internal protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
			base.Read (elem);
			typeName = elem.GetAttribute ("type");
			if (typeName.Length == 0)
				typeName = elem.GetAttribute ("class");
			if (typeName.Length == 0)
				typeName = elem.GetAttribute ("id");
		protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
			base.Read (elem);
			actions = (SchemaActions)Enum.Parse (typeof (SchemaActions), action);
			parsedFlags = CapabilitiesUtility.Parse (category, flags);
		public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement conditionNode)
			// don't allow recursion, getting the extension node can evaluate this condition again
			if (isEvaluating > 0)
				return false;
				var path = conditionNode.GetAttribute("path");
				var invertString = conditionNode.GetAttribute("invert");
				bool invert = string.Equals(invertString, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

				// check if extension node is defined
				var extensionNode = AddinManager.GetExtensionNode(path);

				#if DEBUG
				Console.WriteLine("Extension '{0}' {1}", path, extensionNode != null ? "Exists" : "Does Not Exist");
				return invert ? extensionNode == null : extensionNode != null;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			string plat = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("value");
			bool negate = false;
			if (plat.StartsWith ("!", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
				plat = plat.Substring (1);
				negate = true;
			bool result;
			switch (plat.ToLower ()) {
				case "windows":
				case "win32":
					result = Platform.IsWindows; break;
				case "mac":
				case "macos":
				case "macosx":
					result = Platform.IsMac; break;
				case "unix":
				case "linux":
					result = !Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows; break;
					result = false; break;

			Version version;
			if (Version.TryParse (conditionNode.GetAttribute ("minVersion"), out version))
				result &= (Platform.IsMac ? MacSystemInformation.OsVersion : Environment.OSVersion.Version) >= version;

			if (Version.TryParse (conditionNode.GetAttribute ("maxVersion"), out version))
				result &= (Platform.IsMac ? MacSystemInformation.OsVersion : Environment.OSVersion.Version) <= version;

			return negate ? !result : result;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			if (fileName == null)
				return false;
			string[] fileExtensions = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("fileExtensions").Split (new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
			string[] mimeTypes = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("mimeTypes").Split (new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
			string[] names = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("name").Split (new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
			if (fileExtensions.Length > 0) {
				string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension (fileName);
				if (fileExtensions.Any (fe => string.Compare (fe, ext, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
					return true;
			if (mimeTypes.Length > 0) {
				if (mimeTypes.Any (t => DesktopService.GetMimeTypeIsSubtype (mimeType, t)))
					return true;
			if (names.Length > 0) {
				string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (fileName);
				if (names.Any (fn => string.Compare (fn, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
					return true;
			return false;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			string plat = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("value");
			bool negate = false;
			if (plat.StartsWith ("!")) {
				plat = plat.Substring (1);
				negate = true;
			bool result;
			switch (plat.ToLower ()) {
				case "windows":
				case "win32":
					result = Platform.IsWindows; break;
				case "mac":
				case "macos":
				case "macosx":
					result = Platform.IsMac; break;
				case "unix":
				case "linux":
					result = !Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows; break;
					result = false; break;
			return negate ? !result : result;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			return Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix
			&& !Directory.Exists ("/Applications")
			&& !Directory.Exists ("/Users")
			&& !Directory.Exists ("/Library");
		protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
			typeName = elem.GetAttribute ("class");
			if (typeName.Length == 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Application type not provided");
			description = elem.GetAttribute ("description");
Exemple #9
 public static NodeConflict Merge(
             NodeElement commonAncestrorElement,
             NodeElement elementInSourceBranch,
             NodeElement elementInDestinationBranch)
     NodeDifference ignoreA, ignoreB;
     return Merge(commonAncestrorElement, elementInSourceBranch, elementInDestinationBranch, out ignoreA, out ignoreB);
		protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
			base.Read (elem);
			if (headerImageResource != null)
				HeaderImage = Addin.GetImageResource (headerImageResource);
			if (headerFillerImageResource != null)
				HeaderFillerImageResource = Addin.GetImageResource (headerFillerImageResource);
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			foreach (string type in conditionNode.GetAttribute ("value").Split ('|')) {
				if (MatchesType (type.Trim ()))
					return true;
			return false;
 public void Constructs_empty_element([Column(0, 123)] int index)
     var element = new NodeElement(index, 123, "Planet", NodeAttributeCollection.Empty, EmptyArray<INode>.Instance);
     Assert.AreEqual(index, element.Index);
     Assert.AreEqual("Planet", element.Name);
		protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
			TypeName = elem.GetAttribute ("class");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (TypeName))
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("type not provided");
			MimeType = elem.GetAttribute ("mimeType");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (MimeType))
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("type not provided");
        protected override void Read(NodeElement elem)
            base.Read (elem);

