Exemple #1
        public void DoCommanderSetup(IEnumerable <BuildNode> AllNodes, IEnumerable <AggregateNode> AllAggregates, List <BuildNode> OrderedToDo, List <BuildNode> SortedNodes, int TimeIndex, int TimeQuantum, bool bSkipTriggers, bool bFake, bool bFakeEC, TriggerNode ExplicitTrigger, List <TriggerNode> UnfinishedTriggers)
            // Check there's some nodes in the graph
            if (OrderedToDo.Count == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No nodes to do!");

            // Make sure everything before the explicit trigger is completed.
            if (ExplicitTrigger != null)
                foreach (BuildNode NodeToDo in OrderedToDo)
                    if (!NodeToDo.IsComplete && NodeToDo != ExplicitTrigger && !NodeToDo.DependsOn(ExplicitTrigger))                     // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                        throw new AutomationException("We are being asked to process node {0}, however, this is an explicit trigger {1}, so everything before it should already be handled. It seems likely that you waited too long to run the trigger. You will have to do a new build from scratch.", NodeToDo.Name, ExplicitTrigger.Name);

            // Update all the EC properties, and the branch definition files
            WriteProperties(AllNodes, AllAggregates, OrderedToDo, SortedNodes, TimeIndex, TimeQuantum);

            // Write all the job setup
            WriteJobSteps(OrderedToDo, bSkipTriggers);

            // Export it as JSON too
            WriteJson(OrderedToDo, bSkipTriggers);
        public void DoCommanderSetup(IEnumerable <BuildNode> AllNodes, IEnumerable <AggregateNode> AllAggregates, List <BuildNode> OrdereredToDo, List <BuildNode> SortedNodes, int TimeIndex, int TimeQuantum, bool bSkipTriggers, bool bFake, bool bFakeEC, string CLString, TriggerNode ExplicitTrigger, List <TriggerNode> UnfinishedTriggers, string FakeFail)
            List <AggregateNode> SeparatePromotables = FindPromotables(AllAggregates);
            Dictionary <BuildNode, List <AggregateNode> > DependentPromotions = FindDependentPromotables(AllNodes, SeparatePromotables);

            Dictionary <BuildNode, int> FullNodeListSortKey = GetDisplayOrder(SortedNodes);

            if (OrdereredToDo.Count == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No nodes to do!");
            List <string> ECProps = new List <string>();

            ECProps.Add(String.Format("TimeIndex={0}", TimeIndex));
            foreach (BuildNode Node in SortedNodes.Where(x => x.FrequencyShift != BuildNode.ExplicitFrequencyShift))
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("AllNodes/{0}={1}", Node.Name, GetNodeForAllNodesProperty(Node, TimeQuantum)));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildNode, int> NodePair in FullNodeListSortKey.Where(x => x.Key.FrequencyShift != BuildNode.ExplicitFrequencyShift))
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("SortKey/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key.Name, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildNode, List <AggregateNode> > NodePair in DependentPromotions)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("DependentPromotions/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key.Name, String.Join(" ", NodePair.Value.Select(x => x.Name))));
            foreach (AggregateNode Node in SeparatePromotables)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("PossiblePromotables/{0}={1}", Node.Name, ""));
            List <string> ECJobProps = new List <string>();

            if (ExplicitTrigger != null)

            // here we are just making sure everything before the explicit trigger is completed.
            if (ExplicitTrigger != null)
                foreach (BuildNode NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                    if (!NodeToDo.IsComplete && NodeToDo != ExplicitTrigger && !NodeToDo.DependsOn(ExplicitTrigger))                     // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                        throw new AutomationException("We are being asked to process node {0}, however, this is an explicit trigger {1}, so everything before it should already be handled. It seems likely that you waited too long to run the trigger. You will have to do a new build from scratch.", NodeToDo.Name, ExplicitTrigger.Name);

            BuildNode     LastSticky   = null;
            bool          HitNonSticky = false;
            bool          bHaveECNodes = false;
            List <string> StepList     = new List <string>();

