private string GetAddressFromScript(string script)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
            string firstOP = script.Substring(0, 2);
            string remove  = string.Empty;

            if (firstOP == NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_DUP, 1))
                remove =
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_DUP, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_HASH160, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex(40 / 2, 1);
            else if (firstOP == NumberConversions.IntToHex(0x01, 1))
                remove =
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex(0x01, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_INVALIDOPCODE, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex(0x16, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_PUBKEYHASH, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_0, 1);

            string addressHash = script.Substring(remove.Length, 40);

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes ScriptSig based on wallet type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash">Hes string to put inside of ScriptSig.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of wallet that is supposed to sign this transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>ScriptSig</returns>
        public static string BuildScript(string hash, WalletType type)
            string result = "";

            if (type == WalletType.Normal)
                //76 a9 14 - 88 ac
                result =
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_DUP, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_HASH160, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((UInt64)hash.Length / 2, 1) +
                    hash +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_EQUALVERIFY, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_CHECKSIG, 1);
            else if (type == WalletType.Electrum)
                //01 ff 16 fd 00
                result =
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex(0x01, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_INVALIDOPCODE, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex(0x16, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_PUBKEYHASH, 1) +
                    NumberConversions.IntToHex((int)OPCodes.opcodetype.OP_0, 1) +
            else if (type == WalletType.Core)
                result = "";
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns estimated value for the final signed transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputCount">Number of inputs to spend</param>
        /// <param name="outputCount">Number of outputs to receive</param>
        /// <returns>Transaction size</returns>
        public static int GetTransactionSize(int inputCount, int outputCount)
            int c1 = NumberConversions.MakeCompactSize((UInt64)inputCount).Length / 2;
            int c2 = NumberConversions.MakeCompactSize((UInt64)outputCount).Length / 2;

            int inputSize =
                32    //TX hash
                + 4   //output Index
                + 1   //scriptSig length
                + 138 //scriptSig sig
                + 4;  //sequence
            int outputSize =
                8     //Amount
                + 1   //pk_script length
                + 25; //pk_script

            int totalSize =
                4    //Version
                + c1 //TxIn Count
                + inputSize * inputCount
                + c2 //TxOut Count
                + outputSize * outputCount
                + 4; //LockTime

            return((totalSize <= 10) ? 0 : totalSize);
Exemple #4
        public void Finds_nearest_item_on_ground()
            injection.ServerApi.PlayerEntersWorld(new Location2D(1000, 1000));

            injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToGround(0xEED, new Location2D(1005, 1005), 20, (Color)0);
            var nearestId = injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToGround(0xEED, new Location2D(1001, 1001), 15, (Color)0);

            injection.InjectionHost.UO.FindType(0xEED, -1, 1);

Exemple #5
        public void Ignores_ignored_items_in_backpack()
            injection.ServerApi.PlayerEntersWorld(new Location2D(1000, 1000));

            var itemId1 = injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToBackpack(0xeed);
            var itemId2 = injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToBackpack(0xeed);


            injection.InjectionHost.UO.FindType(new InjectionValue(0xEED), new InjectionValue(-1));

            injection.InjectionHost.UO.FindCount().Should().Be(1, because: "there are two items, but one item is ignored");
Exemple #6
        public void Ignores_ignored_items_on_ground()
            injection.ServerApi.PlayerEntersWorld(new Location2D(1000, 1000));

            var itemId1 = injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToGround(0xeed, new Location2D(1001, 1001));
            var itemId2 = injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToGround(0xeed, new Location2D(1002, 1002));

            injection.ServerApi.AddNewItemToGround(0xeed, new Location2D(1003, 1003));


            injection.InjectionHost.UO.FindType(new InjectionValue(0xEED), new InjectionValue(-1), new InjectionValue("ground"));

