Exemple #1
        public void TestAlmostEquals_ComplexMatrix()
            ComplexMatrix a1 = ComplexMatrix.Random(3, 2, new ContinuousUniformDistribution());
            ComplexMatrix a2 = a1.Clone();
            ComplexMatrix b  = -a1;
            ComplexMatrix c  = a1 * (1.0 + (1e+10 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0)));
            ComplexMatrix d  = a1 * (1.0 + (2 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0)));

            Helper_TestAlmostEqualityForGenericType(a1, a2, b, c, d);

            // Wrapper
            Assert.That(ComplexMatrix.AlmostEqual(a1, c), Is.False);
            Assert.That(ComplexMatrix.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-10), Is.False);
            Assert.That(ComplexMatrix.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-2), Is.True);

            // reference type -> no boxing
            Assert.That(a1, Is.SameAs(a1));

            // transpose
            Assert.That(a1.Transpose(), Is.Not.EqualTo(a1));
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, a1.Transpose()), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, a1.Transpose(), 1e-10), Is.False);

            // hermitian transpose
            Assert.That(a1.HermitianTranspose(), Is.Not.EqualTo(a1));
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, a1.HermitianTranspose()), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, a1.HermitianTranspose(), 1e-10), Is.False);
Exemple #2
     Vector u,
     Vector v,
     double maximumRelativeError)
     return(Number.AlmostEqual(u, v, maximumRelativeError));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adaptive approximation of the definite integral in the provided interval by the trapezium rule.
        /// </summary>
        public double IntegrateAdaptive(
            CustomFunction f,
            double intervalBegin,
            double intervalEnd,
            double targetRelativeError)
            int    numberOfPartitions = 1;
            double step = intervalEnd - intervalBegin;
            double sum  = 0.5 * step * (f(intervalBegin) + f(intervalEnd));

            for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
                double midpointsum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPartitions; i++)
                    midpointsum += f(intervalBegin + ((i + 0.5) * step));

                midpointsum        *= step;
                sum                 = 0.5 * (sum + midpointsum);
                step               *= 0.5;
                numberOfPartitions *= 2;

                if (Number.AlmostEqual(sum, midpointsum, targetRelativeError))

        public void Priority_OfACircleEvent_ShouldMatchThePriorityCalculatedByTrigonometry
            (CircleEvent circle)
            // Fixture setup
            var a = circle.LeftArc.Site.Position;
            var b = circle.MiddleArc.Site.Position;
            var c = circle.RightArc.Site.Position;

            var center = (a - b).CrossMultiply(c - b).Normalize();

            var colatitudeOfCenter = Trig.InverseCosine(center[2]);
            var radius             = Trig.InverseCosine(a.ScalarMultiply(center));

            var isOnOutsideOfSphere = colatitudeOfCenter + radius <= Constants.Pi;
            var sign             = isOnOutsideOfSphere ? 1 : -1;
            var expectedPriority = sign * (1 + Trig.Cosine(colatitudeOfCenter + radius));

            // Exercise system
            var priority = circle.Priority;

            // Verify outcome
            var failureString =
                    "Expected priority was {0}\nActual priority was {1}",

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(expectedPriority, priority, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public void Priority_OfACircleThrough0N45EAnd45N0EAnd0N45W_ShouldBeCorrect()
            // Fixture setup
            var arcA = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(90, 45)
            var arcB = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(45, 0)
            var arcC = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(90, -45)

            var circle = new CircleEvent(arcA, arcB, arcC);

            // Exercise system
            var result = circle.Priority;

            // Verify outcome
            var expectedResult = -Trig.Cosine(Trig.DegreeToRadian(135)) - 1;


            var failureString = String.Format("Priority was {0}", result);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(result, expectedResult, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public void Priority_OfACircleThrough0N90WAnd90NAnd0N90E_ShouldBe0()
            // Fixture setup
            var arcA = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(90, -90)
            var arcB = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(0, 0)
            var arcC = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(90, 90)

            var circle = new CircleEvent(arcA, arcB, arcC);

            // Exercise system
            var result = circle.Priority;