            StepList.Add("use strict;");
            StepList.Add("use diagnostics;");
            StepList.Add("use ElectricCommander();");
            StepList.Add("my $ec = new ElectricCommander;");
            StepList.Add("my $batch = $ec->newBatch(\"serial\");");
            // sticky nodes are ones that we run on the main agent. We run then first and they must not be intermixed with parallel jobs
            foreach (BuildNode NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (!NodeToDo.IsComplete)                 // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                    bHaveECNodes = true;
                    if (NodeToDo.IsSticky)
                        LastSticky = NodeToDo;
                        if (HitNonSticky && !bSkipTriggers)
                            throw new AutomationException("Sticky and non-sticky jobs did not sort right.");
                        HitNonSticky = true;

            using (CommandUtils.TelemetryStopwatch PerlOutputStopwatch = new CommandUtils.TelemetryStopwatch("PerlOutput"))
                string ParentPath = Command.ParseParamValue("ParentPath");
                string BaseArgs   = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath);

                bool bHasNoop = false;
                if (LastSticky == null && bHaveECNodes)
                    // if we don't have any sticky nodes and we have other nodes, we run a fake noop just to release the resource
                    string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_UAT_Node', parallel => '0', jobStepName => 'Noop', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => 'Noop'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'Sticky', value =>'1' }}], releaseMode => 'release'}});", BaseArgs);
                    bHasNoop = true;

                Dictionary <string, List <BuildNode> > AgentGroupChains = new Dictionary <string, List <BuildNode> >();
                List <BuildNode> StickyChain = new List <BuildNode>();
                foreach (BuildNode NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                    if (!NodeToDo.IsComplete)                     // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                        string MyAgentGroup = NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup;
                        if (MyAgentGroup != "")
                            if (!AgentGroupChains.ContainsKey(MyAgentGroup))
                                AgentGroupChains.Add(MyAgentGroup, new List <BuildNode> {
                    if (NodeToDo.IsSticky)
                        if (!StickyChain.Contains(NodeToDo))
                foreach (BuildNode NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                    if (!NodeToDo.IsComplete)                     // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                        List <string> NodeProps = GetECPropsForNode(NodeToDo);

                        bool Sticky = NodeToDo.IsSticky;
                        if (NodeToDo.IsSticky)
                            if (NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup != "")
                                throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is both agent sharing and sitcky.", NodeToDo.Name);
                            if (NodeToDo.AgentPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                                throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is sticky, but {1} hosted. Sticky nodes must be PC hosted.", NodeToDo.Name, NodeToDo.AgentPlatform);
                            if (NodeToDo.AgentRequirements != "")
                                throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is sticky but has agent requirements.", NodeToDo.Name);

                        string ProcedureInfix = "";
                        if (NodeToDo.AgentPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown && NodeToDo.AgentPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                            ProcedureInfix = "_" + NodeToDo.AgentPlatform.ToString();

                        bool DoParallel = !Sticky || NodeToDo.IsParallelAgentShareEditor;

                        TriggerNode TriggerNodeToDo = NodeToDo as TriggerNode;

                        List <Tuple <string, string> > Parameters = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

                        Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("NodeName", NodeToDo.Name));
                        Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("Sticky", NodeToDo.IsSticky ? "1" : "0"));

                        if (NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup != "")
                            Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("AgentSharingGroup", NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup));

                        string Procedure;
                        if (TriggerNodeToDo == null || TriggerNodeToDo.IsTriggered)
                            if (NodeToDo.IsParallelAgentShareEditor)
                                Procedure = "GUBP_UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare_Editor";
                                Procedure = "GUBP" + ProcedureInfix + "_UAT_Node";
                                if (!NodeToDo.IsSticky)
                                    Procedure += "_Parallel";
                                if (NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup != "")
                                    Procedure += "_AgentShare";
                            if (NodeToDo.IsSticky && NodeToDo == LastSticky)
                                Procedure += "_Release";
                            if (TriggerNodeToDo.RequiresRecursiveWorkflow)
                                Procedure = "GUBP_UAT_Trigger";                 //here we run a recursive workflow to wait for the trigger
                                Procedure = "GUBP_Hardcoded_Trigger";                                 //here we advance the state in the hardcoded workflow so folks can approve

                            Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("TriggerState", TriggerNodeToDo.StateName));
                            Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("ActionText", TriggerNodeToDo.ActionText));
                            Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("DescText", TriggerNodeToDo.DescriptionText));

