Exemple #1
    public void SetColor()
        //get percentage of opposite color used based on health. Get that percentage of the dist from this and optimum color
        //and add that onto the optimum to get a blend of the 2 colors

        PlantRates pr = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <PlantRates>();
        float      colorPerc;

        if (pr.Health() >= healthToColorRatio)
            colorPerc     = NumOp.Cutoff(pr.Health() - GetComponent <Grow>().growthAmount, 0f, 1f);
            realTimeColor = NumOp.GetColorBlend(optimumColor, earlyColor, colorPerc);
            float tmp = (healthToColorRatio - pr.Health()) * (1f / healthToColorRatio);
            colorPerc     = NumOp.Cutoff(1f - (GetComponent <Grow>().growthAmount - tmp), 0f, 1f);
            realTimeColor = NumOp.GetColorBlend(optimumColor, lateColor, colorPerc);

        realTimeColor = new Color(realTimeColor[0], realTimeColor[1], realTimeColor[2], alphaValue);
        if (debug)
            print("percentage of opposite used: " + colorPerc.ToString());
Exemple #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //set variables within appropriate ranges
        rotationOffset = NumOp.Cutoff(rotationOffset, 0f, 1f);
        sproutSize     = NumOp.Cutoff(sproutSize, 0f, 1f);
        heightOffset   = NumOp.Cutoff(heightOffset, 0f, 1f);
        angle          = NumOp.Cutoff(angle, 0f, 360f);
        zLayer         = NumOp.Cutoff(zLayer, 0, maxZLayer);

        if (GetComponent <Grow>().hasStarted)
            if (!d)
                print(String.Format("'{0}' {1}", transform.root.name, "okay"));
                d = true;

            if ((leaves == null || leafCount != leaves.Length))
                leaves = CreateLeaves(leafCount);

            float growthAmount = GetComponent <Grow>().growthAmount;

            SetLeavesRotation(angle * growthAmount, sproutSize * growthAmount, rotationOffset * growthAmount);
            SetHeightSkew(heightOffset * growthAmount, heightOffsetPower * growthAmount, invHeightSkew, leafScale * growthAmount);
Exemple #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //make sure variables stay in acceptable range
        expectedLifetime = NumOp.Cutoff(expectedLifetime, 1, expectedLifetime);
        deathTimeSkew    = NumOp.Cutoff(deathTimeSkew, 0f, 1f);

        //get changed dependancy and balance based on the change
        int changedIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < allDependencies.Length; i++)
            if (GetDepComp(allDependencies[i]).DepAmountChanged())
                changedIndex = i;

        if (changedIndex != -1)
            BalanceFloats(allDependencies, changedIndex, maxEfficiency);

        float actualDeathEffic = 0f;

        if (PlantAlive())
            currEfficiency = NumOp.Cutoff(GetCurrentEfficiency(allDependencies), 0f, 1f);

            //time till death decreases as efficiency lowers whereas it increases growth time

            //the higher the death skew, the more exponentially the currefficiency falls
            actualDeathEffic = currEfficiency - (currEfficiency * (deathTimeSkew * (1f - currEfficiency)));
            timeAliveLeft    = (int)((float)expectedLifetime * actualDeathEffic);

            TimeToColor[] allColors = GetComponentsInChildren <TimeToColor>();
            for (int i = 0; i < allColors.Length; i++)
                allColors[i].alphaValue = 1f;
            TimeToColor[] allColors = GetComponentsInChildren <TimeToColor>();
            for (int i = 0; i < allColors.Length; i++)
                allColors[i].alphaValue = 0.25f;

        if (debug)
            print("actual death efficiency: " + actualDeathEffic.ToString());
            print("Plant Time Left (%): " + Health().ToString());
            print("Plant alive: " + PlantAlive().ToString());
            print(String.Format("Name: {0}, TimeAlive: {1}hrs, TimeElapsed: {2}hrs", name, timeAliveLeft, GetComponent <Timer>().timeElapsed));
Exemple #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        healthToColorRatio = NumOp.Cutoff(healthToColorRatio, 0f, 1f);
        alphaValue         = NumOp.Cutoff(alphaValue, 0f, 1f);

        if (setSpriteRendererColor)
            GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = realTimeColor;
Exemple #5
    public void BalanceFloats(GameObject [] values, int pivotIndex, float cutOff)
        //balances array so all the dependency rates add up to the cutOff
        //pivot is the index that the other dependencies get balanced around

        float decValue = 0;

        foreach (GameObject obj in values)
            decValue = decValue + GetDepComp(obj).dependencyAmount;

        if (decValue > 0)
            //get max index that's not the pivot, find all indexes with the same
            //value and decrement them

            int maxIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                if (i != pivotIndex)
                    if (maxIndex == -1 || GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount > GetDepComp(values[maxIndex]).dependencyAmount)
                        maxIndex = i;

            if (maxIndex != -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    if (i != pivotIndex)
                        if (GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount == GetDepComp(values[maxIndex]).dependencyAmount)
                            GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount = GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount - decValue;
                        else if (decValue < 1)
                            GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount = GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount - (decValue / 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount = NumOp.Cutoff(GetDepComp(values[i]).dependencyAmount, 0f, cutOff);
Exemple #6
    //to remove from collection
    public void deleteFromList()
        string plantName = pManager.plantCollection[indexNum].name;

