Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="CommonFrameHeader"/> from given <paramref name="buffer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer that contains data to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Start index into buffer where valid data begins.</param>
        public CommonFrameHeader(byte[] buffer, int startIndex)
            // Validate SEL Fast Message data image
            if (buffer[startIndex] != Common.HeaderByte1 || buffer[startIndex + 1] != Common.HeaderByte2)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Bad data stream, expected header bytes 0xA546 as first bytes in SEL Fast Message frame, got 0x{buffer[startIndex].ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0')}{buffer[startIndex + 1].ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0')}");

            ushort     sampleCount;
            uint       secondOfCentury;
            NtpTimeTag timetag;

            // Parse relevant common header values
            m_frameSize     = (FrameSize)buffer[startIndex + 2];
            m_idCode        = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, startIndex + 12);
            sampleCount     = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, startIndex + 18);
            secondOfCentury = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, startIndex + 20);

            // We use an NTP time tag since SEL Fast Message SOC also starts at 1/1/1900
            timetag = new NtpTimeTag(secondOfCentury, 0);

            // Data frames have subsecond time information, so we add this fraction of time to current seconds value
            timetag = new NtpTimeTag(timetag.Value + sampleCount * 50.0M / 1000.0M);

            // Cache timestamp value
            m_timestamp = timetag.ToDateTime().Ticks;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="CommonFrameHeader"/> from given <paramref name="buffer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer that contains data to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Start index into buffer where valid data begins.</param>
        public CommonFrameHeader(byte[] buffer, int startIndex)
            uint secondOfCentury = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, startIndex);

            m_sampleCount = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, startIndex + 4);

            // We go ahead and pre-grab cell's status flags so we can determine framelength - we
            // leave startindex at 6 so that cell will be able to parse flags as needed - note
            // this increases needed common frame header size by 2 (i.e., BinaryLength + 2)
            m_statusFlags = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, startIndex + FixedLength);

            // NTP timestamps based on NtpTimeTag class are designed to work for dates between
            // 1968-01-20 and 2104-02-26 based on recommended bit interpretation in RFC-2030.
            NtpTimeTag timetag = new NtpTimeTag(secondOfCentury, 0);

            // Cache timestamp value
            m_timestamp = timetag.ToDateTime().Ticks;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="CommonFrameHeader"/> from given <paramref name="buffer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurationFrame">IEEE 1344 <see cref="ConfigurationFrame"/> if already parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer that contains data to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Start index into buffer where valid data begins.</param>
        public CommonFrameHeader(ConfigurationFrame configurationFrame, byte[] buffer, int startIndex)
            uint secondOfCentury = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, startIndex);

            m_sampleCount = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, startIndex + 4);

            // We go ahead and pre-grab cell's status flags so we can determine framelength - we
            // leave startindex at 6 so that cell will be able to parse flags as needed - note
            // this increases needed common frame header size by 2 (i.e., BinaryLength + 2)
            m_statusFlags = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, startIndex + FixedLength);

            // NTP timestamps based on NtpTimeTag class are designed to work for dates between
            // 1968-01-20 and 2104-02-26 based on recommended bit interpretation in RFC-2030.
            NtpTimeTag timetag = new NtpTimeTag(secondOfCentury, 0);

            // Data frames have subsecond time information, so we add this fraction of time to current seconds value
            if (TypeID == IEEE1344.FrameType.DataFrame && configurationFrame != null)
                timetag.Value += SampleCount / Math.Truncate((double)Common.MaximumSampleCount / (double)configurationFrame.Period) / (double)configurationFrame.FrameRate;

            // Cache timestamp value
            m_timestamp = timetag.ToDateTime().Ticks;