            // Verify outcome
            var expectedResult = 0;

            var failureString = String.Format("Priority was {0}", result);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(result, expectedResult, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public static Vector3 LeftIntersection(this IArc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            var p = arc.LeftNeighbour.Position;
            var q = arc.Site.Position;
            var Z = sweepline.Z;

            if (Vector.AlmostEqual(p, q))
            if (Number.AlmostEqual(Z, p.Z) && Number.AlmostEqual(Z, q.Z))
                return(AngleUtilities.EquatorialMidpoint(p, q));

            var A = p.X * (Z - q.Z) - q.X * (Z - p.Z);
            var B = p.Y * (Z - q.Z) - q.Y * (Z - p.Z);
            var C = (p.Z - q.Z) * Math.Sign(sweepline.Priority) * Math.Sqrt(1 - Z * Z);

            var A2PlusB2MinusC2 = Math.Max(A * A + B * B - C * C, 0);
            var x = (A * C + B * Math.Sqrt(A2PlusB2MinusC2)) / (A * A + B * B);
            var y = (B * C - A * Math.Sqrt(A2PlusB2MinusC2)) / (A * A + B * B);

            return(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
        public void LeftIntersection_WhenFociiAreAboveSweepline_ShouldReturnAVectorWhichWhenMappedToAPointOnTheArcIsEquidistantFromBothSites
            (Arc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            // Fixture setup
            var focus     = arc.Site.Position;
            var leftFocus = arc.LeftNeighbour.Position;

            // Exercise system
            var directionOfIntersection = arc.LeftIntersection(sweepline);
            var intersection            = arc.PointAt(directionOfIntersection, sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var distanceFromSite     = Trig.InverseCosine(focus.ScalarMultiply(intersection));
            var distanceFromLeftSite = Trig.InverseCosine(leftFocus.ScalarMultiply(intersection));

            var failureString = String.Format("Direction of intersection: {0},\n" +
                                              "Intersection: {1},\n" +
                                              "Distance from site: {2},\n" +
                                              "Distance from left site: {3}",
                                              directionOfIntersection, intersection, distanceFromSite, distanceFromLeftSite);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(distanceFromSite, distanceFromLeftSite, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
            double x
            if (Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, x))
                if (1 == _alpha)

                if (2 == _alpha)


            double ln1 = Math.Log(x);
            double ln2 = Math.Log(_alpha * x + _beta);

                       + _pdfExponent1 * ln1
                       + _pdfExponent2 * ln2
Exemple #10
        public void TestAlmostEquals_Complex()
            Complex a1 = new Complex(1.0, 2.0);
            Complex a2 = new Complex(1.0, 2.0);
            Complex b  = new Complex(2.0, 1.0);
            Complex c  = new Complex(1.0 + 1e+10 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0), 2.0);
            Complex d  = new Complex(1.0 + 2 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0), 2.0);

            Helper_TestAlmostEqualityForGenericType(a1, a2, b, c, d);

            // Wrapper
            Assert.That(Complex.AlmostEqual(a1, c), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Complex.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-10), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Complex.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-2), Is.True);

            // value type -> boxing
            Assert.That(a1, Is.Not.SameAs(a1));

            // infinity
            Assert.That(a1, Is.Not.EqualTo(Complex.Infinity));
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, Complex.Infinity), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, Complex.Infinity, 1e-10), Is.False);

            // NaN
            Assert.That(a1, Is.Not.EqualTo(Complex.NaN));
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, Complex.NaN), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Number.AlmostEqual(a1, Complex.NaN, 1e-10), Is.False);
Exemple #11
        public void TestAlmostEqual()
            IFormatProvider format = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            double max = double.MaxValue;
            double min = double.MinValue;

            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, 0.0, 0), "A");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, 0.0, 50), "B");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(max, max, 0), "C");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(min, min, 0), "D");

            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, 0.0 + double.Epsilon, 0), "E");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, 0.0 + double.Epsilon, 1), "F");

            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(max, max - 2 * Number.EpsilonOf(max), 0), "G");
            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(max, max - 2 * Number.EpsilonOf(max), 1), "H");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(max, max - 2 * Number.EpsilonOf(max), 2), "I");

            Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToDouble("3.170404", format) == 3.170404, "J");
            Assert.IsFalse(Convert.ToDouble("4.170404", format) == 4.170404, "K");

            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(Convert.ToDouble("3.170404", format), 3.170404, 0), "L");
            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(Convert.ToDouble("4.170404", format), 4.170404, 0), "M");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(Convert.ToDouble("4.170404", format), 4.170404, 1), "N");

