else Console.Write(", "); Console.Write(lang); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion #region verify work environment if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir)) { LogError("WorkDir could not be loaded! " + Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir); break; } if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir); } else { LogMessage("Data directory is already existing.!"); Console.WriteLine("All data will be deleted (Y), or program aborted."); ConsoleKeyInfo a = Console.ReadKey(); if (a.KeyChar == 'y' || a.KeyChar == 'Y') { Console.WriteLine(" - Deleting existing directory content."); Directory.Delete(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Properties.Settings.Default.DataDir); LogMessage("Finished deleting data directory"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Aborting program execution."); break; } } #endregion #region init helper dictionaries Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictExistingNodes = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); Dictionary<string, uint> dictDirectoryEntries = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); Dictionary<string, long> dictVertexIds = new Dictionary<string, long>(); foreach (OClass oclass in thisOntology.GetAllClasses()) { dictVertexIds.Add(oclass.ID, long.MinValue); } #endregion #region create nodes from instance_types foreach (String lang in lLangs) { String filename = "instance_types_" + lang + ".nt"; if (!File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename)) continue; CreateNodes(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename, thisOntology, dictExistingNodes, dictDirectoryEntries, dictVertexIds, LogMessage, LogError); } #endregion #region parse other NTripleFiles with specific implementation String filenameSub = null; foreach (String lang in lLangs) { if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) foreach (String filename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Properties.Settings.Default.WorkDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + lang)) { // foreach filename.endsWith(lang+".nt") geo_coordinates_de.nt FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename); if (!fi.Extension.Equals(".nt")) { continue; } filenameSub = fi.Name.Substring(0, (fi.Name.Length - fi.Extension.Length)); if (filenameSub.EndsWith("_" + lang)) { filenameSub = filenameSub.Substring(0, (filenameSub.Length - lang.Length - 1)); } switch (filenameSub) { case "mappingbased_properties": case "specific_mappingbased_properties": { string tmp_filename = filename; string tmp_lang = lang; //actions.Add(() => EvaluateMappingbasedProperties(tmp_filename, tmp_lang, dictExistingNodes, dictDirectoryEntries, thisOntology, LogMessage, LogError); //); // EvaluateMappingbasedProperties(filename, lang, thisOntology); // call impl. break; } case "short_abstracts": { string tmp_filename = filename; string tmp_lang = lang; string tmp_KindOfText = "ShortAbstract"; // actions.Add(() => EvaluateAttributes(tmp_filename, tmp_KindOfText, tmp_lang, dictExistingNodes, dictDirectoryEntries, LogMessage, LogError); // ); // EvaluateAttributes(filename, "ShortAbstract", lang); break; } case "long_abstracts": { string tmp_filename = filename; string tmp_lang = lang; string tmp_KindOfText = "LongAbstract"; // actions.Add(() => EvaluateAttributes(tmp_filename, tmp_KindOfText, tmp_lang, dictExistingNodes, dictDirectoryEntries, LogMessage, LogError); // ); // EvaluateAttributes(filename, "LongAbstract", lang); break; } // other impl. default: { LogMessage("ignore " + filename); // do nothing break; } } } } // Parallel.Invoke(actions.ToArray()); #endregion #region save dictionary dictExistingNodes to file - needed for step 3 for performant evaluation of data within data dir try { StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter("ExistingNodes.dict"); foreach (string key in dictExistingNodes.Keys) { List<string> values = dictExistingNodes[key]; if (values.Count != 3) { LogError("Error savind data entry: '" + key + "' in ExistingNodes.dict"); continue; } else { tw.WriteLine(key + ";" + values[0] + ";" + values[1] + ";" + values[2]); Console.Write("."); } } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } catch (Exception a) { LogError("Error saving dictionary dictExistingNodes to file"); LogError(a.Message); LogError(a.StackTrace); } #endregion break; // default behaviour } Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to quit program."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static Ontology CreateOntologyFromXml(XmlElement eXmlRoot, Action<string> errorAction) { Ontology onti = null; XmlElement eRootElement = null; #region <rdf:RDF> try { eRootElement = eXmlRoot.getChildElements("rdf:RDF").First(); // <rdf:RDF onti = new Ontology(); onti.Xmlns = eRootElement.getAttribute("xmlns", onti.Xmlns).strValue; // xmlns = "" onti.XmlBase = eRootElement.getAttribute("xml:base", onti.XmlBase).strValue; // xml:base = "" onti.XmlnsRdf = eRootElement.getAttribute("xmlns:rdf", onti.XmlnsRdf).strValue; // xmlns:rdf = "" onti.XmlnsRdfs = eRootElement.getAttribute("xmlns:rdfs", onti.XmlnsRdfs).strValue; // xmlns:rdfs="" onti.XmlnsOwl = eRootElement.getAttribute("xmlns:owl", onti.XmlnsOwl).strValue; // xmlns:owl="" } catch (Exception a) { } if (eRootElement == null) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("invalid structure: Missing root:element <rdf:RDF ..