private static void ExclutMatchesFromMorphalou() { using (TextFieldParser csvParser = new TextFieldParser(fullName)) { csvParser.SetDelimiters(new string[] { ";" }); csvParser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = false; // Skip the row with the column names string headerLine = csvParser.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(fullOutFName)) { File.Delete(fullOutFName); } using (System.IO.StreamWriter outFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fullOutFName)) { if (File.Exists(fullFilteredOutFN)) { File.Delete(fullFilteredOutFN); } using (System.IO.StreamWriter excludedFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fullFilteredOutFN)) { headerLine = "GRAPHIE;ID;MORPHALOU1;MORPHALOU2;COLORIZATION"; outFile.WriteLine(headerLine); excludedFile.WriteLine(headerLine); TheText.Init(); Config conf = new Config(); int count = 0; while (!csvParser.EndOfData) { // Read current line fields, pointer moves to the next line. string[] fields = csvParser.ReadFields(); string graphie = fields[0]; string id = fields[1]; string phonetique = fields[2]; string phon1, phon2; System.IO.StreamWriter sw; int posOU = phonetique.IndexOf("OU"); if (posOU > 0) { phon1 = phonetique.Substring(0, posOU); phon2 = phonetique.Substring(posOU + 3, phonetique.Length - (posOU + 3)); } else { phon1 = phonetique; phon2 = ""; } TheText tt = new TheText(graphie); List <PhonWord> pws = tt.GetPhonWordList(conf); string colPhon = NotationsPhon.C2CS(pws[0].Phonetique()); if (colPhon == NotationsPhon.S2CS(phon1) || colPhon == NotationsPhon.S2CS(phon2)) { sw = excludedFile; } else { sw = outFile; } sw.WriteLine("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}", graphie, id, phon1, phon2, colPhon); count++; if (count % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(count); } } } } } }
private static void ExclutMatches2() { using (TextFieldParser csvParser = new TextFieldParser(fullName)) { csvParser.SetDelimiters(new string[] { ";" }); csvParser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = false; // Skip the row with the column names string headerLine = csvParser.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(fullOutFName)) { File.Delete(fullOutFName); } using (System.IO.StreamWriter outFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fullOutFName)) { if (File.Exists(fullFilteredOutFN)) { File.Delete(fullFilteredOutFN); } using (System.IO.StreamWriter excludedFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fullFilteredOutFN)) { headerLine = "GRAPHIE;ID;MORPHALOU1;MORPHALOU2;COLORIZATION"; outFile.WriteLine(headerLine); excludedFile.WriteLine(headerLine); TheText.Init(); Config conf = new Config(); int count = 0; while (!csvParser.EndOfData) { // Read current line fields, pointer moves to the next line. string[] fields = csvParser.ReadFields(); string graphie = fields[0]; string id = fields[1]; string phon1 = fields[2]; string phon2 = fields[3]; string colPhon = fields[4]; System.IO.StreamWriter sw; string phon1CS = NotationsPhon.S2CS(phon1); if (phon1CS.Length > 0 && phon1CS[phon1CS.Length - 1] == '°') { phon1CS = phon1CS.Substring(0, phon1CS.Length - 1); } string phon2CS = NotationsPhon.S2CS(phon2); if (phon2CS.Length > 0 && phon2CS[phon2CS.Length - 1] == '°') { phon2CS = phon2CS.Substring(0, phon2CS.Length - 1); } if (colPhon == phon1CS || colPhon == phon2CS) { sw = excludedFile; } else { sw = outFile; } sw.WriteLine("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}", graphie, id, phon1, phon2, colPhon); count++; if (count % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(count); } } } } } }