Exemple #1
    private void OnMouseDown()
        //If this square contains a block that isn't carrying energy, clicking on the square will remove the block and cause it to follow the cursor.
        if (NodeBlock != null && Battle_Manager.liftedBlock == null && !NodeBlock.HasEnergy)
            Battle_Manager.liftedBlock = NodeBlock;
            NodeBlock.Placed           = false;
            NodeBlock.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 6;
            NodeBlock = null;

            //Doing this deselects any selected Action.
            if (Battle_Manager.selectedAction != null)
                Battle_Manager.selectedAction = null;
        //If this square is empty and a block is following the cursor, place the block onto this square.
        else if (NodeBlock == null && Battle_Manager.liftedBlock != null)
            NodeBlock                    = Battle_Manager.liftedBlock;
            NodeBlock.Placed             = true;
            NodeBlock.GridPosition       = GridPosition;
            Battle_Manager.liftedBlock   = null;
            NodeBlock.transform.position = transform.position;
            NodeBlock.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 4;
Exemple #2
    //Compare each pulse with the block positioned above it (in the bottom row of the grid)
    //If the above block is a source node, create energy at that block.
    public void CreateEnergy(Pulse pulse)
        GameObject[,] currentNodeGrid = Grid.nodeGrid;

        int pulseColumn = pulse.CurrentGridColumn;

        if (currentNodeGrid[pulseColumn, 4] != null)
            Node_Block currentBlock = currentNodeGrid[pulseColumn, 4].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
            //Proceed if the block is a source node and doesn't already contain energy
            if (currentBlock.IsSource && currentBlock.HasEnergy == false)
                //TODO: Instantiate energy prefab, set position to correct block and set that block's hasEnergy and possessedEnergy
                GameObject newEnergyObject = Instantiate(energyObject, currentBlock.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                newEnergyObject.transform.position += new Vector3(0, -0.09f, 0);

                Energy newEnergy = newEnergyObject.GetComponent <Energy>();
                newEnergy.GridPosition       = new Vector2(pulseColumn, 4);
                currentBlock.PossessedEnergy = newEnergy;
                currentBlock.HasEnergy       = true;

                Debug.Log("Creating energy in column " + pulseColumn);
Exemple #3
 //Save data on each block in the grid.
 public void PopulateSaveData(Save_Data a_SaveData)
     for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
             Debug.Log("Attempting block [" + i + ", " + j + "]");
             Debug.Log(nodeGrid[i, j]);
             if (nodeGrid[i, j] != null)
                 //Pass necessary data from the block to the save data, then save it.
                 Node_Block          blockScript = nodeGrid[i, j].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
                 Save_Data.BlockData blockData   = new Save_Data.BlockData();
                 blockData.path         = blockScript.BlockPath;
                 blockData.gridPosition = blockScript.GridPosition;
                 blockData.rotation     = blockScript.BlockRotation;
                 a_SaveData.m_AllBlockData.m_BlockData[5 * i + j] = blockData;
                 Debug.Log("[" + i + ", " + j + "] Saved block to data!");
                 a_SaveData.m_Score = 4;
             //Set default data for empty squares.
                 Save_Data.BlockData blockData = new Save_Data.BlockData();
                 blockData.path         = "";
                 blockData.gridPosition = new Vector2(i, j);
                 blockData.rotation     = 0;
                 a_SaveData.m_AllBlockData.m_BlockData[5 * i + j] = blockData;
Exemple #4
 //Remove blocks from all squares and delete those blocks.
 public void ClearAllBlocks()
     for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
             //Remove reference to the block in the corresponding square and delete the block.
             Node_Block clearingBlock = squareGrid[i, j].GetComponent <Grid_Square>().NodeBlock;
             if (clearingBlock != null)
                 squareGrid[i, j].GetComponent <Grid_Square>().NodeBlock = null;
Exemple #5
    //Send energy from one block to another.
    //This is only called after compatibility between the two blocks has been confirmed.
    public void SendEnergy(Node_Block sendingBlock, Node_Block receivingBlock, string entrance)
        receivingBlock.PossessedEnergy = sendingBlock.PossessedEnergy;
        sendingBlock.PossessedEnergy   = null;
        receivingBlock.HasEnergy       = true;
        sendingBlock.HasEnergy         = false;