            vendor_name = elem.GetAttribute ("vendor-name");
            product_name = elem.GetAttribute ("product-name");
            vendor_ids = ParseIds (elem.GetAttribute ("vendor-id"));
            product_ids = ParseIds (elem.GetAttribute ("product-id"));
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement condition)
			string activeproject = condition.GetAttribute ("value");
			Project project = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject;
			if (activeproject == "*") {
				return project != null;
			return project != null && project.GetTypeTags ().All (p => p != activeproject);
 private static void CheckSortOrder(NodeElement head)
     for (; head.Next != null; head = head.Next)
         if (head.Data.Key > head.Next.Data.Key)
             Assert.Fail("Collection is not sorted correctly! Wrong Order!");
        public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement conditionNode)
            var selectedFile = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedItem as ProjectFile;
            if(selectedFile == null || selectedFile.Name == null) {
                return false;

            bool visible = NativeTypeHandlers.All.FirstOrDefault(handler => handler.IsHandledFileType(selectedFile.Name.ToLowerInvariant())) != null;
            return visible;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			var project = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject as DotNetProject;
			if (project is PackagingProject) {
				return true;
			} else if (project != null) {
				return project.HasNuGetMetadata ();
			return false;
 public void Constructs_non_empty_element()
     var attribute1 = new Gallio.Common.Xml.NodeAttribute(0, "diameter", "4878 km", 2);
     var attribute2 = new Gallio.Common.Xml.NodeAttribute(1, "revolution", "58.6 d", 2);
     var mockChild1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<INode>();
     var mockChild2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<INode>();
     var element = new NodeElement(0, 123, "Planet", new[] { attribute1, attribute2 }, new[] { mockChild1, mockChild2 });
     Assert.AreElementsSame(new[] { mockChild1, mockChild2 }, element.Children);
     Assert.AreElementsSame(new[] { attribute1, attribute2 }, element.Attributes);
     Assert.AreEqual("Planet", element.Name);
		public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
			string pkg = element.GetAttribute ("catalog");
			if (pkg.Length == 0)
				pkg = addin.Id;
			string dir = element.GetAttribute ("location");
			if (dir.Length == 0)
				dir = "locale";
			dir = addin.GetFilePath (dir);
			domain = new GettextDomain ();
			domain.Init (pkg, dir);
			return this;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			// Get the required extension value from an attribute,
			// and check againts the extension of the currently open document
			string val = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("extension");
			if (val.Length > 0) {
				string ext = Path.GetExtension (TextEditorApp.OpenFileName);
				foreach (string requiredExtension in val.Split (','))
					if (ext == "." + requiredExtension)
						return true;
			return false;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			var val = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("value");
			if (val.IndexOf ('|') != -1) {
				string[] ors = val.Split ('|');
				foreach (var cond in ors) {
					if (EvalAnd (cond))
						return true;
				return false;
			return EvalAnd (val);
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			string appName = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("value");
			bool negate = false;
			if (appName.StartsWith ("!", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
				appName = appName.Substring (1);
				negate = true;

			bool result = BrandingService.ApplicationName.StartsWith (appName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

			return negate ? !result : result;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement condition)
			string lang = condition.GetAttribute ("value");
			Project project = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject;
			if (lang == "*")
				return (project is DotNetProject);
			if (project != null)
				foreach (string suppLang in project.SupportedLanguages)
					if (suppLang == lang) return true;
			return false;
Exemple #25
 public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement conditionNode)
     string val = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("mode");
     if (val.Length > 0) {
         foreach (string mode in val.Split(',')) {
             if (mode == "single" && Mode == ViewMode.Single) {
                 return true;
             } else if (mode == "library" && Mode == ViewMode.Library) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Exemple #26
        public static NodeConflict Merge(
                    NodeElement commonAncestrorElement,
                    NodeElement elementInSourceBranch,
                    NodeElement elementInDestinationBranch,
                    out NodeDifference differenceInSourceBranch,
                    out NodeDifference differenceInDestinationBranch)
            differenceInSourceBranch = (NodeDifference) elementInSourceBranch.CompareTo(commonAncestrorElement)
                            ?? new NodeDifference(new ElementIdentifier("SolutionFile"), OperationOnParent.Modified, null);

            differenceInDestinationBranch = (NodeDifference) elementInDestinationBranch.CompareTo(commonAncestrorElement)
                            ?? new NodeDifference(new ElementIdentifier("SolutionFile"), OperationOnParent.Modified, null);

