/// <summary> /// 수정 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> EditAsync(NoteRequest model) { try { NoteModel note = new NoteModel() { Id = model.Id, Name = model.Name, Title = model.Title, Content = model.Content, FilePath = model.FilePath, CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, Modified = DateTime.Now }; _context.Notes.Attach(note); _context.Entry(note).State = EntityState.Modified; return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ? true : false); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError($"ERROR({nameof(EditAsync)}): {e.Message}"); } return(false); }
public object Put(NoteRequest request) { var note = OrmLiteDbFactory.Get<NoteResourceModel>(request.NoteId); note.Text = request.Text; OrmLiteDbFactory.InsertOrUpdate(note); return new NoteResponse { Result = "Updated Note: " + note.Id + " with text: " + note.Text }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateNote(NoteRequest noteRequest) { try { var userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "UserID").Value; var data = await this.noteBL.CreateNote(noteRequest, userId); bool success = false; var message = string.Empty; // check whether result is true or false if (data != null) { // if true then return the result success = true; message = "Succeffully Created Note"; return(this.Ok(new { success, message, data })); } else { success = false; message = "Failed"; return(this.BadRequest(new { success, message })); } } catch (Exception exception) { return(this.BadRequest(new { exception.Message })); } }
/// <summary> /// Remove all notes /// </summary> private async void ClearAllNotes() { ServiceManager noteGetServiceManager = new ServiceManager(new Uri(note_base_uri)); var notes = await noteGetServiceManager.CallService <Note[]>(); int numDeleted = 0; foreach (var note in notes) { NoteRequest noteReq = new NoteRequest() { Id = note.Id, NoteText = note.NoteText }; ServiceManager noteServiceManager = new ServiceManager(new Uri(note_base_uri + "/" + noteReq.Id)); if (await noteServiceManager.CallDeleteService <NoteRequest>(noteReq)) { numDeleted++; } } ; ShowPopupMessage(string.Format("Deleted {0} notes from the DB!", numDeleted)); UpdateCurrentNoteDisplay(); }
public void CreateNewNoteForCompanyTest() { NoteRequest request = new NoteRequest(m_highriseURL, m_highriseAuthToken); string result = request.CreateNoteForCompany(57644826, "Hello World (" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ")."); Assert.IsNotNull(result, "The result of the create note request should not have been null."); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostEmployeeNoteAsync([FromBody] NoteRequest request) { var entity = request; entity.EntityTypeId = (int)EntityTypeEnum.Employee; entity.EntityId = request.EmployeeId; var response = await EmployeeService.CreateEmployeeNoteAsync(entity); Docs docs = new Docs(); docs.EntityId = response.Model.NoteId; docs.EntityTypeId = (int)EntityTypeEnum.Note; var DOCSResponse = await EmployeeService.CreateDocsAsync(docs, typeof(Notes), request.NoteContent, request.FileRequest, (int)DocumentType.Note); if (DOCSResponse.DIdError) { throw new Exception("Error in create Document Notes" + response.Message); } SingleResponse <NoteRequest> res = new SingleResponse <NoteRequest>(); res.Model = response.Model.ToEntity(null, request.EmployeeId, DOCSResponse.Model); return(res.ToHttpResponse()); }
public string Delete() { CSC425Context db = new CSC425Context(); var apikey = Request.Query["api_key"].ToString(); var NoteID = Int32.Parse(Request.Query["noteid"].ToString()); var Username = Request.Query["username"].ToString(); var note = db.Notes.Where(n => n.NotesId.Equals(NoteID)).FirstOrDefault(); var user = db.Users.Where(u => u.Username.ToLower().Equals(Username.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault(); if (note == null) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnCode(404, "Not Found", "That note doesn't exist."))); } if (!note.UserId.Equals(user.UserId)) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnCode(403, "Forbidden", "That note doesn't belong to you."))); } var req = new NoteRequest(db, note, user); if (apikey.ToLower() != Security.APIKey) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnCode(401, "Unauthorized", "Bad API Key"))); } return(req.DeleteNote(db)); }
