public static NotificationSource GetSource(PXGraph graph, string classID, Guid setupID, int?branchID) { var notificationSourceSet = PXSelect <NotificationSource, Where < NotificationSource.setupID, Equal <Required <NotificationSource.setupID> >, And <NotificationSource.classID, Equal <Required <NotificationSource.classID> >, And <, Equal <True> > > > > .Select(graph, setupID, classID); NotificationSource result = null; foreach (NotificationSource rec in notificationSourceSet) { if (rec.NBranchID == branchID) { return(rec); } if (rec.NBranchID == null) { result = rec; } } return(result); }
private async void Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var ofn = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = CodecFactory.SupportedFilesFilterEn }; if (ofn.ShowDialog() == true) { _soundOut.Stop(); if (_notificationSource != null) { _notificationSource.Dispose(); } var source = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(ofn.FileName); source = new CachedSoundSource(source); source.Position = 0; await LoadWaveformsAsync(source); source.Position = 0; _sampleSource = source.ToSampleSource(); _notificationSource = new NotificationSource(_sampleSource) { Interval = 100 }; _notificationSource.BlockRead += (o, args) => { UpdatePosition(); }; _soundOut.Initialize(_notificationSource.ToWaveSource()); _soundOut.Play(); } }
public virtual void CustomerClass_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { CustomerClass row = (CustomerClass)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } NotificationSource source = this.NotificationSources.Select(row.CustomerClassID); this.NotificationRecipients.Cache.AllowInsert = source != null; PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <CustomerClass.creditLimit>(cache, row, (row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_CREDIT_LIMIT || row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_BOTH)); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <CustomerClass.overLimitAmount>(cache, row, (row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_CREDIT_LIMIT || row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_BOTH)); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <CustomerClass.creditDaysPastDue>(cache, row, (row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_DAYS_PAST_DUE || row.CreditRule == CreditRuleTypes.CS_BOTH)); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <CustomerClass.smallBalanceLimit>(cache, row, (row.SmallBalanceAllow ?? false)); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <CustomerClass.finChargeID>(cache, row, (row.FinChargeApply ?? false)); var mcFeatureInstalled = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.multicurrency>(); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <CustomerClass.curyID>(cache, null, mcFeatureInstalled); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <CustomerClass.curyRateTypeID>(cache, null, mcFeatureInstalled); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <CustomerClass.printCuryStatements>(cache, null, mcFeatureInstalled); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <CustomerClass.allowOverrideCury>(cache, null, mcFeatureInstalled); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <CustomerClass.allowOverrideRate>(cache, null, mcFeatureInstalled); }
public NotificationAreaMessage(string source, NotificationSource sourceType, NotificationContent contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.source = source; if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Notification source can't be null."); InitComponent (); }
public void ShowError(string text) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { NotificationSource.Show(text, NotificationType.Error); } ); }
private IEnumerable <NotificationRecipient> GetNotificationRecipients( NotificationSource notificationSource, int?vendorId) { var notificationRecipientsQuery = GetNotificationRecipientsQuery(notificationSource, vendorId); var notificationRecipientGroups = notificationRecipientsQuery.FirstTableItems.GroupBy(nr => nr.ContactID); return(notificationRecipientGroups.Select(nr => GetAppropriateNotificationRecipient(nr.ToList())) .Where(nr => nr.Active == true).ToList()); }
public Notification getNotification(bool generateHaveToAct) { int sourceIndex = random.Next(0, sourcesNumber); bool isSilent = random.Next(0, 2) == 0; if (generateHaveToAct) { sourceIndex = mapNameToIndex(); isSilent = false; } string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); NotificationSource notificationSource = (NotificationSource)Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationSource)).GetValue(sourceIndex); string sourceName = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationSource); NotificationImage notificationImage = (NotificationImage)Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationImage)).GetValue(sourceIndex); string sourceImage = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationImage); NotificationColor notificationColor = (NotificationColor)Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationColor)).GetValue(sourceIndex); Color sourceColor = EnumDescription.getColor(EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationColor)); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationAuthor)); int authorIndex = random.Next(values.Length); if (generateHaveToAct) { authorIndex = mapAuthorToIndex(); } NotificationAuthor notificationAuthor = (NotificationAuthor)values.GetValue(authorIndex); string author = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationAuthor); values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationIcon)); NotificationIcon notificationIcon = (NotificationIcon)values.GetValue(authorIndex); string icon = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationIcon); string text; if (sourceIndex == 2 || sourceIndex == 3) // post or youtube { values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationHeader)); NotificationHeader notificationHeader = (NotificationHeader)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length)); text = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationHeader); } else // messengers { values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationText)); NotificationText notificationText = (NotificationText)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length)); text = EnumDescription.getDescription(notificationText); } if (isSilent) { sourceColor = EnumDescription.getColor(EnumDescription.getDescription(NotificationColor.Silent)); sourceImage = "_silent_"; } long timestamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Notification notification = new Notification(id, sourceImage, sourceName, author, icon, text, timestamp, isSilent, sourceColor, generateHaveToAct); Debug.Log(string.Format("Notification which is {0} and has the following data: {1} was created", generateHaveToAct ? "correct" : "incorrect", notification)); return(notification); }
public NotificationBubble(string source, NotificationSource sourceType, NotificationContent contentType) : base(WindowType.Popup) { this.contentType = contentType; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.source = source; if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Notification source can't be null."); InitComponent (); }
private PXResultset <NotificationRecipient> GetNotificationRecipientsQuery( NotificationSource notificationSource, int?vendorId) { var classId = VendorDataProvider.GetVendor(PrintEmailLienWaiversProcess, vendorId).ClassID; return(SelectFrom <NotificationRecipient> .Where <NotificationRecipient.setupID.IsEqual <P.AsGuid> .And <NotificationRecipient.sourceID.IsEqual <P.AsInt> .Or <NotificationRecipient.classID.IsEqual <P.AsString> > > > .View .Select(PrintEmailLienWaiversProcess, notificationSource.SetupID, notificationSource.SourceID, classId)); }
public NotificationAreaMessage(string source, NotificationSource sourceType, NotificationContent contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.source = source; if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Notification source can't be null."); } InitComponent(); }
internal WlanConnectionNotificationEventArgs(WlanInternNotificationData data, WlanInternNotificationConnectionData c) { Source = data.notificationSource; Code = data.NotificationCode; BssType = c.dot11BssType; ProfileName = c.profileName; ProfileXml = c.profileXml; SecurityEnabled = c.securityEnabled; ConnectionMode = c.ConnectionMode; ReasonCode = c.wlanReasonCode; Ssid = c.Dot11Ssid.GetSsid(); }
public static void ShowHtmlNotification(string source, NotificationSource nsource, int width, int height, int timeout, TimerEndedHandler thandler) { NotificationAreaMessage msg = new NotificationAreaMessage (source, nsource, NotificationContent.Html); msg.BubbleWidth = width; if (thandler != null) msg.TimerEndedEvent += thandler; msg.BubbleHeight = height; msg.TimeOut = timeout; msg.Notify (); }
public NotificationBubble(string source, NotificationSource sourceType, NotificationContent contentType) : base(WindowType.Popup) { this.contentType = contentType; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.source = source; if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Notification source can't be null."); } InitComponent(); }
private static void ShowSvgNotification(string source, NotificationSource nsource, string header, string body, int timeout, int width, int height, NotificationType type, TimerEndedHandler thandler) { Stream stream; string svg = ""; if (source == null) { NotificationFactory factory = new NotificationFactory(); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(factory.GetType()); stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type.ToString() + ".svg"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); svg = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); stream.Close(); } else { if (nsource == NotificationSource.File) { stream = new FileStream(source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); svg = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); stream.Close(); } else if (nsource == NotificationSource.Text) { svg = source; } } svg = ReplaceMacros(svg, header, body); NotificationAreaMessage msg = new NotificationAreaMessage(svg, NotificationSource.Text, NotificationContent.Svg); if (thandler != null) { msg.TimerEndedEvent += thandler; } msg.TimeOut = timeout; msg.BubbleWidth = width; msg.BubbleHeight = height; msg.Notify(); }
