public async Task PushNotify(string clientGroupName, Noftication noftication, Triple <string, string, ObjectNotificationType> notificationSetting, string customContent)
                FilterDefinition <ClientGroup> finder = Builders <ClientGroup> .Filter.Eq("name", clientGroupName);

                ClientGroup clientGroup = await clientGroupRepository.FindAsync(finder);

                foreach (string receiver in clientGroup.UserIds)
                    Noftication finalNotification = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = noftication.AuthorId,
                        OwnerId         = noftication.OwnerId,
                        ReceiverId      = receiver,
                        ObjectId        = noftication.ObjectId,
                        ObjectType      = notificationSetting.Item3,
                        ObjectThumbnail = noftication.ObjectThumbnail,
                        Content         = customContent

                    await nofticationRepository.AddAsync(finalNotification);

                    var notiViewModel = mapper.Map <NotificationViewModel>(finalNotification);

                        FilterDefinition <FcmInfo> user = Builders <FcmInfo> .Filter.Eq("user_id", receiver);

                        string token  = (await fcmInfoRepository.FindAsync(user)).DeviceToken;
                        User   sender = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(finalNotification.AuthorId));

                        FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message mes = new FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message()
                            Token = token,

                            Data = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "notification", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notiViewModel) }
                            Notification = new Notification()
                                Title    = "Quản trị viên CoStudy",
                                Body     = notiViewModel.Content,
                                ImageUrl = configuration["AdminAvatar"]
                        string response = await FirebaseMessaging.DefaultInstance.SendAsync(mes).ConfigureAwait(true);
                    catch (Exception)
            catch (Exception)
                //Do nothing
Exemple #2
        public async Task <NotificationViewModel> AddNoftication(AddNofticationRequest request)
            Noftication noftication = NofticationAdapter.FromRequest(request);
            await nofticationRepository.AddAsync(noftication);

            return(mapper.Map <NotificationViewModel>(noftication));
Exemple #3
        public async Task <string> Upvote(string postId)
                var currentuser = Feature.CurrentUser(httpContextAccessor, userRepository);
                var currentPost = await postRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(postId));

                var builderUpvote     = Builders <UpVote> .Filter;
                var filterExistUpvote = builderUpvote.Eq(ObjectVoteId, postId)
                                        & builderUpvote.Eq(UpVoteBy, currentuser.OId)
                                        & builderUpvote.Eq(IsDeleted, false);

                var existUpvote = await upVoteRepository.FindAsync(filterExistUpvote);

                if (existUpvote != null)
                else if (existUpvote == null)
                    var builderDownVote     = Builders <DownVote> .Filter;
                    var filterExistDownVote = builderDownVote.Eq(ObjectVoteId, postId)
                                              & builderDownVote.Eq(DownVoteBy, currentuser.OId)
                                              & builderDownVote.Eq(IsDeleted, false);
                    var existDownVote = await downVoteRepository.FindAsync(filterExistDownVote);

                    if (existDownVote != null)
                        existDownVote.IsDeleted = true;
                        await downVoteRepository.DeleteAsync(existDownVote.Id);

                    var upvote = new UpVote()
                        ObjectVoteId = postId,
                        UpVoteBy     = currentuser.OId
                    await upVoteRepository.AddAsync(upvote);

                var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                    AuthorId        = currentuser.OId,
                    OwnerId         = currentPost.AuthorId,
                    ObjectId        = currentPost.OId,
                    ObjectThumbnail = currentPost.Title

                await fcmRepository.PushNotify(currentPost.AuthorId, notificationDetail, NotificationContent.UpvotePostNotification);

                await userService.AddPoint(currentPost.AuthorId, currentPost.OId, PointAdded.Upvote);

            catch (Exception)
                return("Có lỗi xảy ra. ");
Exemple #4
        public string RemoveViolenceReply()
            var comments       = replyCommentRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.Status == ItemStatus.Active);
            var deletedComment = 0;

            foreach (var comment in comments)
                    var isViolence = commentService.IsViolenceReply(comment.OId);
                    if (isViolence == true)
                        var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                            AuthorId        = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            OwnerId         = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            ObjectId        = comment.OId,
                            ObjectThumbnail = comment.Content

