Exemple #1
        public AudioChannelManager(Transform root, int sfxChannelCount, int bgmChannelCount, float fadeDuration)
            sfxChannels = new AudioSource[sfxChannelCount];
            for (int sfxChannelIndex = 0; sfxChannelIndex < sfxChannelCount; sfxChannelIndex++)
                GameObject channelBody = new GameObject();
                channelBody.name             = "SfxChan_" + sfxChannelIndex;
                channelBody.transform.parent = root;

                sfxChannels[sfxChannelIndex] = channelBody.AddComponent <AudioSource>() as AudioSource;
                sfxChannels[sfxChannelIndex].playOnAwake = false;

            inherentSfxClipVolumes = new float[sfxChannelCount];

            bgmChannels = new AudioSource[bgmChannelCount];
            for (int bgmChannelIndex = 0; bgmChannelIndex < bgmChannelCount; bgmChannelIndex++)
                GameObject channelBody = new GameObject();
                channelBody.name             = "BgmChan_" + bgmChannelIndex;
                channelBody.transform.parent = root;

                bgmChannels[bgmChannelIndex] = channelBody.AddComponent <AudioSource>() as AudioSource;
                bgmChannels[bgmChannelIndex].playOnAwake = false;

                fadeTimer = new CountdownTimer(NopactUtility.GenerateId(), fadeDuration, CountdownScope.Menu, true, (s) => OnFadeTimerComplete(s), (t, p) => OnFadeTimerPercentage(t, p));

            onCompleteRegistry = new Action[sfxChannels.Length + bgmChannelCount];

            onDelayedCompleteTimes = new float[sfxChannels.Length];
        // Use this method for timescale-independent timers.
        // e.g. timers that you want to tick even if the game is paused.
        public string RegisterScaleIndependentTimer(float duration, CountdownScope scope, Action <string> callback, Action <string, float> percentCallback = null)
            CountdownTimer timer = new CountdownTimer(NopactUtility.GenerateId(), duration, scope, false, callback, percentCallback);


 protected GameScreenFlow(string cameraPositionKey, Transform cameraTarget, Ease cameraEase, float cameraMotionDelay, Dictionary <string, Transform> gamePlayCameraPositions, Action onDone, Action onActivateUI)
     CameraPositionKey       = cameraPositionKey;
     CameraTarget            = cameraTarget;
     CameraEase              = cameraEase;
     CameraMotionDuration    = cameraMotionDelay;
     GamePlayCameraPositions = gamePlayCameraPositions;
     OnDone       = onDone;
     OnActivateUI = onActivateUI;
     FlowTimer    = new CountdownTimer(NopactUtility.GenerateId(), 0.0f, Commons.Domain.Enum.CountdownScope.Game, true, (id) => OnFlowTimerComplete(id), null);