                            if (NodeToDo.RecipientsForFailureEmails.Length > 0)
                                Parameters.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("EmailsForTrigger", String.Join(" ", NodeToDo.RecipientsForFailureEmails)));

                        string ActualParameterArgs = String.Join(", ", Parameters.Select(x => String.Format("{{actualParameterName => '{0}', value => '{1}'}}", x.Item1, x.Item2)));
                        string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => '{1}', parallel => '{2}', jobStepName => '{3}', actualParameter => [{4}]", BaseArgs, Procedure, DoParallel? 1 : 0, NodeToDo.Name, ActualParameterArgs);

                        List <BuildNode> UncompletedEcDeps = new List <BuildNode>();
                            foreach (BuildNode Dep in NodeToDo.AllDirectDependencies)
                                if (!Dep.IsComplete && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep))                                 // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                                    if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo))
                                        throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo.Name, Dep.Name);

                        string PreCondition = GetPreConditionForNode(OrdereredToDo, ParentPath, bHasNoop, AgentGroupChains, StickyChain, NodeToDo, UncompletedEcDeps);
                        string RunCondition = GetRunConditionForNode(UncompletedEcDeps, ParentPath);

                        string MyAgentGroup          = NodeToDo.AgentSharingGroup;
                        bool   bDoNestedJobstep      = false;
                        bool   bDoFirstNestedJobstep = false;

                        string NodeParentPath = ParentPath;
                        if (MyAgentGroup != "")
                            bDoNestedJobstep = true;
                            NodeParentPath   = ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]";

                            List <BuildNode> MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup];
                            int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo);
                            if (MyIndex <= 0)
                                bDoFirstNestedJobstep = bDoNestedJobstep;

                        if (bDoNestedJobstep)
                            if (bDoFirstNestedJobstep)
                                    string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}', jobStepName => '{1}', parallel => '1'",
                                                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup);
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                    string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetPool', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetPool', parallel => '1', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{4}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => '{5}'}}]",
                                                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, ProcedureInfix, MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo.Name);
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                    string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetAgent', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetAgent', parallel => '1', exclusiveMode => 'call', resourceName => '{4}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{5}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value=> '{6}'}}]",
                                                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, ProcedureInfix,
                                                                    String.Format("$[/myJob/jobSteps[{0}]/ResourcePool]", MyAgentGroup),
                                                                    MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo.Name);
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition  => ";
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + "getProperty('" + ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetPool]/status') == 'completed'";
                                        NestArgs = NestArgs + ") true;]\"";
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                    PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                                    PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetAgent]/status') == 'completed'";
                                    PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\"";
                            Args = Args.Replace(String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath), String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", NodeParentPath));
                            Args = Args.Replace("UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare", "UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare3");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                            Args = Args + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RunCondition))
                            Args = Args + ", condition => " + RunCondition;
                #if false
                        // this doesn't work because it includes precondition time
                        if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes() > 0)
                            Args = Args + String.Format(" --timeLimitUnits minutes --timeLimit {0}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes());
                        if (Sticky && NodeToDo == LastSticky)
                            Args = Args + ", releaseMode => 'release'";
                        Args = Args + "});";

                        if (MyAgentGroup != "" && !bDoNestedJobstep)
                            List <BuildNode> MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup];
                            int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo);
                            if (MyIndex == MyChain.Count - 1)
                                string RelPreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                                // this runs "parallel", but we a precondition to serialize it
                                RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + "getProperty('" + ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + NodeToDo.Name + "]/status') == 'completed'";
                                RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + ") true;]\"";
                                // we need to release the resource
                                string RelArgs = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_Release_AgentShare', parallel => '1', jobStepName => 'Release_{1}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', valued => '{2}'}}], releaseMode => 'release', precondition => '{3}'",
                                                               BaseArgs, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, RelPreCondition);
            bool bHasTests = OrdereredToDo.Any(x => x.Node.IsTest());
            RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/HasTests\" \"{0}\"", bHasTests));
                string BranchDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, "BranchDef.properties");
                CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchDefFile, ECProps.ToArray());
                RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/BranchDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\")));
                string BranchJobDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, "BranchJobDef.properties");
                CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchJobDefFile, ECProps.ToArray());
                RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myJob/BranchJobDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchJobDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\")));