Exemple #1
        public IEnumerable <SimpleDataSet> GetAllData(string indexType)
            var umbContxt = EnsureUmbracoContext();

            var projects = umbContxt.ContentCache.GetByXPath("//Community/Projects//Project [projectLive='1']").ToArray();

            var nugetService = new NugetPackageDownloadService();

            var nugetDownloads = nugetService.GetNugetPackageDownloads();

            var allProjectIds          = projects.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray();
            var allProjectKarma        = Utils.GetProjectTotalVotes();
            var allProjectWikiFiles    = WikiFile.CurrentFiles(allProjectIds);
            var allProjectDownloads    = Utils.GetProjectTotalPackageDownload();
            var allCompatVersions      = Utils.GetProjectCompatibleVersions();
            var mostRecentDownloadDate = WikiFile.GetMostRecentDownloadDate();

            // if most recent download date is MinValue then there is no download data to query
            var downloadStats = mostRecentDownloadDate == DateTime.MinValue
                ? new Dictionary <int, MonthlyProjectDownloads>()
                : WikiFile.GetMonthlyDownloadStatsByProject(mostRecentDownloadDate.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(365)));

            foreach (var project in projects)
                LogHelper.Debug(this.GetType(), "Indexing " + project.Name);

                var simpleDataSet = new SimpleDataSet {
                    NodeDefinition = new IndexedNode(), RowData = new Dictionary <string, string>()

                var projectDownloads = allProjectDownloads.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? allProjectDownloads[project.Id] : 0;
                var projectKarma     = allProjectKarma.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? allProjectKarma[project.Id] : 0;
                var projectFiles     = allProjectWikiFiles.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? allProjectWikiFiles[project.Id].ToArray() : new WikiFile[] { };
                var projectVersions  = allCompatVersions.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? allCompatVersions[project.Id] : Enumerable.Empty <string>();

                var nugetPackageId = nugetService.GetNuGetPackageId(project);

                int?dailyNugetDownLoads = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nugetPackageId))
                    var packageInfo = nugetDownloads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PackageId == nugetPackageId);

                    if (packageInfo != null)
                        projectDownloads   += packageInfo.TotalDownLoads;
                        dailyNugetDownLoads = packageInfo.AverageDownloadPerDay;

                yield return(MapProjectToSimpleDataIndexItem(
                                 project, simpleDataSet, indexType, projectKarma, projectFiles, projectDownloads, projectVersions, dailyNugetDownLoads));
Exemple #2
        private Models.Package MapContentToPackage(IPublishedContent content, SearchResult result)
            if (content == null)

            var ownerId = content != null& content.HasProperty("owner") ? content.GetPropertyValue <int>("owner") : 0;

            var openForCollab = content != null && content.HasProperty("openForCollab") ? content.GetPropertyValue <bool>("openForCollab", false) : false;

            var score = result != null?GetScore(result.Fields) : 0;

            var version = result != null?ParseVersion(result) : "";

            var downloads = result != null?GetCombinedDownloads(result.Fields, Utils.GetProjectTotalDownloadCount(content.Id)) : Utils.GetProjectTotalDownloadCount(content.Id);

            var nugetService   = new NugetPackageDownloadService();
            var nuGetPackageId = nugetService.GetNuGetPackageId(content);

