public override void OnInspectorGUI()
     editState = (NodeEditorState)GUILayout.SelectionGrid((int)editState,editNames, 1);
    public void LoadNodeCanvas(string path)
        // Else it will be stuck forever
        NodeEditor.StopTransitioning (canvas);

        // Load the NodeCanvas
        canvas = NodeEditorSaveManager.LoadNodeCanvas (path);
        if (canvas == null)
            NewNodeCanvas ();

        // Load the associated MainEditorState
        List<NodeEditorState> editorStates = NodeEditorSaveManager.LoadEditorStates (path);
        if (editorStates.Count == 0)
            state = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
            state = editorStates.Find (x => == "MainEditorState");
            if (state == null) state = editorStates[0];
        state.canvas = canvas;

        NodeEditor.RecalculateAll (canvas);
 public void NewNodeCanvas()
     // New NodeCanvas
     canvas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();;
     // New NodeEditorState
     state = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
     state.canvas = canvas; = "MainEditorState";
	public void LoadNodeCanvas (string path) 
		// Load the NodeCanvas
		canvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas (path);
		if (canvas == null)
			canvas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();
		// Load the associated MainEditorState
		List<NodeEditorState> editorStates = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates (path);
		if (editorStates.Count == 0)
			state = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
			state = editorStates.Find (x => == "MainEditorState");
			if (state == null)
				state = editorStates[0];
		NodeEditor.RecalculateAll (canvas);
Exemple #5
	public override void NodeGUI () 
		GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
			string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel ("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.EditorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
			if (!path.Contains (Application.dataPath)) 
				// TODO: Generic Notification
				//if (path != String.Empty)
					//ShowNotification (new GUIContent ("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
			path = path.Replace (Application.dataPath, "Assets");
			LoadNodeCanvas (path);
			//AdoptInputsOutputs ();
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File"))) 
			NodeEditor.SaveNodeCanvas (NodeGroupCanvas, UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject ("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset", "", NodeEditor.EditorPath + "Saves/"));
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas"))) 
			NodeGroupCanvas = CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();

			EditorState = CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
			EditorState.Drawing = Edit; = "GroupNode_EditorState";

			Node node = NodeTypes.GetDefaultNode ("exampleNode");
			if (node != null)
				NodeCanvas prevNodeCanvas = NodeEditor.CurNodeCanvas;
				NodeEditor.CurNodeCanvas = NodeGroupCanvas;
				node = node.Create (;
				node.InitBase ();
				NodeEditor.CurNodeCanvas = prevNodeCanvas;
		GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

		if (NodeGroupCanvas != null)
			foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)
				input.DisplayLayout ();

			foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)
				output.DisplayLayout ();

			if (!Edit)
				if (GUILayout.Button ("Edit Node Canvas"))
					Rect = OpenedRect;
					Edit = true;
					EditorState.CanvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, GUIStyle.none);
					EditorState.Drawing = true;
				if (GUILayout.Button ("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
					NodeRect.position = OpenedRect.position + new Vector2 (canvasSize.x/2 - NodeRect.width/2, 0);
					Rect = NodeRect;
					Edit = false;
					EditorState.Drawing = false;

				Rect canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth (false) });
				if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout) 
					EditorState.CanvasRect = canvasRect;
					Rect canvasControlRect = EditorState.CanvasRect;
					canvasControlRect.position += Rect.position + ContentOffset;
					NodeEditor.CurEditorState.IgnoreInput.Add (NodeEditor.CanvasGUIToScreenRect (canvasControlRect));	

				NodeEditor.DrawSubCanvas (NodeGroupCanvas, EditorState);

				GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (canvasSize.x + 8, 45, 200, canvasSize.y),;
				GUILayout.Label (new GUIContent ("Node Editor (" + + ")", "The currently opened canvas in the Node Editor"));
				EditorState.Zoom = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider (new GUIContent ("Zoom", "Use the Mousewheel. Seriously."), EditorState.Zoom, 0.6f, 2);
				GUILayout.EndArea ();

				// Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
 void Hotkeys()
     Event current = Event.current;
     if (!current.alt)
         if (current.isKey && current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha1)
             editState = NodeEditorState.NONE;
         if (current.isKey && current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha2)
             editState = NodeEditorState.ADD;
         if (current.isKey && current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha3)
             editState = NodeEditorState.DELETENODE;
         if (current.isKey && current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha4)
             editState = NodeEditorState.LINK;
         if (current.isKey && current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha5)
             editState = NodeEditorState.UNLINK;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and opens a new empty node canvas
 /// </summary>
 public void NewNodeCanvas()
     // New NodeCanvas
     mainNodeCanvas = CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();
     mainNodeCanvas.nodes = new List<Node> ();
     // New NodeEditorState
     mainEditorState = CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
     mainEditorState.canvas = mainNodeCanvas; = "MainEditorState";
     // Set some properties
     openedCanvas = "New Canvas";
     openedCanvasPath = "";
 public callbackObject(string Message, NodeCanvas nodecanvas, NodeEditorState editorState, Node Node)
     message = Message;
     canvas = nodecanvas;
     editor = editorState;
     node = Node;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the node at the position in specified canvas space.
    /// </summary>
    public static Node NodeAtPosition(NodeEditorState editorState, NodeCanvas nodecanvas, Vector2 pos)
        if (!editorState.canvasRect.Contains (pos))
            return null;

        // Check if we clicked inside a window (or knobSize pixels left or right of it at outputs, for faster knob recognition)
        float KnobSize = (float)NodeEditor.knobSize/editorState.zoom;
        if (editorState.activeNode != null)
        { // active Node is drawn ontop, so we check it first
            Rect NodeRect = new Rect (GUIToScreenRect (editorState.activeNode.rect));
            NodeRect = new Rect (NodeRect.x - KnobSize, NodeRect.y, NodeRect.width + KnobSize*2, NodeRect.height);
            if (NodeRect.Contains (pos))
                return editorState.activeNode;
        for (int nodeCnt = nodecanvas.nodes.Count-1; nodeCnt >= 0; nodeCnt--)
        { // checked from top to bottom because of the render order
            Rect NodeRect = new Rect (GUIToScreenRect (nodecanvas.nodes [nodeCnt].rect));
            NodeRect = new Rect (NodeRect.x - KnobSize, NodeRect.y, NodeRect.width + KnobSize*2, NodeRect.height);
            if (NodeRect.Contains (pos))
                return nodecanvas.nodes [nodeCnt];
        return null;
Exemple #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the Node Canvas on the screen in the rect specified by editorState. Has to be called out of any GUI Group or area because of zooming.
    /// </summary>
    public static void DrawCanvas(NodeCanvas nodeCanvas, NodeEditorState editorState)
        if (!editorState.drawing)

        curNodeCanvas = nodeCanvas;
        curEditorState = editorState;

        //		if (curEditorState.parent != null)
        //			curEditorState.canvasRect.position += curEditorState.parent.zoomPanAdjust;

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
        { // Draw Background when Repainting
            GUI.BeginClip (curEditorState.canvasRect);

            float width = Background.width / curEditorState.zoom;
            float height = Background.height / curEditorState.zoom;
            Vector2 offset = new Vector2 ((curEditorState.panOffset.x / curEditorState.zoom)%width - width,
                                          (curEditorState.panOffset.y / curEditorState.zoom)%height - height);
            int tileX = Mathf.CeilToInt ((curEditorState.canvasRect.width + (width - offset.x)) / width);
            int tileY = Mathf.CeilToInt ((curEditorState.canvasRect.height + (height - offset.y)) / height);

            for (int x = 0; x < tileX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tileY; y++)
                    Rect texRect = new Rect (offset.x + x*width,
                                             offset.y + y*height,
                                             width, height);

                    GUI.DrawTexture (texRect, Background);
            GUI.EndClip ();

        //		if (curEditorState.parent != null)
        //			curEditorState.canvasRect.position -= curEditorState.parent.zoomPanAdjust - curEditorState.parent.zoomPos;

        // Fetch all nested nodeEditors and set their canvasRects to be ignored by input,
        // so it can be handled later, and note it down, as it will be drawn later ontop
        List<Rect> ignoreInput = new List<Rect> ();
        for (int childCnt = 0; childCnt < curEditorState.childs.Count; childCnt++)
            if (curEditorState.childs [childCnt].drawing)
                NodeEditorState nestedEditor = curEditorState.childs [childCnt];
                ignoreInput.Add (GUIToScreenRect (nestedEditor.canvasRect));

        // Check the inputs
        InputEvents (ignoreInput);

        // We want to scale our nodes, but as GUI.matrix also scales our widnow's clipping group,
        // we have to scale it up first to receive a correct one as a result
        #region Scale Setup

        // End the default clipping group
        GUI.EndGroup ();

