Exemple #1
 void MoveThroughMaze()
     if (UpdateMovement(_nextCoord))
         // if character has reached its target, check if it can still go in the same direction
         _currentCoord = Coordinate;
         _lastCoord = _currentCoord;
         if (gm.GetNode(Coordinate).HasNeighbor(Direction))
             // if there is a cell in the current direction, then start moving towards it
             _nextCoord = Coordinate + Direction;
         // if character has not arrived to its target, check if it is going through a tunnel
         Node nodeAtStart;
         if (gm.GetNode(Coordinate) == null && (nodeAtStart = gm.GetNode(_currentCoord)).Type == NodeType.Tunnel)
             // if going through a tunnel, move the character from one end of the tunnel to the other while keeping the relative worldPosition to the last cell
             Vector3    startPos      = gm.CellToWorld(_currentCoord);
             NodeTunnel nt1           = nodeAtStart as NodeTunnel;
             NodeTunnel nt2           = nt1.LinkedTunnel;
             Vector2Int newStartCoord = nt2.Coordinate + Vector2Int.left * (int)Mathf.Sign(nt1.Coordinate.x - nt2.Coordinate.x);
             Vector3    newStartPos   = gm.CellToWorld(newStartCoord);
             transform.position -= startPos - newStartPos;
             _currentCoord       = newStartCoord;
             _nextCoord          = nt2.Coordinate;
             _lastCoord          = _currentCoord;
 public NodeTunnel(Node node) : base(node.Coordinate)
     Type         = NodeType.Tunnel;
     Neighbors    = node.Neighbors;
     Depth        = node.Depth;
     Parent       = node.Parent;
     LinkedTunnel = null;
 public void LinkTunnel(NodeTunnel node, bool linkBoth = true)
     LinkedTunnel = node;
     if (linkBoth)
         node.LinkTunnel(this, false);
Exemple #4
    void InitializeGraph()
        // +++ Generate Nodes +++ //
        gridNodes = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Node>();
        tilemapPath.CompressBounds(); // get rid of empty rows and columns in the cellBounds
        BoundsInt bounds = tilemapPath.cellBounds;

        // iterate over the tilemap from the bottom left corner to the top right corner
        for (int x = bounds.xMin; x < bounds.xMax; x++)
            for (int y = bounds.yMin; y < bounds.yMax; y++)
                Vector3Int gridPos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 0);
                if (tilemapPath.GetTile(gridPos) != null)
                    // if there is a tile at these coordinates, create a node for it and add it to the appropriate dictionary
                    Vector2Int coord = new Vector2Int(gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
                    gridNodes[coord] = new Node(coord);

        // +++ Link Nodes +++ //
        List <NodeTunnel> nodeTunnels = new List <NodeTunnel>();

        // iterate over every node in the dictionary
        foreach (Vector2Int coord in gridNodes.Keys)
            Node n = gridNodes[coord];
            // iterate over every adjacent node
            for (int i = 0; i < PacTools.v2IntDirections.Length; i++)
                Vector2Int c = coord + PacTools.v2IntDirections[i];
                if (gridNodes.ContainsKey(c))
                    // if the neighboring node exists at these coordinates, link it as a neighbor of the node
            if (n.Neighbors.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Lonely Node found at " + coord.ToString());
            else if (n.Neighbors.Count == 1)
                // if the node is a tunnel, replace it to reflect it
                n = new NodeTunnel(n);
                nodeTunnels.Add(n as NodeTunnel);
            else if (n.Neighbors.Count == 2)
                if ((n.Neighbors[0].Coordinate.x == n.Neighbors[1].Coordinate.x) || (n.Neighbors[0].Coordinate.y == n.Neighbors[1].Coordinate.y))
                    n.Type = NodeType.Hallway;
                    n.Type = NodeType.Corner;
                n.Type = NodeType.Crossroad;
        // iterate over every tunnel node and compare it with every other tunnel nodes
        foreach (NodeTunnel n1 in nodeTunnels)
            gridNodes[n1.Coordinate] = n1;
            if (n1.LinkedTunnel == null)
                // if this tunnel has not yet been linked
                foreach (NodeTunnel n2 in nodeTunnels)
                    if (n2.LinkedTunnel == null && (n1.Coordinate.y == n2.Coordinate.y))
                        // if the other tunnel node has not yet been linked and is on the same line
                        n1.LinkTunnel(n2); // link them together

        /*/ +++ Clean Graph +++ //
         * //List<Node> hallwayNodes = new List<Node>();
         * List<Node> extremityNodes = new List<Node>();
         * // iterate over every node and check if they are hallway
         * foreach(Node n in gridNodes.Values) {
         *  Node[] neighbors = n.Neighbors.ToArray();
         *  if(n.IsHallway) {
         *      // if node is hallway, rewire neighbors so that in the end all corner/crossroad/tunnel nodes are only linked to each other
         *      //hallwayNodes.Add(n);
         *      int index0 = neighbors[0].Neighbors.IndexOf(n);
         *      neighbors[0].Neighbors[index0] = neighbors[1];
         *      int index1 = neighbors[1].Neighbors.IndexOf(n);
         *      neighbors[1].Neighbors[index1] = neighbors[0];
         *  }
         * }
         * // I let this unused code stay because I thought it was pretty smart.*/