public async Task <AOResult> UpdateNoteAsync(NoteRequest noteRequest) { return(await BaseInvokeAsync(async() => { Note note = await _myHelperDbContext.Notes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == noteRequest.Id); if (note == null) { return AOBuilder.SetError(Constants.Errors.NoteNotExists); } note.Name = noteRequest.Name; note.Description = noteRequest.Description; note.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; _myHelperDbContext.Notes.Update(note); var noteTags = await _myHelperDbContext.NoteTags.Where(x => x.NoteId == note.Id).ToListAsync(); _myHelperDbContext.NoteTags.RemoveRange(noteTags.Where(x => !noteRequest.TagIds.Contains(x.TagId))); await _myHelperDbContext.NoteTags.AddRangeAsync( noteRequest.TagIds .Join(_myHelperDbContext.Tags, o => o, i => i.Id, (o, i) => i) .Where(x => !noteTags.Select(y => y.TagId).Contains(x.Id)) .Select(x => new NoteTag { Tag = x, Note = note })); await _myHelperDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return AOBuilder.SetSuccess(); }, noteRequest)); }
public CreateNoteResponse Create([FromBody] NoteRequest note) { var newNote = new Note(note.Title, note.Contents); var newNoteId = _notesRepository.Create(newNote); return(new CreateNoteResponse(newNoteId)); }
////Put: /api/Note/UpdateNote public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateNote(NoteRequest noteRequest, int noteID) { try { var userID = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "UserID").Value; var result = await this.noteBL.UpdateNote(noteRequest, noteID, userID); bool success = false; var message = string.Empty; if (result != null) { success = true; message = "Updated Successfully"; return(this.Ok(new { success, message, result })); } else { success = false; message = "Failed"; return(this.BadRequest(new { success, message })); } } catch (Exception exception) { return(this.BadRequest(exception.Message)); } }
public async Task <AOResult <long> > CreateNoteAsync(NoteRequest noteRequest) { return(await BaseInvokeAsync(async() => { var note = new Note { Name = noteRequest.Name, Description = noteRequest.Description, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, AppUserId = noteRequest.AppUserId }; await _myHelperDbContext.Notes.AddAsync(note); if (noteRequest.TagIds.Any()) { var noteTags = noteRequest.TagIds .Join(_myHelperDbContext.Tags, o => o, i => i.Id, (o, i) => i) .Select(x => new NoteTag { Note = note, Tag = x }); await _myHelperDbContext.NoteTags.AddRangeAsync(noteTags); } await _myHelperDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return AOBuilder.SetSuccess(note.Id); }, noteRequest)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="noteText"></param> private async void WriteNote(string noteText) { NoteRequest noteReq = new NoteRequest() { Id = 2, NoteText = noteText };//"{\"Id\": 3,\"NoteText\": \"" + noteText + "\"}"; ServiceManager noteManager = new ServiceManager(new Uri(note_base_uri)); bool successfulCall = await noteManager.CallPOSTService <NoteRequest>(noteReq); if (successfulCall) { ShowPopupMessage(string.Format("Note successfully updated!\rSet to: {0}", noteText), "Note Update"); } else { ShowPopupMessage("Note was not able to be updated at this time.", "Note Update"); } UpdateCurrentNoteDisplay(); NewNoteTextBox.Text = ""; //Remind the user to set a note every day! <3 NotificationManager.ScheduleNotification("Don't forget to update your daily Note!", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), NotificationType.Toast); //TODO: Pull schedule info from config }
public void CreateNewNoteForPersonTest() { NoteRequest request = new NoteRequest(m_highriseURL, m_highriseAuthToken); string result = request.CreateNoteForPerson(59708303, "Hello World (" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ")."); Assert.IsNotNull(result, "The result of the create note request should not have been null."); }
public int SaveNote(NoteRequest request) { var nitem = new DataAccess.SirCoPOS.Nota { Date = DateTime.Now, Sucursal = request.Sucursal, CajeroId = 0, VendedorId = request.VendedorId }; _ctx.Notas.Add(nitem); nitem.Items = new HashSet <DataAccess.SirCoPOS.NotaDetalle>(); nitem.Pagos = new HashSet <DataAccess.SirCoPOS.NotaPago>(); foreach (var item in request.Items) { nitem.Items.Add(new DataAccess.SirCoPOS.NotaDetalle { Serie = item.Serie, Amount = item.Amount, Coments = item.Comments }); } _ctx.SaveChanges(); return(nitem.Id); }
