public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args)
            var config = ConfigurationHelper.GetConfigurationRoot();

            _spineSettings = new SpineSetting();

            NrlsApiSetting apiSettings = new NrlsApiSetting();


                   .UseKestrel(options =>
                options.AddServerHeader = false;
                // if we use the apiSettings.Secure flag we can toggle the below
                // for demo we will leave both open

                // listen for HTTP
                if (!apiSettings.SecureOnly)
                    options.Listen(IPAddress.Any, int.Parse(apiSettings.DefaultPort));

                // listen for HTTPS
                if (apiSettings.Secure)
                    var certificate = ServerCertificate();

                    if (certificate != null)
                        options.Listen(IPAddress.Any, int.Parse(apiSettings.SecurePort), listenOptions =>
                            listenOptions.UseHttps(new HttpsConnectionAdapterOptions
                                SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12,
                                CheckCertificateRevocation = false,     //TODO: turn this on
                                ClientCertificateMode = ClientCertificateMode.AllowCertificate,
                                ServerCertificate = certificate,
                                ClientCertificateValidation = (cert, chain, error) => ValidateClient(cert, chain, error)
                   //.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) => {
                   //    logging.AddConfiguration(hostingContext.Configuration.GetSection("Logging"));
                   //    logging.AddConsole();
                   //    logging.AddDebug();
                   .UseStartup <Startup>()
        public NrlsSearchTests()
            var validationMock = new Mock <IFhirValidation>();

            validationMock.Setup(op => op.ValidatePatientParameter(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(delegate { return(null); });

            validationMock.Setup(op => op.ValidateCustodianParameter(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(delegate { return(null); });
            validationMock.Setup(op => op.ValidateCustodianIdentifierParameter(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(delegate { return(null); });

            validationMock.Setup(op => op.ValidSummaryParameter(It.Is <string>(p => p == "notcount"))).Returns(delegate { return(new OperationOutcome()); });
            validationMock.Setup(op => op.ValidSummaryParameter(It.Is <string>(p => p == "count"))).Returns(delegate { return(null); });

            validationMock.Setup(op => op.GetOrganizationParameterId(It.Is <string>(p => p == ""))).Returns("TestOrgCode");
            validationMock.Setup(op => op.GetOrganizationParameterIdentifierId(It.Is <string>(p => p == "|TestOrgCode"))).Returns("TestOrgCode");

            _fhirValidation = validationMock.Object;

            var searchPointer     = NrlsPointers.Valid;
            var searchPointerList = new List <DocumentReference> {
            var searchBundle = FhirBundle.GetBundle <DocumentReference>(searchPointerList);
            var searchMock   = new Mock <IFhirSearch>();

            searchMock.Setup(op => op.Get <DocumentReference>(It.IsAny <FhirRequest>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => searchBundle as Resource));
            searchMock.Setup(op => op.Find <DocumentReference>(It.IsAny <FhirRequest>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => searchBundle as Resource));

            var orgSearchBundle = FhirBundle.GetBundle <Organization>(new List <Organization> {

            searchMock.Setup(op => op.Find <Organization>(It.IsAny <FhirRequest>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => orgSearchBundle as Resource));

            _fhirSearch = searchMock.Object;

            var opts = new NrlsApiSetting
                BaseUrl               = "",
                DefaultPort           = "80",
                ProfileUrl            = "",
                Secure                = false,
                SecurePort            = "443",
                SupportedContentTypes = new List <string> {
                SupportedResources = new List <string> {

            var mock = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <NrlsApiSetting> >();

            mock.Setup(op => op.Get(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(opts);

            _nrlsApiSettings = mock.Object;

            _expectedBundle = new Bundle
                Id   = "b54e3ad5-04b5-4f8f-8dbd-0e41d2465b5c",
                Meta = new Meta
                    LastUpdated = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2018, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)),
                    VersionId   = "b54e3ad5-04b5-4f8f-8dbd-0e41d2465b5c"
                Type  = Bundle.BundleType.Searchset,
                Total = 1,
                Link  = new List <Bundle.LinkComponent>
                    new Bundle.LinkComponent
                        Relation = "_self",
                        Url      = "TestLink"
                Entry = new List <Bundle.EntryComponent>
                    new Bundle.EntryComponent
                        Search = new Bundle.SearchComponent
                            Mode = Bundle.SearchEntryMode.Match
                        FullUrl  = $"ResourceLink",
                        Resource = new DocumentReference
                            Id     = "5ab13f41957d0ad5d93a1339",
                            Status = DocumentReferenceStatus.Current,
                            Type   = new CodeableConcept
                                Coding = new List <Coding>
                                    new Coding
                                        System  = "",
                                        Code    = "736253002",
                                        Display = "Mental health crisis plan (record artifact)"
                            Subject = new ResourceReference
                                Reference = ""
                            Indexed = new DateTime(2005, 12, 24, 9, 43, 41),
                            Author  = new List <ResourceReference>
                                new ResourceReference
                                    Reference = ""
                            Custodian = new ResourceReference
                                Reference = ""
                            Content = new List <DocumentReference.ContentComponent>
                                new DocumentReference.ContentComponent
                                    Attachment = new Attachment
                                        ContentType = "application/pdf",
                                        Url         = "",
                                        Title       = "Mental health Care Plan Report",
                                        Creation    = "2016-03-08T15:26:00+00:00"

            var clientMapCache = new ClientAsidMap
                ClientAsids = new Dictionary <string, ClientAsid>()
                    { "000", new ClientAsid {
                          Interactions = new List <string>()
                          }, OrgCode = "TestOrgCode", Thumbprint = "TestThumbprint"
                      } },
                    { "002", new ClientAsid {
                          Interactions = new List <string>(), OrgCode = "TestOrgCode2", Thumbprint = "TestThumbprint"
                      } },
                    { "003", new ClientAsid {
                          Interactions = new List <string>(), OrgCode = "RV99", Thumbprint = "TestThumbprint"
                      } }

            var cacheMock = MemoryCacheStub.MockMemoryCacheService.GetMemoryCache(clientMapCache);

            _cache = cacheMock;