public void testObjectBuilder()
            var testString   = "testString";
            var methodToCall = "getTest";
            var extraText    = "extraText";
            var o2Assembly   = new O2ObjectFactory(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            var constructorParameters = new object[] {};

            O2Object usingFullTypeName = o2Assembly.ctor("O2.UnitTests.Test_O2CoreLib.O2Core.O2CoreLib.Reflection.ReflectTest");

            Assert.That(usingFullTypeName != null, "reflectTestClass == null");
            O2Object usingShortTypeName = o2Assembly.ctor("ReflectTest", constructorParameters);

            Assert.That(usingShortTypeName != null, "usingShortTypeName  == null");
            object methodToCallValue =;

            Assert.That(methodToCallValue != null, "usingShortTypeName.methodToCallValue == null");
            string reflectionValue = new ReflectTest().getTest();

            Assert.That(methodToCallValue.ToString() == reflectionValue, methodToCallValue + " != " + reflectionValue);

            O2Object usingShortTypeWithStringParam = o2Assembly.ctor("ReflectTest", new object[] { testString });

            Assert.That(usingShortTypeWithStringParam != null, "usingShortTypeWithStringParam  == null");
            methodToCallValue =;
            Assert.That(methodToCallValue != null, "usingShortTypeWithStringParam.methodToCallValue == null");
            reflectionValue = new ReflectTest(testString).getTest();
            Assert.That(methodToCallValue.ToString() == reflectionValue, methodToCallValue + " != " + reflectionValue);

            methodToCallValue =, new object[] { extraText });
            reflectionValue   = new ReflectTest(testString).getTest(extraText);
            Assert.That(methodToCallValue.ToString() == reflectionValue,
                        "(extraText) " + methodToCallValue + " != " + extraText);
        public object execMainForm()
            //[original code] public static int Main(string[] args)
            // NUnit.Gui.AppEntry.Main

            var nUnitGuiRunner = new O2ObjectFactory(NUnitGuiRunnerDll);
            var args           = new[] { DI.config.ExecutingAssembly };

            // assembly that will be loaded and searched for Unit tests
            return("AppEntry", "Main", new object[] { args }));
        /* public void startNunitInSeparateAppDomain(string fileToLoad)
         * {
         * // var args = new[] {  fileToLoad}; // (O2CorLib.dll) assembly that will be loaded and searched for Unit tests
         *  var args = new string[] {};
         *  string exeToRun = Path.Combine(pathToNUnitBinFolder, "nunit-x86.exe");
         *  appDomain = AppDomainUtils.newAppDomain_ExecuteAssembly("nUnitExec", pathToNUnitBinFolder, exeToRun, args);
         * }*/

        // ReSharper restore SuggestUseVarKeywordEvident

        /*  public bool isAttached
         * {
         *  get { return NUnitControl != null; }
         * }*/

        /*   public Control NUnitControl
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      if (nUnitRunnerDll == null)
         *          loadNUnitDll();
         *      //return null;
         *      var label = new Label {Text = "aaaaaaaaaa"};
         *      return label;
         *  }
         * }*/

        // On this one lets not use var keywords (since that will make it easier to understand what is going on)
        // ReSharper disable SuggestUseVarKeywordEvident
        public Form getMainForm()
            var nUnitGuiRunner = new O2ObjectFactory(NUnitGuiRunnerDll);
            var nUnitUtil      = new O2ObjectFactory(nUnitUtilDll);
            var nUnitUikit     = new O2ObjectFactory(nUnitUikitDll);

            // [code to implement] public static int Main(string[] args)
            // [code to implement] GuiOptions guiOptions = new GuiOptions(args);
            //var args = new[] { Config.getExecutingAssembly() }; // assembly that will be loaded and searched for Unit tests
            var      args       = new[] { nUnitUtilDll };
            O2Object guiOptions = nUnitGuiRunner.ctor("GuiOptions", new[] { args });

            // [code to implement]

             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new SettingsService())
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new DomainManager());
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new RecentFilesService());
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new TestLoader(new GuiTestEventDispatcher()));
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new AddinRegistry());
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new AddinManager());
             * ServiceManager.Services.AddService(new TestAgency());*/

            O2Object serviceManager_Services = nUnitUtil.staticTypeGetProperty("ServiceManager", "Services");

  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("SettingsService") });
  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("DomainManager") });
  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("RecentFilesService") });
                               new[] { nUnitUikit.ctor("GuiTestEventDispatcher") })
  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("AddinRegistry") });
  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("AddinManager") });
  "AddService", new[] { nUnitUtil.ctor("TestAgency") });

            // [code to implement]  ServiceManager.Services.InitializeServices();

            // [code to implement] AppContainer container = new AppContainer();
            O2Object container = nUnitUikit.ctor("AppContainer");

            // [don't need to implement this one] AmbientProperties serviceInstance = new AmbientProperties();
            var serviceInstance = new AmbientProperties();

            // [code to implement] container.Services.AddService(typeof(AmbientProperties), serviceInstance);
            O2Object container_services = container.get("Services");

  "AddService", new object[] { typeof(AmbientProperties), serviceInstance });

            //  [code to implement] NUnitForm component = new NUnitForm(guiOptions);
            O2Object component = nUnitGuiRunner.ctor("NUnitForm", new[] { guiOptions });

            // [code to implement] container.Add(component);
  "Add", new object[] { component });

            //  [code to implement]   new GuiAttachedConsole();


            /*return (form is Form) ? (Form) form.Obj : null;
             * if (form is Form)
             *  return (Form) form.Obj;
             * else
             *  return null;                */