public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { var newHealthy = new HashSet <IPAddress>(_healthyEndpoints); var newBan = new HashSet <IPAddress>(_bannedEndpoints); IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.Remove: if (newHealthy.Remove(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints = newHealthy.OrderBy(e => e, epComparer).ToArray(); } if (newBan.Remove(endpoint)) { _bannedEndpoints = newBan.ToArray(); } break; case NotificationKind.Add: case NotificationKind.Update: if (!newHealthy.Contains(endpoint) && !newBan.Contains(endpoint)) { newHealthy.Add(endpoint); _healthyEndpoints = newHealthy.OrderBy(e => e, epComparer).ToArray(); } break; } }
public override void OnError(Exception error) { Dispose(); _error = error; _kind = NotificationKind.OnError; // Write last! }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { lock (_lock) { IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.Add: if (!_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Add(endpoint); _ring.AddOrUpdateNode(peer); } break; case NotificationKind.Update: _ring.AddOrUpdateNode(peer); break; case NotificationKind.Remove: if (_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Remove(endpoint); _ring.RemoveNode(endpoint); } break; } } }
public SubscribedEvent(Guid subscriptionId, NotificationKind kind, string paramUri, Dictionary<string, string> extendedInformation) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; Kind = kind; ParamUri = paramUri; ExtendedInformation = extendedInformation; }
public SubscribeCommand(Guid clientId, Guid subscriptionId, NotificationKind kind, string uri, Dictionary<string, string> extendedInformation) { ClientId = clientId; SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; Kind = kind; Uri = uri; ExtendedInformation = extendedInformation; }
protected void notify(NotificationKind kind, string message) { if (_notifier != null) { _notifier.notify(new Notification { Kind = kind, Message = message }); } }
private async Task TestCore(NotificationKind notificationKind, string message) { Assert.AreEqual(notificationKind, mock.NotificationKind); Assert.AreEqual(message, mock.Message); await Task.Delay(200); Assert.IsNull(mock.NotificationKind); Assert.IsNull(mock.Message); }
private void ProcessNext() { object obj = this.actions; lock (obj) { if (this.actions.Count != 0 && !this.isDisposed) { ObserveOnObservable <T> .ObserveOn.SchedulableAction action = this.actions.First.Value; if (!action.IsScheduled) { action.schedule = this.parent.scheduler.Schedule(delegate() { try { NotificationKind kind =; if (kind != NotificationKind.OnNext) { if (kind != NotificationKind.OnError) { if (kind == NotificationKind.OnCompleted) {; } } else {; } } else {; } } finally { object obj2 = this.actions; lock (obj2) { action.Dispose(); } if ( == NotificationKind.OnNext) { this.ProcessNext(); } else { this.Dispose(); } } }); } } } }
public Notification(Guid id, NotificationKind kind, string method, string content, User user) { Id = id; Kind = kind; Method = method; User = user; UserId = user.Id; Content = content ?? throw SheaftException.Validation("Le contenu de la notification est requis."); Unread = true; }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { lock (_lock) { IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; if (!_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint) && !_bannedEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Add(endpoint); } } }
private NotificationResponse SendRequest(string subscriptionUri, byte[] notificationMessage, NotificationKind kind) { HttpWebRequest sendNotificationRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(subscriptionUri); // HTTP POST is the only allowed method to send the notification. sendNotificationRequest.Method = "POST"; // The optional custom header X-MessageID uniquely identifies a notification message. If it is present, the // same value is returned in the notification response. It must be a string that contains a UUID. sendNotificationRequest.Headers.Add("X-MessageID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); if (kind == NotificationKind.Tile) { sendNotificationRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"; sendNotificationRequest.Headers.Add("X-WindowsPhone-Target", "token"); } else if (kind == NotificationKind.Toast) { sendNotificationRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"; sendNotificationRequest.Headers.Add("X-WindowsPhone-Target", "toast"); } // TODO Add support for other notification classes var notificationClass = ((int)NotificationClass.Immediately) + (int)kind; sendNotificationRequest.Headers.Add("X-NotificationClass", notificationClass.ToString()); // Sets the web request content