            return (NodeConflict)differenceInSourceBranch.CompareTo(differenceInDestinationBranch);
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			int count = MainWindow.Toplevel.Selection.Count;
			string val = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("selection");
			if (val.Length > 0) {
				foreach (string selection in val.Split(',')) {
					if (selection == "multiple" && count > 1) {
						return true;
					} else if (selection == "single" && count == 1) {
						return true;
			return false;
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			var target = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("target");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (target))
				return false;
			string msbuild = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.CurrentRuntime.GetMSBuildExtensionsPath ();
			Dictionary<string, string> variables = new Dictionary<string, string> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
				{ "MSBuildExtensionsPath64", msbuild },
				{ "MSBuildExtensionsPath32", msbuild },
				{ "MSBuildExtensionsPath",   msbuild }
			string path = StringParserService.Parse (target, variables);
			if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\')
				path = path.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
			return File.Exists (path);
		public override bool Evaluate (NodeElement conditionNode)
			string name = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("name");
			var assemblies = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.CurrentRuntime.RuntimeAssemblyContext.GetAssemblies ()
								.Where (asm => asm.Name == name).ToList ();
			if (assemblies.Count == 0)
				return false;
			string version = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("version");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (version))
				return assemblies.Any (asm => asm.Version == version);
			string minVersion = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("minVersion");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (minVersion)) {
				if (!assemblies.Any (asm => Addin.CompareVersions (minVersion, asm.Version) >= 0))
					return false;
			string maxVersion = conditionNode.GetAttribute ("maxVersion");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(maxVersion)) {
				if (assemblies.Any (asm => Addin.CompareVersions (maxVersion, asm.Version) > 0))
					return false;
			return true;
		public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
			foreach (NodeElement nloc in element.ChildNodes) {
				if (nloc.NodeName != "Locale")
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid element found: '" + nloc.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Locale'");
				string ln = nloc.GetAttribute ("id");
				if (ln.Length == 0)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale id not specified");
				ln = ln.Replace ('_','-');
				Hashtable messages = new Hashtable ();
				foreach (NodeElement nmsg in nloc.ChildNodes) {
					if (nmsg.NodeName != "Msg")
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale '" + ln + "': Invalid element found: '" + nmsg.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Msg'");
					string id = nmsg.GetAttribute ("id");
					if (id.Length == 0)
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale '" + ln + "': Message id not specified");
					messages [id] = nmsg.GetAttribute ("str");
				locales [ln] = messages;
			return this;
 public static AnchorElement AnchorElement(int x, int y, NodeElement owner, Canvas canvas)
     return(new Anchor(x, y, owner, canvas));
Exemple #32
 public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement conditionNode)
 public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer(RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
     this.addin = addin;
Exemple #34
 public EdgeElement(NodeElement fromNode, Vector2 toPosition) : this()
     From       = fromNode;
     ToPosition = toPosition;
Exemple #35
        public static Project FromElement(string projectGuid, NodeElement element, Dictionary <string, string> solutionFolderGuids)
            string projectTypeGuid     = null;
            string projectName         = null;
            string relativePath        = null;
            string parentFolderGuid    = null;
            var    projectSections     = new List <Section>();
            var    versionControlLines = new List <PropertyLine>();
            var    projectConfigurationPlatformsLines = new List <PropertyLine>();

            foreach (var child in element.Childs)
                var identifier = child.Identifier;
                if (identifier.Name == TagProjectTypeGuid)
                    projectTypeGuid = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagProjectName)
                    projectName = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagRelativePath)
                    relativePath = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagParentFolder)
                    var parentProjectFullName = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    if (!solutionFolderGuids.ContainsKey(parentProjectFullName))
                        var    first             = solutionFolderGuids.First();
                        string projectNameOrGuid = projectName ?? projectGuid;
                        var    message           =
                            $"The project {projectNameOrGuid} could not be added to the folder {parentProjectFullName} because this folder is no longer present. It will be added to the folder {first.Key} instead.";
                        parentFolderGuid = first.Value;
                        parentFolderGuid = solutionFolderGuids[parentProjectFullName];
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagProjectSection))
                    var sectionName = identifier.Name.Substring(TagProjectSection.Length);
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagVersionControlLines))
                    var name  = identifier.Name.Substring(TagVersionControlLines.Length);
                    var value = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    versionControlLines.Add(new PropertyLine(name, value));
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagProjectConfigurationPlatformsLines))
                    var name  = identifier.Name.Substring(TagProjectConfigurationPlatformsLines.Length);
                    var value = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    projectConfigurationPlatformsLines.Add(new PropertyLine(name, value));
                    throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Invalid identifier '{0}'.", identifier.Name));

            if (projectTypeGuid == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagProjectTypeGuid));
            if (projectName == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagProjectName));
            if (relativePath == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagRelativePath));