        // The Rect of the new clipping group to draw our nodes in
        Rect ScaledCanvasRect = ScaleRect (curEditorState.canvasRect, curEditorState.zoomPos + curEditorState.canvasRect.position, new Vector2 (curEditorState.zoom, curEditorState.zoom));
        ScaledCanvasRect.y += 23; // Header tab height

        if (curNodeCanvas != NodeEditorWindow.mainNodeCanvas)
            GUI.DrawTexture (ScaledCanvasRect, Background);

        // Now continue drawing using the new clipping group
        GUI.BeginGroup (ScaledCanvasRect);
        ScaledCanvasRect.position =; // Adjust because we entered the new group

        // Because I currently found no way to actually scale to the center of the window rather than (0, 0),
        // I'm going to cheat and just pan it accordingly to let it appear as if it would scroll to the center
        // Note, due to that, other controls are still scaled to (0, 0)
        curEditorState.zoomPanAdjust = - curEditorState.canvasRect.size/2 + curEditorState.zoomPos;

        // Take a matrix backup to restore back later on
        Matrix4x4 GUIMatrix = GUI.matrix;

        // Scale GUI.matrix. After that we have the correct clipping group again.
        GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot (new Vector2 (1/curEditorState.zoom, 1/curEditorState.zoom), curEditorState.zoomPanAdjust);


        // Some features which require drawing (zoomed)
        if (curEditorState.navigate)
        { // Draw a curve to the origin/active node for orientation purposes
            DrawNodeCurve ((curEditorState.activeNode != null? : curEditorState.panOffset), ScreenToGUIPos (mousePos) + curEditorState.zoomPos * curEditorState.zoom,;
            NodeEditorWindow.editor.Repaint ();
        if (curEditorState.connectOutput != null)
        { // Draw the currently drawn connection
            DrawNodeCurve (curEditorState.connectOutput.GetGUIKnob ().center, ScreenToGUIPos (mousePos) + curEditorState.zoomPos * curEditorState.zoom, ConnectionTypes.types [curEditorState.connectOutput.type].col);
            NodeEditorWindow.editor.Repaint ();
        if (curNodeCanvas != NodeEditorWindow.mainNodeCanvas)
        // Draw the nodes
        for (int nodeCnt = 0; nodeCnt < curNodeCanvas.nodes.Count; nodeCnt++)
            Node node = curNodeCanvas.nodes [nodeCnt];
            //if (node != curEditorState.activeNode)
            NodeEditor.DrawNode (node);

        // Draw their connectors; Seperated because of render order
        for (int nodeCnt = 0; nodeCnt < curNodeCanvas.nodes.Count; nodeCnt++)
            curNodeCanvas.nodes [nodeCnt].DrawConnections ();
        for (int nodeCnt = 0; nodeCnt < curNodeCanvas.nodes.Count; nodeCnt++)
            curNodeCanvas.nodes [nodeCnt].DrawKnobs ();

        // Draw the active Node ontop
        //		if (editorState.activeNode != null)
        //			NodeEditor.DrawNode (curEditorState.activeNode);

        // Draw any node groups out there. Has to be drawn here, because they still need to scale according to their parents, but they mustn't be drawn inside a GUI group
        for (int editorCnt = 0; editorCnt < curEditorState.childs.Count; editorCnt++)
            if (curEditorState.childs [editorCnt].drawing)
                NodeEditorState nestedEditor = curEditorState.childs [editorCnt];
                nestedEditor.canvasRect.position += curEditorState.zoomPanAdjust;
                //GUI.DrawTexture (nestedEditor.canvasRect, Background);
                DrawCanvas (nestedEditor.canvas, nestedEditor);
                nestedEditor.canvasRect.position -= curEditorState.zoomPanAdjust;
        curNodeCanvas = nodeCanvas;
        curEditorState = editorState;

        // End scaling group
        // Set default matrix and clipping group for the rest
        GUI.matrix = GUIMatrix;
        GUI.EndGroup ();
        if (curNodeCanvas.parent == null)
            GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0, 23, NodeEditorWindow.editor.position.width, NodeEditorWindow.editor.position.height));
            Rect parentGroupRect = ScaleRect (curEditorState.parent.canvasRect, curEditorState.parent.zoomPos + curEditorState.parent.canvasRect.position, new Vector2 (curEditorState.parent.zoom, curEditorState.parent.zoom));
            parentGroupRect.y += 23; // Header tab height
            GUI.BeginGroup (parentGroupRect);
        // Check events with less priority than node GUI controls
        LateEvents (ignoreInput);
Exemple #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Context Click selection. Here you'll need to register your own using a string identifier
    /// </summary>
    public static void ContextCallback(object obj)
        callbackObject cbObj = obj as callbackObject;
        curNodeCanvas = cbObj.canvas;
        curEditorState = cbObj.editor;

