Exemple #1
    public CreatureStatus(Xml.Status xmlstatus, Creature target, Xml.Castable castable = null, Creature source = null, int duration = -1, int tickFrequency = -1, double intensity = 1.0)
        Target    = target;
        XmlStatus = xmlstatus;
        Start     = DateTime.Now;
        Target    = target;
        Source    = source;
        Duration  = duration == -1 ? xmlstatus.Duration : duration;
        Tick      = tickFrequency == -1 ? xmlstatus.Tick : tickFrequency;
        Intensity = intensity;

        // Calculate damage/heal effects. Note that a castable MUST be passed here for a status
        // to have damage effects as the castable itself has fields we need to access
        // (intensity, etc) in order to do damage calculations.

        if (castable != null)
            var start  = CalculateNumericEffects(castable, xmlstatus.Effects.OnApply, source);
            var tick   = CalculateNumericEffects(castable, xmlstatus.Effects.OnTick, source);
            var end    = CalculateNumericEffects(castable, xmlstatus.Effects.OnRemove, source);
            var expire = CalculateNumericEffects(castable, xmlstatus.Effects.OnExpire, source);
            OnStartEffect  = new SimpleStatusEffect(start.Heal, start.Damage);
            OnTickEffect   = new SimpleStatusEffect(tick.Heal, tick.Damage);
            OnRemoveEffect = new SimpleStatusEffect(end.Heal, end.Damage);
            OnExpireEffect = new SimpleStatusEffect(expire.Heal, expire.Damage);
            BonusModifiers = NumberCruncher.CalculateStatusModifiers(castable, intensity, xmlstatus.Effects.OnApply.StatModifiers, source, target);
Exemple #2
    public int lmIndex;                             // Updated by LevelManager when level changes

    /* -----< DECLARATIONS -END >----- */
    #endregion DECLARATIONS

    #region AWAKE

    void Awake()
        if (Instance)
            Instance = this;

        //Scene stuff
        totalScenes = SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings;

        //Am I connected to Level Manager? If not get a connection.
        if (!levelManager)
            levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelManager>();
        //Am I connected to hud? If not get a connection.
        if (!hud)
            hud = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HUD>();
    }    //Awake() -end
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            NumberCruncher numberCruncher = new NumberCruncher();

 protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
     NumberCruncher.Register(ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Id, Window.Current.Dispatcher, numberCruncher);
     //ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Consolidated += MainPage_Consolidated;
     //CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().CoreWindow.Closed += CoreWindow_Closed;
Exemple #5
    /* -----< DECLARATIONS -END >----- */

    void Start()
        //Find Objects
        nc    = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();
        enemy = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Enemy>();


        //Edge of screen stuff
        float   distanceToCamera = transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
        Vector3 leftBoundry      = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, distanceToCamera));
        Vector3 rightBoundry     = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, distanceToCamera));

        xmax = rightBoundry.x;
        xmin = leftBoundry.x;
        //Edge of screen stuff - end

        SpawnUntilFull();  //Populate with enemies

        spawned = true;
        enemy.Formation_Spawned(GetInstanceID(), spawned); //Report 'Spawned'  to enemy manager
    }                                                      //Start() -end
Exemple #6
    /* -----< DECLARATIONS - END >----- */

    void Start()
        //Find Objects
        nc           = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();
        myJoystick   = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UltimateJoystick>();
        myFire       = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UltimateButton>();
        levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelManager>();

        //TODO: Add comments to whole section
        float   distance  = transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
        Vector3 leftmost  = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, distance));
        Vector3 rightmost = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, distance));

        xmin = leftmost.x + padding;
        xmax = rightmost.x - padding;

        //Get the size of the player controls from the PPM
        //Also applies changes made to the controls in the setting menu
        myJoystick.joystickSize = PlayerPrefsManager.ControlsSize_Get();
        myFire.buttonSize       = PlayerPrefsManager.ControlsSize_Get();
        myFire.UpdatePositioning();     // ask UB to update our changes
        myJoystick.UpdatePositioning(); // ask UJ to update our changes
    }                                   //Start() -end
 public MainPage()
     random                      = new Random();
     numberCruncher              = new NumberCruncher();
     numberCruncher.NumberEvent += NumberCruncher_NumberEvent;
     synchronizationContext      = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Exemple #8
    /* -----< DECLARATIONS - END >----- */

    private void Start() {

        //Find Objects     
        nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<NumberCruncher>();
        levelComplete_txt.enabled = false;

Exemple #9
        public void ImplementsINumberCruncher(NumberCruncher cruncher)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act

            // -- Assert
            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <INumberCruncher>(cruncher);
    void Start()
        // Get the value of the Player Shield from Number Cruncher
        nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();
        float shield = nc.playerShield;
        float max    = nc.playerShieldMax;