                                                 $"Phản hồi của bạn đã bị xóa bởi vì vi phạm quy định của chúng tôi. ").ConfigureAwait(true);

                        comment.Status = ItemStatus.Blocked;
                        replyCommentRepository.Update(comment, comment.Id);

                        var report = new Report()
                            ObjectId    = comment.OId,
                            ObjectType  = Feature.GetTypeName(comment),
                            CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                            IsApproved  = true,
                            ApprovedBy  = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            ApproveDate = DateTime.Now,
                            AuthorId    = comment.AuthorId,
                            Reason      = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>()

                catch (Exception)
                    //Do nothing

            return($"Task complete with {deletedComment} reply comments deleted at {DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()}");
Exemple #5
        public string RemoveViolencePost()
            var posts       = postRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.Status == ItemStatus.Active);
            var deletedPost = 0;

            foreach (var post in posts)
                    var isViolence = postService.IsViolencePost(post.OId);
                    if (isViolence == true)
                        var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                            AuthorId        = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            OwnerId         = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            ObjectId        = post.OId,
                            ObjectThumbnail = post.Title

                                                 $"Bài viết của bạn đã bị xóa vì vi phạm quy định của chúng tôi. ").ConfigureAwait(true);

                        post.Status = ItemStatus.Blocked;
                        postRepository.Update(post, post.Id);

                        var report = new Report()
                            ObjectId    = post.OId,
                            ObjectType  = Feature.GetTypeName(post),
                            CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                            IsApproved  = true,
                            ApprovedBy  = "60b5f2623d52db390d464e3e",
                            ApproveDate = DateTime.Now,
                            AuthorId    = post.AuthorId,
                            Reason      = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>()
                catch (Exception)
            return($"Task success with {deletedPost} post deleted at {DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()}");
Exemple #6
 public static AddNofticationResponse ToResponse(Noftication noftication)
     return(new AddNofticationResponse()
         Id = noftication.Id.ToString(),
         AuthorId = noftication.AuthorId,
         OwnerId = noftication.OwnerId,
         Content = noftication.Content,
         CreatedDate = noftication.CreatedDate,
         ModifiedDate = noftication.ModifiedDate,
         Status = noftication.Status,
         IsRead = noftication.IsRead
Exemple #7
        public async Task <PostViewModel> AddPost(AddPostRequest request)
            var currentUser = Feature.CurrentUser(httpContextAccessor, userRepository);
            var post        = PostAdapter.FromRequest(request);

            post.AuthorId = currentUser.Id.ToString();
            await postRepository.AddAsync(post);

            await fcmRepository.AddToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest()
                GroupName = post.OId,
                Type      = Feature.GetTypeName(post),
                UserIds   = new List <string> {

            foreach (var item in request.Fields)
                item.ObjectId = post.OId;

            await levelService.AddObjectLevel(request.Fields);

            var userMatchs = await GetUsersMatchPostField(post);

            foreach (var user in userMatchs)
                var followBuilder = Builders <Follow> .Filter;
                var followFilter  = followBuilder.Eq("from_id", user.OId) & followBuilder.Eq("to_id", currentUser.OId);
                var follows       = await followRepository.FindListAsync(followFilter);

                follows.ForEach(async x =>
                    var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                        OwnerId         = currentUser.OId,
                        ObjectId        = post.OId,
                        ObjectThumbnail = post.Title
                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(x.FromId, notificationDetail, NotificationContent.AddPostNotification);
            var response = mapper.Map <PostViewModel>(post);

        public async Task <ReportViewModel> ReplyReport(CreateReplyReportRequest request)
            User currentUser = Feature.CurrentUser(httpContextAccessor, userRepository);

            ReplyComment comment = await replyCommentRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(request.ReplyId));

