private HttpWebResponse ExecuteWithRetry(RestRequest request)
            var maxRetries       = 4;
            var numberOfAttempts = 0;

            while (numberOfAttempts < maxRetries)
                var response = _oAuthSignedRestClient.Execute(request);
                // See!documentation&doc=myjohndeere%2F429.htm
                // Note System.Net.HttpStatusCode does not include 429, but C# enum handling allows non-specified values
                if (response.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)429)
                    var secondsToWait = Int32.Parse(response.Headers.Get("Retry-After"));
                    Thread.Sleep(1000 * secondsToWait);
                else if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                    // Sorry. Something probably went wrong on our end.
                    // Exponential backoff raises the odds that waiting a few milliseconds results in a successful retry
                    Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Pow(10, numberOfAttempts + 1));
        private static ApiCatalog GetApiCatalog(OAuthSignedRestClient oAuthSignedRestClient)
            // The API Catalog is a collection of links to other available MyJohnDeere API's.
            // It's an easy place to discover other API's that look interesting, or just explore what's available.
            var restRequest = new RestRequest
                Url    = "",
                Method = HttpMethod.Get
            var response   = oAuthSignedRestClient.Execute(restRequest);
            var apiCatalog = response.GetResponseAsObject <ApiCatalog>();

            apiCatalog.links.ForEach(link => Console.WriteLine($"{link.rel}: {link.uri}"));
