public int LoadOBJ(string objPath) { InitCheck("Trying load obj without initializing OBJManager!"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPath)) { Error("Load OBJ path was invalid"); throw new ArgumentException(objPath); } for (int i = 0; i < managedOBJ.Count; i++) { if (managedOBJ[i].path == objPath) { managedOBJ[i].refCount++; return(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < managedOBJ.Count; i++) { if (managedOBJ[i].refCount <= 0) { managedOBJ[i].refCount = 1; managedOBJ[i].path = objPath; managedOBJ[i] = new OBJLoaderHelper(); managedOBJ[i].loader = new OBJLoader(objPath); return(i); } } managedOBJ.Add(new OBJLoaderHelper()); managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].refCount = 1; managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].path = objPath; managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].loader = new OBJLoader(objPath); return(managedOBJ.Count - 1); }
private float GetArgValue(string[] components, string arg, float fallback = 1f) { string argLower = arg.ToLower(); for (int i = 1; i < components.Length - 1; i++) { var cmp = components[i].ToLower(); if (argLower == cmp) { return(OBJLoaderHelper.FastFloatParse(components[i + 1])); } } return(fallback); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a *.mtl file /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input stream from the MTL file</param> /// <returns>Dictionary containing loaded materials</returns> public Dictionary <string, Material> Load(Stream input) { var inputReader = new StreamReader(input); var reader = new StringReader(inputReader.ReadToEnd()); Dictionary <string, Material> mtlDict = new Dictionary <string, Material>(); Material currentMaterial = null; for (string line = reader.ReadLine(); line != null; line = reader.ReadLine()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } string processedLine = line.Clean(); string[] splitLine = processedLine.Split(' '); //blank or comment if (splitLine.Length < 2 || processedLine[0] == '#') { continue; } //newmtl if (splitLine[0] == "newmtl") { string materialName = processedLine.Substring(7); var newMtl = new Material(Shader.Find(SUNCGLoader.Config.defaultShader)) { name = materialName }; mtlDict[materialName] = newMtl; currentMaterial = newMtl; continue; } //anything past here requires a material instance if (currentMaterial == null) { continue; } //diffuse color if (splitLine[0] == "Kd" || splitLine[0] == "kd") { var currentColor = currentMaterial.GetColor("_Color"); var kdColor = OBJLoaderHelper.ColorFromStrArray(splitLine); currentMaterial.SetColor("_Color", new Color(kdColor.r, kdColor.g, kdColor.b, currentColor.a)); continue; } //diffuse map if (splitLine[0] == "map_Kd" || splitLine[0] == "map_kd") { string texturePath = GetTexPathFromMapStatement(processedLine, splitLine); if (texturePath == null) { continue; //invalid args or sth } var KdTexture = TryLoadTexture(texturePath); currentMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", KdTexture); //set transparent mode if the texture has transparency if (KdTexture != null && (KdTexture.format == TextureFormat.DXT5 || KdTexture.format == TextureFormat.ARGB32)) { OBJLoaderHelper.EnableMaterialTransparency(currentMaterial); } //flip texture if this is a dds if (Path.GetExtension(texturePath).ToLower() == ".dds") { currentMaterial.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1f, -1f); } continue; } //bump map if (splitLine[0] == "map_Bump" || splitLine[0] == "map_bump") { string texturePath = GetTexPathFromMapStatement(processedLine, splitLine); if (texturePath == null) { continue; //invalid args or sth } var bumpTexture = TryLoadTexture(texturePath, true); float bumpScale = GetArgValue(splitLine, "-bm", 1.0f); if (bumpTexture != null) { currentMaterial.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpTexture); currentMaterial.SetFloat("_BumpScale", bumpScale); currentMaterial.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); } continue; } //specular color if (splitLine[0] == "Ks" || splitLine[0] == "ks") { currentMaterial.SetColor("_SpecColor", OBJLoaderHelper.ColorFromStrArray(splitLine)); continue; } //emission color if (splitLine[0] == "Ka" || splitLine[0] == "ka") { currentMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", OBJLoaderHelper.ColorFromStrArray(splitLine, 0.05f)); currentMaterial.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); continue; } //emission map if (splitLine[0] == "map_Ka" || splitLine[0] == "map_ka") { string texturePath = GetTexPathFromMapStatement(processedLine, splitLine); if (texturePath == null) { continue; //invalid args or sth } currentMaterial.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", TryLoadTexture(texturePath)); continue; } //alpha if (splitLine[0] == "d" || splitLine[0] == "Tr") { float visibility = OBJLoaderHelper.FastFloatParse(splitLine[1]); //tr statement is just d inverted if (splitLine[0] == "Tr") { visibility = 1f - visibility; } if (visibility < (1f - Mathf.Epsilon)) { var currentColor = currentMaterial.GetColor("_Color"); currentColor.a = visibility; currentMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentColor); OBJLoaderHelper.EnableMaterialTransparency(currentMaterial); } continue; } //glossiness if (splitLine[0] == "Ns" || splitLine[0] == "ns") { float Ns = OBJLoaderHelper.FastFloatParse(splitLine[1]); Ns = (Ns / 1000f); currentMaterial.SetFloat("_Glossiness", Ns); } } //return our dict return(mtlDict); }
public GameObject Build() { var go = new GameObject(_name); //add meshrenderer var mr = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); int submesh = 0; //locate the material for each submesh Material[] materialArray = new Material[_materialIndices.Count]; foreach (var kvp in _materialIndices) { Material material = null; if (_loader.Materials == null) { material = OBJLoaderHelper.CreateNullMaterial(); = kvp.Key; } else { if (!_loader.Materials.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out material)) { material = OBJLoaderHelper.CreateNullMaterial(); = kvp.Key; _loader.Materials[kvp.Key] = material; } } materialArray[submesh] = material; submesh++; } mr.sharedMaterials = materialArray; //add meshfilter var mf = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); submesh = 0; var msh = new Mesh() { name = _name, subMeshCount = _materialIndices.Count }; msh.indexFormat = (_vertices.Count > 65535) ? UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32 : UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt16; //set vertex data msh.SetVertices(_vertices); msh.SetNormals(_normals); msh.SetUVs(0, _uvs); //set faces foreach (var kvp in _materialIndices) { msh.SetTriangles(kvp.Value, submesh); submesh++; } //recalculations if (recalculateNormals) { msh.RecalculateNormals(); } msh.RecalculateTangents(); msh.RecalculateBounds(); mf.sharedMesh = msh; // return(go); }
public int LoadOBJ(string objPath) { InitCheck("Trying load obj without initializing OBJManager!"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPath)) { Error("Load OBJ path was invalid"); throw new ArgumentException(objPath); } for (int i = 0; i < managedOBJ.Count; i++) { if (managedOBJ[i].path == objPath) { managedOBJ[i].refCount++; return i; } } for (int i = 0; i < managedOBJ.Count; i++) { if (managedOBJ[i].refCount <= 0) { managedOBJ[i].refCount = 1; managedOBJ[i].path = objPath; managedOBJ[i] = new OBJLoaderHelper(); managedOBJ[i].loader = new OBJLoader(objPath); return i; } } managedOBJ.Add(new OBJLoaderHelper()); managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].refCount = 1; managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].path = objPath; managedOBJ[managedOBJ.Count - 1].loader = new OBJLoader(objPath); return managedOBJ.Count - 1; }