            Report data = new Report()
                AuthorId   = currentUser.OId,
                Reason     = request.Reason.ToList(),
                ObjectId   = request.ReplyId,
                ObjectType = Feature.GetTypeName(comment)

            await fcmRepository.AddToGroup(
                new AddUserToGroupRequest
                GroupName = comment.AuthorId,
                Type      = Feature.GetTypeName(currentUser),
                UserIds   = new List <string> {

            await reportRepository.AddAsync(data);

            var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                OwnerId         = currentUser.OId,
                ObjectId        = comment.OId,
                ObjectThumbnail = comment.Content

            //Bài viết của bạn đã bị báo cáo.
            await fcmRepository.PushNotify(comment.AuthorId, notificationDetail, NotificationContent.CommentReportNotification, "Phản hồi của bạn đã bị báo cáo. ");

            return(mapper.Map <ReportViewModel>(data));
        public async Task <string> AddFollowingsAsync(AddFollowerRequest request)
            var currentUser = Feature.CurrentUser(_httpContextAccessor, userRepository);

            foreach (var item in request.Followers)
                var user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(item));

                if (user != null)
                    var filter         = Builders <Follow> .Filter;
                    var finder         = filter.Eq(FromId, currentUser.OId) & filter.Eq(ToId, item);
                    var existFollowing = await followRepository.FindAsync(finder);

                    if (existFollowing != null)

                    var follow = new Follow()
                        FromId     = currentUser.OId,
                        ToId       = item,
                        FollowDate = DateTime.Now

                    await followRepository.AddAsync(follow);

                    var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                        OwnerId         = item,
                        ObjectId        = currentUser.OId,
                        ObjectThumbnail = string.Empty

                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(item, notificationDetail, NotificationContent.FollowNotification);
        public async Task <IEnumerable <ReportViewModel> > Approve(IEnumerable <string> ids)
            List <Report> dataToApprove = new List <Report>();

            foreach (string item in ids)
                Report rp = await reportRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(item));

                if (rp != null)

            User currentUser = Feature.CurrentUser(httpContextAccessor, userRepository);

            foreach (Report item in dataToApprove)
                #region Find the same object

                var reportBuilders = Builders <Report> .Filter;
                var reportFilter   = reportBuilders.Eq("object_id", item.ObjectId);
                var sameObjects    = (await reportRepository.FindListAsync(reportFilter)).ToList();
                sameObjects.ForEach(async x =>
                    x.IsApproved   = true;
                    x.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    x.ApprovedBy   = currentUser.OId;
                    x.ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    await reportRepository.UpdateAsync(x, x.Id);


                if (item.ObjectType.Contains("Post"))
                    Post post = await postRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(item.ObjectId));

                    post.Status       = ItemStatus.Deleted;
                    post.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    await postRepository.UpdateAsync(post, post.Id);

                    var user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(post.AuthorId));

                    if (user == null)
                        throw new Exception("Không tìm thấy người dùng. ");

                    var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                        OwnerId         = currentUser.OId,
                        ObjectId        = post.OId,
                        ObjectThumbnail = post.Title

                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(post.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Bài viết của bạn đã bị xóa bởi quản trị viên. ");

                    //Báo cáo của bạn đã được duyệt.
                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(item.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Báo cáo của bạn về bài viết của{user.FirstName} {user.LastName} đã được xem xét. ");
                if (item.ObjectType.Contains("ReplyComment"))
                    ReplyComment replyComment = await replyCommentRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(item.ObjectId));

                    replyComment.Status       = ItemStatus.Deleted;
                    replyComment.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    await replyCommentRepository.UpdateAsync(replyComment, replyComment.Id);

                    var user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(replyComment.AuthorId));

                    if (user == null)
                        throw new Exception("Không tìm thấy người dùng. ");

                    var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                        OwnerId         = currentUser.OId,
                        ObjectId        = replyComment.OId,
                        ObjectThumbnail = replyComment.Content

                    //Báo cáo của bạn đã được duyệt.
                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(item.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Báo cáo của bạn về phản hồi của {user.FirstName} {user.LastName} đã được xem xét. ");