public async Task Init() { var task = LoadWaveformsAsync(AudioEffect.Instance.source); _notificationSource = new NotificationSource(new WaveformData.InterruptDisposeChainSource(AudioEffect.Instance.source)) { Interval = 100 }; _notificationSource.BlockRead += (o, args) => { UpdatePosition(); }; _soundOut.Initialize(_notificationSource.ToWaveSource()); await task; _soundOut.Play(); }
public static void ShowHtmlNotification(string source, NotificationSource nsource, int width, int height, int timeout, TimerEndedHandler thandler) { NotificationAreaMessage msg = new NotificationAreaMessage(source, nsource, NotificationContent.Html); msg.BubbleWidth = width; if (thandler != null) { msg.TimerEndedEvent += thandler; } msg.BubbleHeight = height; msg.TimeOut = timeout; msg.Notify(); }
private async void Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var ofn = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = CodecFactory.SupportedFilesFilterEn }; if (ofn.ShowDialog() == true) { _soundOut.Stop(); if (_notificationSource != null) { _notificationSource.Dispose(); } var source = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(ofn.FileName); //since the mediafoundationdecoder isn't really accurate what position and length concerns //read the whole file into a cache if (source is MediaFoundationDecoder) { if (source.Length < 10485760) //10MB { source = new CachedSoundSource(source); } else { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); source = new FileCachedSoundSource(source); stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); } } source.Position = 0; //load the waveform await LoadWaveformsAsync(source); source.Position = 0; _sampleSource = source.ToSampleSource(); _notificationSource = new NotificationSource(_sampleSource) { Interval = 100 }; _notificationSource.BlockRead += (o, args) => { UpdatePosition(); }; _soundOut.Initialize(_notificationSource.ToWaveSource()); _soundOut.Play(); } }
public virtual void VendorClass_RowInserted(PXCache cache, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e) { VendorClass row = (VendorClass)e.Row; if (row == null || row.VendorClassID == null) { return; } foreach (APNotification n in PXSelect <APNotification, Where <APNotification.sourceCD, Equal <APNotificationSource.vendor> > > .Select(this)) { NotificationSource source = new NotificationSource(); source.SetupID = n.SetupID; this.NotificationSources.Insert(source); } }
public async Task <int> GetIndex(NotificationSource source) { //multiple requests may try to obtain the new index //Therefore, to prevent raise conditions, we need to use locking mechanism. //It will ensure that only one thread obtains new index. await _lock.WaitAsync(); try { var state = await Get(); state.IncrementIndex(source); await Write(state); _state = state; return(state.GetIndex(source)); } finally { _lock.Release(); } }
public void ThrowsInvalidCallerThread() { Exception exception = null; using (var source = new NotificationSource(GetLoopingWaveSource().ToSampleSource())) { using (var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { _soundOut.Initialize(source.ToWaveSource()); //the play method sometimes won't cause an InvalidOperationException //for example the waveout class will read from the source which fires up the BlockRead event BUT not on the playbackthread. _soundOut.Play(); source.BlockRead += (s, e) => { try { _soundOut.Pause(); //hopefully throws InvalidOperationException } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { exception = ex; } finally { // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure waitHandle.Set(); } }; waitHandle.WaitOne(); _soundOut.Stop(); } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } }
public void ShowInformation(string message) { NotificationSource.Show(message, NotificationType.Information); }