        switch (cbObj.message)
        case "deleteNode":
            if (cbObj.node != null)
                cbObj.node.Delete ();

        case "duplicateNode":
            if (cbObj.node != null)
                ContextCallback (new callbackObject (cbObj.node.GetID, curNodeCanvas, curEditorState));
                Node duplicatedNode = curNodeCanvas.nodes [curNodeCanvas.nodes.Count-1];
                curEditorState.activeNode = duplicatedNode;
                curEditorState.dragNode = true;

            foreach (Node node in NodeTypes.nodes.Keys)
                if (node.GetID == cbObj.message)
                    var newNode = node.Create (ScreenToGUIPos (mousePos));
                    // If nodeOutput is defined, link it to the first input of the same type
                    if(cbObj.nodeOutput != null)
                        foreach (var input in newNode.Inputs)
                            if (input.type == cbObj.nodeOutput.type)
                                if (Node.CanApplyConnection (cbObj.nodeOutput, input))
                                { // If it can connect (type is equals, it does not cause recursion, ...)
                                    Node.ApplyConnection (cbObj.nodeOutput, input);

    public void NewNodeCanvas()
        // Else it will be stuck forever
        NodeEditor.StopTransitioning (canvas);

        canvas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();
        state = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
        state.canvas = canvas; = "MainEditorState";
Exemple #13
	public override void NodeGUI () 
		GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
			string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel ("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
			if (!path.Contains (Application.dataPath)) 
				// TODO: Generic Notification
				//if (path != String.Empty)
					//ShowNotification (new GUIContent ("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
			path = path.Replace (Application.dataPath, "Assets");

			nodeGroupCanvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas (path);

			editorState = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates (path) [0];
			editorState.drawing = edit;

			if (nodeGroupCanvas != null) 
			{ // Set the name
				string[] folders = path.Split (new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.None);
				string canvasName = folders [folders.Length-1];
				if (canvasName.EndsWith (".asset"))
					canvasName = canvasName.Remove (canvasName.Length-6);
				name = canvasName;
				name = "Node Group";

			//AdoptInputsOutputs ();
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File"))) 
			NodeEditor.SaveNodeCanvas (nodeGroupCanvas, UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject ("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset", 
			                                                                                              "Saving to a file is only needed once.", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/"));
		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas (remember to save the previous one to a referenced Canvas Asset File at least once before! Else it'll be lost!)"))) 
			nodeGroupCanvas = CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();

			editorState = CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
			editorState.drawing = edit; = "GroupNode_EditorState";
		GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

		foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)
			input.DisplayLayout ();

		foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)
			output.DisplayLayout ();

		if (!edit && nodeGroupCanvas != null)
			if (GUILayout.Button ("Edit Node Canvas"))
				rect = openedRect;
				edit = true;
				editorState.canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, GUIStyle.none);
				editorState.drawing = true;
		else if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
			if (GUILayout.Button ("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
				nodeRect.position = openedRect.position + new Vector2 (canvasSize.x/2 - nodeRect.width/2, 0);
				rect = nodeRect;
				edit = false;
				editorState.drawing = false;

			editorState.canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (canvasSize.x - 200, canvasSize.y, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth (false) });
			NodeEditor.curEditorState.ignoreInput.Add (NodeEditor.GUIToScreenRect (editorState.canvasRect));
			NodeEditor.DrawSubCanvas (nodeGroupCanvas, editorState);

			GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (canvasSize.x - 200 + 2, editorState.canvasRect.y + 42, 200, canvasSize.y),;

			GUILayout.Label (new GUIContent ("Node Editor (" + + ")", "The currently opened canvas in the Node Editor"));

			GUILayout.EndArea ();

			// Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
Exemple #14
    public override void NodeGUI()
        GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
        if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel ("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
            if (!path.Contains (Application.dataPath))
                if (path != String.Empty)
                    NodeEditorWindow.editor.ShowNotification (new GUIContent ("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
            path = path.Replace (Application.dataPath, "Assets");