public async Task <ServerResponse <long> > CreateNoteAsync(NoteRequest noteRequest) { return(await BaseInvokeAsync(async() => { var note = new Note { Name = noteRequest.Name, Description = noteRequest.Description, VisibleType = noteRequest.VisibleType, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, AppUserId = noteRequest.AppUserId }; await DbContext.Notes.AddAsync(note); if (noteRequest.TagIds.Any()) { var noteTags = noteRequest.TagIds .Join(DbContext.Tags, o => o, i => i.Id, (o, i) => i) .Select(x => new NoteTag { Note = note, Tag = x }); await DbContext.NoteTags.AddRangeAsync(noteTags); } await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return ServerResponseBuilder.Build(note.Id); }, noteRequest)); }
public ActionResult Index(NoteRequest request) { var notes = NotesDAL.Retrieve(request); ViewBag.Title = "Notes"; return(View(notes)); }
public async Task <ServerResponse <bool> > UpdateNoteAsync([FromBody] NoteRequest noteRequest) { var serverResponse = await _noteService.UpdateNoteAsync(noteRequest); await _sendEndpointProvider.Send(_noteService.CreateFeedMessage(noteRequest, EFeedAction.Update)); return(serverResponse); }
public async Task <ServerResponse <long> > CreateNoteAsync([FromBody] NoteRequest noteRequest) { var serverResponse = await _noteService.CreateNoteAsync(noteRequest); noteRequest.Id = serverResponse.Result; await _sendEndpointProvider.Send(_noteService.CreateFeedMessage(noteRequest, EFeedAction.Create)); return(serverResponse); }
private void ValidateNote(NoteRequest model) { var validationResult = _noteModelValidator.Validate(model); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { throw new ValidationException(validationResult.Errors); } }
public async Task <ServerResponse <long> > CreateNoteAsync([FromBody] NoteRequest noteRequest) { return(AOResultToServerResponse(await _noteService.CreateNoteAsync(noteRequest).ContinueWith(x => { var request = _requestClient.Create(_noteService.CreateNoteFeedMessage(noteRequest, x.Result.Result)); request.GetResponse <FeedMessage>(); return x.Result; }))); }
public async Task <NoteResponse> UpdateNoteAsync(NoteRequest noteRequest) { _logger.LogInformation("Updating a note with id '{noteId}' to '{@noteRequest}'", noteRequest.Key, noteRequest); var simpleNote = noteRequest.Adapt <SimpleNote>(); var changedNote = await _repositoryWrapper.Notes.UpdateAsync(simpleNote); await _repositoryWrapper.SaveAsync(); return(changedNote.Adapt <NoteResponse>()); }
public async Task <bool> UpdateNote(NoteRequest note) { var content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(note); var bodyContent = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var result = await _client.PutAsync("/api/notes", bodyContent); return(result.IsSuccessStatusCode); }
public object Get(NoteRequest request) { if (request.NoteId == Guid.Empty) { var allNotes = OrmLiteDbFactory.GetAll<NoteResourceModel>(); ////Consider making full use of ormlite and think of remaking repository return new NoteResponse { Result = "All Notes Returned: " + allNotes.SerializeToString() }; } var note = OrmLiteDbFactory.Get<NoteResourceModel>(request.NoteId); return new NoteResponse { Result = "Note is: " + note.Id + " Text is: " + note.Text }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateNote([FromBody] NoteRequest note) { if (note == null) { return(BadRequest()); } await _repository.AddAsync(note); return(CreatedAtAction("GetNoteById", new { id = note.Id }, note)); }
public string Put([FromBody] NoteRequest note) { CSC425Context db = new CSC425Context(); var apikey = Request.Query["api_key"].ToString(); if (apikey.ToLower() != Security.APIKey) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnCode(401, "Unauthorized", "Bad API Key"))); } return(note.UpdateNote(db)); }
private async Task <NoteResponse> CreateNoteAsync(NoteRequest request) { var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request); var content = new StringContent(jsonString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await _applicationAuthorizedClient.Client.PostAsync("/api/notes", content); var responseJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode); return(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <NoteResponse>(responseJson)); }
public async Task CreateNote(NoteRequest noteRequest) { var note = new FWTCreateNoteToParent { NoteDetails = new FWTCreateNoteDetail { Text = noteRequest.NoteText }, ParentId = noteRequest.CaseRef, ParentType = noteRequest.Interaction }; await _verintConnection.createNotesAsync(note); }
