public void OnValidate() { Debug.Log("Group OnValidate"); if (opts == null) { Debug.Log("making new options"); opts = new ChunkGroupOpt(2, 2, 1f, 1f); } if (noise_options == null) { noise_options = new NoiseOptions(0.4f, 40, 1); } if (generators == null) { generators = new TerrainGenerator[] { new SmoothGeometric(0.2f, 5f, 6), new GeomRidgeGen(2f, 2f, 1f, 0.5f, 3, true) }; } if (chunks == null) { Debug.Log("making chunk arr"); chunks = new Chunk[opts.length * opts.width]; makeAllChunks(); } }
override public void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions options) { base.generateTerrain(options); NoiseOptions o = new NoiseOptions(options); o.amplitude = 1f; o.scale = getGenOpts().scale; float[,] new_noise = new float[o.res, o.res]; /* * for(int i = 0; i < o.res; i++) { * for(int j = 0; j < o.res; j++) { * noise_grid[i,j] = 0; * } * } */ for (int k = 0; k < getGenOpts().num_octaves; k++) { new_noise = NoiseGrid.genNoise(o); //make ridges for (int i = 0; i < o.res; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < o.res; j++) { //noise_grid[i,j] = 0.5f + 0.5f*Mathf.Pow(1f - 2f *o.amplitude* Mathf.Abs(0.5f*o.amplitude - noise_grid[i,j]), getGenOpts().power); //noise_grid[i,j] += Mathf.Abs(noise_grid[i,j] - 0.5f * o.amplitude); noise_store.setAdd(i, j, Mathf.Pow(o.amplitude - Mathf.Abs(new_noise[i, j] - 0.5f * o.amplitude), getGenOpts().power)); //noise_grid[i,j] += Mathf.Pow(o.amplitude - Mathf.Abs(new_noise[i,j] - 0.5f * o.amplitude), getGenOpts().power); } } o.scale += getGenOpts().scale_ratio; o.amplitude *= getGenOpts().amplitude_ratio; } float max = noise_store.getMax(); float min = noise_store.getMin(); for (int i = 0; i < o.res; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < o.res; j++) { noise_store.set(i, j, (noise_store.get(i, j) - min) / max + 1f); //noise_grid[i,j] = (noise_grid[i,j] - min) / max + 1f; } } /* * Debug.Log("Max: " + noise_store.getMax()); * Debug.Log("Min: " + noise_store.getMin()); */ }
public override void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions no) { base.generateTerrain(no); if (opt.enabled) { noise_store.setAdd2D(NoiseGrid.genNoise(no, opt.scale_x, opt.scale_y)); } }
public static int GetNoise1D(Vector3 point, NoiseOptions options, NoiseType method) { return(Mathf.FloorToInt( (NoiseGenerator.Sum( NoiseGenerator.noiseMethods[(int)method][0], new Vector3(point.x, 0, 0), options.frequency.value, options.octaves, options.lacunarity, options.persistance) + 1f).value * (options.scale / 2f))); }
/// <summary> /// 创建噪点绘画工具。 /// </summary> /// <param name="noise">给定的 <see cref="NoiseOptions"/>。</param> /// <param name="color">给定的字体颜色。</param> /// <returns>返回 <see cref="SKPaint"/>。</returns> public static SKPaint CreatePaint(this NoiseOptions noise, string color) { var paint = new SKPaint(); paint.IsAntialias = true; paint.Color = color.AsColor(); paint.StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Square; paint.StrokeWidth = noise.Width; return(paint); }
public static float[,] genNoise(NoiseOptions no, float stretch_x, float stretch_y) { float[,] noise_grid = new float[no.res, no.res]; for (int i = 0; i < no.res; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < no.res; j++) { noise_grid[i, j] = no.amplitude * (Mathf.PerlinNoise(i * stretch_x * no.scale / no.res, j * stretch_y * no.scale / no.res)); } } return(noise_grid); }
public Chunk(int x, int y, int res, Transform t) { Debug.Log("constructor"); this.x = x; this.y = y; initMesh(t); noise_options = new NoiseOptions(0.7f, 50, 1f); original_noise_grid = new float[noise_options.res * noise_options.res]; resetNoiseGrid(); generators = new TerrainGenerator[] { new SmoothGeometric(2f, 0.5f, 3) }; noise_options = new NoiseOptions(0.5f, res, 1f); generateTerrainIfNotReady(); applyTerrain(); constructMesh(); }
/// <summary> /// 创建噪点数组。 /// </summary> /// <param name="noise">给定的 <see cref="NoiseOptions"/>。</param> /// <param name="imageSize">给定的图像 <see cref="Size"/>。</param> /// <returns>返回 <see cref="SKPoint"/> 数组。</returns> public static SKPoint[] CreatePoints(this NoiseOptions noise, Size imageSize) { var points = new List <SKPoint>(); var offset = noise.Width; var xCount = imageSize.Width / noise.Space.X + offset; var yCount = imageSize.Height / noise.Space.Y + offset; for (var i = 0; i < xCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < yCount; j++) { var point = new SKPoint(i * noise.Space.X, j * noise.Space.Y); points.Add(point); } } return(points.ToArray()); }