            return(new Models.Package
                Category = content.Parent.Name,
                Created = content.CreateDate,
                Excerpt = GetPackageExcerpt(content, 12),
                Downloads = downloads,
                Id = content.GetPropertyValue <Guid>("packageGuid"),
                Likes = Utils.GetProjectTotalVotes(content.Id),
                Name = content.Name,
                Icon = GetThumbnailUrl(_baseUrl + content.GetPropertyValue <string>("defaultScreenshotPath", "/css/img/package2.png"), 154, 281),
                LatestVersion = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("version"),
                OwnerInfo = ownerId != 0 ? GetPackageOwnerInfo(ownerId, openForCollab, content.Id) : new PackageOwnerInfo(),
                Url = string.Concat(_baseUrl, content.Url),
                // stuff added to combine the search between our.umbraco.com and the backoffice
                Score = score,
                VersionRange = version,
                Image = _baseUrl + content.GetPropertyValue <string>("defaultScreenshotPath", "/css/img/package2.png"),
                Summary = GetPackageSummary(content, 50),
                CertifiedToWorkOnUmbracoCloud = content.GetPropertyValue <bool>("worksOnUaaS"),
                NuGetPackageId = nuGetPackageId,
                IsNuGetFormat = content.GetPropertyValue <bool>("isNuGetFormat"),
                IsPromoted = content.GetPropertyValue <bool>("isPromoted")
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a PackageDetails instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="currentUmbracoVersion"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If the current umbraco version is not compatible with any package files, the ZipUrl and ZipFileId will be empty
        /// </returns>
        private PackageDetails MapContentToPackageDetails(IPublishedContent content, System.Version currentUmbracoVersion)
            if (currentUmbracoVersion == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("currentUmbracoVersion");
            if (content == null)

            var package = MapContentToPackage(content, null);

            if (package == null)

            var wikiFiles = WikiFile.CurrentFiles(content.Id);

            //TODO: SD: I dunno where these come from or if we care about it?
            //var deliCompatVersions = Utils.GetProjectCompatibleVersions(content.Id) ?? new List<string>();

            var allPackageFiles = wikiFiles.Where(x => x.FileType.InvariantEquals("package") && x.Archived == false).ToArray();

            //get the strict packages in the correct desc order
            var strictPackageFileVersions = GetAllStrictSupportedPackageVersions(allPackageFiles).ToArray();
            //these are ordered by package version desc
            var nonStrictPackageFiles = GetNonStrictSupportedPackageVersions(allPackageFiles).ToArray();
            var nugetService          = new NugetPackageDownloadService();
            var nuGetPackageId        = nugetService.GetNuGetPackageId(content);

            var packageDetails = new PackageDetails(package)
                TargetedUmbracoVersions = GetAllFilePackageVersions(allPackageFiles).Select(x => {
                    //ensure the version has consistent parts (major.minor.build)
                    var version = x.Build >= 0 ? x : new System.Version(x.Major, x.Minor, 0);
                Compatibility      = GetPackageCompatibility(content),
                StrictFileVersions = strictPackageFileVersions.Select(x => new PackageFileVersion
                    PackageVersion = x.PackageVersion.Build >= 0
                        ? x.PackageVersion.ToString(3)
                        : new System.Version(x.PackageVersion.Major, x.PackageVersion.Minor, 0).ToString(3),
                    MinUmbracoVersion = x.MinUmbracoVersion.Build >= 0
                        ? x.MinUmbracoVersion.ToString(3)
                        : new System.Version(x.MinUmbracoVersion.Major, x.MinUmbracoVersion.Minor, 0).ToString(3),
                    FileId = x.FileId
                NetVersion      = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("dotNetVersion"),
                LicenseName     = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("licenseName"),
                LicenseUrl      = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("licenseUrl"),
                Description     = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("description").CleanHtmlAttributes(),
                Images          = GetPackageImages(wikiFiles.Where(x => x.FileType.InvariantEquals("screenshot")), 154, 281),
                ExternalSources = GetExternalSources(content),
                NuGetPackageId  = nuGetPackageId,
                IsNuGetFormat   = content.GetPropertyValue <bool>("isNuGetFormat")

            var version75 = new System.Version(7, 5, 0);

            //this is the file marked as the current/latest release
            var currentReleaseFile = content.GetPropertyValue <int>("file");

            if (strictPackageFileVersions.Length == 0)
                //if there are no strict package files then return the latest package file

                packageDetails.ZipUrl    = string.Concat(BASE_URL, "/FileDownload?id=", currentReleaseFile);
                packageDetails.ZipFileId = currentReleaseFile;
            else if (currentUmbracoVersion < version75)
                //if the umbraco version is < 7.5 it means that strict package formats are not supported
                AssignLatestNonStrictPackageFile(nonStrictPackageFiles, currentReleaseFile, packageDetails);
                //this package has some strict version dependency files, so we need to figure out which one is
                // compatible with the current umbraco version passed in and also use the latest available
                // package version that is compatible.

