Exemple #1
        public sonesExampleClass(String[] myArgs)
            if (myArgs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (String parameter in myArgs)
                    if (parameter.ToUpper() == "--Q")
                        quiet = true;

            #region Init NotificationDispatcher
            var _NotificationSettings = new NotificationSettings()
                StartDispatcher = false,
                StartBrigde = false

            var _NotificationDispatcher = new NotificationDispatcher(UUID.NewUUID, _NotificationSettings);


            #region Create or open GraphDS

            var _GraphDSSharp = new GraphDSSharp()
                DatabaseName = "sonesExample",
                Username = "******",
                Password = "******",
                NotificationSettings = _NotificationSettings,
                NotificationDispatcher = _NotificationDispatcher,

            // Create a InMemory data storage


            #region Create GraphDB types

            _GraphDSSharp.CreateTypes(CheckResult, typeof(Document), typeof(Author), typeof(Tag));


            #region Create a document upload directory

            _GraphDSSharp.CreateDirectoryObject(new ObjectLocation("Uploads"));


            #region Insert some data

            _GraphDSSharp.Query("INSERT INTO Tag VALUES (Name = 'good')", CheckResult);
            _GraphDSSharp.Query("INSERT INTO Tag VALUES (Name = 'funny')", CheckResult);
            _GraphDSSharp.Query("INSERT INTO Tag VALUES (Name = 'science fiction')", CheckResult);

            _GraphDSSharp.Query("INSERT INTO Author VALUES (Name = 'Holger', EMail = '*****@*****.**')", CheckResult);
            _GraphDSSharp.Query("INSERT INTO Author VALUES (Name = 'Achim',  EMail = '*****@*****.**')", CheckResult);


            #region Start REST, WebDAV and WebAdmin services, send GraphDS notification

            var _HttpSecurity = new HTTPSecurity()
                CredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic,
                UserNamePasswordValidator = new PassValidator()

            // Start a REST service on localhost port 9975
            var _RESTService      = _GraphDSSharp.StartREST(IPAddress.Any, 9975, _HttpSecurity);

            // Start a WebDAV service on localhost port 9978
            var _WebDAVService    = _GraphDSSharp.StartWebDAV(IPAddress.Any, 9978, _HttpSecurity);

            // Send GraphDS notification
                    new NGraphDSReady.Arguments() { Message = "sonesExample up'n'ready!" },


            #region Some helping lines...
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("This small example demonstrates how to start a sones GraphDB");
                Console.WriteLine("Instance and it's several services:");
                Console.WriteLine("   * If you want to suppress console output add --Q as a");
                Console.WriteLine("     parameter.");
                Console.WriteLine("   * REST Service is started at http://localhost:9975");
                Console.WriteLine("      * access it directly like in this example: ");
                Console.WriteLine("           http://localhost:9975/gql?DESCRIBE%20TYPES");
                Console.WriteLine("      * if you want JSON Output add ACCEPT: application/json ");
                Console.WriteLine("        to the client request header (or application/xml or");
                Console.WriteLine("        application/text)");
                Console.WriteLine("   * we recommend to use the AJAX WebShell. ");
                Console.WriteLine("        Browse to http://localhost:9975/WebShell and use");
                Console.WriteLine("        the username \"test\" and password \"test\"");
                Console.WriteLine("   * Additionally a WebDAV service is started on port 9978.");

            #region Start the GraphDS command line interface

            if (!quiet)
                while (true)


            #region Shutdown

