Exemple #1
        private static ndarray ndArrayFromMD(Array ssrc, NPY_TYPES type_num, int ndim)
            npy_intp [] newshape = new npy_intp[ndim];
            for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
                newshape[i] = ssrc.GetLength(i);

            dtype WantedDType = NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(type_num);

            return(np.array(new VoidPtr(ArrayFromMD(ssrc, type_num), type_num), dtype: WantedDType).reshape(newshape));
Exemple #2
        internal void AddIntpArray(Object arg)
            // Convert to an intp array
            ndarray arr = np.FromAny(arg, NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_INTP), 0, 0, NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_FORCECAST, null);

            // Write the type
            indexes[num_indexes].type = NpyIndexType.NPY_INDEX_INTP_ARRAY;

            // Write the array
            indexes[num_indexes].intp_array = arr.Array;

Exemple #3
        internal void AddBoolArray(Object arg)
            // Convert to an intp array
            ndarray arr = np.FromAny(arg, NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL), 0, 0, 0, null);

            // Write the type
            indexes[num_indexes].type = NpyIndexType.NPY_INDEX_BOOL_ARRAY;

            // Write the array
            indexes[num_indexes].bool_array = arr.Array;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Given some object and an optional minimum type, returns the appropriate type descriptor.
        /// Equivalent to _array_find_type in common.c of CPython interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Source object</param>
        /// <param name="minitype">Minimum type, or null if any</param>
        /// <param name="max">Maximum dimensions</param>
        /// <returns>Type descriptor fitting requirements</returns>
        internal static dtype FindArrayType(Object src, dtype minitype, int max = NpyDefs.NPY_MAXDIMS)
            dtype chktype = null;

            if (src.GetType().IsArray)
                if (src is ndarray[])
                    ndarray[] arr1 = src as ndarray[];
                    src = arr1[0];

            if (src is ndarray)
                chktype = ((ndarray)src).Dtype;
                if (minitype == null)
                    return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            if (minitype == null)
                minitype = NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL);
            if (max < 0)
                chktype = UseDefaultType(src);
                return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            chktype = FindScalarType(src);
            if (chktype != null)
                return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            chktype = UseDefaultType(src);
            return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));
Exemple #5
        internal object Round(int decimals, ndarray ret = null)
            // KM: this is done in the rint handler function for COMPLEX variables
            // For complex just round both parts.
            //if (IsComplex)
            //    if (ret == null)
            //    {
            //        ret = Copy();
            //    }
            //    Real.Round(decimals, ret.Real);
            //    Imag.Round(decimals, ret.Imag);
            //    return ret;

            if (decimals >= 0 && IsInteger)
                // There is nothing to do for integers.
                if (ret != null)
                    NpyCoreApi.CopyAnyInto(ret, this);

            if (decimals == 0)
                // This is just a ufunc
                return(UnaryOpInPlace(this, UFuncOperation.rint, ret));

            // Set up to do a multiply, round, divide, or the other way around.
            NpyUFuncObject pre;
            NpyUFuncObject post;

            if (decimals >= 0)
                pre  = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(UFuncOperation.multiply);
                post = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(UFuncOperation.divide);
                pre      = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(UFuncOperation.divide);
                post     = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(UFuncOperation.multiply);
                decimals = -decimals;
            var factor = PowerOfTen(decimals);

            // Make a temporary array, if we need it.
            NPY_TYPES tmpType = NPY_TYPES.NPY_DOUBLE;

            if (!IsInteger)
                tmpType = TypeNum;
            ndarray tmp;

            if (ret != null && ret.TypeNum == tmpType)
                tmp = ret;
                tmp = NpyCoreApi.NewFromDescr(NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(tmpType), dims, null, 0, null);

            // Do the work
            tmp = BinaryOp(this, factor, pre);
            UnaryOpInPlace(tmp, UFuncOperation.rint, tmp);
            BinaryOpInPlace(tmp, factor, post, tmp);

            if (ret != null && tmp != ret)
                NpyCoreApi.CopyAnyInto(ret, tmp);

            if (this.TypeNum != tmp.TypeNum)
                tmp = tmp.astype(this.Dtype);

