public GrtListNode(string caption, NodeIdWrapper nodeId, GrtTreeNode parent, GrtListModel model)
     : base(caption)
     NodeId = nodeId;
     Parent = parent;
     Model = model;
Exemple #2
 public GrtListNode(string caption, NodeIdWrapper nodeId, GrtTreeNode parent, GrtListModel model)
     : base(caption)
     NodeId = nodeId;
     Parent = parent;
     Model  = model;
Exemple #3
        void rolesTreeView_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;

            if ((rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Position == NodePosition.Inside) && (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(TreeNodeAdv[])) == true))
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
            else if (rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Node != null)
                NodeIdWrapper nid     = roleTreeBE.get_parent(((GrtTreeNode)rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Node.Tag).NodeId);
                bool          is_root = !nid.is_valid();
                if (is_root)
                    bool          dragging_non_root = false;
                    TreeNodeAdv[] nodes             = (TreeNodeAdv[])e.Data.GetData(typeof(TreeNodeAdv[]));
                    if (nodes != null)
                        foreach (TreeNodeAdv node in nodes)
                            NodeIdWrapper next_id = ((GrtTreeNode)node.Tag).NodeId;
                            dragging_non_root = roleTreeBE.get_parent(next_id).is_valid();
                            if (dragging_non_root)
                                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a node list of all child nodes of a given parent node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treePath">The path of the parent node</param>
        /// <returns>The list of child nodes for the given parent path node</returns>
        public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath)
            NodeIdWrapper parentNodeId;
            bool          settingTopNode = false;

            if (treePath.IsEmpty())
                settingTopNode = true;
                parentNodeId   = model.get_root();
                GrtTreeNode parent = treePath.LastNode as GrtTreeNode;
                if (parent != null)
                    parentNodeId = parent.NodeId;
                    parentNodeId = null;

            if (parentNodeId != null)
                // The backend has child nodes on a node not before it was expanded.
                int childCount = model.count_children(parentNodeId);
                if (childCount == 0)
                    // But expand only if we don't have any children yet. Otherwise
                    // get many unnecessary refresh calls.
                    childCount = model.count_children(parentNodeId);

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    NodeIdWrapper nodeId = model.get_child(parentNodeId, i);
                    GrtTreeNode   node;
                    string        caption;

                    model.get_field(nodeId, columns[0].index, out caption);

                    node = new GrtTreeNode(caption, nodeId, null, this);
                    if (settingTopNode)
                        topNode = node;

                    yield return(node);

            //return items;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a node list of all child nodes of a given parent node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treePath">The path of the parent node</param>
        /// <returns>The list of child nodes for the given parent path node</returns>
        public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath)
            List <GrtTreeNode> items = null;
            NodeIdWrapper      parentNodeId;
            bool settingTopNode = false;

            if (treePath.IsEmpty())
                settingTopNode = true;
                parentNodeId   = model.get_root();
                GrtTreeNode parent = treePath.LastNode as GrtTreeNode;
                if (parent != null)
                    parentNodeId = parent.NodeId;
                    parentNodeId = null;

            if (parentNodeId != null)
                int childCount = model.count_children(parentNodeId);

                items = new List <GrtTreeNode>();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    NodeIdWrapper nodeId = model.get_child(parentNodeId, i);
                    GrtTreeNode   node;
                    string        caption;

                    model.get_field(nodeId, columns[0].index, out caption);

                    if (disabledNames.Contains(caption))

                    node = new GrtTreeNode(caption, nodeId, null, this);
                    if (settingTopNode)
                        topNode = node;

Exemple #6
 private void roleObjectsTreeView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (roleObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
         NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(roleObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
         roleObjectListWrapper.set_selected_node(new NodeIdWrapper());
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the current placeholder (the last line in the columns grid) into a real column.
        /// </summary>
        void activateColumnPlaceholder(NodeIdWrapper node)
            // The following code is a bit involved, but it makes the table grid
            // properly display the default PK column name and all its other settings.

