Exemple #1
        public static string hitJoint(Nodes.Node n, Rectangle rect, int x, int y, bool inputsOnly) {
            //assume using a padded rect
            //missed the balls.
            if (x > rect.Left + ballSize && x < rect.Right - ballSize)
                return null;

            rect.Y += nodeTitleFont.Height;
            if (n.getExtra() != null) {
                rect.Y += nodeExtraFont.Height;

            if (y < rect.Y)
                return null;

            Point pos;
            foreach (var kvp in n.getProperties()) {
                if ((kvp.Value.isInput && inputsOnly) || (kvp.Value.isOutput && !inputsOnly)) {
                    pos = getJointPos(n, kvp.Key, inputsOnly);
                    pos.X -= x; pos.Y -= y;

                    //intentionally dividing by 2 instead of 4 to expand the 'okay' selection radius.
                    if (pos.X * pos.X + pos.Y * pos.Y < ballSize * ballSize / 2) {
                        return kvp.Key;

            return null;
Exemple #2
        public static Rectangle getRect(Nodes.Node n) {
            int titleWidth = System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(n.getName(), nodeTitleFont).Width;
            Rectangle nodeRect = new Rectangle();
            nodeRect.Location = n.getPos();
            nodeRect.Width = Math.Max(100, titleWidth);
            nodeRect.Height = nodeTitleFont.Height;

            //count the lines to cover with text
            if (n.getExtra() != null && n.getExtra() != "") {
                nodeRect.Height += nodeExtraFont.Height;
            foreach (var kvp in n.getProperties()) {
                if (kvp.Value.isInput || kvp.Value.isOutput) {
                    nodeRect.Height += nodeFont.Height;
            return nodeRect;
Exemple #3
        public static Point getJointPos(Nodes.Node n, string port, bool input) {
            Rectangle nodeRect = getRect(n);
            Point result = nodeRect.Location;
            result.Y += nodeTitleFont.Height;
            if (n.getExtra() != null) {
                result.Y += nodeExtraFont.Height;

            foreach (var kvp in n.getProperties()) {
                if (kvp.Key == port) {
                if (kvp.Value.isInput || kvp.Value.isOutput) {
                    result.Y += nodeFont.Height;
            if (!input) {
                result.X += nodeRect.Width;
            result.Y += ballSize / 2;
            return result;
Exemple #4
 private static void drawTitle(Graphics g, Nodes.Node n, ref Rectangle nodeRect) {
     //draw title
     g.DrawString(n.getName(), nodeTitleFont, Brushes.Black, nodeRect.X + (nodeRect.Width - System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(n.getName(), nodeTitleFont).Width) / 2, nodeRect.Y);
     nodeRect.Y += nodeFont.Height;
     g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, nodeRect.Left, nodeRect.Y, nodeRect.Right, nodeRect.Y);
     //draw extra
     if (n.getExtra() != null && n.getExtra() != "") {
         g.DrawString(n.getExtra(), nodeExtraFont, Brushes.Black, nodeRect.Location);
         nodeRect.Y += nodeFont.Height;
         g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, nodeRect.Left, nodeRect.Y, nodeRect.Right, nodeRect.Y);