public void init(Vector3 pos, NoiseOptions noise_options, TerrainGenerator[] tgs) { Debug.Log("chunk init"); this.transform.position = pos; this.noise_options = noise_options; if (this.generators == null) { this.generators = tgs; } Debug.Log("chunk init2"); original_noise_grid = new float[noise_options.res * noise_options.res]; Debug.Log("chunk init3"); generateTerrain(); applyTerrain(); constructMesh(); }
public override void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions no) { base.generateTerrain(no); if (opt.enabled) { noise_store.copyFrom2D(NoiseGrid.genNoise(no, opt.scale_x, opt.scale_y)); //noise_grid = NoiseGrid.genNoise(o); //make ridges for (int i = 0; i < no.res; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < no.res; j++) { noise_store.set(i, j, Mathf.Pow(0.5f - Mathf.Abs(0.5f - noise_store.get(i, j)), opt.power)); //noise_grid[i,j] = Mathf.Pow(0.5f - Mathf.Abs(0.5f - noise_grid[i,j]), getGenOpts().power); } } } }
public override void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions options) { Debug.Log("override gen ter"); base.generateTerrain(options); Debug.Log("making noise"); if (getGenOpts().enabled) { NoiseOptions o = new NoiseOptions(options); for (int i = 0; i < getGenOpts().num_octaves; i++) { noise_store.setAdd2D(NoiseGrid.genNoise(o)); //noise_grid = add2DArr(noise_grid, NoiseGrid.genNoise(o)); o.scale *= getGenOpts().scale_ratio; o.amplitude *= getGenOpts().amplitude_ratio; } } }
override public void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions options) { base.generateTerrain(options); if (getGenOpts().enabled) { NoiseOptions o = new NoiseOptions(options); o.amplitude = 1f; o.scale = getGenOpts().scale; noise_store.copyFrom2D(NoiseGrid.genNoise(o)); //noise_grid = NoiseGrid.genNoise(o); //make ridges for (int i = 0; i < o.res; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < o.res; j++) { noise_store.set(i, j, Mathf.Pow(0.5f - Mathf.Abs(0.5f - noise_store.get(i, j)), getGenOpts().power)); //noise_grid[i,j] = Mathf.Pow(0.5f - Mathf.Abs(0.5f - noise_grid[i,j]), getGenOpts().power); } } } }
void OnValidate() { Debug.Log("on validate"); if (mesh_obj == null || mesh_filter == null) { if (mesh_obj == null) { Debug.Log("mesh_obj is null"); } if (mesh_filter == null) { Debug.Log("mesh_filter is null"); } Debug.Log("call init"); initMesh(transform); } if (noise_options == null) { noise_options = new NoiseOptions(0.7f, 50, 1f); } if (generators == null || generators.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("making generators from tgopts"); generators = new TerrainGenerator[tgopt.options.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tgopt.options.Length; i++) { generators[i] = GeneratorCaster.makeTG(tgopt.options[i], tgopt.types[i]); } } else { //todo later: make this better so it doesn't always re create the generators generators = new TerrainGenerator[tgopt.options.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tgopt.options.Length; i++) { generators[i] = GeneratorCaster.makeTG(tgopt.options[i], tgopt.types[i]); } /* * for(int i = 0; i < generators.Length; i++) { * generators[i] = GeneratorCaster.castTG(generators[i]); * } */ } col_gen = new ColourGenerator(col_set); //Debug.Log("vert length : " + mesh_filter.sharedMesh.triangles.Length); if (mesh_filter.sharedMesh.vertices.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("mesh null"); } Debug.Log("doing something"); original_noise_grid = new float[noise_options.res * noise_options.res]; generateTerrainIfNotReady(); applyTerrain(); terrain_mm = new MinMax(); terrain_mm.addValues(noise_grid); terrain_mm.log(); constructMesh(); }