            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(double.NaN, double.NaN, 25), "O");
            Assert.IsFalse(Number.AlmostEqual(double.PositiveInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity, 25), "P");
            Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity, 25), "Q");
        public void TestDiscreteKalmanFilter()
            // Test constants
            double r   = 30.0;            // Measurement covariance
            double T   = 20.0;            // Time interval between measurements
            double q   = 0.1;             // Plant noise constant
            double tol = 0.0001;          // Accuracy tolerance

            // Reference values to test against (generated from a known filter)
            // Reference Measurements
            double[] zs = { 290.16851039, 654.55633793, 968.97141280, 1325.09197161, 1636.35947675, 1974.39053148, 2260.80770553, 2574.36119750, 2901.32285462, 3259.14709098 };
            // Expected position estimates (predictions)
            double[] posp = { 1018.94416547, 1237.00029618, 1754.97092716, 1855.62596430, 2400.27521403, 2446.47067625, 2978.94381631, 3173.63724675 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (predictions)
            double[] velp = { 18.21939138, 13.38351136, 21.52280841, 10.92729947, 21.32868461, 9.24370334, 20.26482836, 13.59419761 };
            // Expected position estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] posu = { 969.33006892, 1324.51475894, 1637.07997492, 1973.70152187, 2261.59660945, 2573.64724909, 2901.75329465, 3258.67447647 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] velu = { 13.38351136, 21.52280841, 10.92729947, 21.32868461, 9.24370334, 20.26482836, 13.59419761, 20.93270702 };

            // Initial estimate based on two point differencing
            double z0 = zs[0];
            double z1 = zs[1];
            Matrix x0 = new Matrix(2, 1);

            x0[0, 0] = z1;
            x0[1, 0] = (z1 - z0) / T;
            Matrix P0 = new Matrix(2, 2);

            P0[0, 0] = r; P0[1, 0] = r / T; P0[0, 1] = r / T; P0[1, 1] = 2 * r / (T * T);
            // Setup a DiscreteKalmanFilter to filter
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);

            double[] aF = { 1d, 0d, T, 1 };
            double[] aG = { (T * T) / 2d, T };
            Matrix   F  = new Matrix(aF, 2);                            // State transition matrix
            Matrix   G  = new Matrix(aG, 2);                            // Plant noise matrix
            Matrix   Q  = new Matrix(1, 1); Q[0, 0] = q;                // Plant noise variance
            Matrix   R  = new Matrix(1, 1); R[0, 0] = r;                // Measurement variance matrix
            Matrix   H  = new Matrix(1, 2); H[0, 0] = 1d; H[0, 1] = 0d; // Measurement matrix

            // Test the performance of this filter against the stored data from a proven
            // Kalman Filter of a one dimenional tracker.
            for (int i = 2; i < zs.Length; i++)
                // Perform the prediction
                dkf.Predict(F, G, Q);
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0, 0], posp[i - 2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1, 0], velp[i - 2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
                // Perform the update
                Matrix z = new Matrix(1, 1, zs[i]);
                dkf.Update(z, H, R);
                // Test against the update state/covariance
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0, 0], posu[i - 2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1, 0], velu[i - 2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
Exemple #13
            double norm = Norm();

            if (Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, norm))
            return(Scale(1 / norm));
Exemple #14
        public static bool UnorderedEquals(IEnumerable <double> expected, IEnumerable <double> actual, double relativeAccuracy)
            var expectedList = expected.ToList();
            var actualList   = actual.ToList();

            var missingFromActual   = expectedList.Where(x => expectedList.Count(y => Number.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)) != actualList.Count(y => Number.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)));
            var missingFromExpected = actualList.Where(x => expectedList.Count(y => Number.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)) != actualList.Count(y => Number.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)));

            return(!(missingFromActual.Any() || missingFromExpected.Any()));
            double t
            if (null == _samples)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.InvalidOperationNoSamplesProvided);

            const double tiny = 1.0e-15;
            int          closestIndex;
            int          offset = SuggestOffset(t, out closestIndex);

            double[] c = new double[_effectiveOrder];
            double[] d = new double[_effectiveOrder];

            int ns = closestIndex - offset;

            if (Number.AlmostEqual(_samples.GetT(closestIndex), t))

            for (int i = 0; i < _effectiveOrder; i++)
                c[i] = _samples.GetX(offset + i);
                d[i] = c[i] + tiny; // prevent rare zero-over-zero condition

            double x = _samples.GetX(offset + ns--);

            for (int level = 1; level < _effectiveOrder; level++)
                for (int i = 0; i < _effectiveOrder - level; i++)
                    double hp = _samples.GetT(offset + i + level) - t;
                    double ho = (_samples.GetT(offset + i) - t) * d[i] / hp;

                    double den = ho - c[i + 1];
                    if (Number.AlmostZero(den))
                        // BUGBUG: check - positive or negative infinity?