Exemple #7
        public void JournalSerial_returns_serial_at_zero_based_journal_index()
            injection.ServerApi.PlayerEntersWorld(new Location2D(1000, 1000));

            var asdfSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId;
            var qwerSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId + 1;
            var zxcvSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId + 2;

            injection.ServerApi.Say(asdfSerial, "player name", "asdf");
            injection.ServerApi.Say(qwerSerial, "player name", "qwer");
            injection.ServerApi.Say(zxcvSerial, "player name", "zxcv");

Exemple #8
        public void JournalSerial_returns_same_serial_at_found_index_decreased_by_1()
            injection.ServerApi.PlayerEntersWorld(new Location2D(1000, 1000));

            var asdfSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId;
            var qwerSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId + 1;
            var zxcvSerial = injection.Me.PlayerId + 2;

            injection.ServerApi.Say(asdfSerial, "player name", "asdf");
            injection.ServerApi.Say(qwerSerial, "player name", "qwer");
            injection.ServerApi.Say(zxcvSerial, "player name", "zxcv");

            var foundIndex = injection.InjectionHost.UO.InJournal("asdf");


            injection.InjectionHost.UO.JournalSerial(foundIndex - 1).Should().Be(NumberConversions.ToHex((int)asdfSerial));
 private void outputLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     outputLabel.Text = NumberConversions.Convert(Convert.ToInt32(inputTextBox.Text));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Raw Unsigned bitcoin transaction Transaction.
        /// <para/> Sources:
        /// <para/> 1.
        /// <para/> 2.
        /// <para/> 3.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txToSpend">List of UTXOs to spend.</param>
        /// <param name="receiveAddr">List of receiving addresses and the amount to be paid to each.</param>
        /// <param name="wallet">Type of the wallet (Electrum does not recognize normal type of scriptSig placeholder).</param>
        /// <returns>Rat unsigned transaction string.</returns>
        public static string CreateRawTx(List <UTXO> txToSpend, List <ReceivingAddress> receiveAddr, UInt32 lockTime, WalletType wallet)
            StringBuilder rawTx = new StringBuilder();

            // 1) 4 byte - version
            UInt32 version = 1;

            rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex(version, 4));

            // 2) ? byte - tx_in count (compactSize uint)
            int txInCount = txToSpend.Count;


            for (int i = 0; i < txInCount; i++)
                // 3) 32 byte - TX hash (reverse)
                string txToSend = txToSpend[i].TxHash;

                // 4) 4 byte - output Index
                UInt32 outputIndex = txToSpend[i].OutIndex;
                rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex(outputIndex, 4));

                // 5) ? byte - scriptSig length (compactSize uint) (Maximum value is 10,000 bytes)
                //    Can be from 0 and up. Will be replaced by actual scriptSig with another length.
                //    Format can be different based on the client which will be used for signing.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txToSpend[i].AddressHash160) && wallet != WalletType.Core)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("No address was found. Set wallet type to Core."));
                string scriptSig = BuildScript(txToSpend[i].AddressHash160, wallet);
                rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex((UInt64)(scriptSig.Length / 2), 1));

                // 6) ? byte - scriptSig which is filled with scriptPubkey temporarily (20 is half the length of address hash160)

                //7) 4 byte - sequence - max is 0xffffffff - can change for RBF transactions
                // Ref:
                UInt32 sequence = UInt32.MaxValue;
                rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex(sequence, 4));

            //8) ? byte - tx_out count (compactSize uint)
            int txOutCount = receiveAddr.Count;


            foreach (var item in receiveAddr)
                //9) 8 byte - amout to transfer
                UInt64 amount = item.PaymentSatoshi;
                rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex(amount, 8));

                //10) ? byte - pk_script length (compactSize uint)
                string itemHash     = BitcoinConversions.Base58ToHash160(item.Address);
                string outputScript = BuildScript(itemHash, WalletType.Normal);
                rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.MakeCompactSize((UInt64)outputScript.Length / 2));