public static List <Note> Retrieve(NoteRequest request) { List <Note> list = new List <Note>(); using (MemoTestContext ctx = new MemoTestContext(GetConnectionString())) { list.AddRange((from note in ctx.Notes where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name) || note.Name == request.Name) orderby note.IsMarked descending, note.CreationDate descending select note).ToList()); } return(list); }
public async Task Post_ShouldCreateNote() { var request = new NoteRequest { Name = "Example of note", Content = "Example of content" }; var note = await CreateNoteAsync(request); Assert.Equal(request.Name, note.Name); Assert.Equal(request.Content, note.Content); Assert.True(note.Key != 0); }
public NoteResponse Create(NoteRequest model, AccessTokenData accessTokenData) { ValidateNote(model); var addedNote = _notesRepository.Create(new NoteEntity() { Name = model.Name, CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, Text = model.Text, UserKey = accessTokenData.UserKey }); return(ToNoteResponse(addedNote)); }
public IActionResult Edit(int id, [FromBody] NoteRequest note) { var updatedNote = new Note(id, note.Title, note.Contents); try { _notesRepository.Edit(updatedNote); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException) { return(NotFound(new ErrorResponse("Could not find note with ID " + id.ToString()))); } return(Ok()); }
public async Task Create(NoteRequest note) { var content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(note); var bodyContent = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var postResult = await _client.PostAsync("/api/notes", bodyContent); var postContent = await postResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!postResult.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new ApplicationException(postContent); } }
public async Task <NoteResponse> CreateNoteAsync(NoteRequest noteRequest) { _logger.LogInformation("Creating a note {@noteRequest}...", noteRequest); var simpleNote = noteRequest.Adapt <SimpleNote>(); simpleNote.Key = 0; simpleNote.Created = simpleNote.Changed = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); simpleNote.UserId = _userAccessor.CurrentUserId; var createdNote = await _repositoryWrapper.Notes.InsertAsync(simpleNote); await _repositoryWrapper.SaveAsync(); return(createdNote.Adapt <NoteResponse>()); }
public object Delete(NoteRequest request) { OrmLiteDbFactory.Delete<NoteResourceModel>(request.NoteId); return new NoteResponse { Result = "Deleted: " + request.NoteId }; }
public object Post(NoteRequest request) { OrmLiteDbFactory.Put(new NoteResourceModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = request.Text }); return new NoteResponse { Result = "Added: " + request.NoteId + " Text: " + request.Text }; }
private void AddHighriseCallNote(string url, string authToken, SIPFromHeader caller, Person person) { try { NoteRequest request = new NoteRequest(url, authToken); string result = request.CreateNoteForPerson(person.ID, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Incoming SIP call as " + caller.FromUserField.ToParameterlessString() + " at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " UTC.")); string personName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName; if(result != null) { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Highrise call received note added for " + personName + ".", m_context.Owner)); } else { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Failed to add Highrise call received note for " + personName + ".", m_context.Owner)); } } catch (Exception excp) { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Exception attempting to add Highrise call received note. " + excp.Message, m_context.Owner)); } }
private void AddHighriseCallNote(string url, string authToken, Person person) { try { NoteRequest request = new NoteRequest(url, authToken); string result = request.CreateNoteForPerson(person.ID, "Called at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " UTC."); string personName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName; if(result != null) { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Highrise call received note added for " + personName + ".", m_context.Owner)); } else { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Failed to add Highrise call received note for " + personName + ".", m_context.Owner)); } } catch (Exception excp) { LogToMonitor(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Exception attempting to add Highrise call received note.", m_context.Owner)); } }