                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(replyComment.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Phản hồi của bạn đã bị xóa bởi quản trị viên. ");
                if (item.ObjectType.Contains("Comment"))
                    Comment comment = await commentRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(item.ObjectId));

                    comment.Status       = ItemStatus.Deleted;
                    comment.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    await commentRepository.UpdateAsync(comment, comment.Id);

                    var user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(comment.AuthorId));

                    if (user == null)
                        throw new Exception("Không tìm thấy người dùng. ");

                    var notificationDetail = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = currentUser.OId,
                        OwnerId         = currentUser.OId,
                        ObjectId        = comment.OId,
                        ObjectThumbnail = comment.Content

                    //Báo cáo của bạn đã được duyệt.
                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(item.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Báo cáo của bạn về bình luận của {user.FirstName} {user.LastName} đã được xem xét.");

                    await fcmRepository.PushNotify(comment.AuthorId,
                                                   $"Bình luận của bạn đã bị xóa bởi quản trị viên. ");
            return(mapper.Map <IEnumerable <ReportViewModel> >(dataToApprove));
        public async Task PushNotify(string clientGroupName, Noftication noftication, Triple <string, string, ObjectNotificationType> notificationSetting)
                FilterDefinition <ClientGroup> finder = Builders <ClientGroup> .Filter.Eq("name", clientGroupName);

                ClientGroup clientGroup = await clientGroupRepository.FindAsync(finder);

                foreach (string receiver in clientGroup.UserIds)
                    var receiverUser = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(receiver));

                    if (receiverUser.TurnOfNotification != null)
                        if (receiverUser.TurnOfNotification.Any(x => x == noftication.ObjectId))

                    Noftication finalNotification = new Noftication()
                        AuthorId        = noftication.AuthorId,
                        OwnerId         = noftication.OwnerId,
                        ReceiverId      = receiver,
                        ObjectId        = noftication.ObjectId,
                        ObjectType      = notificationSetting.Item3,
                        ObjectThumbnail = noftication.ObjectThumbnail,

                    //Người tạo ra thông báo.
                    string creator     = noftication.AuthorId;
                    User   userCreator = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(creator));

                    //Chủ sở hữu post
                    string owner     = noftication.OwnerId;
                    User   userOwner = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(owner));

                    if (owner == creator)
                        if (receiver == owner)
                            finalNotification.Content = $"Bạn {notificationSetting.Item2} chính mình";
                        else if (receiver != owner)
                            finalNotification.Content = $"{userCreator.FirstName} {userCreator.LastName} {notificationSetting.Item2} họ. ";
                    else if (owner != creator)
                        //owner: Trung
                        //receiver: trung
                        //Creator: Thắng
                        if (receiver != owner)
                            finalNotification.Content = $"{userCreator.FirstName} {userCreator.LastName} {notificationSetting.Item2} {userOwner.FirstName} {userOwner.LastName}. ";
                        else if (receiver != creator)
                            finalNotification.Content = $"{userCreator.FirstName} {userCreator.LastName} {notificationSetting.Item2} bạn. ";

                    await nofticationRepository.AddAsync(finalNotification);

                    var notiViewModel = mapper.Map <NotificationViewModel>(finalNotification);
                    if (!(owner == creator && receiver == owner && creator == receiver))
                            FilterDefinition <FcmInfo> user = Builders <FcmInfo> .Filter.Eq("user_id", receiver);

                            string token  = (await fcmInfoRepository.FindAsync(user)).DeviceToken;
                            User   sender = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(ObjectId.Parse(finalNotification.AuthorId));

                            FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message mes = new FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message()
                                Token = token,

                                Data = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                    { "notification", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notiViewModel) }
                                Notification = new Notification()
                                    Title    = $"{sender.FirstName} {sender.LastName}",
                                    Body     = notiViewModel.Content,
                                    ImageUrl = sender.AvatarHash
                            string response = await FirebaseMessaging.DefaultInstance.SendAsync(mes).ConfigureAwait(true);
                        catch (Exception)
            catch (Exception)
                //Do nothing