        //destory and reset currplant
        currPlant = null;
        pManager.RemovePlant(indexNum);                                           //remove from collection
        indexNum = NumOp.Cutoff(indexNum, 0, pManager.plantCollection.Count - 1); //set new index

        pManager.gameObject.GetComponent <PopUpManager>().PopUpMessage(String.Format("'{0}' has been deleted.", plantName));
        prevIndexNum = indexNum;
Exemple #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //make sure variables stay in acceptable range
        expectedGrowTime = NumOp.Cutoff(expectedGrowTime, 1, expectedGrowTime);
        growthTimeSkew   = NumOp.Cutoff(growthTimeSkew, 0f, 1f);
        growthStages     = NumOp.Cutoff(growthStages, 0, expectedGrowTime);

        PlantRates pr = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <PlantRates>();

        //time till growth increases as efficiency lowers
        float actualGrowthEffic = (pr.currEfficiency - (pr.currEfficiency * growthTimeSkew));

        currGrowTime = expectedGrowTime + (expectedGrowTime - (int)((float)expectedGrowTime * actualGrowthEffic));

        int timeElapsed = transform.root.GetComponent <Timer>().timeElapsed;

        if (timeTillStart - timeElapsed <= 0)
            hasStarted = true;
            hasStarted = false;

        if (hasStarted)
            if (growthStages <= 0)
                growthAmount = 1f;
                int stageInterval = NumOp.Cutoff(currGrowTime, 0, currGrowTime) / growthStages;
                if (stageInterval <= 0)
                    growthAmount = 1f;
                    int stage = (timeElapsed - timeTillStart) / stageInterval;
                    growthAmount = NumOp.Cutoff((float)stage / growthStages, 0f, 1f);

        if (debug)
            print(String.Format("Name: {0}, Full Growth Time: {1}hrs, TimeElapsed: {2}hrs", name, currGrowTime, (timeElapsed - timeTillStart)));
Exemple #8
 public void Set(string name, float newTime, float tickSpeed)
     //set a countdown timer
     newTime = NumOp.Cutoff(newTime, 0, newTime);
     if (timeStamps.ContainsKey(name) != true)
         timeStamps.Add(name, newTime);
         onGoingTimeStamps.Add(name, Time.time);
         tickSpeeds.Add(name, tickSpeed);
         timeStamps[name]        = newTime;
         onGoingTimeStamps[name] = Time.time;
         tickSpeeds[name]        = tickSpeed;
Exemple #9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        string[] keys = new string[timeStamps.Count];
        int      i    = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> kvp in timeStamps)
            keys[i] = kvp.Key;

        foreach (string key in keys)
            float dist = Time.time - onGoingTimeStamps[key];
            if (dist >= tickSpeeds[key] * speed)
                //countdown the timer
                onGoingTimeStamps[key] = onGoingTimeStamps[key] + dist;
                timeStamps[key]        = NumOp.Cutoff(timeStamps[key] - (tickSpeeds[key] * speed), 0, timeStamps[key]);

                if (key == "<<tick>>" && getTicks)
                    hasTicked = true;

            else if (key == "<<tick>>")
                hasTicked = false;

        if (getTicks != true)
            hasTicked = false;

        if (TimeUp("<<tick>>"))
            Set("<<tick>>", maxSpeed, maxSpeed);
Exemple #10
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        currValue         = NumOp.Cutoff(currValue, 0, 100000000);
        minValue          = NumOp.Cutoff(minValue, 0, minValue);
        maxValue          = NumOp.Cutoff(maxValue, minValue, maxValue);
        optimumPercentage = NumOp.Cutoff(optimumPercentage, 0f, 1f);


        if (dependencyAmount != prevDepAmount)
            depAmountChanged = true;
            prevDepAmount    = dependencyAmount;

        if (debug)
            print("Dependency efficieiency: " + dependencyEfficiency.ToString());
Exemple #11
    public void UpdateEfficiency()
        float optimumValue = minValue + ((maxValue - minValue) * optimumPercentage);

        optimumValue = NumOp.Cutoff(optimumValue, minValue, maxValue);

        // currValue = optimumValue;