Exemple #6
 private static dtype UseDefaultType(Object src)
     // TODO: User-defined types are not implemented yet.
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new array from multiple input types, like lists, arrays, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="descr"></param>
        /// <param name="minDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="requires"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ndarray FromAny(Object src, dtype descr = null, int minDepth     = 0,
                                        int maxDepth            = 0, NPYARRAYFLAGS flags = 0, Object context = null)
            ndarray result = null;

            if (src == null)
                return(np.empty(new shape(0), NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_OBJECT)));

            Type t = src.GetType();

            if (t != typeof(PythonTuple))
                if (src is ndarray)
                    result = NpyCoreApi.FromArray((ndarray)src, descr, flags);
                    return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

                if (t.IsArray)
                    result = asanyarray(src);

                dtype newtype = (descr ?? FindScalarType(src));
                if (descr == null && newtype != null)
                    if ((flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) != 0)
                        throw UpdateIfCopyError();
                    result = FromPythonScalar(src, newtype);
                    return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

                //result = FromScalar(src, descr, context);
                if (result != null)
                    if (descr != null && !NpyCoreApi.EquivTypes(descr, result.Dtype) || flags != 0)
                        result = NpyCoreApi.FromArray(result, descr, flags);
                        return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

            bool is_object = false;

            if ((flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) != 0)
                throw UpdateIfCopyError();
            if (descr == null)
                descr = FindArrayType(src, null);
            else if (descr.TypeNum == NPY_TYPES.NPY_OBJECT)
                is_object = true;

            if (result == null)
                bool seq = false;
                if (src is IEnumerable <object> )
                        result = FromIEnumerable((IEnumerable <object>)src, descr, (flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_FORTRAN) != 0, minDepth, maxDepth);
                        seq    = true;
                    catch (InsufficientMemoryException)
                        if (is_object)
                            result = FromNestedList(src, descr, (flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_FORTRAN) != 0);
                            seq    = true;
                if (!seq)
                    result = FromScalar(src, descr, null);
            return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));
Exemple #8
        internal object Round(int decimals, ndarray ret = null)
            // For complex just round both parts.
            if (IsComplex)
                if (ret == null)
                    ret = Copy();
                Real.Round(decimals, ret.Real);
                Imag.Round(decimals, ret.Imag);

            if (decimals >= 0 && IsInteger)
                // There is nothing to do for integers.
                if (ret != null)
                    NpyCoreApi.CopyAnyInto(ret, this);

            if (decimals == 0)
                // This is just a ufunc
                return(UnaryOpInPlace(this, NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_rint, ret));

            // Set up to do a multiply, round, divide, or the other way around.
            ufunc pre;
            ufunc post;

            if (decimals >= 0)
                pre  = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_multiply);
                post = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_divide);
                pre      = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_divide);
                post     = NpyCoreApi.GetNumericOp(NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_multiply);
                decimals = -decimals;
            var factor = PowerOfTen(decimals);

            // Make a temporary array, if we need it.
            NPY_TYPES tmpType = NPY_TYPES.NPY_DOUBLE;

            if (!IsInteger)
                tmpType = Dtype.TypeNum;
            ndarray tmp;

            if (ret != null && ret.Dtype.TypeNum == tmpType)
                tmp = ret;
                tmp = NpyCoreApi.NewFromDescr(NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(tmpType), dims, null, 0, null);

            // Do the work
            tmp = BinaryOp(this, factor, pre);
            UnaryOpInPlace(tmp, NpyArray_Ops.npy_op_rint, tmp);
            BinaryOpInPlace(tmp, factor, post, tmp);

            if (ret != null && tmp != ret)
                NpyCoreApi.CopyAnyInto(ret, tmp);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the descriptor for a given native type or null if src is
        /// not a scalar type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Object to type</param>
        /// <returns>Descriptor for type of 'src' or null if not scalar</returns>
        internal static dtype FindScalarType(Object src)
            NPY_TYPES type;

            if (src is Double)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_DOUBLE;
            else if (src is Single)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_FLOAT;
            else if (src is Boolean)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL;
            else if (src is Byte)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_UBYTE;
            else if (src is SByte)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_BYTE;
            else if (src is Int16)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_SHORT;
            else if (src is Int32)
                type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_Int32;
            else if (src is Int64)
                type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_Int64;
            else if (src is UInt16)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_USHORT;
            else if (src is UInt32)
                type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_UInt32;
            else if (src is UInt64)
                type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_UInt64;
            else if (src is Decimal)
                type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_Decimal;
            else if (src is BigInteger)
                BigInteger bi = (BigInteger)src;
                if (System.Int64.MinValue <= bi && bi <= System.Int64.MaxValue)
                    type = NpyCoreApi.TypeOf_Int64;
                    type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_OBJECT;
            else if (src is Complex)
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_CDOUBLE;
                type = NPY_TYPES.NPY_NOTYPE;