        UltimateStatusBar.UpdateStatus("PlayerShield", shield, max);
Exemple #11
    void Start()
        // Get the value of the Player Shield from Number Cruncher
        nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();
        float health = nc.playerHealth;
        float max    = nc.playerHealthMax;

        UltimateStatusBar.UpdateStatus("PlayerHealth", health, max);


    void Start() {
            nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<NumberCruncher>();
            if (nc != null) {
            nc.lmIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;

Exemple #13
    public bool allSpawned = false;     //flag for all enemies spawned

    /* -----< DECLARATIONS -END >----- */

    #endregion DECLARATIONS

    #region START
    void Start()
        //Find Objects
        nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();

    }    //Start () -end
Exemple #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <int> numberList = new List <int>()
                2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Exemple #15
        public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            deferral       = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
            taskEndTime    = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25);
            numberCruncher = new NumberCruncher();
            //numberCruncher.RandomNumberEvent += NumberCruncher_RandomNumberEvent;
            numberCruncher.NumberEvent += NumberCruncher_NumberEvent;
            await CheckTimer();

Exemple #16
        public void ApplyOperationReturnsTheSameValue(
            int expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Apply(expected);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void ApplyOperationReturnsTheSameValue(
            int expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Apply(expected);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void AddOperationReturnsCorrectResultWhenAppliedToZero(
            int value,
            int expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Add(value).Apply(0);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #19
        public void SubtractOperationReturnsCorrectResultWhenAppliedToZero(
            int value,
            int expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Subtract(value).Apply(0);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #20
        public void DivideOperationReturnsCorrectResultWhenAppliedToTwo(
            int value,
            decimal expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Divide(value).Apply(2);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create list of numbers
            List <int> numbers = new List <int>()
                1, 9, 14, 27, 36, 45, 49, 52, 64, 73, 88, 92

            //Call on the method in the NumberCruncher class/ NumberUtility Class Library
            Console.WriteLine("There is a list of numbers.\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"The sum of even numbers in the list is: {NumberCruncher.CrunchNumbers(numbers)}\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"Can you guess what the numbers are? \n\nlol jk\n");

    /* -----< DECLARATIONS - END >----- */

    #region START
    private void Start()
        //Dynamically get objects and assign a handle

        nc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();

        if (GetInstanceID() != 0)                   //send instanceid to nc
    }    //Start() -end
Exemple #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //I created a set list, but can create list from user-entered integers
            var numbers = new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

            //create variable for value from method in class
            int sum = NumberCruncher.EvenSum(numbers);

            //print to console in a string
            Console.WriteLine("The total sum of all the even numbers in a list from 1-10: {0}", sum);

Exemple #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <int> nums = new List <int>();



Exemple #25
    private (double Heal, DamageOutput Damage) CalculateNumericEffects(Xml.Castable castable, Xml.ModifierEffect effect, Creature source)
        double heal = 0;
        var    dmg  = new DamageOutput();

        if (effect == null)
            return(heal, dmg);
        if (effect.Heal != null)
            heal = NumberCruncher.CalculateHeal(castable, effect, Target, source, Name);
        if (effect.Damage != null)
            dmg = NumberCruncher.CalculateDamage(castable, effect, Target, source, Name);
        return(heal, dmg);
Exemple #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <int> nums = new List <int>()
                10, 5, 8, 6, 7, 2, 14, 3, 4, 22


            Console.WriteLine("The sum of all the even numbers is:  \n" + NumberCruncher.SumOfEvens(nums));

        public void CalculatesASimpleEquation(
            int applyValue,
            int multiplyValue,
            int subtractValue,
            int divideValue,
            int addValue,
            decimal expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator

            // -- Assert

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #28
        public void CalculatesASimpleEquation(
            int applyValue,
            int multiplyValue,
            int subtractValue,
            int divideValue,
            int addValue,
            decimal expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator

            // -- Assert

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #29
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        #region Number Cruncher Destroy
        nc = FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();       //Find the running NumberCruncher

        if (GameObject.Find("NumberCruncher") != null)  // If NumberCruncher DOES exist
            nc = FindObjectOfType <NumberCruncher>();

            highscore.text = nc.highScore.ToString();
            score.text     = nc.score.ToString();

            Destroy(nc.gameObject);     // Finished getting data from Number Cruncher.
                                        // Destroy it otherwise there will be another
                                        // when the game level starts.