        //Get efficiency of dependency, the closer to the optimum it is, the higher the efficiency
        if (currValue <= optimumValue)
            dependencyEfficiency = NumOp.Cutoff((float)(currValue - minValue) / (float)(optimumValue - minValue), 0, 1f);
            dependencyEfficiency = NumOp.Cutoff((float)(maxValue - currValue) / (float)(maxValue - optimumValue), 0, 1f);

        if (debug)
            print("Optimum Value: " + optimumValue.ToString());
Exemple #12
    public void SetHeightSkew(float skewAmount, float offsetAmount, bool reverseSkew, Vector2 leafScale)
        //sets how much the leaves' height are skewed from the centre
        //offsetAmount represents the amount of skew used the further
        //the leaf is from the center
        //skewAmount and offSetAMount are floats from  0 -> 1

        int midInd = leaves.Length / 2;

        if (leaves.Length % 2 == 0)

        for (int i = 0; i <= midInd; i++)
            Vector3 interval = leafScale - ((leafScale * skewAmount) * ((i) / ((float)midInd + 1)));
            interval = new Vector3(interval[0], interval[1], 1);

            if (reverseSkew)
                SetLocalScale(leaves[i], interval);
                SetLocalScale(leaves[leaves.Length - i - 1], interval);

                SetLocalScale(leaves[midInd - i], interval);
                SetLocalScale(leaves[leaves.Length - midInd + i - 1], interval);

            if (offsetAmount > 0)
                skewAmount = NumOp.Cutoff(skewAmount + (skewAmount * offsetAmount), 0f, 1f);
Exemple #13
    public void SetLeavesRotation(float newAngle, float anglePower, float rotationOffset)
        //sets the spread of the leaves evenly around angle.
        //angle power is how much of the total angle is used
        //anglePower is a float from 0 -> 1
        float maxAngle = newAngle * anglePower;
        float interval = maxAngle / (leaves.Length - 1);

        if (debug)
            print("Current max angle: " + maxAngle.ToString());
            print("Angle interval: " + interval.ToString());
        int midInd = leaves.Length / 2;

        if (leaves.Length % 2 == 0)

        for (int i = 0; i <= midInd; i++)
            //get angles on one side and mirror to the other side
            float zAngle = (maxAngle / 2) - (interval * i);
            zAngle = zAngle - ((zAngle * rotationOffset) * ((i + 1) / (1 + (float)midInd)));
            zAngle = NumOp.Cutoff(zAngle, 0, 360f);

            if (zAngle >= 0)
                Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, zAngle);

                leaves[i].transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
                leaves[leaves.Length - i - 1].transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-rotation);
 public static NumExpr BinOp(NumExpr left, NumExpr right, NumOp op)
     return(new NumBinExpr(left, right, op));
        //public NumBinExpr Rel { get; set; }

        public NumBinExpr(NumExpr left, NumExpr right, NumOp kind)
            this.Left  = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.Kind  = kind;
Exemple #16
 public void Change(string name, float amount)
     //changes current time stamp by given amount
     amount           = NumOp.Cutoff(amount, 0, amount);
     timeStamps[name] = timeStamps[name] + (amount - timeStamps[name]);
Exemple #17
 public static Color GetValueMix(Color val1, Color val2, float offsetPercentage)
     return(NumOp.GetColorBlend(val1, val2, offsetPercentage));
Exemple #18
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //setting the timer speed for every plant in the collection
        float maxSpeed = GetComponent <Timer>().maxSpeed;

        globalTimeSpeed = NumOp.Cutoff(1f - timeSlider.GetComponent <Slider>().value, maxSpeed, 1f);

        GetComponent <Timer>().speed = globalTimeSpeed / maxSpeed;

        //set timer speed and status for active and inactive plants
        foreach (GameObject plant in activePlants)
            if (plant)
                plant.GetComponent <Timer>().getTicks = true;

        int i = 0;

        while (i < plantCollection.Count)
            if (plantCollection[i])
                plantCollection[i].GetComponent <Timer>().speed = GetComponent <Timer>().speed;
                if (!plantCollection[i].GetComponent <PlantRates>().PlantAlive())
                    plantCollection[i].GetComponent <Timer>().getTicks = false;

        //Set the name of the active plant tags
        for (int j = 0; j < activePlants.Length; j++)
            GameObject plant = activePlants[j];
            foreach (PlantTag tag in plantTags)
                if (tag.position == j)
                    string tagText;
                    if (plant)
                        tagText = plant.name;
                        if (tagText.Length > 9)
                            tagText = plant.name.Substring(0, 9) + "...";
                        tagText = "-";

                    tag.nameTag.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>().text = tagText;

        GetComponent <Timer>().getTicks = true;
Exemple #19
    public int timeElapsed; //reference of how many units of time has passed

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Set("<<tick>>", maxSpeed, maxSpeed);
        speed = NumOp.Cutoff(speed, 0f, 1f);