            // Tell the backend we are editing now the placeholder row.
            grtList.set_field(node, (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, 1);

            // Get the default value for the name field...
            String value;

            grtList.get_field(node, (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, out value);

            // ... and set it in the backend. This way the backend will know next time
            // we set a value that we need a new place holder.
            grtList.set_field(node, (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, value);
Exemple #8
        void rolesTreeView_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            TreeNodeAdv[] nodes    = (TreeNodeAdv[])e.Data.GetData(typeof(TreeNodeAdv[]));
            TreeNodeAdv   dropNode = rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Node;

            if (dropNode == null)

            NodeIdWrapper dropNodeId = ((GrtTreeNode)dropNode.Tag).NodeId;

            if (rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Position == NodePosition.Inside)
                foreach (TreeNodeAdv node in nodes)
                    if (node.Equals(dropNode))

                    NodeIdWrapper next_id = ((GrtTreeNode)node.Tag).NodeId;
                    roleTreeBE.append_child(dropNodeId, next_id);


                rolesTreeView.Model = null;
                rolesTreeView.Model = roleTreeModel;

                //rolesTreeView.DropPosition.Node.IsExpanded = true;
                foreach (TreeNodeAdv node in nodes)
                    NodeIdWrapper next_id = ((GrtTreeNode)(node.Tag)).NodeId;


                rolesTreeView.Model = null;
                rolesTreeView.Model = roleTreeModel;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a node list of all child nodes of a given parent node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treePath">The path of the parent node</param>
        /// <returns>The list of child nodes for the given parent path node</returns>
        public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath)
            //List<GrtListNode> items = new List<GrtListNode>();

            // Get count but add the additional row for new columns
            int count = grtList.count();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                NodeIdWrapper nodeId = grtList.get_node(i);
                GrtListNode   node;
                string        caption;

                grtList.get_field(nodeId, columns[0].index, out caption);

                node = new GrtListNode(caption, nodeId, null, this);

                yield return(node);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a node list of all child nodes of a given parent node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treePath">The path of the parent node</param>
        /// <returns>The list of child nodes for the given parent path node</returns>
        public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath)
            List <GrtListNode> items = new List <GrtListNode>();

            int count = grtList.count();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                NodeIdWrapper nodeId = grtList.get_node(i);
                GrtListNode   node;
                string        caption;

                grtList.get_field(nodeId, 0, out caption);

                node = new GrtListNode(caption, nodeId, null, this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all fields of the given node.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateListViewNode(NodeIdWrapper nodeId, ListView listView)
            // Find the listview item that corresponds to the given node id and update it.
              // Don't wrap this with BeginUpdate/EndUpdate. That will produce more flicker than
              // just updating the item.
              String objectId = wbOverview.get_node_unique_id(nodeId);
              foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.Items)
            String currentObjectId = (item.Tag as Identifier).objectId;
            if (currentObjectId != null && currentObjectId == objectId)
              string caption;

              wbOverview.get_field(nodeId, (int)Overview.Columns.Label, out caption);
              item.Text = caption;
              item.ToolTipText = caption;

              // Note: the first sub item is the same as the main item.
              int offset = -1;
              foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem in item.SubItems)
            if (offset > -1)
              String detailText;
              wbOverview.get_field(nodeId, (int)Overview.Columns.FirstDetailField + offset, out detailText);
              subItem.Text = detailText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " / ");
 public Identifier(NodeIdWrapper id)
 { = id;
        private void RefreshGroupTabs(NodeIdWrapper node)
            if (panelsByNode.ContainsKey(node.toString()))
            CollapsingPanel panel = panelsByNode[node.toString()];


