Exemple #1
        void OnNpcLootDrop(NpcLootDropEventArgs e)
            Item item     = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(e.ItemId);
            bool precious = itemsToWatch.Contains(e.ItemId);

            // If new item is watched and roll-off is enabled
            if (rollOnLoot && precious)
                // Build item manually since we will not let the game process the drop
                item.SetDefaults(e.ItemId, false);
                item.stack = e.Stack;

                // Add to roll off items
                if (itemsToRoll.Count == 1)
                    TSPlayer.All.SendMessage(string.Format("Loot: {0} ({1}). Type /roll for this item", item.AffixName(), item.stack), Color.Pink);
                    TSPlayer.All.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} ({1}) added to loot roll queue.", item.AffixName(), item.stack), Color.LightPink);

                e.Handled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// For Custom Loot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnLootDrop(NpcLootDropEventArgs args)
            CustomNPCVars npcvar = NPCManager.GetCustomNPCByIndex(args.NpcArrayIndex);

            if (npcvar == null || npcvar.droppedLoot)

            args.Handled = npcvar.customNPC.overrideBaseNPCLoot;

            //Check if monster has been customized
            if (npcvar.customNPC.customNPCLoots != null)
                foreach (CustomNPCLoot obj in npcvar.customNPC.customNPCLoots)
                    if (obj.itemDropChance >= 100 || NPCManager.Chance(obj.itemDropChance))
                        int pre = 0;
                        if (obj.itemPrefix != null)
                            pre = obj.itemPrefix[rand.Next(obj.itemPrefix.Count)];

                        Item.NewItem((int)npcvar.mainNPC.position.X, (int)npcvar.mainNPC.position.Y, npcvar.mainNPC.width, npcvar.mainNPC.height, obj.itemID, obj.itemStack, false, pre, false);

            npcvar.isDead      = true;
            npcvar.droppedLoot = true;

Exemple #3
 private void OnDropLoot(NpcLootDropEventArgs eventArgs)
     // Same conditions as above
     if ((Terraria.Main.npc[eventArgs.NpcArrayIndex].boss || eventArgs.NpcId == Terraria.ID.NPCID.DD2Betsy) && Terraria.Main.GameMode == 0 && eventArgs.NpcId != Terraria.ID.NPCID.CultistBoss)
         eventArgs.Handled = true; // //Prevents the game from processing this event. This stops npcs from dropping loot with the NPCLootOld() method. Coins, hearts, mana stars, and health potions use a differnet method so they retain normal behavior. Loot is cancelled as we are replacing it with treasure bags.
Exemple #4
 private void LootHook(NpcLootDropEventArgs e)
     if (e == null || e.ItemId != 367)
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => UndoBox((int)e.Position.X, (int)e.Position.Y, e.Width, e.Height)).LogExceptions();
Exemple #5
        private void OnNpcLootDrop(NpcLootDropEventArgs args)
            if (args.Handled)

            var customNpc = GetCustomNpc(Main.npc[args.NpcArrayIndex]);

            if (customNpc != null)
                args.Handled = customNpc.Definition.ShouldOverrideLoot && !AllowedDrops[args.ItemId];
Exemple #6
        private void OnLootDrop(NpcLootDropEventArgs args)
            //Debug print
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}[{1}]: ({2}, {3}) - Item:{4}", args.NPCID, args.NPCArrayIndex, args.X, args.Y,
            //      args.ItemID);

            if (config.LootReplacements.ContainsKey(args.NpcId))
                DropReplacement repl = config.LootReplacements[args.NpcId];

                if (Main.bloodMoon && repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Bloodmoon))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Bloodmoon])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);

                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (Main.eclipse && repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Eclipse))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Eclipse])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);

                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (Main.moonPhase == 0 && !Main.dayTime && repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Fullmoon))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Fullmoon])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);

                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (!Main.dayTime && repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Night))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Night])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);

                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (Main.dayTime && repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Day))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Day])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);

                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (repl.drops.ContainsKey(State.Normal))
                    foreach (Drop d in repl.drops[State.Normal])
                        double rng = random.NextDouble();
                        if (d.chance >= rng)
                            var item  = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(d.itemID);
                            int stack = random.Next(d.low_stack, d.high_stack + 1);
                            Item.NewItem((int)args.Position.X, (int)args.Position.Y, item.width, item.height, d.itemID, stack, args.Broadcast, d.prefix);
                            args.Handled = true;

                            if (!repl.tryEachItem)

                if (!repl.alsoDropDefaultLoot)
                    args.Handled = true;