Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the multiple option multiple quantity numberupdowngroup control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setValues">if set to <c>true</c> [set values].</param>
        /// <param name="feeValues">The fee values.</param>
        /// <param name="registrationInstance">The registration instance.</param>
        /// <param name="otherRegistrants">The other registrants that have been registered so far in this registration</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Control GetFeeMultipleOptionMultipleQuantityControl(bool setValues, List <FeeInfo> feeValues, RegistrationInstance registrationInstance, List <RegistrantInfo> otherRegistrants)
            var fee = this;
            var numberUpDownGroup = new NumberUpDownGroup();

            numberUpDownGroup.ID       = "fee_" + fee.Id.ToString();
            numberUpDownGroup.Label    = fee.Name;
            numberUpDownGroup.Required = fee.IsRequired;

            numberUpDownGroup.NumberUpDownControls = new List <NumberUpDown>();

            foreach (var feeItem in fee.FeeItems)
                var feeInfo      = feeValues?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == feeItem.Id);
                int currentValue = feeInfo?.Quantity ?? 0;

                var numUpDown = new NumberUpDown
                    ID      = $"feeItem_{feeItem.Guid.ToString( "N" )}",
                    Label   = string.Format("{0} ({1})", feeItem.Name, feeItem.Cost.FormatAsCurrency()),
                    Minimum = 0

                int?usageCountRemaining = feeItem.GetUsageCountRemaining(registrationInstance, otherRegistrants);

                if (usageCountRemaining.HasValue)
                    if (usageCountRemaining <= 0)
                        // if there aren't any remaining, and the currentValue isn't counted in the used counts, disable the option
                        if (currentValue == 0)
                            numUpDown.Enabled = false;

                        numUpDown.Label  += " (none remaining)";
                        numUpDown.Maximum = currentValue;
                        numUpDown.Label  += $" ({usageCountRemaining} remaining)";
                        numUpDown.Maximum = usageCountRemaining.Value;


                if (setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any())
                    numUpDown.Value = feeValues
                                      .Where(f => f.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == feeItem.Id)
                                      .Select(f => f.Quantity)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the multiple option multiple quantity numberupdowngroup control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setValues">if set to <c>true</c> [set values].</param>
        /// <param name="feeValues">The fee values.</param>
        /// <param name="registrationInstance">The registration instance.</param>
        /// <param name="otherRegistrants">The other registrants that have been registered so far in this registration</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Control GetFeeMultipleOptionMultipleQuantityControl(bool setValues, List <FeeInfo> feeValues, RegistrationInstance registrationInstance, List <RegistrantInfo> otherRegistrants)
            var fee = this;
            var numberUpDownGroup = new NumberUpDownGroup
                ID                   = "fee_" + fee.Id.ToString(),
                Label                = fee.Name,
                Required             = fee.IsRequired,
                NumberUpDownControls = new List <NumberUpDown>()

            foreach (var feeItem in fee.FeeItems)
                var feeInfo      = feeValues?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == feeItem.Id);
                int currentValue = feeInfo?.Quantity ?? 0;

                string controlLabel = feeItem.Cost == 0.0M ? feeItem.Name : $"{feeItem.Name} ({feeItem.Cost.FormatAsCurrency()})";

                var numUpDown = new NumberUpDown
                    ID      = $"feeItem_{feeItem.Guid.ToString( "N" )}",
                    Label   = controlLabel,
                    Minimum = 0

                int?usageCountRemaining = feeItem.GetUsageCountRemaining(registrationInstance, otherRegistrants);

                if (usageCountRemaining.HasValue)
                    if (usageCountRemaining <= 0)
                        numUpDown.Label  += " (none remaining)";
                        numUpDown.Maximum = currentValue;

                        // if there aren't any remaining, and the currentValue isn't counted in the used counts, disable the option
                        if (currentValue == 0)
                            // Unless this should be hidden, then set to null so it isn't added.
                            if (HideWhenNoneRemaining == true)
                                numUpDown = null;
                                numUpDown.Enabled = false;
                        numUpDown.Label  += $" ({usageCountRemaining} remaining)";
                        numUpDown.Maximum = usageCountRemaining.Value;

                if (numUpDown != null)

                    if (setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any())
                        numUpDown.Value = feeValues
                                          .Where(f => f.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == feeItem.Id)
                                          .Select(f => f.Quantity)

            // If there are no items then return null, this will prevent the control from showing and won't count as a control when deciding to show the fee div.
            if (!numberUpDownGroup.NumberUpDownControls.Any())
