Exemple #1
 public void MaptoModel(Note_Details note, NotesAttachment attachment)
     note.Title       = Title;
     note.Category_Id = Category;
     //note.Image = DisplayPicture;
     note.Type_Id     = Type;
     note.Pages       = Pages;
     note.Description = Description;
     note.University  = Institute;
     note.Country_Id  = Country;
     note.Course      = Course;
     note.Course_Code = CourseCode;
     note.Professor   = Professor;
     note.Price       = Price;
     //note.Note_Preview = NotePreview;
     //attachment.FileName = UploadNotes;
        public static bool EditNote(int UserID, NoteModel Nm, string AppRoot)
            using (var context = new NotesMarketPlaceEntities())
                var NoteInDB = context.Notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NoteID == Nm.NoteId && n.SellerID == UserID);
                if (NoteInDB == null)
                else if (NoteInDB.NoteStatus != 0)

                NoteInDB.Title           = Nm.Title;
                NoteInDB.Category        = context.NoteCategories.FirstOrDefault(n => n.CategoryName == Nm.Category).CategoryID;
                NoteInDB.NoteType        = context.NoteTypes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TypeName == Nm.Type).TypeID;
                NoteInDB.NoteDescription = Nm.Description;
                NoteInDB.Price           = Nm.SellFor ? Nm.Price : 0;
                NoteInDB.University      = Nm.Institution;
                NoteInDB.Country         = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CountryName == Nm.Country).CountryID;
                NoteInDB.CourseCode      = Nm.CourseCode;
                NoteInDB.Course          = Nm.CourseName;
                NoteInDB.Professor       = Nm.Professor;
                NoteInDB.NumberOfPages   = Nm.Pages;
                NoteInDB.NoteStatus      = Nm.Status;
                NoteInDB.IsPaid          = Nm.SellFor;
                NoteInDB.ModifiedBy      = UserID;
                NoteInDB.ModifiedDate    = System.DateTime.Now;

                string ContentPath = AppRoot + "\\Content\\NotesData\\" + NoteInDB.NoteID.ToString() + "\\";

                //Saving Preview And Coverpage
                if (Nm.NotesCoverPage != null || Nm.PreviewFile != null)
                    if (Nm.NotesCoverPage != null)
                        NoteInDB.DisplayPicture = @"/Content/NotesData/" + NoteInDB.NoteID.ToString() + @"/CoverPage-" + NoteInDB.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.NotesCoverPage.FileName);
                        Nm.NotesCoverPage.SaveAs(ContentPath + "CoverPage-" + NoteInDB.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.NotesCoverPage.FileName));

                    if (Nm.PreviewFile != null)
                        Nm.PreviewFile.SaveAs(ContentPath + "Preview-" + NoteInDB.NoteID.ToString() + ".pdf");

                if (Nm.NotesFiles != null && Nm.NotesFiles[0] != null)
                    string filenames = "";
                    int    i         = 1;
                    long   filesize  = 0;

                    string Serverpath = AppRoot + "\\Members\\" + UserID + "\\Notes\\" + NoteInDB.NoteID + "\\";

                    DirectoryInfo Dir = new DirectoryInfo(Serverpath);
                    foreach (FileInfo file in Dir.EnumerateFiles())

                    foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in Nm.NotesFiles)
                        if (file != null)
                            file.SaveAs(Serverpath + "Attachment-" + NoteInDB.NoteID + "-" + i.ToString() + ".pdf");
                            filenames += "Attachment-" + NoteInDB.NoteID + "-" + i.ToString() + ".pdf;";

                    filesize = Dir.EnumerateFiles().Sum(file => file.Length) / 1000;
                    string SizeFormatString = filesize > 1024 ? "{0:0.0}MB" : "{0:0}KB";

                    NotesAttachment Na = context.NotesAttachments.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NoteID == NoteInDB.NoteID);

