Exemple #1
  * Function name:   ClearButton_Click
  * Author:          Michael Fesser
  * Version: #       1.0, Sept 20, 2014
  * Description:     This function clears the form fields.
  * Inputs:          None.
  * Outputs:         None.
  * Return value:    None.
  * Change History:  2014.09.20 Original version by MF
 private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Clear the form.
Exemple #2
         * Function name:   CalculateButton_Click
         * Author:          Michael Fesser
         * Version: #       1.0, Sept 20, 2014
         * Description:     This function will on the button click do all the calculations
         *                  needed to calculate the shipping charges.
         * Inputs:          Parameters - numberOfItems
         * Outputs:         UI - Error reports. Total shipping costs.
         * Return value:    None.
         * Change History:  2014.09.20 Original version by MF
        private void CalculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     numberOfItems;
            decimal totalPrice = 0.00m;
            // The following variables are used to remove the numberOfItems for each category of shipping charges from the total
            // number of items.
            int lessOneItem       = 1;
            int lessFiveItems     = 5;
            int lessFourteenItems = 14;
            // The following variables are used to help calculate the max shipping costs for each category of shipping charges.
            int itemsTwoToFive     = 4;
            int itemsSixToFourteen = 9;
            // Used to display error messages to the user.
            string messageString;

                // Get the number of items from the user and parse it to an int.
                numberOfItems = int.Parse(NumberOfItemsTextBox.Text);

                /* This set of conditional statements will calculate the total price of the shipping charges.
                 * This is done by finding the number of items in a category, multiplying by the shipping
                 * charges in that category and adding any shipping charges that would have accumulate from any previous
                 * shipping categories.
                if (numberOfItems == 1)
                    totalPrice = firstItemShipping;
                // Two to five items.
                else if (numberOfItems >= 2 && numberOfItems <= 5)
                    totalPrice = (numberOfItems - lessOneItem) * twoToFiveItemsShipping + firstItemShipping;
                // Six to fourteen items.
                else if (numberOfItems >= 6 && numberOfItems <= 14)
                    totalPrice = (numberOfItems - lessFiveItems) * sixToFourteenItemsShipping + (itemsTwoToFive * twoToFiveItemsShipping)
                                 + firstItemShipping;
                // More then fifteen items.
                else if (numberOfItems >= 15)
                    totalPrice = (numberOfItems - lessFourteenItems) * fifteenPlusItemsShipping + (itemsSixToFourteen * sixToFourteenItemsShipping)
                                 + (itemsTwoToFive * twoToFiveItemsShipping) + firstItemShipping;
                // Display the shipping costs.
                TotalShippingCostTextBox.Text = totalPrice.ToString("C");
            catch (FormatException)
                // Handle a number format exception.
                MessageBox.Show("Number of items must be numeric.",
                                "Data Entry Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            catch (Exception theException)
                // Handle all other exceptions.
                messageString = "Error: " + theException.Message;
                MessageBox.Show(messageString, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,