                //11) ? byte - pk_script

            //12) 4 byte - lock time
            // * If less than 500 million, locktime is parsed as a block height. The transaction can be added to any block which has this height or higher.
            // * If greater than or equal to 500 million, locktime is parsed using the Unix epoch time format (the number of seconds elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC—currently over 1.395 billion). The transaction can be added to any block whose block time is greater than the locktime.
            rawTx.Append(NumberConversions.IntToHex(lockTime, 4));

        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize the transaction hex string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx">Transaction hex string</param>
        /// <returns>Bitcoin Transaction</returns>
        public static BitcoinTransaction DecodeRawTx(string tx)
            BitcoinTransaction btx = new BitcoinTransaction();
            int index = 0;

            // 1) 4 byte - version
            string version = tx.Substring(index, 8);

            btx.Version = (UInt32)NumberConversions.HexToUInt(version);
            index      += 8;

            // 2) ? byte - tx_in count (CompactSize uint)
            btx.TxInCount = NumberConversions.ReadCompactSize(tx, ref index);

            bool isSigned = true;
            bool isRbf    = false;

            // Initialize the array
            btx.TxInList = new TxIn[btx.TxInCount];
            for (UInt64 i = 0; i < btx.TxInCount; i++)
                TxIn temp = new TxIn();
                // 3) 32 byte - TX hash (reverse)
                temp.TxId = tx.Substring(index, 64);
                temp.TxId = ReverseTx(temp.TxId);
                index    += 64;

                // 4) 4 byte - output Index
                string outIndex = tx.Substring(index, 8);
                temp.OutIndex = (UInt32)NumberConversions.HexToUInt(outIndex);
                index        += 8;

                // 5) ? byte - scriptSig length (CompactSize uint) (Maximum value is 10,000 bytes)
                string scriptSigLength = tx.Substring(index, 2);
                temp.ScriptSigLength = (int)NumberConversions.ReadCompactSize(tx, ref index);

                // 6) ? byte - scriptSig or a placeholder for unsigned (can be empty too)
                temp.ScriptSig = tx.Substring(index, temp.ScriptSigLength * 2);
                index         += temp.ScriptSigLength * 2;

                //7) 4 byte - sequence - max is 0xffffffff - can change for RBF transactions
                string sequence = tx.Substring(index, 8);
                temp.Sequence = (UInt32)NumberConversions.HexToUInt(sequence);
                index        += 8;

                btx.TxInList[i] = temp;

                // Check to see if all the inputs are signed
                if (temp.ScriptSigLength <= 25)
                    isSigned = false;

                // Check for opt-in Replace By Fee
                if (temp.Sequence != UInt32.MaxValue)
                    isRbf = true;
            // Set transaction sign and RBF status.
            btx.Status = (isSigned) ? BitcoinTransaction.TxStatus.Signed : BitcoinTransaction.TxStatus.Unsigned;
            btx.IsRbf  = isRbf;

            //8) ? byte - tx_out count (compactSize uint)
            btx.TxOutCount = NumberConversions.ReadCompactSize(tx, ref index);

            // Initialize the array
            btx.TxOutList = new TxOut[btx.TxOutCount];
            for (UInt64 i = 0; i < btx.TxOutCount; i++)
                TxOut temp = new TxOut();

                //9) 8 byte - amout to transfer
                string amount = tx.Substring(index, 16);
                temp.Amount = NumberConversions.HexToUInt(amount);
                index      += 16;

                //10) ? byte - pk_script length (compactSize uint)
                string pkScriptLength = tx.Substring(index, 2);
                temp.PkScriptLength = (Int32)NumberConversions.HexToUInt(pkScriptLength);
                index += 2;

                //11) ? byte - pk_script
                temp.PkScript = tx.Substring(index, temp.PkScriptLength * 2);
                index        += temp.PkScriptLength * 2;

                btx.TxOutList[i] = temp;

            //12) 4 byte - lock time
            string lockTime = tx.Substring(index, 8);

            btx.LockTime = (UInt32)NumberConversions.HexToUInt(lockTime);
            index       += 8;

            // If the transaction is signed, then it has a TxId
            if (isSigned)
                btx.TxId = BitcoinConversions.GetTxId(tx);