length. sendNotificationRequest.ContentLength = notificationMessage.Length; using (Stream requestStream = sendNotificationRequest.GetRequestStream()) { requestStream.Write(notificationMessage, 0, notificationMessage.Length); } // Sends the notification and make sure we handle the response eventually HttpWebResponse response; try { response = (HttpWebResponse)sendNotificationRequest.GetResponse(); } catch(WebException ex) { response = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; } var notResponse = new NotificationResponse { StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode, NotificationStatus = response.Headers["X-NotificationStatus"], SubscriptionStatus = response.Headers["X-SubscriptionStatus"], DeviceConnectionStatus = response.Headers["X-DeviceConnectionStatus"] }; return notResponse; }
public void Concat2() { var expected = new NotificationKind [] { NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnError }; var source = Observable.Range(0, 2).Concat(Observable.Throw <int> (new Exception("failure"))); var arr = from n in source.Materialize().ToEnumerable() select n.Kind; Assert.AreEqual(expected, arr.ToArray(), "#1"); }
protected override Task ServerSendAsync(NotificationKind kind, object data) { var messageKind = GetMessageKind(kind); if (messageKind == QbservableProtocolMessageKind.OnCompleted) { return(SendMessageAsync(new QbservableMessage(messageKind))); } else { return(SendMessageAsync(messageKind, data)); } }
public override void OnNext(TSource value) { lock (_gate) { if (_waiting) { _value = value; _kind = NotificationKind.OnNext; _semaphore.Release(); } _waiting = false; } }
public NotificationItem(float lifeTime, NotificationKind notificationKind, string message) { _spriteFont = GameInstance.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(ResourceNames.Fonts.NotificationFont); _backgroundColor = new Color(70, 70, 70); _notificationIcons = GameInstance.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ResourceNames.Textures.NotificationIcons); NotificationKind = notificationKind; Message = message; var transit = lifeTime*0.125f; _remainingLifeTime = lifeTime - 2*transit; EnterAnimation = new UiAlphaAnimation(transit, 0,1); LeaveAnimation = new UiAlphaAnimation(transit, 1, 0); }
public NotificationItem(float lifeTime, NotificationKind notificationKind, string message) { _spriteFont = GameInstance.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ResourceNames.Fonts.NotificationFont); _backgroundColor = new Color(70, 70, 70); _notificationIcons = GameInstance.Content.Load <Texture2D>(ResourceNames.Textures.NotificationIcons); NotificationKind = notificationKind; Message = message; var transit = lifeTime * 0.125f; _remainingLifeTime = lifeTime - 2 * transit; EnterAnimation = new UiAlphaAnimation(transit, 0, 1); LeaveAnimation = new UiAlphaAnimation(transit, 1, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Marble" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="streamKey"></param> /// <param name="kind">The kind.</param> /// <param name="elapsed">The elapsed.</param> /// <param name="machineName">Name of the machine.</param> internal Marble( string streamKey, NotificationKind kind, TimeSpan elapsed, string machineName) { StreamKey = streamKey; Kind = kind; Offset = elapsed; DateCreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; MachineName = machineName; }
public void HandleNotificationEvent(IUIAutomationElement sender, NotificationKind kind, NotificationProcessing process, string displayString, string activityId) { var m = EventMessage.GetInstance(this.EventId, sender); if (m != null) { m.Properties = new List <KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> > { new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("NotificationKind", kind.ToString()), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("NotificationProcessing", process.ToString()), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("Display", displayString), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("ActivityId", activityId), }; this.ListenEventMessage(m); } }
public void Materialize() { var expected = new NotificationKind [] { NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnError }; var source = Observable.Range(0, 2).Concat(Observable.Throw <int> (new Exception("failure"))); var l = new List <NotificationKind> (); bool done = false; var dis = source.Materialize().Subscribe(v => l.Add(v.Kind), () => done = true); // test that Materialize() yields OnCompleted event after yielding OnError. Assert.IsTrue(SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => done, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual(expected, l.ToArray(), "#3"); dis.Dispose(); }