>"); return onti; } #endregion #region <owl:ontology> try { XmlElement eOntology = eRootElement.getChildElements("owl:Ontology").First(); // <owl:Ontology onti.About = eOntology.getAttribute("rdf:about", onti.About).strValue; // rdf:about=""> // not mandatory try { // <rdfs:comment>An university ontology for benchmark tests</rdfs:comment> onti.Comment = eOntology.getChildElements("rdfs:comment").First().getText(onti.Comment); } catch (Exception aa) { } // not mandatory try { // <rdfs:label>Univ-bench Ontology</rdfs:label> onti.Label = eOntology.getChildElements("rdfs:label").First().getText(onti.Label); } catch (Exception aa) { } // <owl:versionInfo>univ-bench-ontology-owl, ver April 1, 2004</owl:versionInfo> onti.VersionInfo = eOntology.getChildElements("owl:versionInfo").First().getText(onti.VersionInfo); } catch (Exception a) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("invalid structure: Missing param in <owl:ontology>." + a.Message + "\r\n" + a.StackTrace); return onti; } #endregion #region <owl:class> List<XmlElement> eClasses = eRootElement.getChildElements("owl:Class"); OClass currentClass; String id; foreach (XmlElement xmlCurrentClass in eClasses) { try { currentClass = new OClass(); try { currentClass.ID = xmlCurrentClass.getAttribute("rdf:ID", currentClass.ID).strValue; // <owl:Class rdf:ID="AdministrativeStaff"> } catch (Exception aa) { } try { if (currentClass.ID == null) { currentClass.ID = xmlCurrentClass.getAttribute("rdf:about", currentClass.ID /*About*/).strValue; // <owl:Class rdf:about=""> } } catch (Exception aa) { } if (currentClass.ID == null) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Error adding <owl:class>: Missing rdf:ID or rdf:about. " + xmlCurrentClass); continue; } try // not mandatory: <rdfs:label>administrative staff worker</rdfs:label> { currentClass.Label = xmlCurrentClass.getChildElements("rdfs:label").First().getText(currentClass.Label); } catch (Exception aa) { } try // not mandatory: <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">a group of sports teams that compete against each other in Cricket</rdfs:comment> { XmlElement eClassComment = xmlCurrentClass.getChildElements("rdfs:comment").First(); currentClass.Comment = eClassComment.getText(currentClass.Comment); currentClass.CommentLang = eClassComment.getAttribute("xml:lang", currentClass.CommentLang).strValue; } catch (Exception aa) { } try // not mandatory : // <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Employee" /> { id = xmlCurrentClass .getChildElements("rdfs:subClassOf").First() .getAttribute("rdf:resource", "").strValue; if (id.StartsWith("#")) // ? todo clarify id = id.Substring(1); currentClass.IsSubClassOf = new OClass(id /*, id*/); } catch (Exception aa) { } try { XmlElement eIntersection = xmlCurrentClass.getChildElements("owl:intersectionOf").First(); // <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> XmlElement eISectClass = eIntersection.getChildElements("owl:Class").First(); // <owl:Class rdf:about="#Person" /> string strIsectAbout = eISectClass.getAttribute("rdf:about", "").strValue; if (strIsectAbout.StartsWith("#")) strIsectAbout = strIsectAbout.Substring(1); // todo clarify currentClass.IsSubClassOf = new OClass(/*null,*/ strIsectAbout); OProperty odProp = new OProperty(); XmlElement eRestriction = eIntersection.getChildElements("owl:Restriction").First(); // <owl:Restriction> XmlElement eOnProperty = eRestriction.getChildElements("owl:onProperty").First(); // <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#headOf" /> odProp.ID = eOnProperty.getAttribute("rdf:resource", "").strValue; XmlElement eSomeValuesFrom = eRestriction.getChildElements("owl:someValuesFrom").First(); // <owl:someValuesFrom> XmlElement eValuesClass = eSomeValuesFrom.getChildElements("owl:Class").First(); // <owl:Class rdf:about="#Department" /> odProp.Domain = eValuesClass.getAttribute("rdf:about", "").strValue; currentClass.AddDatatype(odProp); } catch (Exception aa) { } if (!onti.AddOntologyClass(currentClass)) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Didn't add <owl:class> " + currentClass + " xml=" + xmlCurrentClass); continue; } // onti.ValidateClasses(); } catch (Exception a) { Console.WriteLine("the following OntologyClass had not been imported due to errors."); Console.WriteLine(xmlCurrentClass.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(a.Message); Console.WriteLine(a.