            PopulateSections(panel, currentOverviewDisplayMode, false);


        private void RefreshItemList(NodeIdWrapper node, Overview.NodeType nodeType)
            if (listsByNode.ContainsKey(node.toString()))
            ListView list = listsByNode[node.toString()];

            if (nodeType == Overview.NodeType.Section)
              int childCount = wbOverview.count_children(node) - 1;
              String info = "(" + childCount + ((childCount == 1) ? " item" : " items") + ")";
              SetInfoLabelForList(list, info);

            if (list.View == View.Details)

            PopulateListView(node, list);

            if (list.View == View.Details)
        private void FillPanelContent(NodeIdWrapper panelNodeId, Overview.DisplayMode displayMode, CollapsingPanel overviewPanel)
            // Check the node type of the child items
              int itemNodeType;
              wbOverview.get_field(panelNodeId, (int)Overview.Columns.ChildNodeType, out itemNodeType);

              switch ((Overview.NodeType)itemNodeType)
            case Overview.NodeType.Group:
            // If the child items are of type Group, add them as tabs.
            EnableTabViewForPanel(displayMode, overviewPanel);

            // Fill child items
            if (wbOverview.count_children(panelNodeId) > 0)
              FillPanelContent(wbOverview.get_child(panelNodeId, 0), currentOverviewDisplayMode, overviewPanel);
            case Overview.NodeType.Section:
              // If they are of item type Section populate the list view with sections and items.
              PopulateSections(overviewPanel, displayMode, true);
            case Overview.NodeType.Item:
            // If the child entry is an item thean we don't have any intermediate structure.
            ListView sectionListview = GetSectionListview(panelNodeId, overviewPanel, false, displayMode, "", "");
            cacheListview(panelNodeId.toString(), sectionListview);
            PopulateListView(panelNodeId, sectionListview);
        private void storageRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (columnsTreeView.SelectedNode == null)

              NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(columnsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
              RadioButton button = sender as RadioButton;
              if (button.Checked)
            columnsListModel.GrtList.set_field(nodeId, (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.GeneratedStorageType,
              sender == virtualRadioButton ? "VIRTUAL" : "STORED");
Exemple #17
        protected override void OnCellPainting(DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)

              if (e.ColumnIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex < 0)

              NodeIdWrapper NodeIdWrapper = new NodeIdWrapper(e.RowIndex);
              Bitmap icon = null;
              Rectangle rect = e.CellBounds;

              if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
            // Check if we have to draw a busy indicator.
            int type;
            Model.get_field(NodeIdWrapper, 0, out type);
            if ((MessageType) type == MessageType.BusyMsg)
              icon = (e.RowIndex % 2 == 1) ? Resources.busy_indicator_lightblue : Resources.busy_indicator_white;
              rect.X += (rect.Width - icon.Width) / 2;
              rect.Y += (rect.Height - icon.Height) / 2;
              rect.Size = icon.Size;

              if (icon == null)
            int iconId = Model.get_field_icon(NodeIdWrapper, e.ColumnIndex, IconSize.Icon16);
            icon = IconManagerWrapper.get_instance().get_icon(iconId);
            if (icon != null)
              rect.Size = icon.Size;

              // Horizontal alignment.
              switch (e.CellStyle.Alignment)
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopRight:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomRight:
              rect.X += e.CellBounds.Width - rect.Width;
              rect.X -= 1; // cell border width (required only for right alignment)
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopCenter:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
              rect.X += (e.CellBounds.Width - rect.Width) / 2;

              // Vertical alignment.
              switch (e.CellStyle.Alignment)
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
              rect.Y += (e.CellBounds.Height - rect.Height) / 2;
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
            case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomRight:
              rect.Y += e.CellBounds.Height - rect.Height;

              if (icon != null)
            e.PaintBackground(e.CellBounds, true);
            e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(icon, rect);
            e.Handled = true;
        public void SearchAndFocusNode(String text)
            if ((lastSearchText == null) || !text.StartsWith(lastSearchText))
            lastFoundNode = null;

              lastSearchText = text;

              lastFoundNode = wbOverview.search_child_item_node_matching(null, lastFoundNode, text);

