Exemple #1
        protected async Task <string> sendNotificationEnlishVoca(List <int> listIdWord, string messID)
            //ChatfuelJson jsonMessenger = new ChatfuelJson();
            //MessJson messExplaintion = new MessJson();
            //MessJson messPron = new MessJson();
            //MessJson messVietnamese = new MessJson();
            //AttachmentJson sound = new AttachmentJson();
            // jsonMessenger.recipient.id = messID;
            bool isCheck = false;

            foreach (var idWord in listIdWord)
                isCheck = true;
                JsonMessengerText jsonTextMessenger = new JsonMessengerText();
                MessJson          messExplaintion   = new MessJson();
                jsonTextMessenger.recipient.id = messID;
                JsonMessengerText jsonSoundMessenger = new JsonMessengerText();
                jsonSoundMessenger.recipient.id = messID;

                AttachmentJson sound    = new AttachmentJson();
                var            tempWord = _dictCache.GetById(idWord);
                var            infoVoca = _dictCache.findWordCache(tempWord.VocaID);
                messExplaintion.text         = infoVoca.VocaID;
                messExplaintion.text        += "\r\n" + infoVoca.Pron;
                messExplaintion.text        += "\r\n" + infoVoca.MeanEn;
                messExplaintion.text        += "\r\n" + infoVoca.MeanVi;
                sound.attachment.payload.url = infoVoca.SoundUrl;
                jsonTextMessenger.message  = messExplaintion;
                jsonSoundMessenger.message = sound;
                string temp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonTextMessenger);
                temp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonSoundMessenger);
                PostRaw("", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonTextMessenger));
                PostRaw("", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonSoundMessenger));
            if (isCheck)
                FBPostNoti newNoti = new FBPostNoti();
                newNoti.recipient.id = messID;
                newNoti.message.attachment.payload.text = "Luyện tập nào !";
                NotiButton button = new NotiButton();
                button.title   = "Start";
                button.payload = "LUYENTAP";

                PostRaw("", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newNoti));

            //HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            //if (isCheck)
            //    await client.PostAsync("https://api.chatfuel.com/bots/59a43f64e4b03a25b73c0ebd/users/" + messID + "/" + "send?chatfuel_token=vnbqX6cpvXUXFcOKr5RHJ7psSpHDRzO1hXBY8dkvn50ZkZyWML3YdtoCnKH7FSjC&chatfuel_block_id=5a3fc60de4b037186c58ec99", null);
Exemple #2
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <PartialViewResult> Post(PostViewModel data)
            Post newPost = new Post();

            newPost.Post_Status = 0;
            _viewModel          = new PostViewModel();
            FieldHelper.CopyNotNullValue(newPost, data);
            newPost.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            if (data.Option == 0 && newPost.Id_Type == 8)
                //post to fb toiec
                var IdPost = await _fbService.PostingToGroupFB(newPost.Content);

                newPost.Id_PostFB = IdPost.id;
            // string url = MaHoaMD5.Encrypt(newPost.Id + "#" + newPost.UpdatedDate);
            //Send notify
            ApplicationUser userPost = _service.GetUserById(newPost.Id_User);

            FieldHelper.CopyNotNullValue(PostViewModel, userPost);
            FieldHelper.CopyNotNullValue(PostViewModel, newPost);
            PostViewModel.TypeToString = _postTypeService.GetById(newPost.Id_Type).Name;
            PostVoteDetail vote = _postVoteDetailService.getVoteByIdUser(newPost.Id_User, newPost.Id);

            if (vote != null)
                PostViewModel.Vote = vote.Vote;
            //Send noti for all user register
            var userIDList = getUserIDListBasedOnType(newPost.Id_Type);

            foreach (var userID in userIDList)
                var sendPostToUser = _service.GetUserById(userID);
                if (sendPostToUser.Id_Messenger != userPost.Id_Messenger && sendPostToUser.Id_Messenger != null && _eventService.IsFreeTime(sendPostToUser.Email))
                    //Create json send............
                    FBPostNoti newNoti = new FBPostNoti();
                    newNoti.recipient.id = sendPostToUser.Id_Messenger;
                    newNoti.message.attachment.payload.text = "```\r\n" + "💬 Bạn có một câu hỏi: " + "\r\n" + '"' + newPost.Content + '"' + "\r\n```";
                    NotiButton button = new NotiButton();
                    button.payload = "REPLAY_" + newPost.Id;
            return(PartialView("_Post", PostViewModel));
Exemple #3
        public async Task <string> createNewPostViaFB(string messID, string containQues, int typeQues)
            //Determine user
            var userMakeQues = _service.listUserID().Where(x => x.Id_Messenger == messID).ToList();

            if (userMakeQues.Count != 0)
                Post newPost = new Model.Post();
                newPost.Content  = containQues;
                newPost.DatePost = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds.ToString();
                newPost.Id_User  = userMakeQues.FirstOrDefault().Id;
                newPost.Id_Type  = typeQues; // TOIEC
                //Post to fb group
                if (newPost.Id_Type == 8)
                        //post to fb toiec
                        var IdPost = await _fbService.PostingToGroupFB(newPost.Content);

                        newPost.Id_PostFB = IdPost.id;
                    catch (Exception e)
                //Send noti for all user register
                var userIDList = getUserIDListBasedOnType(typeQues);
                foreach (var userID in userIDList)
                    var sendToUser = _service.GetUserById(userID);
                    if (sendToUser.Id_Messenger != messID && sendToUser.Id_Messenger != null && _eventService.IsFreeTime(sendToUser.Email))
                        //Create json send............
                        FBPostNoti newNoti = new FBPostNoti();
                        newNoti.recipient.id = sendToUser.Id_Messenger;
                        newNoti.message.attachment.payload.text = "```\r\n" + "💬 Bạn có một câu hỏi: " + "\r\n" + '"' + newPost.Content + '"' + "\r\n```";
                        NotiButton button = new NotiButton();
                        button.payload = "REPLAY_" + newPost.Id;