private void DrawNote(IDrawingCanvas drawingCanvas, NoteVisualElement note)
            var    actorA = note.Actors[0];
            double aX     = GetCenterX(actorA) + actorA.OffsetX;

            double x     = 0;
            double width = note.TextBB.Width;

            switch (note.Placement)
            case SequenceNotePlacement.RightOf:
                x = aX;

            case SequenceNotePlacement.LeftOf:
                x = aX - note.TextBB.Width;

            case SequenceNotePlacement.Over:
                if (note.Actors.Length > 1)
                    double bX           = GetCenterX(note.Actors[1]) + note.Actors[1].OffsetX;
                    double overlapLeft  = s_noteOverlap.Left + s_noteMargin.Left;
                    double overlapRight = s_noteOverlap.Right + s_noteMargin.Right;
                    x     = Math.Min(aX, bX) - overlapLeft;
                    width = Math.Max(aX, bX) + overlapRight - x;
                    x = aX - note.TextBB.Width / 2;

                throw new NotSupportedException($"Unhandled note placement: {note.Placement}");

            // Draw note
            Rect box = new Rect(x, note.OffsetY, width, note.TextBB.Height);

            DrawTextBox(drawingCanvas, box, note.Text, NoteBackground, NoteBorder, s_noteMargin, s_notePadding, false);
        private Size?MeasureAndArrangeVisualElements()
            // Early out if there sequence diagram view model available
            var vm = ViewModel;

            if (vm == null)

            // Reset visual elements
            var actors      = vm.Actors;
            var annotations = vm.Annotations;

            m_actorVisualElements  = new List <ActorVisualElement>(actors.Count);
            m_signalVisualElements = new List <SignalVisualElement>();
            m_noteVisualElements   = new List <NoteVisualElement>();
            m_actorsWidth          = 0;
            m_actorsHeight         = 0;
            m_annotationsBottom    = 0;
            double offsetY = Margin.Top;

            // Capture typeface which is used to measure various textboxes
            m_typeface = new Typeface(FontFamily, FontStyle, FontWeight, FontStretch);

            // Layout actors
            foreach (var actor in actors)
                var text   = GetFormattedText(actor.Name, ActorForeground);
                var textBB = GetTextBB(text, s_actorMargin, s_actorPadding);

                var actorVisualElement = new ActorVisualElement
                    Text      = text,
                    TextBB    = textBB,
                    Distances = new double?[actors.Count]

                m_actorsWidth  = Math.Max(textBB.Width, m_actorsWidth);
                m_actorsHeight = Math.Max(textBB.Height, m_actorsHeight);

            // Position at bottom edge of top actor text boxes
            offsetY += m_actorsHeight;

            // Layout all signal types
            foreach (var annotation in annotations)
                double extraWidth            = 0;
                bool   skipFinalSignalLayout = false;

                // Indexes of the left and right actors involved
                int a = 0, b = 0;

                // Visual element
                AnnotationVisualElement annotationVisualElement = null;

                // Handle signals
                var signal = annotation as SignalViewModel;
                if (signal != null)
                    var text   = GetFormattedText(annotation.Message, SignalForeground);
                    var textBB = GetTextBB(text, s_signalMargin, s_signalPadding);

                    var signalVisualElement = new SignalVisualElement
                        Text         = text,
                        TextBB       = textBB,
                        OffsetY      = offsetY,
                        IsSelfSignal = signal.IsSelf(),
                        ActorA       = m_actorVisualElements[signal.ActorA.Index],
                        ActorB       = m_actorVisualElements[signal.ActorB.Index],
                        LineType     = signal.LineType,
                        ArrowType    = signal.ArrowType,
                    annotationVisualElement = signalVisualElement;

                    if (signal.IsSelf())
                        // Self-signals need a minimum height
                        a = signal.ActorA.Index;
                        b = a + 1;

                        // Self-signals take up extra horizontal space
                        extraWidth += s_selfSignalWidth;
                        a = Math.Min(signal.ActorA.Index, signal.ActorB.Index);
                        b = Math.Max(signal.ActorA.Index, signal.ActorB.Index);

                // Handle notes
                var note = annotation as NoteViewModel;
                if (note != null)
                    var text   = GetFormattedText(annotation.Message, NoteForeground);
                    var textBB = GetTextBB(text, s_noteMargin, s_notePadding);

                    var noteVisualElement = new NoteVisualElement
                        Text      = text,
                        TextBB    = textBB,
                        OffsetY   = offsetY,
                        Placement = note.Placement,
                        Message   = note.Message,
                        Actors    = note.Actors.Select(actor => m_actorVisualElements[actor.Index]).ToArray(),
                    annotationVisualElement = noteVisualElement;

                    if (note.Placement == SequenceNotePlacement.LeftOf)
                        b = note.Actors[0].Index;
                        a = b - 1;
                    else if (note.Placement == SequenceNotePlacement.RightOf)
                        a = note.Actors[0].Index;
                        b = a + 1;
                    else if (note.Placement == SequenceNotePlacement.Over)
                        if (note.Actors.Length > 1)
                            // Over multiple actors
                            a = Math.Min(note.Actors[0].Index, note.Actors[1].Index);
                            b = Math.Max(note.Actors[0].Index, note.Actors[1].Index);

                            // We don't need our padding, and we want to overlap
                            extraWidth = -(s_noteMargin.Left + s_noteMargin.Right + s_noteOverlap.Left + s_noteOverlap.Right);
                            // Over single actor
                            a = note.Actors[0].Index;
                            ActorEnsureDistance(a - 1, a, noteVisualElement.TextBB.Width / 2);
                            ActorEnsureDistance(a, a + 1, noteVisualElement.TextBB.Width / 2);

                            // Skip calculation of the signal height in this case
                            skipFinalSignalLayout = true;

                // Ensure proper spacing between actors
                if (!skipFinalSignalLayout)
                    ActorEnsureDistance(a, b, annotationVisualElement.TextBB.Width + extraWidth);

                // Adjust offset by by annotiation height
                offsetY += annotationVisualElement.TextBB.Height;
            m_annotationsBottom = offsetY;

            // Compute the overall size of the diagram
            double actorsX = 0;

            foreach (var actor in m_actorVisualElements)
                actor.OffsetX = Math.Max(actorsX, actor.OffsetX);

                // This requires that we enumerate distances in order
                for (int i = 0; i < actor.Distances.Length; ++i)
                    double?distance = actor.Distances[i];

                    // Only process well-defined distances
                    if (distance.HasValue)
                        ActorVisualElement b = m_actorVisualElements[i];
                        double             d = Math.Max(distance.Value, Math.Max(m_actorsWidth / 2, b.TextBB.Width / 2));
                        b.OffsetX = Math.Max(b.OffsetX, actor.OffsetX + m_actorsWidth / 2 + d - b.TextBB.Width / 2);

                actorsX = actor.OffsetX + m_actorsWidth + actor.PaddingRight;

            // Determine total size
            Size size = new Size();

            size.Width  = actorsX + Margin.Left + Margin.Right;
            size.Height = Margin.Top + Margin.Bottom + m_annotationsBottom + m_actorsHeight;