            return(new Project(
Exemple #36
        public static Project FromElement(string projectGuid, NodeElement element, Dictionary <string, string> solutionFolderGuids)
            string projectTypeGuid     = null;
            string projectName         = null;
            string relativePath        = null;
            string parentFolderGuid    = null;
            var    projectSections     = new List <Section>();
            var    versionControlLines = new List <PropertyLine>();
            var    projectConfigurationPlatformsLines = new List <PropertyLine>();

            foreach (var child in element.Childs)
                var identifier = child.Identifier;
                if (identifier.Name == TagProjectTypeGuid)
                    projectTypeGuid = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagProjectName)
                    projectName = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagRelativePath)
                    relativePath = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                else if (identifier.Name == TagParentFolder)
                    var parentProjectFullName = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    if (!solutionFolderGuids.ContainsKey(parentProjectFullName))
                        throw new Exception("TODO");

                    parentFolderGuid = solutionFolderGuids[parentProjectFullName];
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagProjectSection))
                    var sectionName = identifier.Name.Substring(TagProjectSection.Length);
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagVersionControlLines))
                    var name  = identifier.Name.Substring(TagVersionControlLines.Length);
                    var value = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    versionControlLines.Add(new PropertyLine(name, value));
                else if (identifier.Name.StartsWith(TagProjectConfigurationPlatformsLines))
                    var name  = identifier.Name.Substring(TagProjectConfigurationPlatformsLines.Length);
                    var value = ((ValueElement)child).Value;
                    projectConfigurationPlatformsLines.Add(new PropertyLine(name, value));
                    throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Invalid identifier '{0}'.", identifier.Name));

            if (projectTypeGuid == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagProjectTypeGuid));
            if (projectName == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagProjectName));
            if (relativePath == null)
                throw new SolutionFileException(string.Format("Missing subelement '{0}' in a section element.", TagRelativePath));

            return(new Project(
 protected override void Read(NodeElement elem)
     IsAdd = elem.NodeName == "AddImport";
        internal protected virtual void Read(NodeElement elem)
            if (nodeType == null || nodeType.Fields == null)

            NodeAttribute[] attributes = elem.Attributes;
            Hashtable       fields     = (Hashtable)nodeType.Fields.Clone();

            foreach (NodeAttribute at in attributes)
                ExtensionNodeType.FieldData f = (ExtensionNodeType.FieldData)fields [];
                if (f == null)


                object val;

                if (f.Field.FieldType == typeof(string))
                    if (f.Localizable)
                        val = Addin.Localizer.GetString(at.value);
                        val = at.value;
                else if (f.Field.FieldType == typeof(string[]))
                    string[] ss = at.value.Split(',');
                    if (ss.Length == 0 && ss[0].Length == 0)
                        val = new string [0];
                        for (int n = 0; n < ss.Length; n++)
                            ss [n] = ss[n].Trim();
                        val = ss;
                else if (f.Field.FieldType.IsEnum)
                    val = Enum.Parse(f.Field.FieldType, at.value);
                    try {
                        val = Convert.ChangeType(at.Value, f.Field.FieldType);
                    } catch (InvalidCastException) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Property type not supported by [NodeAttribute]: " + f.Field.DeclaringType + "." + f.Field.Name);

                f.Field.SetValue(this, val);

            if (fields.Count > 0)
                // Check if one of the remaining fields is mandatory
                foreach (DictionaryEntry e in fields)
                    ExtensionNodeType.FieldData f = (ExtensionNodeType.FieldData)e.Value;
                    if (f.Required)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Required attribute '" + e.Key + "' not found.");
 public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement conditionNode)
Exemple #40
 private static bool NodeIsText(NodeElement node)
     return(node.Tag == "_text");
Exemple #41
 protected override void Read(NodeElement elem)
     customizer = (IExecutionCommandCustomizer)GetInstance(typeof(IExecutionCommandCustomizer));
Exemple #42
 // つなげるときに呼ぶ
 public void ConnectTo(NodeElement node)
     To = node;
     MarkDirtyRepaint();  // 再描画をリクエスト
Exemple #43
 public EdgeElement(SerializableEdge edge, NodeElement fromNode, NodeElement toNode) : this()
     serializableEdge = edge;
     From             = fromNode;
     To = toNode;
Exemple #44
        public void Diff_with_null_expected_value_should_throw_exception()
            var actual = new NodeElement(123, 123, "Name", NodeAttributeCollection.Empty, EmptyArray <INode> .Instance);

            actual.Diff(null, XmlPathRoot.Strict.Empty, XmlPathRoot.Strict.Empty, XmlOptions.Strict.Value);
 public override bool Evaluate(NodeElement condition)