        else if (GameObject.Find("NumberCruncher") == null) // If NumberCruncher does NOT exists
            Debug.LogError("Could not find a NumberCruncher to open");
    } //Start() -end
Exemple #30
        public virtual bool UseCastable(Xml.Castable castObject, Creature target = null, Xml.SpawnCastable spawnCastable = null)
            if (!Condition.CastingAllowed)

            if (this is User)
                GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name} begin casting {castObject.Name} on target: {target?.Name ?? "no target"} CastingAllowed: {Condition.CastingAllowed}");

            var             damage  = castObject.Effects.Damage;
            List <Creature> targets = new List <Creature>();

            if (this is Monster)
                if (spawnCastable != null)
                    damage = new Xml.CastableDamage
                        Simple = new Xml.SimpleQuantity
                            Min = (uint)spawnCastable.MinDmg,
                            Max = (uint)spawnCastable.MaxDmg

                    castObject.Effects.Damage = damage;                //set damage based on spawncastable settings.
                    castObject.Element        = spawnCastable.Element; //handle defined element without redoing a ton of code.

            targets = GetTargets(castObject, target);

            // Quick checks
            // If no targets and is not an assail, do nothing
            if (targets.Count() == 0 && castObject.IsAssail == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(castObject.Script))
                GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name}: no targets and not assail");
            // Is this a pvpable spell? If so, is pvp enabled?

            // We do these next steps to ensure effects are displayed uniformly and as fast as possible
            var deadMobs = new List <Creature>();

            if (castObject.Effects?.Animations?.OnCast != null)
                foreach (var tar in targets)
                    foreach (var user in tar.viewportUsers.ToList())
                        GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: Sending {user.Name} effect for {Name}: {castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.Target.Id}");
                        user.SendEffect(tar.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.Target.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.Target.Speed);
                if (castObject.Effects?.Animations?.OnCast?.SpellEffect != null)
                    GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: Sending spelleffect for {Name}: {castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.SpellEffect.Id}");
                    Effect(castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.SpellEffect.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.SpellEffect.Speed);

            if (castObject.Effects?.Sound != null)

            GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name}, {targets.Count()} targets");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(castObject.Script))
                // If a script is defined we fire it immediately, and let it handle targeting / etc
                if (Game.World.ScriptProcessor.TryGetScript(castObject.Script, out Script script))
                    return(script.ExecuteFunction("OnUse", this));
                    GameLog.UserActivityError($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name}: castable script {castObject.Script} missing");
            if (targets.Count == 0)
                GameLog.UserActivityError("{Name}: {castObject.Name}: hey fam no targets");

            foreach (var tar in targets)
                if (castObject.Effects?.ScriptOverride == true)
                    // TODO: handle castables with scripting
                    // DoStuff();
                if (!castObject.Effects.Damage.IsEmpty)
                    Xml.Element attackElement;
                    var         damageOutput = NumberCruncher.CalculateDamage(castObject, tar, this);
                    if (castObject.Element == Xml.Element.Random)
                        Random rnd      = new Random();
                        var    Elements = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Xml.Element));
                        attackElement = (Xml.Element)Elements.GetValue(rnd.Next(Elements.Length));
                    else if (castObject.Element != Xml.Element.None)
                        attackElement = castObject.Element;
                        attackElement = (Stats.OffensiveElementOverride != Xml.Element.None ? Stats.OffensiveElementOverride : Stats.BaseOffensiveElement);
                    GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - target: {tar.Name} damage: {damageOutput}, element {attackElement}");

                    tar.Damage(damageOutput.Amount, attackElement, damageOutput.Type, damageOutput.Flags, this, false);

                    if (this is Monster)
                        if (tar is User)
                            (tar as User).SendSystemMessage($"{this.Name} attacks you with {castObject.Name}.");

                    if (this is User)
                        if (Equipment.Weapon != null && !Equipment.Weapon.Undamageable)
                            Equipment.Weapon.Durability -= 1 / (Equipment.Weapon.MaximumDurability * ((100 - Stats.Ac) == 0 ? 1 : (100 - Stats.Ac)));

                    if (tar.Stats.Hp <= 0)
                // Note that we ignore castables with both damage and healing effects present - one or the other.
                // A future improvement might be to allow more complex effects.
                else if (!castObject.Effects.Heal.IsEmpty)
                    var healOutput = NumberCruncher.CalculateHeal(castObject, tar, this);
                    tar.Heal(healOutput, this);
                    if (this is User)
                        GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - target: {tar.Name} healing: {healOutput}");
                        if (Equipment.Weapon != null && !Equipment.Weapon.Undamageable)
                            Equipment.Weapon.Durability -= 1 / (Equipment.Weapon.MaximumDurability * ((100 - Stats.Ac) == 0 ? 1 : (100 - Stats.Ac)));