public override void OnNext(TSource value) { var lackedValue = false; lock (_gate) { lackedValue = !_notificationAvailable; _notificationAvailable = true; _kind = NotificationKind.OnNext; _value = value; } if (lackedValue) { _semaphore.Release(); } }
private static QbservableProtocolMessageKind GetMessageKind(NotificationKind kind) { switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.OnNext: return(QbservableProtocolMessageKind.OnNext); case NotificationKind.OnCompleted: return(QbservableProtocolMessageKind.OnCompleted); case NotificationKind.OnError: return(QbservableProtocolMessageKind.OnError); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("kind"); } }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { lock (_lock) { bool updated = false; IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; if (!_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint) && !_bannedEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Add(endpoint); updated = true; } if (updated) { _healthyEndpoints.Sort((a1, a2) => _snitch.CompareEndpoints(_clientAddress, a1, a2)); } } }
public override void OnCompleted() { Dispose(); var lackedValue = false; lock (_gate) { lackedValue = !_notificationAvailable; _notificationAvailable = true; _kind = NotificationKind.OnCompleted; } if (lackedValue) { _semaphore.Release(); } }
public void Concat3() { var expected = new NotificationKind [] { NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnNext, NotificationKind.OnCompleted }; var scheduler = new HistoricalScheduler(); var source = Observable.Range(1, 3).Concat(Observable.Return(2).Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), scheduler)); bool done = false; var l = new List <NotificationKind> (); source.Materialize().Subscribe(v => l.Add(v.Kind), () => done = true); scheduler.AdvanceBy(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, l.ToArray(), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue(done, "#2"); }
public void PushNotification(NotificationKind notificationKind, string message) { lock (_lockObject) { var notificationItem = new NotificationItem(_notificationTime, notificationKind, message) { Width = _barWidth }; notificationItem.Show(); _notifications.Add(notificationItem); AddChildElement(notificationItem); if (_notifications.Count > _maxNotifications) { RemoveChild(_notifications.First()); _notifications.RemoveAt(0); } UpdateIndices(); } }
public override void OnCompleted() { Dispose(); lock (_gate) { // // BREAKING CHANGE v2 > v1.x - Next doesn't block indefinitely when it reaches the end. // _kind = NotificationKind.OnCompleted; if (_waiting) { _semaphore.Release(); } _waiting = false; } }
public override void OnError(Exception error) { Dispose(); var lackedValue = false; lock (_gate) { lackedValue = !_notificationAvailable; _notificationAvailable = true; _kind = NotificationKind.OnError; _error = error; } if (lackedValue) { _semaphore.Release(); } }
#pragma warning disable CA1725 // Parameter names should match base declaration public void HandleNotificationEvent(IUIAutomationElement sender, NotificationKind notificationKind, NotificationProcessing notificationProcessing, string displayString, string activityId) #pragma warning restore CA1725 // Parameter names should match base declaration { #pragma warning disable CA2000 // Call IDisposable.Dispose() var m = EventMessage.GetInstance(this.EventId, sender); #pragma warning restore CA2000 if (m != null) { m.Properties = new List <KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> > { new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("NotificationKind", notificationKind.ToString()), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("NotificationProcessing", notificationProcessing.ToString()), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("Display", displayString), new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>("ActivityId", activityId), }; this.ListenEventMessage(m); } }
public override void OnError(Exception error) { base.Dispose(); lock (_gate) { // // BREAKING CHANGE v2 > v1.x - Next doesn't block indefinitely when it reaches the end. // _error = error; _kind = NotificationKind.OnError; if (_waiting) { _semaphore.Release(); } _waiting = false; } }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { var newHealthy = new HashSet <IPAddress>(_healthyEndpoints); IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.Add: if (!newHealthy.Contains(endpoint)) { newHealthy.Add(endpoint); _healthyEndpoints = newHealthy.ToArray(); lock (_ring) { _ring.AddOrUpdateNode(peer); } } break; case NotificationKind.Update: lock (_ring) { _ring.AddOrUpdateNode(peer); } break; case NotificationKind.Remove: if (newHealthy.Contains(endpoint)) { newHealthy.Remove(endpoint); _healthyEndpoints = newHealthy.ToArray(); lock (_ring) { _ring.RemoveNode(endpoint); } } break; } }