                    Na.FilesName      = filenames;
                    Na.ModifiedBy     = UserID;
                    Na.ModifiedDate   = System.DateTime.Now;
                    Na.AttachmentSize = String.Format(SizeFormatString, filesize > 1024 ? filesize / 1024 : filesize);

                catch (Exception e)
        /* Get Note Attachments folder location as string if user authenticated to download note.
         * if it submitted buyer request it return string "BuyerRequestSubmitted"
         * otherwise return null if note not found,
         * else if book is free or user has purchased the book it return attachment path
         * It also return notetitle as first element of array.
        public static string[] GetNoteAttachments(int NoteID, int BuyerID)
            string ReturnPath = null;
            string NoteTitle  = null;

            using (NotesMarketPlaceEntities context = new NotesMarketPlaceEntities())
                Note note = context.Notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NoteID == NoteID);

                /* if note not found return null */
                if (note == null)

                /* if note is free or user is allowed to download note or user is book owner or user is admin then return attachment paths*/
                else if (
                    !note.IsPaid ||
                    (context.Downloads.Any(d => d.NoteID == NoteID && d.BuyerID == BuyerID && d.IsAllowed)) ||
                    BuyerID == note.SellerID ||
                    context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == BuyerID).RoleID < 3
                    NotesAttachment notesAttachmentDB = context.NotesAttachments.FirstOrDefault(na => na.NoteID == NoteID);
                    if (notesAttachmentDB == null)
                        ReturnPath = notesAttachmentDB.FilePath;

                    //update download entry
                    if (context.Downloads.Any(d => d.NoteID == NoteID && d.BuyerID == BuyerID && d.IsAllowed))
                        Download dwn = context.Downloads.FirstOrDefault(d => d.NoteID == NoteID && d.BuyerID == BuyerID && d.IsAllowed);
                        dwn.IsDownloaded = true;
                        dwn.DownloadDate = System.DateTime.Now;
                        dwn.ModifiedBy   = BuyerID;
                        dwn.ModifiedDate = System.DateTime.Now;

                    //if download entry not found and book is free create new entry only if owner is not downloading note
                    else if ((!note.IsPaid && BuyerID != note.SellerID) || context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == BuyerID).RoleID < 3)
                        Download dwn = new Download()
                            NoteID         = NoteID,
                            BuyerID        = BuyerID,
                            SellerID       = note.SellerID,
                            IsAllowed      = true,
                            IsDownloaded   = true,
                            DownloadDate   = System.DateTime.Now,
                            ModifiedBy     = BuyerID,
                            ModifiedDate   = System.DateTime.Now,
                            CreatedBy      = BuyerID,
                            CreatedDate    = System.DateTime.Now,
                            IsPaid         = note.IsPaid,
                            NoteCategory   = note.Category,
                            NoteTitle      = note.Title,
                            PurchasedPrice = note.Price,
                            AttachmentsID  = context.NotesAttachments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.NoteID == NoteID).AttachementID


                // if there is already a buyer request that seller has not accepted
                else if (context.Downloads.Any(d => d.NoteID == NoteID && d.BuyerID == BuyerID && !d.IsAllowed))
                    ReturnPath = "BuyerRequestAlreadySubmitted";

                //if note is paid and there are no buyer requests create new one
                else if (note.IsPaid)
                    Download dwn = new Download()
                        NoteID         = NoteID,
                        BuyerID        = BuyerID,
                        SellerID       = note.SellerID,
                        IsAllowed      = false,
                        IsDownloaded   = false,
                        DownloadDate   = null,
                        ModifiedBy     = BuyerID,
                        ModifiedDate   = System.DateTime.Now,
                        CreatedBy      = BuyerID,
                        CreatedDate    = System.DateTime.Now,
                        IsPaid         = note.IsPaid,
                        NoteCategory   = note.Category,
                        NoteTitle      = note.Title,
                        PurchasedPrice = note.Price,
                        AttachmentsID  = context.NotesAttachments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.NoteID == NoteID).AttachementID

