Exemple #1
        private JObject ResolveObjectReference(string href, NormalizationContext context, string propertyName)
            var uri = new Uri(context.BaseUri, href);
            var o   = _resolver.ResolveJsonAsync(uri).Result;

            NormalizeObject(o, new NormalizationContext {
                BaseUri = uri, DefaultLangauge = context.DefaultLangauge
            }, propertyName);
Exemple #2
        private JToken NormalizeCommonPropertyValue(JToken t, NormalizationContext context)
            if (t is JArray array)
                var ret = new JArray();
                foreach (var v in array)
                    ret.Add(NormalizeCommonPropertyValue(v, context));


            if (t.Type == JTokenType.String)
                var ret = new JObject(new JProperty("@value", t.Value <string>()));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.DefaultLangauge))
                    ret.Add(new JProperty("@language", context.DefaultLangauge));


            if (t.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                var o = t as JObject;
                if (o.ContainsKey("@value"))
                foreach (var p in o.Properties())
                    if (p.Name.Equals("@id"))
                        var id = p.Value.Value <string>();
                        if (id.StartsWith("_:"))
                            throw new MetadataParseException("An @id property must not start with '_:'");
                        p.Value = ResolveId(p.Value.Value <string>(), context);
                    else if (!p.Name.Equals("@type"))
                        p.Value = NormalizeCommonPropertyValue(p.Value, context);


Exemple #3
        private string ResolveId(string id, NormalizationContext context)
            if (id.Contains(":"))
                var parts  = id.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2);
                var prefix = parts[0];
                var suffix = parts[1];
                if (!(prefix.Equals("_") || suffix.StartsWith("//")) && _csvwContext.ContainsKey(prefix))
                    id = _csvwContext.GetValue(prefix).Value <string>() + suffix;

Exemple #4
        private LifecycleContext(string apiNamespace, string modelNamespace, SwaggerJsonLoader loader, SwaseyOperationWriter operationWriter, SwaseyEnumWriter enumWriter, SwaseyModelWriter modelWriter)
            ApiNamespace   = apiNamespace ?? Defaults.DefaultApiNamespace;
            ModelNamespace = modelNamespace ?? Defaults.DefaultModelNamespace;

            ServiceMetadata = new ServiceMetadata(ApiNamespace, ModelNamespace);

            ServiceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition();

            Loader          = loader ?? Defaults.DefaultSwaggerJsonLoader;
            OperationWriter = operationWriter ?? Defaults.DefaultSwaseyOperationWriter;
            EnumWriter      = enumWriter ?? Defaults.DefaultSwaseyEnumWriter;
            ModelWriter     = modelWriter ?? Defaults.DefaultSwaseyModelWriter;

            ApiPathJsonMapping = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>();

            NormalizationContext = new NormalizationContext();
Exemple #5
        public JObject NormalizeMetadata(JObject o)
            var context = new NormalizationContext {
                BaseUri = _baseUri, DefaultLangauge = _defaultLanguage

            if (o.ContainsKey("@context"))
                context = ProcessContext(o["@context"]);

            NormalizeObject(o, context, null);

            o["@context"] = MetadataSpecHelper.CsvwMetadataContext;

Exemple #6
        private NormalizationContext ProcessContext(JToken context)
            if (context is JArray array)
                foreach (var item in array)
                    if (item is JObject localContext)

            if (context is JObject o)
                var nc = new NormalizationContext {
                    BaseUri = _baseUri
                if (o.ContainsKey("@base"))
                    nc.BaseUri = new Uri(nc.BaseUri, o["@base"].Value <string>());

                if (o.ContainsKey("@language"))
                    var language = o["@language"].Value <string>();
                    if (LanguageTag.IsValid(language))
                        nc.DefaultLangauge = language;
                        Warnings.Add(new ParserWarning(o.Property("@language"), "The value of the '@language' property must be a valid BCP-47 language tag."));

            return(new NormalizationContext {
                BaseUri = _baseUri, DefaultLangauge = _defaultLanguage
Exemple #7
        internal LifecycleContext(ILifecycleContext copyFrom)
            : this(copyFrom.ApiNamespace, copyFrom.ModelNamespace, copyFrom.Loader, copyFrom.OperationWriter, copyFrom.EnumWriter, copyFrom.ModelWriter)
            State = copyFrom.State;
            ResourceListingUri = copyFrom.ResourceListingUri;