              if (lastFoundNode != null)
        private void FocusNode(NodeIdWrapper node)
            NodeIdWrapper parent = wbOverview.get_parent(node);
              int index = node.end();

              if (listsByNode.ContainsKey(parent.toString()))
            ListView list = listsByNode[parent.toString()];

            list.Items[index].Selected = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the current placeholder (the last line in the columns grid) into a real column.
        /// </summary>
        void activateColumnPlaceholder(NodeIdWrapper node)
            // The following code is a bit involved, but it makes the table grid
              // properly display the default PK column name and all its other settings.

              // Tell the backend we are editing now the placeholder row.
              grtList.set_field(node, (int) MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, 1);

              // Get the default value for the name field...
              String value;
              grtList.get_field(node, (int) MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, out value);

              // ... and set it in the backend. This way the backend will know next time
              // we set a value that we need a new place holder.
              grtList.set_field(node, (int) MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name, value);
        private void columnFlagsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (columnsTreeView.SelectedNode == null)

              NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(columnsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
              CheckBox box = sender as CheckBox;
              int value = box.Checked ? 1 : 0;
              MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name;
              switch (box.Tag.ToString())
            case "0":
              columnValue =  MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsPK;
            case "1":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsNotNull;
            case "2":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsUnique;
            case "3":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsBinary;
            case "4":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsUnsigned;
            case "5":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsZerofill;
            case "6":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsAutoIncrement;
            case "7":
              columnValue = MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsGenerated;

              if (columnValue != MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Name)
            if (!columnsListModel.GrtList.set_field(nodeId, (int)columnValue, value))
              // Value not accepted. Restore previous one.
              columnsListModel.GrtList.get_field(nodeId, (int)columnValue, out value);
              box.Checked = value != 0;

              if (columnValue == MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.IsGenerated)
            virtualRadioButton.Enabled = box.Checked;
            storedRadioButton.Enabled = box.Checked;
            String stringValue;
            if (box.Checked)
              if (!virtualRadioButton.Checked && !storedRadioButton.Checked)
            virtualRadioButton.Checked = true; // Default value.

              defaultLabel.Text = "Expression:";
              if (columnsListModel.GrtList.get_field(nodeId,
            (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.GeneratedExpression, out stringValue))
            columnDefaultTextBox.Text = stringValue;
            columnDefaultTextBox.Text = "";
              defaultLabel.Text = "Default:";
              if (columnsListModel.GrtList.get_field(nodeId,
            (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.Default, out stringValue))
            columnDefaultTextBox.Text = stringValue;
            columnDefaultTextBox.Text = "";

 private void columnCollationComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // set charset/collation
       if (columnsTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
     NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(columnsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
     if (columnCollationComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0)
     (int)MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns.CharsetCollation, "");
        private void updateColumnTextField(MySQLTableColumnsListWrapper.MySQLColumnListColumns column, TextBox box)
            if (columnsTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
            // Change an attribute triggers a whole chain of events which ultimately cause the
            // table editor to refresh completely (including all nodes in the columns tree etc.).
            // So we have to take measure to restore what was active when the user changed the value.
            NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(columnsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
            if (!columnsListModel.GrtList.set_field(nodeId, (int)column, box.Text))
              CustomMessageBox.Show(MessageType.MessageError, "Could not set new value",
            "The entered value contains errors and cannot be accepted. The previous value is kept instead.",

              string originalText;
              columnsListModel.GrtList.get_field(nodeId, (int)column, out originalText);
              box.Text = originalText;

            columnsTreeView.SelectedNode = columnsTreeView.Root.Children[nodeId.get_by_index(0)];
        public void RefreshNodeChildren(NodeIdWrapper node)
            int nodeType;

              if ((null == node) || !node.is_valid())

              if (overviewInvalid)

