Exemple #1
 void ASTVisitor.Accept(NodeInfix value)
Exemple #2
 internal void Accept(NodeInfix infix)
     builder.currentLineNumber = infix.left.EndLine;
Exemple #3
 private Node Factor(Node left, uint minp = 0)
     // Here we have two options:
     // - There's an operator, and it's precedence is >= the current precedence.
     // - There's an identifier, and the current precedence >= the default precedence.
     // In either of these cases, the token must be on the same line as the expression.
     while (TokensRemain &&
           ((Check(OPERATOR) && Laye.GetOperatorPrecedence(Current.image) >= minp) ||
           ( Check(IDENTIFIER) && Laye.defaultOperatorPrecedence >= minp)) &&
             Current.location.line == left.EndLine)
         // We know it's either an operator OR a method name, determine which:
         var isOp = Check(OPERATOR);
         // Save the token and location, as well.
         var token = Current;
         // Skip past this token, time to finish this infix expression.
         // Get an expression without checking infix.
         Node right = PrimaryExpression();
         // End of file?
         if (right == null)
             // TODO error
         // Make sure we don't have a semi colon.
             // get our precedence
             var thisPrec = isOp ? Laye.GetOperatorPrecedence(token.image) :
             // Basically we do the same as above
             // This time the precedence must be GREATER, but not equal.
             while (TokensRemain && 
                   ((Check(OPERATOR) && Laye.GetOperatorPrecedence(Current.image) > thisPrec) ||
                   ( Check(IDENTIFIER) && Laye.defaultOperatorPrecedence > thisPrec)) &&
                     Current.location.line == right.EndLine)
                 // Our right side is now the result of the infix operation.
                 right = Factor(right, Current.type == OPERATOR ?
                     Laye.GetOperatorPrecedence(Current.image) : Laye.defaultOperatorPrecedence);
         // Even if we hit an error, let's return some valid data!
         if (isOp)
             left = new NodeInfix(left, right, token.image);
         else left = new NodeInvoke(new NodeFieldIndex(left, token.image), new List<Node>() { right });
     return left;