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(); } } #endregion #region <owl:DatatypeProperty> List<XmlElement> lDatatypes = eRootElement.getChildElements("owl:DatatypeProperty"); OProperty currentDatatype; foreach (XmlElement xmlCurrentElement in lDatatypes) { try { currentDatatype = new OProperty(); try { currentDatatype.ID = xmlCurrentElement.getAttribute("rdf:ID", currentDatatype.ID).strValue; // <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="age"> } catch (Exception aa) { } try { if (currentDatatype.ID == null) currentDatatype.ID = xmlCurrentElement.getAttribute("rdf:about", currentDatatype.ID).strValue; // <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about=""> } catch (Exception aa) { } if (currentDatatype.ID == null) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Error adding <owl:DatatypeProperty>: Missing rdf:ID or rdf:about. " + xmlCurrentElement); continue; } try { currentDatatype.Domain = xmlCurrentElement .getChildElements("rdfs:domain").First() .getAttribute("rdf:resource", currentDatatype.Domain).strValue; } catch (Exception a) { } try // not mandatory: <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""></rdfs:range> { // if (currentDatatype.Domain == null) // { currentDatatype.Range = xmlCurrentElement .getChildElements("rdfs:range").First() .getAttribute("rdf:resource", currentDatatype.Domain).strValue; // } } catch (Exception aa) { } /* if (currentDatatype.Domain == null) { errorAction("Error adding <owl:DatatypeProperty>: Neither Range or Domain is set in xml:" + xmlCurrentElement); continue; }*/ try // not mandatory: <rdfs:label>is age</rdfs:label> { currentDatatype.Label = xmlCurrentElement.getChildElements("rdfs:label").First().getText(currentDatatype.Label); } catch (Exception aa) { } if (!onti.AddDatatype(currentDatatype)) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Didn't add <owl:DatatypeProperty> " + currentDatatype); continue; } /* else { Console.WriteLine("added datatype: " + currentDatatype.ToString()); }*/ } catch (Exception a) { Console.WriteLine("the following datatype had not been imported due to errors."); Console.WriteLine(xmlCurrentElement.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(a.Message); Console.WriteLine(a.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(); } } #endregion #region <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=""> List<XmlElement> lObjectProperties = eRootElement.getChildElements("owl:ObjectProperty"); OProperty currentObjectProperty; foreach (XmlElement xmlCurrentObjectProperty in lObjectProperties) { try { currentObjectProperty = new OProperty(); try { currentObjectProperty.ID = xmlCurrentObjectProperty.getAttribute("rdf:ID", currentObjectProperty.ID).strValue; // <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="degreeFrom"> } catch (Exception aa) { } try { if (currentObjectProperty.ID == null) { currentObjectProperty.ID = xmlCurrentObjectProperty.getAttribute("rdf:about", currentObjectProperty.ID).strValue; // <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=""> } } catch (Exception aa) { } if (currentObjectProperty.ID == null) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Error adding <owl:ObjectProperty>: Missing rdf:ID or rdf:about. " + xmlCurrentObjectProperty); continue; } try { currentObjectProperty.Domain = xmlCurrentObjectProperty .getChildElements("rdfs:domain").First() .getAttribute("rdf:resource", currentObjectProperty.Domain).strValue; } catch (Exception aa) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Error adding ObjectProperty: <rdfs:domain> is not set in xml:" + xmlCurrentObjectProperty); continue; } try { currentObjectProperty.Range = xmlCurrentObjectProperty .getChildElements("rdfs:range").First() .getAttribute("rdf:resource", currentObjectProperty.Range).strValue; } catch (Exception aa) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Error adding ObjectProperty: <rdfs:range> is not set in xml:" + xmlCurrentObjectProperty); continue; } try // not mandatory: <rdfs:label>is age</rdfs:label> { currentObjectProperty.Label = xmlCurrentObjectProperty.getChildElements("rdfs:label").First().getText(currentObjectProperty.Label); } catch (Exception aa) { } try // not mandatory: <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasAlumnus"/> { currentObjectProperty.InverseOf = xmlCurrentObjectProperty.getChildElements("rdfs:label").First().getText(currentObjectProperty.InverseOf); } catch (Exception aa) { } try // not mandatory: <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#memberOf" /> { currentObjectProperty.SubPropertyOf = xmlCurrentObjectProperty .getChildElements("rdfs:subPropertyOf").First() .getAttribute("", currentObjectProperty.SubPropertyOf).strValue; } catch (Exception aa) { } if (!onti.AddObjectProperty(currentObjectProperty)) { if (errorAction != null) errorAction("Didn't add <owl:ObjectProperty> " + currentObjectProperty); } } catch (Exception a) { Console.WriteLine("the following ObjectProperty had not been imported due to errors."); Console.WriteLine(xmlCurrentObjectProperty.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(a.Message); Console.WriteLine(a.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(); } } #endregion return onti; }