              // find the container and refresh it
              if (wbOverview.get_field(node, (int)Overview.Columns.NodeType, out nodeType))
            wbOverview.refresh_node(node, true);

            if (nodeType == (int)Overview.NodeType.Section)
              RefreshItemList(node, (Overview.NodeType)nodeType);
            else if (nodeType == (int)Overview.NodeType.Group)
              CollapsingPanel panel = panelsByNode[node.toString()];
            else if (nodeType == (int)Overview.NodeType.Division)
              int childNodeType;
              wbOverview.get_field(node, (int)Overview.Columns.ChildNodeType, out childNodeType);

              switch ((Overview.NodeType)childNodeType)
            case Overview.NodeType.Group:
              // Group as children of Division means a tabview

            case Overview.NodeType.Section:

            case Overview.NodeType.Item:
              RefreshItemList(node, (Overview.NodeType)nodeType);
        void overviewPanel_TabHeaderMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            CollapsingPanel panel = sender as CollapsingPanel;

              if (panel != null)
            if (panel != null && panel.Tag != null)
              List<MySQL.Base.MenuItem> items;
              List<NodeIdWrapper> nodes = new List<NodeIdWrapper>();

              NodeIdWrapper itemNodeId= new NodeIdWrapper();
              int tab = panel.GetTabAtPosition(e.X, e.Y);
              if (tab >= 0)
            itemNodeId = wbOverview.get_child((panel.Tag as Identifier).id, tab);

              items = wbOverview.get_popup_items_for_nodes(nodes);

              if (items != null && items.Count > 0)
            System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip menu;

            menu = workbenchMenuManager.ShowContextMenu(panel, items, e.X, e.Y, new EventHandler(PopupActionHandler));
            menu.Tag = panel;

            SetMenuItemsTag(menu.Items, CreateIdentifier(itemNodeId));
        public void RefreshNodeInfo(NodeIdWrapper node)
            int nodeType;

              // if we're refreshing a node, first check what type is it, then update it
              // through its container or the item itself
              if (wbOverview.get_field(node, (int)Overview.Columns.NodeType, out nodeType))
            wbOverview.refresh_node(node, false);

            switch ((Overview.NodeType)nodeType)
              case Overview.NodeType.Root:
            // Do nothing. We refresh the entire content with the model refresh notification.

              case Overview.NodeType.Item:
            // find the object in its container
            NodeIdWrapper parent = wbOverview.get_parent(node);
            if (listsByNode.ContainsKey(parent.toString()))
              ListView list = listsByNode[parent.toString()];
              UpdateListViewNode(node, list);

              case Overview.NodeType.Section:
            // a CollapsingPanel

              case Overview.NodeType.Group:
            // schema tabs
            if (panelsByNode.ContainsKey(wbOverview.get_parent(node).toString()))
              CollapsingPanel panel = panelsByNode[wbOverview.get_parent(node).toString()];


            throw new Exception("Model overview: invalid node type found");
        private void PopulateListView(NodeIdWrapper parentNodeId, ListView listView)
            int itemCount = wbOverview.count_children(parentNodeId);
            ListViewItem[] items = new ListViewItem[itemCount];

            int detail_fields_count = wbOverview.get_details_field_count(parentNodeId);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
              NodeIdWrapper itemNodeId = wbOverview.get_child(parentNodeId, i);
              string caption;

              wbOverview.get_field(itemNodeId, (int)Overview.Columns.Label, out caption);
              ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(caption, FindImageIndex(itemNodeId, listView.View));
              item.Tag = CreateIdentifier(itemNodeId);
              item.ToolTipText = caption;

              // Add details for that item, if available.
              for (int counter = 0; counter < detail_fields_count; counter++)
            String detailText;
            wbOverview.get_field(itemNodeId, (int)Overview.Columns.FirstDetailField + counter, out detailText);
            item.SubItems.Add(detailText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " / "));

              items[i] = item;

            // Setting the sorter also starts sorting.
            listView.ListViewItemSorter = new InsensitiveListviewComparer(0, SortOrder.Ascending);
            Win32.SetSortIcon(listView, 0, SortOrder.Ascending);