public void Initialize(Language language) { // tools DodgeBurnOptions = new DodgeBurnOptions(); DarkenLightenOptions = new DarkenLightenOptions(); PencilOptions = new PencilOptions(); FloodFillOptions = new FloodFillOptions(); NoiseOptions = new NoiseOptions(); EraserOptions = new EraserOptions(); StampOptions = new StampOptions(); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new CameraTool(), null, "T_TOOL_CAMERA", Resources.eye__1_, Keys.C)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new PencilTool(), PencilOptions, "T_TOOL_PENCIL", Resources.pen, Keys.P)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new EraserTool(), EraserOptions, "T_TOOL_ERASER", Resources.erase, Keys.E)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new DropperTool(), null, "T_TOOL_DROPPER", Resources.pipette, Keys.D)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new DodgeBurnTool(), DodgeBurnOptions, "T_TOOL_DODGEBURN",, Keys.B)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new DarkenLightenTool(), DarkenLightenOptions, "T_TOOL_DARKENLIGHTEN", Resources.darkenlighten, Keys.L)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new FloodFillTool(), FloodFillOptions, "T_TOOL_BUCKET", Resources.fill_bucket, Keys.F)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new NoiseTool(), NoiseOptions, "T_TOOL_NOISE", Resources.noise, Keys.N)); _tools.Add(new ToolIndex(new StampTool(), StampOptions, "T_TOOL_STAMP", Resources.stamp_pattern, Keys.M)); for (int i = _tools.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { toolToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Insert(0, _tools[i].MenuItem); _tools[i].MenuItem.Click += ToolMenuItemClicked; toolStrip1.Items.Insert(toolStrip1.Items.IndexOf(toolStripSeparator1) + 1, _tools[i].Button); _tools[i].Button.Click += ToolMenuItemClicked; languageProvider1.SetPropertyNames(_tools[i].MenuItem, "Text"); languageProvider1.SetPropertyNames(_tools[i].Button, "Text"); } // Shortcuts InitShortcuts(); LoadShortcutKeys(GlobalSettings.ShortcutKeys); _shortcutEditor.ShortcutExists += _shortcutEditor_ShortcutExists; Editor.CurrentLanguage = language; SetSelectedTool(_tools[0]); Brushes.LoadBrushes(); foreach (string x in GlobalSettings.SkinDirectories) Directory.CreateDirectory(MacroHandler.ReplaceMacros(x)); // set up the GL control var mode = new GraphicsMode(); reset: Renderer = new GLControl(new GraphicsMode(mode.ColorFormat, mode.Depth, mode.Stencil, GlobalSettings.Multisamples)); if (Renderer.Context == null) { mode = new GraphicsMode(); goto reset; } Renderer.BackColor = Color.Black; Renderer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Renderer.Location = new Point(0, 25); Renderer.Name = "rendererControl"; Renderer.Size = new Size(641, 580); Renderer.TabIndex = 4; splitContainer4.Panel2.Controls.Add(Renderer); Renderer.BringToFront(); GLVendor = GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor); GLVersion = GL.GetString(StringName.Version); GLRenderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer); GLExtensions = GL.GetString(StringName.Extensions); InitGL(); Renderer.Paint += rendererControl_Paint; Renderer.MouseDown += rendererControl_MouseDown; Renderer.MouseMove += rendererControl_MouseMove; Renderer.MouseUp += rendererControl_MouseUp; Renderer.MouseLeave += rendererControl_MouseLeave; Renderer.Resize += rendererControl_Resize; Renderer.MouseWheel += rendererControl_MouseWheel; Renderer.MouseEnter += rendererControl_MouseEnter; #if NO if (!GlobalSettings.Loaded) MessageBox.Show(this, GetLanguageString("C_SETTINGSFAILED")); #endif _undoListBox = new UndoRedoPanel(); _undoListBox.ActionString = "L_UNDOACTIONS"; languageProvider1.SetPropertyNames(_undoListBox, "ActionString"); _undoListBox.ListBox.MouseClick += UndoListBox_MouseClick; undoToolStripButton.DropDown = new Popup(_undoListBox); undoToolStripButton.DropDownOpening += undoToolStripButton_DropDownOpening; _redoListBox = new UndoRedoPanel(); _redoListBox.ActionString = "L_REDOACTIONS"; languageProvider1.SetPropertyNames(_redoListBox, "ActionString"); _redoListBox.ListBox.MouseClick += RedoListBox_MouseClick; redoToolStripButton.DropDown = new Popup(_redoListBox); redoToolStripButton.DropDownOpening += redoToolStripButton_DropDownOpening; undoToolStripButton.DropDown.AutoClose = redoToolStripButton.DropDown.AutoClose = true; CreatePartList(); Renderer.Invalidate(); }