            return((type != NPY_TYPES.NPY_NOTYPE) ?
                   NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(type) : null);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Given some object and an optional minimum type, returns the appropriate type descriptor.
        /// Equivalent to _array_find_type in common.c of CPython interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Source object</param>
        /// <param name="minitype">Minimum type, or null if any</param>
        /// <param name="max">Maximum dimensions</param>
        /// <returns>Type descriptor fitting requirements</returns>
        public static dtype FindArrayType(Object src, dtype minitype, int max = NpyDefs.NPY_MAXDIMS)
            dtype chktype = null;

            if (src.GetType().IsArray)
                dynamic arr1 = src;
                if (arr1[0] is ndarray)
                    src = arr1[0];

            if (src is ndarray)
                chktype = ((ndarray)src).Dtype;
                if (minitype == null)
                    return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            if (src is ScalarGeneric)
                chktype = (dtype)((ScalarGeneric)src).dtype;
                if (minitype == null)
                    return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            if (minitype == null)
                minitype = NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL);
            if (max < 0)
                chktype = UseDefaultType(src);
                return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            chktype = FindScalarType(src);
            if (chktype != null)
                return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            if (src is String)
                String s = (String)src;
                chktype             = new dtype(NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_UNICODE));
                chktype.ElementSize = s.Length * 4;
                return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));

            chktype = UseDefaultType(src);
            return(FindArrayReturn(chktype, minitype));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new array from multiple input types, like lists, arrays, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="descr"></param>
        /// <param name="minDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="requires"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ndarray FromAny(Object src, dtype descr = null, int minDepth     = 0,
                                      int maxDepth            = 0, NPYARRAYFLAGS flags = 0, Object context = null)
            ndarray result = null;

            if (src == null)
                return(np.empty(new shape(0), NpyCoreApi.DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_OBJECT)));

            Type t = src.GetType();

            if (t != typeof(PythonTuple))
                if (src is ndarray)
                    result = NpyCoreApi.FromArray((ndarray)src, descr, flags);
                    return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

                if (t.IsArray)
                    result = asanyarray(src);

                if (src is ScalarGeneric)
                    if ((flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) != 0)
                        throw UpdateIfCopyError();
                    result = FromScalar((ScalarGeneric)src, descr);
                    return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

                dtype newtype = (descr ?? FindScalarType(src));
                if (descr == null && newtype != null)
                    if ((flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) != 0)
                        throw UpdateIfCopyError();
                    result = FromPythonScalar(src, newtype);
                    return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

                //result = FromScalar(src, descr, context);
                if (result != null)
                    if (descr != null && !NpyCoreApi.EquivTypes(descr, result.Dtype) || flags != 0)
                        result = NpyCoreApi.FromArray(result, descr, flags);
                        return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));

            bool is_object = false;

            if ((flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) != 0)
                throw UpdateIfCopyError();
            if (descr == null)
                descr = FindArrayType(src, null);
            else if (descr.TypeNum == NPY_TYPES.NPY_OBJECT)
                is_object = true;

            if (result == null)
                // Hack required because in C# strings are enumerations of chars, not objects.
                // However, we want to keep src as a string if we are building a string or object array.
                if (!is_object &&
                    (descr.TypeNum != NPY_TYPES.NPY_STRING || descr.Type == NPY_TYPECHAR.NPY_CHARLTR) &&
                    descr.TypeNum != NPY_TYPES.NPY_UNICODE && src is string && ((string)src).Length > 1)
                    src = ((string)src).Cast <object>();

                bool seq = false;
                if (src is IEnumerable <object> )
                        result = FromIEnumerable((IEnumerable <object>)src, descr, (flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_FORTRAN) != 0, minDepth, maxDepth);
                        seq    = true;
                    catch (InsufficientMemoryException)
                        if (is_object)
                            result = FromNestedList(src, descr, (flags & NPYARRAYFLAGS.NPY_FORTRAN) != 0);
                            seq    = true;
                if (!seq)
                    result = FromScalar(src, descr, null);
            return(FromAnyReturn(result, minDepth, maxDepth));