                    den  = (c[i + 1] - d[i]) / den;
                    d[i] = c[i + 1] * den;
                    c[i] = ho * den;

                x += (2 * (ns + 1) < (_effectiveOrder - level) ? c[ns + 1] : d[ns--]);

            public override bool Matches(object actual)
                base.actual = actual;

                if (_maximumRelativeError.HasValue)
                    return(Number.AlmostEqual(_expected, Convert.ToDouble(actual), _maximumRelativeError.Value));

                return(Number.AlmostEqual(_expected, Convert.ToDouble(actual)));
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified parameters is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see langword="true"/> if the probabilities sum up to 1; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool IsValidParameterSet(int offset, params double[] probabilityMass)
            double sum = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < probabilityMass.Length; i++)
                sum += probabilityMass[i];

            return(Number.AlmostEqual(1.0, sum, 10 + 2 * probabilityMass.Length));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether two Buckets are equal.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is Bucket))

            Bucket b = (Bucket)obj;

            return(Number.AlmostEqual(this.lowerBound, b.lowerBound) &&
                   Number.AlmostEqual(this.upperBound, b.upperBound) &&
                   Number.AlmostEqual(this.depth, b.depth));
        public void Vectors_ShouldAllBeOfUnitLength(Vector3 vector)
            // Fixture setup

            // Exercise system

            // Verify outcome
            var result         = vector.Norm();
            var expectedResult = 1.0;

            var failureString = String.Format("Had length {0}, expected 1.0", vector);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(result, expectedResult), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public void Vertices_ShouldAllHaveUnitNorm()
            // Fixture setup
            var icosahedron = IcosahedronFactory.Build();

            // Exercise system
            var vertices = icosahedron.Vertices;

            // Verify outcome
            var norms = vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Position.Norm()).ToArray();

            Debug.WriteLine("Norms are " + TestUtilities.CollectionToString(norms));
            Assert.True(norms.All(norm => Number.AlmostEqual(norm, 1.0)));

            // Teardown
        public void Test()
            // Fixture setup
            var arcA = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(45, -45)
            var arcB = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(0, 0)
            var arcC = new Arc {
                Site = Utilities.SiteAt(45, 45)

            var circle = new CircleEvent(arcA, arcB, arcC);

            var a = arcA.Site.Position;
            var b = arcB.Site.Position;
            var c = arcC.Site.Position;

            var center = (a - b).CrossMultiply(c - b).Normalize();

            var colatitudeOfCenter = Trig.InverseCosine(center[2]);
            var radius             = Trig.InverseCosine(a.ScalarMultiply(center));

            var isOnOutsideOfSphere = colatitudeOfCenter + radius <= Constants.Pi;
            var sign             = isOnOutsideOfSphere ? 1 : -1;
            var expectedPriority = sign * (1 + Trig.Cosine(colatitudeOfCenter + radius));

            // Exercise system
            var priority = circle.Priority;


            // Verify outcome
            var failureString =
                    "Expected priority was {0}\nActual priority was {1}",

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(expectedPriority, priority, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        Gamma(double a)
            if (a > 0.0)

            double reflection = 1.0 - a;
            double s          = Math.Sin(Math.PI * reflection);

            if (Number.AlmostEqual(0.0, s))
                return(double.NaN); // singularity, undefined

            return(Math.PI / (s * Math.Exp(GammaLn(reflection))));
Exemple #23
        public void Vertices_ShouldHaveTheSameLengthsAsTheRadius
            (IPolyhedronOptions options)
            // Fixture setup
            var polyhedron = GeodesicSphereFactory.Build(options);

            // Exercise system
            var vertices = polyhedron.Vertices;

            // Verify outcome
            var lengths = vertices.Select(vertex => vertex.Position.Norm()).ToList();

            Debug.WriteLine("Lengths were " + TestUtilities.CollectionToString(lengths));
            Assert.True(lengths.All(length => Number.AlmostEqual(length, options.Radius)));