                // Handle statuses

                foreach (var status in castObject.Effects.Statuses.Add.Where(e => e.Value != null))
                    Xml.Status applyStatus;
                    if (World.WorldData.TryGetValue <Xml.Status>(status.Value.ToLower(), out applyStatus))
                        var duration = status.Duration == 0 ? applyStatus.Duration : status.Duration;
                        GameLog.UserActivityInfo($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - applying status {status.Value} - duration {duration}");
                        tar.ApplyStatus(new CreatureStatus(applyStatus, tar, castObject, this, duration));
                        GameLog.UserActivityError($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - failed to add status {status.Value}, does not exist!");

                foreach (var status in castObject.Effects.Statuses.Remove)
                    Xml.Status applyStatus;
                    if (World.WorldData.TryGetValue <Xml.Status>(status.ToLower(), out applyStatus))
                        GameLog.UserActivityError($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - removing status {status}");
                        GameLog.UserActivityError($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - failed to remove status {status}, does not exist!");

            // Now flood away
            foreach (var dead in deadMobs)
                World.ControlMessageQueue.Add(new HybrasylControlMessage(ControlOpcodes.HandleDeath, dead));
            Condition.Casting = false;
        public void DivideOperationReturnsCorrectResultWhenAppliedToTwo(
            int value,
            decimal expected,
            NumberCruncher calculator)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act
            var actual = calculator.Divide(value).Apply(2);

            // -- Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void ImplementsINumberCruncher(NumberCruncher cruncher)
            // -- Arrange

            // -- Act

            // -- Assert
Exemple #33
        public virtual bool UseCastable(Castable castObject, Creature target = null)
            if (!Condition.CastingAllowed)

            if (this is User)
                ActivityLogger.Info($"UseCastable: {Name} begin casting {castObject.Name} on target: {target?.Name ?? "no target"} CastingAllowed: {Condition.CastingAllowed}");

            var             damage = castObject.Effects.Damage;
            List <Creature> targets;

            targets = GetTargets(castObject, target);

            if (targets.Count() == 0)

            // We do these next steps to ensure effects are displayed uniformly and as fast as possible
            var deadMobs = new List <Creature>();

            foreach (var tar in targets)
                foreach (var user in tar.viewportUsers)
                    user.SendEffect(tar.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.Target.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.Target.Speed);

            if (castObject.Effects?.Animations?.OnCast?.SpellEffect != null)
                Effect(castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.SpellEffect.Id, castObject.Effects.Animations.OnCast.SpellEffect.Speed);

            if (castObject.Effects.Sound != null)

            ActivityLogger.Info($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name}, {targets.Count()} targets");
            foreach (var tar in targets)
                if (castObject.Effects?.ScriptOverride == true)
                    // TODO: handle castables with scripting
                    // DoStuff();
                if (castObject.Effects?.Damage != null)
                    Enums.Element attackElement;
                    var           damageOutput = NumberCruncher.CalculateDamage(castObject, tar, this);
                    if (castObject.Element == Castables.Element.Random)
                        Random rnd      = new Random();
                        var    Elements = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.Element));
                        attackElement = (Enums.Element)Elements.GetValue(rnd.Next(Elements.Length));
                    else if (castObject.Element != Castables.Element.None)
                        attackElement = (Enums.Element)castObject.Element;
                        attackElement = (Stats.OffensiveElementOverride == Enums.Element.None ? Stats.OffensiveElementOverride : Stats.OffensiveElement);
                    if (this is User)
                        ActivityLogger.Info($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - target: {tar.Name} damage: {damageOutput}, element {attackElement}");

                    tar.Damage(damageOutput.Amount, attackElement, damageOutput.Type, damageOutput.Flags, this, false);
                    if (tar.Stats.Hp <= 0)
                // Note that we ignore castables with both damage and healing effects present - one or the other.
                // A future improvement might be to allow more complex effects.
                else if (castObject.Effects.Heal != null)
                    var healOutput = NumberCruncher.CalculateHeal(castObject, tar, this);
                    tar.Heal(healOutput, this);
                    if (this is User)
                        ActivityLogger.Info($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - target: {tar.Name} healing: {healOutput}");

                // Handle statuses

                foreach (var status in castObject.Effects.Statuses.Add.Where(e => e.Value != null))
                    Status applyStatus;
                    if (World.WorldData.TryGetValueByIndex <Status>(status.Value, out applyStatus))
                        ActivityLogger.Info($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - applying status {status.Value}");
                        ApplyStatus(new CreatureStatus(applyStatus, tar, castObject));
                        ActivityLogger.Error($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - failed to add status {status.Value}, does not exist!");

                foreach (var status in castObject.Effects.Statuses.Remove)
                    Status applyStatus;
                    if (World.WorldData.TryGetValueByIndex <Status>(status, out applyStatus))
                        ActivityLogger.Error($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - removing status {status}");
                        ActivityLogger.Error($"UseCastable: {Name} casting {castObject.Name} - failed to remove status {status}, does not exist!");
            // Now flood away
            foreach (var dead in deadMobs)
                World.ControlMessageQueue.Add(new HybrasylControlMessage(ControlOpcodes.HandleDeath, dead));