                int found = -1;
                foreach (var pckVersion in strictPackageFileVersions)
                    //if this version will work with the umbraco version, then use it
                    if (currentUmbracoVersion >= pckVersion.MinUmbracoVersion)
                        found = pckVersion.FileId;

                if (found != -1)
                    //got one! so use it's id for the file download
                    packageDetails.ZipUrl    = string.Concat(BASE_URL, "/FileDownload?id=", found);
                    packageDetails.ZipFileId = found;
                else if (nonStrictPackageFiles.Length > 0)
                    //Here's the other case, if this package has both strict and non-strict package file versions and we didn't find one above,
                    //than we need to determine if the latest non-strict package file format should be used for the current version being passed in

                    AssignLatestNonStrictPackageFile(nonStrictPackageFiles, currentReleaseFile, packageDetails);

            packageDetails.Created = content.CreateDate;

        public void GetNugetDownloads(PerformContext content)
            var nugetService = new NugetPackageDownloadService();

            RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => nugetService.ImportNugetPackageDownloads(), Cron.Daily);
        public ActionResult GetPackageInfos()
            var packages = GetAllPackages();

            var packageInfos = new List <PackageInfo>();

            var nugetService          = new NugetPackageDownloadService();
            var nugetPackageDownloads = nugetService.GetNugetPackageDownloads();

            var licenses = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var package in packages)
                var compatibleVersions = package.GetPropertyValue <string>("compatibleVersions");
                var categoryName       = string.Empty;
                var categoryNodeId     = package.GetPropertyValue <int>("category");
                if (categoryNodeId != 0)
                    categoryName = Umbraco.TypedContent(categoryNodeId).Name;

                var ownerName     = string.Empty;
                var ownerMemberId = package.GetPropertyValue <int>("owner");
                if (ownerMemberId != 0)
                    ownerName = Umbraco.TypedMember(ownerMemberId).Name;

                var ourDownloads     = Utils.GetProjectTotalDownloadCount(package.Id);
                var nugetPackageId   = nugetService.GetNuGetPackageId(package);
                var nugetDownloads   = 0;
                var nugetPackageInfo = nugetPackageDownloads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PackageId == nugetPackageId);
                if (nugetPackageInfo != null)
                    nugetDownloads = nugetPackageInfo.TotalDownLoads;
                var lastUpdate = package.UpdateDate;
                // If files have been updated later than this then use that date
                var wikiFiles  = WikiFile.CurrentFiles(package.Id);
                var latestFile = wikiFiles.Where(x => x.FileType == "package").OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (latestFile != null && latestFile.CreateDate > lastUpdate)
                    lastUpdate = latestFile.CreateDate;

                var licenseName = package.GetPropertyValue <string>("licenseName");

                var openSource       = false;
                var openSourceChecks = new List <string>
                    "Open Government",
                    // Questionable but.. ok
                    "No license"

                // These two match the above, but are not open source
                if (licenseName != "Resizer Freedom license" && licenseName != "MIT + Commercial")
                    foreach (var item in openSourceChecks)
                        if (!licenseName.InvariantContains(item))

                        openSource = true;
                        // Immediately break out of foreach, no more checks needed

                var packageInfo = new PackageInfo
                    Name     = package.Name,
                    Category = categoryName,
                    // We don't know.. look at the license maybe?
                    OpenSource         = openSource,
                    License            = licenseName,
                    LicenseUrl         = package.GetPropertyValue <string>("licenseUrl"),
                    Owner              = ownerName,
                    CloudCompatible    = package.GetPropertyValue <bool>("worksOnUaaS"),
                    DownloadsTotal     = ourDownloads + nugetDownloads,
                    LastUpdate         = lastUpdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    Version7Compatible = compatibleVersions.InvariantContains("v7"),
                    Version8Compatible = compatibleVersions.InvariantContains("v8"),
                    Url = package.UrlWithDomain()


            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(packageInfos);
            var dt   = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(DataTable));
            var csv  = DataTableToCsv(dt);

            var fileBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, csv));
            var file      = File(fileBytes, "text/csv", "packaginfos.csv");
