Exemple #1
 public ResourceDefinitionModel()
     //_rimProducts = new ObservableProduct(connection);
     _nodeNodeResults = new NodeResults()
         ResultId = ProcessName, States = States
     _nodeNodeResults.PropertyChanged += NodeNodeResultsPropertyChanged;
     AddSubJobClickAction              = new RelayCommand(AddSubJob);
     Job.CollectionChanged            += Job_CollectionChanged;
     SelectedState           = _idle;
     Result.PropertyChanged += Result_PropertyChanged;
     if (IntelliLCISearch == null)
         IntelliLCISearch = new ConsumableELCDDatabaseSearch();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Run an analysis on the specified model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="alertLog"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ModelResults AnalyseModel(Model.Model model, AnalysisCaseCollection cases, AlertLog alertLog = null)
            alertLog?.RaiseAlert("BLD", "Building analysis model...");

            var results = new ModelResults();

            // Create model:
            var feModel = new BFE.Model();

            // Create nodes:
            var nodesMap = new Dictionary <Guid, BFE.Node>();

            foreach (var node in model.Nodes)
                var bfeNode = ToBFE.Convert(node);
                nodesMap.Add(node.GUID, bfeNode);

            // Create materials:

            /*var materialsMap = new Dictionary<Guid, BFE.Materials.BaseMaterial>();
             * foreach (var material in model.Materials)
             * {
             *  var bfeMat = ToBFE.Convert(material);
             *  materialsMap.Add(material.GUID, bfeMat);
             * }*/

            // Create sections:

            /*foreach (var family in model.Families)
             * {
             *  if (family is SectionFamily)
             *  {
             *      SectionFamily section = (SectionFamily)family;
             *      //TODO?
             *  }
             * }*/

            // Create elements:
            var elementMap = new Dictionary <Guid, BFE.FrameElement2Node>();

            foreach (var element in model.Elements)
                if (element is LinearElement)
                    var linEl = (LinearElement)element;
                    if (linEl.StartNode != null && linEl.EndNode != null && linEl.Family != null)
                        var el = new BFE.FrameElement2Node(
                            nodesMap[linEl.StartNode.GUID], nodesMap[linEl.EndNode.GUID]);
                        //TODO: Releases
                        //TODO: Orientation
                        //TODO: Offsets
                        if (linEl.Family.Profile?.Perimeter != null)
                            var profile = ToBFE.Convert(linEl.Family.Profile.Perimeter);
                            el.Geometry = profile;
                            el.UseOverridedProperties = false;
                            //TODO: Hollow sections
                        el.E = linEl.Family.GetPrimaryMaterial()?.GetE(Geometry.Direction.X) ?? 210e9;
                        elementMap.Add(element.GUID, el);
                        alertLog.RaiseAlert("INCOMPLETE DATA", linEl, "Incomplete data.  Will be excluded from analysis.");

            //Loading time!
            // TODO: Limit to specific load cases?
            foreach (var load in model.Loads)
                if (load is LinearElementLoad)
                    var lEL = (LinearElementLoad)load;
                    if (lEL.IsMoment)
                        alertLog.RaiseAlert("MOMENTS UNSUPPORTED", load, "Moment line loads are not supported.", AlertLevel.Error);
                        // TODO: Set load case
                        var bLoad = new BFE.UniformLoad1D(lEL.Value, ToBFE.Convert(lEL.Direction), ToBFE.Convert(lEL.Axes));

                        // TODO: Generalise
                        var elements = lEL.AppliedTo.Items;
                        foreach (var el in elements)
                else if (load is NodeLoad)
                    var nL = (NodeLoad)load;
                    alertLog.RaiseAlert("LOAD TYPE UNSUPPORTED", load, "Load type is not supported.", AlertLevel.Error);

            alertLog?.RaiseAlert("BLD", "Analysis model built.");

            alertLog.RaiseAlert("SLV", "Solving...");


            alertLog.RaiseAlert("SLV", "Solved.");

            foreach (var kvp in nodesMap)
                var disp = kvp.Value.GetNodalDisplacement();
                var nR   = new NodeResults();
                var cNR  = new CaseNodeResults();


            /*foreach (var element in model.Elements)
             * {
             *  bNS = nodesMap[element]
             * }*/
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the results for the specified node to the store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 /// <param name="results"></param>
 public void Add(Node node, NodeResults results)
     Add(node.GUID, results);