Exemple #1
    protected override void AwakeImpl()

        Transform tr = null;

        if (buttonCaption == null)
            tr = transform.FindChild("Caption");
            if (tr != null)
                buttonCaption = tr.GetComponent <NvUILabel>();

        if (buttonCaption != null)
            buttonCaption.text = m_caption;

        if (buttonBackground == null)
            tr = transform.FindChild("Background");
            if (tr != null)
                buttonBackground = tr.GetComponent <NvUIImagelist>();

        if (buttonBackground != null)
            foreach (ButtonStyle style in m_skin.normalStyle)
                NvUIImage image = buttonBackground.addImage(style.atlas, style.spriteName);
                image.transform.localPosition = style.Offset;

                if (image != null)
                    image.spriteColor = m_skin.normalColor;

        if (buttonCollider != null && buttonBackground != null)
            NvUIImage image = buttonBackground.getImage(0);
            if (image == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("NvUIButton (" + name + "): the button has no properly configured skin, check it!");
                buttonCollider.transform.localScale = image.transform.localScale;
    protected override void AwakeImpl()

        Transform tr = null;
        if ( buttonCaption == null )
            tr = transform.FindChild("Caption");
            if ( tr != null )
                buttonCaption = tr.GetComponent<NvUILabel>();

        if ( buttonCaption != null )
            buttonCaption.text = m_caption;

        if ( buttonBackground == null )
            tr = transform.FindChild("Background");
            if ( tr != null )
                buttonBackground = tr.GetComponent<NvUIImagelist>();

        if ( buttonBackground != null )
            foreach ( ButtonStyle style in m_skin.normalStyle )
                NvUIImage image = buttonBackground.addImage( style.atlas, style.spriteName );
                image.transform.localPosition = style.Offset;

                if ( image != null )
                    image.spriteColor = m_skin.normalColor;

        if ( buttonCollider != null && buttonBackground != null )
            NvUIImage image = buttonBackground.getImage(0);
            if ( image == null )
                Debug.LogWarning("NvUIButton (" + name + "): the button has no properly configured skin, check it!");
                buttonCollider.transform.localScale = image.transform.localScale;