        //Specify the entrance used by the energy for future animations and sends
        if (entrance == "A")
            receivingBlock.ExitDirection = receivingBlock.EnterDirectionB;
        else if (entrance == "B")
            receivingBlock.ExitDirection = receivingBlock.EnterDirectionA;
            Debug.Log("Entrance not specified. This isn't supposed to be possible...");
Exemple #6
 //Transfer energy from this block to another that has been found and approved by AttemptSend
 public void AttemptSend(Node_Block targetBlock)
     //Debug.Log("Target block exists, really attempting send...");
     if (!targetBlock.HasEnergy)
         if (targetBlock.EnterDirectionA == (Directions)(((int)ExitDirection + 2) % 4)) //Results in opposite direction from ExitDirection.
             if (!targetBlock.IsSource && !targetBlock.IsReceiver)                      //Sources and receivers don't have dynamic ExitDirections.
                 targetBlock.ExitDirection = targetBlock.EnterDirectionB;
             targetBlock.HasEnergy       = true;
             targetBlock.PossessedEnergy = PossessedEnergy;
             PossessedEnergy = null;
             HasEnergy       = false;
         else if (targetBlock.EnterDirectionB == (Directions)(((int)ExitDirection + 2) % 4) && !targetBlock.IsSource && !targetBlock.IsReceiver) //Sources and receivers don't have a second EnterDirection.
             targetBlock.ExitDirection   = targetBlock.EnterDirectionA;
             targetBlock.HasEnergy       = true;
             targetBlock.PossessedEnergy = PossessedEnergy;
             PossessedEnergy = null;
             HasEnergy       = false;
             //Send fails if targetBlock doesn't have the corresponding EnterDirection.
         //Send fails if targetBlock already has energy.
Exemple #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        //End battle in victory if there are no enemies left, or defeat if the player's health reaches 0.
        //This currentyl results in infinite pulses being generated over time with nowhere to move.
        if (enemies.Count == 0)
            pulseTravelSpeed = 0;
            foreach (GameObject enemy in enemies)
        else if (player.currentHealth <= 0)
            pulseTravelSpeed = 0;
            foreach (GameObject enemy in enemies)

        //If an enemy is selected after an action, send the action to that enemy.
        //Otherwise, clear the selected enemy.
        if (selectedEnemy != null)
            if (selectedAction != null)
                Debug.Log("Enemy thas been targeted and attacked.");
                selectedEnemy = null;

        //Right mouse button functions.
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            //Rotate the lifted block.
            if (liftedBlock != null)
                if (liftedBlock.HasEnergy == false)

            //Deselect any selected action.
            if (selectedAction != null)
                selectedAction = null;

        //Update the node grid whenever a block is placed or removed.
        if (lastLiftedBlock != liftedBlock)
            grid.GetComponent <Grid>().PopulateNodeGrid();

        if (testSave == true)
            grid.GetComponent <Grid>().PopulateSaveData(gridSaveData);
            testSave = false;

        if (testLoad == true)
            testLoad = false;

        lastLiftedBlock = liftedBlock;
Exemple #8
    //Determine whether a valid block exists to receive energy from a block that currently possesses energy
    //The receiving block must have an EnterDirection that is opposite to the sending block's ExitDirection. (left -> right, top -> bottom, etc)
    public void AttemptSend(Node_Block sendingBlock)
        Node_Block receivingBlock;

        //If the sending block has an ExitDirection of up...
        if (sendingBlock.ExitDirection == Node_Block.Directions.Up)
            //Set the receiving block to the block located above the sendingBlock in the nodeGrid.
            receivingBlock = nodeGrid[(int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.x, (int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.y - 1].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
            //Check that this receivingBlock exists. (It may not if the square has been left empty or the sendingBlock has been placed on an edge.)
            if (receivingBlock != null)
                //Finally, check whether the receivingBlock's EnterDirection is compatible with the sendingBlock's ExitDirection.
                if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionA == Node_Block.Directions.Down)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "A");
                else if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionB == Node_Block.Directions.Down)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "B");
                    Debug.Log("Invalid entrance direction. Send failed.");
                Debug.Log("Target block does not exist. Send failed.");
        else if (sendingBlock.ExitDirection == Node_Block.Directions.Right)
            receivingBlock = nodeGrid[(int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.x + 1, (int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.y].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
            if (receivingBlock != null)
                if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionA == Node_Block.Directions.Left)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "A");
                else if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionB == Node_Block.Directions.Left)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "B");
                    Debug.Log("Invalid entrance direction. Send failed.");
                Debug.Log("Target block does not exist. Send failed.");
        else if (sendingBlock.ExitDirection == Node_Block.Directions.Down)
            receivingBlock = nodeGrid[(int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.x, (int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.y + 1].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
            if (receivingBlock != null)
                if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionA == Node_Block.Directions.Up)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "A");
                else if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionB == Node_Block.Directions.Up)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "B");
                    Debug.Log("Invalid entrance direction. Send failed.");
                Debug.Log("Target block does not exist. Send failed.");
        else if (sendingBlock.ExitDirection == Node_Block.Directions.Left)
            receivingBlock = nodeGrid[(int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.x - 1, (int)sendingBlock.GridPosition.y].GetComponent <Node_Block>();
            if (receivingBlock != null)
                if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionA == Node_Block.Directions.Right)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "A");
                else if (receivingBlock.EnterDirectionB == Node_Block.Directions.Right)
                    SendEnergy(sendingBlock, receivingBlock, "B");
                    Debug.Log("Invalid entrance direction. Send failed.");
                Debug.Log("Target block does not exist. Send failed.");