            // Teardown
Exemple #24
            double t
            if (null == _samples)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.InvalidOperationNoSamplesProvided);

            int closestIndex;
            int offset = SuggestOffset(t, out closestIndex);

            double[] c = new double[_effectiveOrder];
            double[] d = new double[_effectiveOrder];
            int      ns = closestIndex - offset;
            double   den, ho, hp;
            double   x = 0;

            if (Number.AlmostEqual(_samples.GetT(closestIndex), t))

            for (int i = 0; i < _effectiveOrder; i++)
                c[i] = _samples.GetX(offset + i);
                d[i] = c[i];

            x = _samples.GetX(offset + ns--);
            for (int level = 1; level < _effectiveOrder; level++)
                for (int i = 0; i < _effectiveOrder - level; i++)
                    ho   = _samples.GetT(offset + i) - t;
                    hp   = _samples.GetT(offset + i + level) - t;
                    den  = (c[i + 1] - d[i]) / (ho - hp);
                    d[i] = hp * den;
                    c[i] = ho * den;

                x += (2 * (ns + 1) < (_effectiveOrder - level) ? c[ns + 1] : d[ns--]);

        public void Edges_ShouldAllHaveTheSameNorm()
            // Fixture setup
            var icosahedron = IcosahedronFactory.Build();

            // Exercise system
            var edges = icosahedron.Edges;

            // Verify outcome
            var norms = edges.Select(edge => (edge.A.Position - edge.B.Position).Norm()).ToArray();

            var expectedNorm = norms.First();

            Debug.WriteLine("Norms are " + TestUtilities.CollectionToString(norms));
            Assert.True(norms.All(norm => Number.AlmostEqual(norm, expectedNorm)));

            // Teardown
            int offset,
            params double[] probabilityMass)
            if (null == probabilityMass)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("probabilityMass");

            double sum = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < probabilityMass.Length; i++)
                sum += probabilityMass[i];

            return(Number.AlmostEqual(1.0, sum, 10 + (2 * probabilityMass.Length)));
        public void PointAt_ShouldReturnAPointWithTheSameAzimuthAsTheArgument
            (Arc arc, Vector3 vector, Sweepline sweepline)
            // Fixture setup

            // Exercise system
            var point = arc.PointAt(vector, sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var argumentAzimuth = Trig.InverseTangentFromRational(vector.Y, vector.X);
            var resultAzimuth   = Trig.InverseTangentFromRational(point.Y, point.X);

            var failureString = String.Format("Argument azimuth was {0} \nResult azimuth was {1}", argumentAzimuth, resultAzimuth);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(argumentAzimuth, resultAzimuth, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
Exemple #28
        public static bool IsConstantAlmost(Expression term, double expected)
            if (term.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
                // TODO: do we need 'while' instead of 'if' here?
                UnaryExpression conv = (UnaryExpression)term;
                term = conv.Operand;

            if (term.NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant)

            ConstantExpression constExpr = (ConstantExpression)term;

            return(Number.AlmostEqual(Convert.ToDouble(constExpr.Value), expected));
        public void PointAt_ShouldReturnAPointEquidistantFromTheSweeplineAndTheFocus
            (Arc arc, Vector3 vector, Sweepline sweepline)
            // Fixture setup
            var focus = arc.Site.Position;

            // Exercise system
            var point = arc.PointAt(vector, sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var distanceToFocus     = Trig.InverseCosine(point.ScalarMultiply(focus));
            var distanceToSweepline = Math.Abs(sweepline.Colatitude - Trig.InverseCosine(point.Z));

            var failureString = String.Format("Distance to focus was {0}\nDistance to sweepline was {1}", distanceToFocus, distanceToSweepline);

            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(distanceToFocus, distanceToSweepline, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
Exemple #30
        public void GeodesicDistance_OfAVectorFromTheNorthPole_ShouldEqualItsColatitude
            (double colatitude, double azimuth)
            // Fixture setup
            var normalizedColatitude = (colatitude % Math.PI + Math.PI) % Math.PI;
            var vector    = VectorUtilities.NewVector(normalizedColatitude, azimuth);
            var northPole = VectorUtilities.NewVector(0, 0);

            var expected = normalizedColatitude;

            // Exercise system
            var actual = VectorUtilities.GeodesicDistance(northPole, vector);

            // Verify outcome
            TestUtilities.WriteExpectedAndActual(expected, actual);
            Assert.True(Number.AlmostEqual(expected, actual, TestUtilities.RelativeAccuracy));

            // Teardown