                    //return confirmation that buyer request is submitted; seller email; seller full name

                    User seller = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == note.SellerID);

                    ReturnPath = "BuyerRequestSubmitted;" + seller.Email + ';' + seller.FirstName + ' ' + seller.LastName;
                NoteTitle = context.Notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.NoteID == NoteID).Title;
            return(new string[] { NoteTitle, ReturnPath });
        //Adds New Note to Database
        public static int AddNote(NoteModel Nm, int UID, string AppRoot)
            using (NotesMarketPlaceEntities context = new NotesMarketPlaceEntities())
                Note note = new Note()
                    Title           = Nm.Title,
                    Category        = context.NoteCategories.FirstOrDefault(n => n.CategoryName == Nm.Category).CategoryID,
                    NoteType        = context.NoteTypes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TypeName == Nm.Type).TypeID,
                    NoteDescription = Nm.Description,
                    DisplayPicture  = Nm.DisplayPicture,
                    Price           = Nm.SellFor ? Nm.Price : 0,
                    University      = Nm.Institution,
                    Country         = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CountryName == Nm.Country).CountryID,
                    CourseCode      = Nm.CourseCode,
                    Course          = Nm.CourseName,
                    Professor       = Nm.Professor,
                    NumberOfPages   = Nm.Pages,
                    SellerID        = UID,
                    NoteStatus      = Nm.Status,
                    IsActive        = true,
                    IsPaid          = Nm.SellFor,
                    CreatedBy       = UID,
                    ModifiedBy      = UID,
                    CreatedDate     = System.DateTime.Now,
                    ModifiedDate    = System.DateTime.Now


                catch (Exception e)

                string filenames = "";
                int    i         = 1;

                //Saving Preview And Coverpage
                if (Nm.NotesCoverPage != null || Nm.PreviewFile != null)
                    string ContentPath = AppRoot + "\\Content\\NotesData\\" + note.NoteID.ToString() + "\\";
                    if (Nm.NotesCoverPage != null)
                        note.DisplayPicture = @"/Content/NotesData/" + note.NoteID.ToString() + @"/CoverPage-" + note.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.NotesCoverPage.FileName);
                        Nm.NotesCoverPage.SaveAs(ContentPath + "CoverPage-" + note.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.NotesCoverPage.FileName));

                    if (Nm.PreviewFile != null)
                        note.Preview = @"/Content/NotesData/" + note.NoteID.ToString() + @"/Preview-" + note.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.PreviewFile.FileName);
                        Nm.PreviewFile.SaveAs(ContentPath + "Preview-" + note.NoteID.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Nm.PreviewFile.FileName));

                string Serverpath = AppRoot + "\\Members\\" + UID + "\\Notes\\" + note.NoteID + "\\";

                DirectoryInfo Dir = new DirectoryInfo(Serverpath);

                foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in Nm.NotesFiles)
                    if (file != null)
                        file.SaveAs(Serverpath + "Attachment-" + note.NoteID + "-" + i.ToString() + ".pdf");
                        filenames += "Attachment-" + note.NoteID + "-" + i.ToString() + ".pdf;";

                double filesize         = Dir.EnumerateFiles().Sum(file => file.Length) / 1000;
                string SizeFormatString = filesize > 1024 ? "{0:0.0}MB" : "{0:0}KB";

                NotesAttachment Na = new NotesAttachment()
                    NoteID         = note.NoteID,
                    FilePath       = UID.ToString() + @"/Notes/" + note.NoteID + @"/",
                    FilesName      = filenames,
                    CreatedBy      = UID,
                    ModifiedBy     = UID,
                    IsActive       = true,
                    ModifiedDate   = System.DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedDate    = System.DateTime.Now,
                    AttachmentSize = String.Format(SizeFormatString, filesize > 1024 ? filesize / 1024 : filesize)


                catch (Exception e)