override public void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions options) { //do nothing to avoid creating a noise_store this.height = options.res; this.width = options.res; }
public NoiseOptions(NoiseOptions o) { this.scale = o.scale; this.res = o.res; this.amplitude = o.amplitude; }
IEnumerator MapExpand(SampleRegion i) { // Wait for the sampling coroutine to complete. for (;;) { if (!i.sampled) { yield return(null); } else { break; } } Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); NoiseOptions options = NoiseConfig.options[i.options]; if (i.interpolates == null) { i.interpolates = new int[ (i.region.sizeX / i.sampleRate) * i.sampleRate, (i.region.sizeY / i.sampleRate) * i.sampleRate, (i.region.sizeZ / i.sampleRate) * i.sampleRate ]; } int sampleX = i.region.sizeX / (i.sampleRate * 2) + 1; int sampleY = i.region.sizeY / i.sampleRate + 1; int sampleZ = i.region.sizeZ / (i.sampleRate * 2) + 1; for (int z = 0; z < sampleZ - 1; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < sampleY - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sampleX - 1; x++) { float v000 = i.samples[x, y, z]; float v100 = i.samples[x + 1, y, z]; float v010 = i.samples[x, y + 1, z]; float v110 = i.samples[x + 1, y + 1, z]; float v001 = i.samples[x, y, z + 1]; float v101 = i.samples[x + 1, y, z + 1]; float v011 = i.samples[x, y + 1, z + 1]; float v111 = i.samples[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1]; for (int zi = 0; zi < i.sampleRate * 2; ++zi) { for (int yi = 0; yi < i.sampleRate; ++yi) { for (int xi = 0; xi < i.sampleRate * 2; ++xi) { float tx = (float)xi / (i.sampleRate * 2); float ty = (float)yi / i.sampleRate; float tz = (float)zi / (i.sampleRate * 2); i.interpolates[x * (i.sampleRate * 2) + xi, y *i.sampleRate + yi, z *(i.sampleRate * 2) + zi] = Mathf.FloorToInt((( GameUtils.TriLerp(v000, v100, v010, v110, v001, v101, v011, v111, tx, ty, tz) + 1f) * (options.scale / 2f))); if (stopwatch.ElapsedTicks > Config.CoroutineTiming) { yield return(null); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); } } } } } } } i.complete = true; yield return(null); }
public static float[,] genNoise(NoiseOptions no) { //Debug.Log("NoiseOptions| a: " + no.amplitude + " s: " + no.scale); return(genNoise(no.res, no.amplitude, no.scale)); }
IEnumerator GetSamplesAsync(SampleRegion i) { NoiseOptions options = NoiseConfig.options[i.options]; NoiseOptions drift = new NoiseOptions(); if (options.driftMapId != -1) { drift = NoiseConfig.options[options.driftMapId]; } int h_rate = 2; if (Config.Interpolation == InterpolationLevel.Off) { h_rate = 1; } int sampleX = (i.region.sizeX / (i.sampleRate * h_rate)) + 1; int sampleY = (i.region.sizeY / i.sampleRate) + 1; int sampleZ = (i.region.sizeZ / (i.sampleRate * h_rate)) + 1; if (i.samples == null || i.samples.Length != sampleX * sampleY * sampleZ) { i.samples = new float[sampleX, sampleY, sampleZ]; } for (int z = 0; z < sampleZ; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < sampleX; x++) { Vector2 location = new Vector2 ( (x * i.sampleRate + (i.region.min.x / 2f)) * i.zoom.x, (z * i.sampleRate + (i.region.min.z / 2f)) * i.zoom.z ); float driftMap = 0f; if (options.driftMapId != -1) { driftMap = NoiseGenerator.Sum ( NoiseConfig.driftMapMethod, location, drift.frequency.value, drift.octaves, drift.lacunarity, drift.persistance ); } for (int y = 0; y < sampleY; y++) { // x and z are calculated above Vector3 position = new Vector3 ( location.x, (y * i.sampleRate + i.region.min.y) * i.zoom.y, location.y ); // with drift i.samples[x, y, z] = NoiseGenerator.Sum( i.method, position, options.drift != 0f ? Mathf.Lerp( options.frequency.value, driftMap > 0f ? options.frequency.max * options.driftScale : options.frequency.min, Mathf.Abs(driftMap)) : options.frequency.value, options.octaves, options.lacunarity, options.persistance ); } } } i.sampled = true; yield return(null); }
public override void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions o) { //do nothing to avoid creating a noise store }
//protected float[,] noise_grid; public virtual void generateTerrain(NoiseOptions options) { Debug.Log("making noise store"); noise_store = new NoiseStore(options.res, options.res); }