public void Run() { var authent = new Authenticator(_agent, _storage); authent.SetupParameters(); var state = authent.ObserveState(); authent.CheckEncryptionKey(); var sender = new MessageSender(_agent); var notify = new NotificationSource(_agent); var notif = notify.MessagesNotifications(); notif.Accept(async notifications => { try { var mg = notifications.Message.Content as TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText; if (mg.Text.Text.HasValue()) { var r = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.OpenChat { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId }); var chats = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.GetChatHistory { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId, Limit = 10, Offset = 0, OnlyLocal = false }); var result = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.ViewMessages { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId, MessageIds = new[] { notifications.Message.Id } }); var rxt = Taker.Talk(mg.Text.Text); var rz = rxt; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { rz += i; var rrr = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync( new TdApi.SendChatAction { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId, Action = new TdApi.ChatAction.ChatActionTyping() } ); var res = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync( new TdApi.SetChatDraftMessage { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId , DraftMessage = new TdApi.DraftMessage { InputMessageText = new TdApi.InputMessageContent.InputMessageText { Text = new TdApi.FormattedText { Text = rz } } } }); Thread.Sleep(5000); } var returnMsg = new TdApi.InputMessageContent.InputMessageText { Text = new TdApi.FormattedText { Text = rxt }, ClearDraft = true }; sender.SendMessage(notifications.Chat, returnMsg); var r1 = await _dialer.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.CloseChat { ChatId = notifications.Message.ChatId }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }); _hub.Start(); }
private static bool IsNotificationSourceValid(NotificationSource notificationSource) { return(notificationSource?.ReportID != null && notificationSource.Active == true); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates the reason for an operation failure. This field has a value of <see cref="ReasonCode.Success" /> /// for all connection-related notifications except <see cref="NotificationCodeAcm.ConnectionComplete" />. If the /// connection fails, this field indicates the reason for the failure. /// </summary> internal WlanNotificationEventArgs(WlanInternNotificationData data) { Source = data.notificationSource; Code = data.NotificationCode; }
public void IncrementIndex(NotificationSource source) => Indices[Key(source)]++;
private void OnNotifiedTraceMessage(string notificationMessage, Exception exception, NotificationSource notificationSource, TraceNotificationLevel notificationLevel) { string notificationMessageFinal = String.Format("{0} Error message is: '{1}'.", notificationMessage, exception.Message); OnNotifiedTraceMessage(new TraceNotificationEventArgs(notificationMessageFinal, notificationSource, notificationLevel)); }
public void ShowError(string message) { NotificationSource.Show(message, NotificationType.Error); }
private static string Key(NotificationSource source) => source.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
public BackingStoreInfo(NotificationSource source, int index, string id) { FileId = id; Source = source.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); DirIndex = index; }
private static void Send(AppointmentEntry graphAppointmentEntry, PXCache sourceCache, Guid setupID, int?branchID, IDictionary <string, string> reportParams, IList <Guid?> attachments = null) { string emailToAccounts, emailBCCAccounts; emailToAccounts = string.Empty; emailBCCAccounts = string.Empty; FSAppointment fsAppointmentRow = graphAppointmentEntry.AppointmentRecords.Current; Guid?refNoteId = fsAppointmentRow.NoteID; Guid?parentNoteId = null; string srvOrdType = fsAppointmentRow.SrvOrdType; NotificationSource source = GetSource(graphAppointmentEntry, srvOrdType, setupID, branchID); if (source == null) { //The current Notification Type (MailingID) is not configured for this Service Order Type return; } var accountId = source.EMailAccountID ?? DefaultEMailAccountId; if (accountId == null) { sourceCache.RaiseExceptionHandling <FSAppointment.srvOrdType>( sourceCache.Current, ((FSAppointment)sourceCache.Current).SrvOrdType, new PXSetPropertyException( TX.Warning.DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED, PXErrorLevel.Warning)); } RecipientList recipients = GetRecipients(graphAppointmentEntry, source.SourceID, accountId); if (recipients == null || recipients.Count() == 0) { return; } GetsRecipientsFields(recipients, ref emailToAccounts, ref emailBCCAccounts); var sent = false; if (source.ReportID != null) { var sender = new ReportNotificationGenerator(source.ReportID) { MailAccountId = accountId, Format = source.Format, AdditionalRecipents = recipients, Parameters = reportParams, NotificationID = source.NotificationID }; sent |= sender.Send().Any(); } else if (source.NotificationID != null) { var sender = TemplateNotificationGenerator.Create(fsAppointmentRow, (int)source.NotificationID); if (source.EMailAccountID != null) { sender.MailAccountId = accountId; } string notificationBody = sender.Body; FSAppointment.ReplaceWildCards(graphAppointmentEntry, ref notificationBody, fsAppointmentRow); sender.Body = notificationBody; sender.BodyFormat = source.Format; sender.RefNoteID = refNoteId; sender.ParentNoteID = parentNoteId; sender.To = emailToAccounts; sender.Bcc = emailBCCAccounts; if (attachments != null) { foreach (var attachment in attachments) { if (attachment != null) { sender.AddAttachmentLink(attachment.Value); } } } sent |= sender.Send().Any(); } if (!sent) { throw new PXException(PX.Objects.CR.Messages.EmailNotificationError); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init(); SimpleOptions options = new SimpleOptions(); options.ProcessArgs(args); bool collecting = false; StringBuilder textbuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder headerbuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in args) { if (s == "--text") { collecting = true; continue; } else if (s.StartsWith("--") && collecting) { collecting = false; } if (collecting) { textbuilder.Append(s + " "); } } options.text = textbuilder.ToString(); foreach (string s in args) { if (s == "--header") { collecting = true; continue; } else if (s.StartsWith("--") && collecting) { collecting = false; } if (collecting) { headerbuilder.Append(s + " "); } } options.header = headerbuilder.ToString(); if (args.Length == 0) { options.DoHelp(); Environment.Exit(1); } //We are receiving html if (options.html) { NotificationSource sourceType = NotificationSource.Url; string source = null; if (options.content != null) { sourceType = NotificationSource.Text; source = options.content; } else if (options.file != null) { sourceType = NotificationSource.File; source = options.file; } else if (options.url != null) { sourceType = NotificationSource.Url; source = options.url; } else { options.DoHelp(); } NotificationFactory.ShowHtmlNotification(source, sourceType, options.width, options.height, options.timeout, new TimerEndedHandler(TimerEnded)); } // We are receiving svg else if (options.svg) { if (options.file != null) { NotificationFactory.ShowSvgNotification(options.file, options.header, options.text, options.width, options.height, options.timeout, new TimerEndedHandler(TimerEnded)); } else if (options.warning) { ShowStandardMsg(NotificationType.Warning, options); } else if ( { ShowStandardMsg(NotificationType.Info, options); } else if (options.error) { ShowStandardMsg(NotificationType.Error, options); } else { options.DoHelp(); } } else { options.DoHelp(); } Application.Run(); }
private static void ShowSvgNotification(string source, NotificationSource nsource, string header, string body, int timeout, int width, int height, NotificationType type, TimerEndedHandler thandler) { Stream stream; string svg = ""; if (source == null) { NotificationFactory factory = new NotificationFactory (); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly (factory.GetType ()); stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (type.ToString () + ".svg"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (stream); svg = reader.ReadToEnd (); reader.Close (); stream.Close (); } else { if (nsource == NotificationSource.File) { stream = new FileStream (source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (stream); svg = reader.ReadToEnd (); reader.Close (); stream.Close (); } else if (nsource == NotificationSource.Text) svg = source; } svg = ReplaceMacros (svg, header, body); NotificationAreaMessage msg = new NotificationAreaMessage (svg, NotificationSource.Text, NotificationContent.Svg); if (thandler != null) msg.TimerEndedEvent += thandler; msg.TimeOut = timeout; msg.BubbleWidth = width; msg.BubbleHeight = height; msg.Notify (); }
public void ShowSuccess(string message) { NotificationSource.Show(message, NotificationType.Success); }
public int GetIndex(NotificationSource source) => Indices[Key(source)];
public void ShowWarning(string message) { NotificationSource.Show(message, NotificationType.Warning); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DroneException"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="notificationSource">The source where the exception occurred.</param> /// <param name="message">The exception message.</param> public DroneException(NotificationSource notificationSource, string message) : base(message) { this.NotificationSource = notificationSource; }
internal WlanReasonNotificationEventArgs(WlanInternNotificationData data, ReasonCode code) { Source = data.notificationSource; Code = data.NotificationCode; ReasonCode = code; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TraceNotificationEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="notificationMessage">The notification message.</param> /// <param name="notificationSource">The notification source.</param> /// <param name="notificationLevel">The notification level.</param> public TraceNotificationEventArgs(string notificationMessage, NotificationSource notificationSource, TraceNotificationLevel notificationLevel) { this.NotificationMessage = notificationMessage; this.NotificationSource = notificationSource; this.NotificationLevel = notificationLevel; }
private void OnNotifiedTraceMessage(string notificationMessage, NotificationSource notificationSource, TraceNotificationLevel notificationLevel) { OnNotifiedTraceMessage(new TraceNotificationEventArgs(notificationMessage, notificationSource, notificationLevel)); }