            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
                NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas.childs.Remove (nodeGroupCanvas);
            nodeGroupCanvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas (path);
            nodeGroupCanvas.parent = NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas;
            NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas.childs.Add (nodeGroupCanvas);

            if (editorState != null)
                NodeEditor.curEditorState.childs.Remove (editorState);
            editorState = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates (path) [0];
            editorState.parent = NodeEditor.curEditorState;
            editorState.drawing = edit;
            NodeEditor.curEditorState.childs.Add (editorState);

            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            { // Set the name
                string[] folders = path.Split (new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string canvasName = folders [folders.Length-1];
                if (canvasName.EndsWith (".asset"))
                    canvasName = canvasName.Remove (canvasName.Length-6);
                name = canvasName;
                name = "Node Group";
            //AdoptInputsOutputs ();
        if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File")))
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            NodeEditor.SaveNodeCanvas (nodeGroupCanvas, UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject ("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset",
                                                                                                          "Saving to a file is only needed once.", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/"));
        if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas (remember to save the previous one to a referenced Canvas Asset File at least once before! Else it'll be lost!)")))
            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
                NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas.childs.Remove (nodeGroupCanvas);
            nodeGroupCanvas = CreateInstance<NodeCanvas> ();
            nodeGroupCanvas.parent = NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas;
            NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas.childs.Add (nodeGroupCanvas);

            if (editorState != null)
                NodeEditor.curEditorState.childs.Remove (editorState);
            editorState = CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();
            editorState.parent = NodeEditor.curEditorState;
            editorState.drawing = edit;
            NodeEditor.curEditorState.childs.Add (editorState);
   = "GroupNode_EditorState";
        GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

        foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)
            input.DisplayLayout ();

        foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)
            output.DisplayLayout ();

        if (!edit && nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            if (GUILayout.Button ("Edit Node Canvas"))
                rect = openedRect;
                edit = true;
                editorState.canvasRect = canvasRect;
                editorState.drawing = true;
        else if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            editorState.canvasRect = canvasRect;
            if (GUILayout.Button ("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
                nodeRect.position = openedRect.position + new Vector2 (canvasSize.x/2 - nodeRect.width/2, 0);
                rect = nodeRect;
                edit = false;
                editorState.drawing = false;
            // Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the simplified CanvasData back to a proper NodeCanvas
        /// </summary>
        internal static NodeCanvas ConvertToNodeCanvas(CanvasData canvasData)
            if (canvasData == null)
            NodeCanvas nodeCanvas = NodeCanvas.CreateCanvas(canvasData.type);

   = nodeCanvas.saveName =;

            foreach (NodeData nodeData in canvasData.nodes.Values)
            {             // Read all nodes
                Node node = Node.Create(nodeData.typeID, nodeData.nodePos, NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas, null, true, false);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
                if (node == null)

                foreach (ConnectionPortDeclaration portDecl in ConnectionPortManager.GetPortDeclarationEnumerator(node))
                {                         // Find stored ports for each node port declaration
                    PortData portData = nodeData.connectionPorts.Find((PortData data) => == portDecl.portField.Name);
                    if (portData != null) // Stored port has been found, record
                        portData.port = (ConnectionPort)portDecl.portField.GetValue(node);

                foreach (PortData portData in nodeData.connectionPorts.Where(port => port.dynamic))
                {                              // Find stored dynamic connection ports
                    if (portData.port != null) // Stored port has been recreated
                        portData.port.body = node;

                foreach (VariableData varData in nodeData.variables)
                {                 // Restore stored variable to node
                    FieldInfo field = node.GetType().GetField(;
                    if (field != null)
                        field.SetValue(node, varData.refObject != null ? : varData.value);


            foreach (ConnectionData conData in canvasData.connections)
            {             // Restore all connections
                if (conData.port1.port == null || conData.port2.port == null)
                {         // Not all ports where saved in canvasData
                    Debug.Log("Incomplete connection " + + " and " + + "!");
                conData.port1.port.TryApplyConnection(conData.port2.port, true);

            foreach (GroupData groupData in canvasData.groups)
            {             // Recreate groups
                NodeGroup group = new NodeGroup();
                group.title =;
                group.rect  = groupData.rect;
                group.color = groupData.color;

            nodeCanvas.editorStates = new NodeEditorState[canvasData.editorStates.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < canvasData.editorStates.Length; i++)
            {             // Read all editorStates
                EditorStateData stateData = canvasData.editorStates[i];
                NodeEditorState state     = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <NodeEditorState>();
                state.selectedNode         = stateData.selectedNode == null ? null : canvasData.FindNode(stateData.selectedNode.nodeID).node;
                state.panOffset            = stateData.panOffset;
                state.zoom                 = stateData.zoom;
                state.canvas               = nodeCanvas;
                       = "EditorState";
                nodeCanvas.editorStates[i] = state;