            // select stuff
            List<int> selected = wbOverview.get_selected_children(parentNodeId);
            foreach (int i in selected)
 private Identifier CreateIdentifier(NodeIdWrapper nodeId)
     Identifier identifier = new Identifier(nodeId);
       identifier.objectId = wbOverview.get_node_unique_id(nodeId);
       return identifier;
        private void PopulateListViewColumns(NodeIdWrapper sectionNodeId, ListView sectionListview, Overview.DisplayMode displayMode)
            // Refresh columns for this view.
              sectionListview.Columns.Add("Name", 200);

              // Only add more columns if we are not in tile view mode.
              // We add columns also for large icon view, even though we don't see them, as we can then
              // quicker switch between large icon and tile view (no need to re-populate the view then).
              if (displayMode == Overview.DisplayMode.List)
            int columnCount = wbOverview.get_details_field_count(sectionNodeId);
            for (int counter = 0; counter < columnCount; counter++)
              String columnCaption = wbOverview.get_field_name(sectionNodeId,
            (int)Overview.Columns.FirstDetailField + counter);
              sectionListview.Columns.Add(columnCaption, 100);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the image index for a given node and view mode as cached in the mapper.
        /// If such a mapping does not exist yet then one is created.
        /// Note: wbOverview must be assigned already to make this work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The index of the image within the associated image list.
        /// </returns>
        private int FindImageIndex(NodeIdWrapper id, View view)
            IconSize size = IconSize.Icon16;
              if (view == View.LargeIcon)
            size = IconSize.Icon48;
              int iconId = wbOverview.get_field_icon(id, (int)Overview.Columns.Label, size);
              int iconKey = CreateIconKey(iconId, view);

              if (!imageIndexMapper.ContainsKey(iconKey))
            // There is no image index stored yet for this node.
            // Add a new mapping for it.
            // This is necessary as we cannot guarantee that both image indices are the same for
            // small and large icons (which would be necessary if we want to use the same index for
            // both, large and small icon view). So we have to set the index depending on the view mode.
            int listIndex = IconManagerWrapper.get_instance().add_icon_to_imagelist(iconId);
            imageIndexMapper.Add(iconKey, listIndex);

              return imageIndexMapper[iconKey];
        protected override void OnCellPainting(DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)

            if (e.ColumnIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex < 0)

            NodeIdWrapper NodeIdWrapper = new NodeIdWrapper(e.RowIndex);
            Bitmap        icon          = null;
            Rectangle     rect          = e.CellBounds;

            if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
                // Check if we have to draw a busy indicator.
                int type;
                Model.get_field(NodeIdWrapper, 0, out type);
                if ((MessageType)type == MessageType.BusyMsg)
                    icon = (e.RowIndex % 2 == 1) ? Resources.busy_indicator_lightblue : Resources.busy_indicator_white;
                    rect.X   += (rect.Width - icon.Width) / 2;
                    rect.Y   += (rect.Height - icon.Height) / 2;
                    rect.Size = icon.Size;

            if (icon == null)
                int iconId = Model.get_field_icon(NodeIdWrapper, e.ColumnIndex, IconSize.Icon16);
                icon = IconManagerWrapper.get_instance().get_icon(iconId);
                if (icon != null)
                    rect.Size = icon.Size;

                    // Horizontal alignment.
                    switch (e.CellStyle.Alignment)
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopRight:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomRight:
                        rect.X += e.CellBounds.Width - rect.Width;
                        rect.X -= 1; // cell border width (required only for right alignment)

                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopCenter:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
                        rect.X += (e.CellBounds.Width - rect.Width) / 2;

                    // Vertical alignment.
                    switch (e.CellStyle.Alignment)
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
                        rect.Y += (e.CellBounds.Height - rect.Height) / 2;