public void CreateNotification(NotificationKind kind, long userId) { var user = _dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId); if (user == null) { throw new UserException(UserError.DoesNotExist); } Notification notification = new Notification { Kind = kind, User = user }; _dbContext.Notifications.Add(notification); if (_dbContext.SaveChanges() != 1) { throw new NotificationException(NotificationError.NotCreated); } }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { lock (_lock) { IPAddress endpoint = peer.RpcAddress; switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.Add: case NotificationKind.Update: if (!_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint) && !_bannedEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Add(endpoint); } break; case NotificationKind.Remove: if (_healthyEndpoints.Contains(endpoint)) { _healthyEndpoints.Remove(endpoint); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// View the details of multiple notifications /// </summary> /// <param name="kind">The kind of notification (Dashboard, Api, or Automated)</param> /// <param name="limit">The number of notifications per page</param> /// <param name="offset">The number of notifications to skip</param> /// <param name="appId">Optional app id if you want an app id different than what is defined in OneSignalConfiguration</param> /// <returns>Paginated list of notifications</returns> public ViewNotificationsResponse ViewNotifications(NotificationKind kind, int limit = 50, int offset = 0, string appId = null) { return(Get <ViewNotificationsResponse>($"notifications?app_id={appId ?? OneSignalConfiguration.GetAppId()}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}&kind={kind}")); }
private void PostNotification(string id, string text, Action clickHandler, NotificationKind kind, string informationUrl = "") { ToolTipIcon icon = ToolTipIcon.Info; switch (kind) { case NotificationKind.Default: icon = ToolTipIcon.None; break; case NotificationKind.Information: icon = ToolTipIcon.Info; break; case NotificationKind.Warning: icon = ToolTipIcon.Warning; break; case NotificationKind.Danger: icon = ToolTipIcon.Error; break; } notificationsControl.AddNotification(id, text, clickHandler, kind, informationUrl); if (notifyIcon1.Visible) ShowBalloonNotification(text, clickHandler, icon); }
public ApplicationMessage(NotificationKind kind) { NotificationKind = kind; }
protected void notify(NotificationKind kind, string message) { if (_notifier != null) _notifier.notify(new Notification { Kind = kind, Message = message }); }
protected void HandleNotificationEvent(SHAutomationElement sender, NotificationKind notificationKind, NotificationProcessing notificationProcessing, string displaystring, string activityId) { _callAction(sender, notificationKind, notificationProcessing, displaystring, activityId); }
/// <summary> /// Show a confirmation message in the taskbar /// </summary> protected void ShowConfirmation(string title, string message, NotificationKind notificationKind) { CDPMessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new TaskbarNotificationEvent(title, message, notificationKind)); }
public void Subscribe(Guid subscriptionId, NotificationKind notificationKind, string notificationUri, Dictionary<string, string> extendedInformation) { PublishEvent(new SubscribedEvent(subscriptionId, notificationKind, notificationUri, extendedInformation)); }
public Subscription(Guid subscriptionId, NotificationKind kind, string paramUri) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; Kind = kind; ParamUri = paramUri; }
public void Update(NotificationKind kind, Peer peer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void PostNotification(string id, string text, Action clickHandler, NotificationKind kind, string informationUrl) { NotificationEventArgs notification = new NotificationEventArgs { Id = id, Text = text, ClickHandler = clickHandler, Kind = kind, InformationUrl = informationUrl }; if (NotificationReceived != null) NotificationReceived(this, notification); }
private void PostNotification(string text, NotificationKind icon, string informationUrl = "") { PostNotification(text, text, () => { }, icon, informationUrl); }
public void QueueMobileMinerNotification(string text, NotificationKind kind) { Notification notification = new Notification { NotificationText = text, MachineName = Environment.MachineName, NotificationKind = kind }; queuedNotifications.Add(notification); }
private void PostNotification(string text, Action clickHandler, NotificationKind icon, string informationUrl = "") { PostNotification(text, text, clickHandler, icon, informationUrl); }