            ApiEnumTemplate      = copyFrom.ApiEnumTemplate;
            ApiModelTemplate     = copyFrom.ApiModelTemplate;
            ApiOperationTemplate = copyFrom.ApiOperationTemplate;

            SwaggerVersion      = copyFrom.SwaggerVersion;
            ResourceListingJson = copyFrom.ResourceListingJson;

            OperationFilter          = copyFrom.OperationFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationFilter;
            OperationParameterFilter = copyFrom.OperationParameterFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationParameterFilter;

            NormalizationContext = new NormalizationContext(copyFrom.NormalizationContext);

            ServiceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(copyFrom.ServiceDefinition);

            copyFrom.ApiPathJsonMapping.ToList().ForEach(x => ApiPathJsonMapping.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
Exemple #8
        private void NormalizeObject(JObject o, NormalizationContext context, string parentProperty)
            // Attempt to determine object type
            if (o.ContainsKey("tables"))
                EnsureType(o, "TableGroup");

            if (parentProperty == "tables" || parentProperty == null && o.ContainsKey("url"))
                EnsureType(o, "Table");

            if (parentProperty == "tableSchema")
                EnsureType(o, "Schema");

            if (parentProperty == "columns")
                EnsureType(o, "Column");

            if (parentProperty == "dialect")
                EnsureType(o, "Dialect");

            if (parentProperty == "transformations")
                EnsureType(o, "Template");

            foreach (var p in o.Properties().ToList())
                if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsCommonProperty(p.Name) || p.Name.Equals("notes"))
                    p.Value = NormalizeCommonPropertyValue(p.Value, context);
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsArrayProperty(p.Name))
                    if (!(p.Value is JArray))
                        Warnings.Add(new ParserWarning(p, "Expected property value to be an array. The given property value will not be processed."));
                        var array = (JArray)p.Value;
                        foreach (var t in array)
                            if (t is JObject item)
                                NormalizeObject(item, context, p.Name);
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsLinkProperty(p.Name))
                    if (p.Name == "@id" && p.Value.Value <string>().StartsWith("_:"))
                        throw new MetadataParseException("An @id property may not start with the string '_:'");
                    if (p.Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                        p.Value = new Uri(context.BaseUri, p.Value.Value <string>()).ToString();
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsObjectProperty(p.Name))
                    if (p.Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                        p.Value = ResolveObjectReference(p.Value.Value <string>(), context, p.Name);
                    else if (p.Value is JObject obj)
                        NormalizeObject(obj, context, p.Name);
                        throw new MetadataParseException("Property " + p.Name +
                                                         " must be either a URI reference or an object. Found " +
                                                         Enum.GetName(typeof(JTokenType), p.Value.Type));
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsNaturalLanguageProperty(p.Name))
                    if (p.Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                        p.Value = new JObject(new JProperty(context.DefaultLangauge ?? "und", new JArray(p.Value)));
                    else if (p.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        p.Value = new JObject(new JProperty(context.DefaultLangauge ?? "und", p.Value));
                    else if (p.Value.Type != JTokenType.Object)
                        throw new MetadataParseException("Property " + p.Name +
                                                         " must be either a string, an array of string or an object. Found " +
                                                         Enum.GetName(typeof(JTokenType), p.Value.Type));
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsAtomicProperty(p.Name))
                    if (p.Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                        var stringValue = p.Value.Value <string>();
                        switch (p.Name)
                        case "datatype":
                            p.Value = new JObject(new JProperty("base", stringValue));
                            // The "format" property can also be either a string or an object but there are no normalization rules for this property in the spec
                else if (MetadataSpecHelper.IsUriTemplateProperty(p.Name))
                    if (p.Value.Type != JTokenType.String)
                        Warnings.Add(new ParserWarning(p.Path, "The value of the {p.Name} property must be a string"));
                        p.Value = ResolveId("", context);

                    var stringValue = p.Value.Value <string>();
                    p.Value = ResolveId(stringValue, context);