                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
                    case DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomRight:
                        rect.Y += e.CellBounds.Height - rect.Height;

            if (icon != null)
                e.PaintBackground(e.CellBounds, true);
                e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(icon, rect);
                e.Handled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the listview for a given section. If it does not exist yet it gets created.
        /// Optionally a simple panel is added as header for this section.
        /// </summary>
        private ListView GetSectionListview(NodeIdWrapper controlNodeId, CollapsingPanel overviewPanel, bool addSectionHeader,
            Overview.DisplayMode displayMode, String caption, String info)
            // Iterate over all sections we have already and find the one with the given control id.
              String objectId = wbOverview.get_node_unique_id(controlNodeId);
              foreach (Control control in overviewPanel.Controls)
            if (control.Tag != null)
              String currentObjectId = (control.Tag as Identifier).objectId;
              if (currentObjectId != null && currentObjectId == objectId)
            ListView listview = control as ListView;
            SetViewMode(listview, displayMode);
            return listview;

              // If we come here then the section does not exist yet, so add it. Start with a header.
              if (addSectionHeader)
            Panel panel = new Panel();
            panel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            panel.Padding = new Padding(5, 2, 5, 0);
            panel.BackgroundImage = Resources.header_bar_blue;
            panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None;

            panel.Height = 24;

            // Insert client controls in reverse order.
            // Info label.
            Label infoLabel = new Label();
            infoLabel.Text = info;
            infoLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
            infoLabel.Font = overviewPanel.Font;
            infoLabel.AutoSize = true;
            infoLabel.Margin = new Padding(10, 0, 0, 0);
            infoLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Left;


            // Caption label.
            Label captionLabel = new Label();
            captionLabel.Text = caption;
            //captionLabel.Font = new Font(overviewPanel.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
            captionLabel.AutoSize = true;
            captionLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
            captionLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;


              // Then the content view.
              ListView sectionListview = new ListView();
              sectionListview.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
              sectionListview.AllowColumnReorder = true;
              sectionListview.ShowItemToolTips = true;

              // Undocumented feature: enabling AutoSize will indeed make the control automatically resize
              // (the docs say it wouldn't) though without considering long captions. For them to work
              // additionally Scrollable can be set to true to show a scrollbar, but only in this special case.
              sectionListview.AutoSize = true;
              sectionListview.MultiSelect = false;
              sectionListview.Scrollable = true;
              sectionListview.Visible = true;
              sectionListview.Font = overviewPanel.Font;
              sectionListview.Tag = CreateIdentifier(controlNodeId);
              sectionListview.Sorting = SortOrder.None; // We do custom sort.

              sectionListview.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(listViewDoubleClick);
              sectionListview.ItemDrag += new ItemDragEventHandler(listViewItemDrag);
              sectionListview.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(listViewSelectedIndexChanged);
              sectionListview.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(listViewKeyDown);
              sectionListview.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(listViewMouseUp);
              sectionListview.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(ListviewColumnClick);
              sectionListview.Enter += new EventHandler(ListViewEnter);

              // Renaming of overview nodes
              sectionListview.LabelEdit = true;
              sectionListview.AfterLabelEdit += new LabelEditEventHandler(listViewAfterLabelEdit);
              sectionListview.BeforeLabelEdit += new LabelEditEventHandler(listViewBeforeLabelEdit);

              // Add it to the panel. Usually the layout engine of the panel should take care for
              // the layout of the controls, but just to be sure we set here a dock style.
              sectionListview.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

              // Set Image Lists
              sectionListview.SmallImageList = IconManagerWrapper.ImageList16;
              sectionListview.LargeImageList = IconManagerWrapper.ImageList48;

              SetViewMode(sectionListview, displayMode);

              return sectionListview;
 private void roleObjectsTreeView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (roleObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
     NodeIdWrapper nodeId = new NodeIdWrapper(roleObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index);
     roleObjectListWrapper.set_selected_node(new NodeIdWrapper());