Exemple #16
 public callbackObject(string Message, NodeCanvas nodecanvas, NodeEditorState editorState)
     message = Message;
     canvas = nodecanvas;
     editor = editorState;
     node = null;
     nodeOutput = null;
Exemple #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Context Click selection. Here you'll need to register your own using a string identifier
    /// </summary>
    public static void ContextCallback(object obj)
        callbackObject cbObj = obj as callbackObject;
        curNodeCanvas = cbObj.canvas;
        curEditorState = cbObj.editor;

        switch (cbObj.message)
        case "deleteNode":
            if (cbObj.node != null)
                cbObj.node.Delete ();

        case "duplicateNode":
            if (cbObj.node != null)
                ContextCallback (new callbackObject (cbObj.node.GetID, curNodeCanvas, curEditorState));
                Node duplicatedNode = curNodeCanvas.nodes [curNodeCanvas.nodes.Count-1];
                curEditorState.activeNode = duplicatedNode;
                curEditorState.dragNode = true;

            foreach (Node node in NodeTypes.nodes)
                if (node.GetID == cbObj.message)
                    node.Create (ScreenToGUIPos (mousePos)).InitBase ();
Exemple #18
    public override void NodeGUI()
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
            string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
            if (!path.Contains(Application.dataPath))
                if (path != String.Empty)
                    NodeEditorWindow.editor.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
            path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");

            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            nodeGroupCanvas        = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas(path);
            nodeGroupCanvas.parent = NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas;

            if (editorState != null)
            editorState         = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates(path) [0];
            editorState.parent  = NodeEditor.curEditorState;
            editorState.drawing = edit;

            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            {             // Set the name
                string[] folders    = path.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   canvasName = folders [folders.Length - 1];
                if (canvasName.EndsWith(".asset"))
                    canvasName = canvasName.Remove(canvasName.Length - 6);
                name = canvasName;
                name = "Node Group";
            //AdoptInputsOutputs ();
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File")))
            NodeEditor.SaveNodeCanvas(nodeGroupCanvas, UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset",
                                                                                                        "Saving to a file is only needed once.", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/"));
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas (remember to save the previous one to a referenced Canvas Asset File at least once before! Else it'll be lost!)")))
            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            nodeGroupCanvas        = CreateInstance <NodeCanvas> ();
            nodeGroupCanvas.parent = NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas;

            if (editorState != null)
            editorState         = CreateInstance <NodeEditorState> ();
            editorState.parent  = NodeEditor.curEditorState;
            editorState.drawing = edit;
   = "GroupNode_EditorState";

        foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)

        foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)

        if (!edit && nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Edit Node Canvas"))
                rect = openedRect;
                edit = true;
                editorState.canvasRect = canvasRect;
                editorState.drawing    = true;
        else if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            editorState.canvasRect = canvasRect;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
                nodeRect.position = openedRect.position + new Vector2(canvasSize.x / 2 - nodeRect.width / 2, 0);
                rect = nodeRect;
                edit = false;
                editorState.drawing = false;
            // Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms the Rect in GUI space into Screen space
 /// </summary>
 public static Rect GUIToScreenRect(NodeEditorState editorState, Rect rect)
     rect.position += editorState.zoomPos;
     rect = ScaleRect (rect, editorState.zoomPos, new Vector2 (1/editorState.zoom, 1/editorState.zoom));
     rect.position += editorState.canvasRect.position;
     return rect;
Exemple #20
    public override void NodeGUI()
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
            string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
            if (!path.Contains(Application.dataPath))
                // TODO: Generic Notification
                //if (path != String.Empty)
                //ShowNotification (new GUIContent ("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
            path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");

            nodeGroupCanvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas(path);

            editorState         = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates(path) [0];
            editorState.drawing = edit;

            if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            {             // Set the name
                string[] folders    = path.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   canvasName = folders [folders.Length - 1];
                if (canvasName.EndsWith(".asset"))
                    canvasName = canvasName.Remove(canvasName.Length - 6);
                name = canvasName;
                name = "Node Group";

            //AdoptInputsOutputs ();
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File")))
            NodeEditor.SaveNodeCanvas(nodeGroupCanvas, UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset",
                                                                                                        "Saving to a file is only needed once.", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/"));
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas (remember to save the previous one to a referenced Canvas Asset File at least once before! Else it'll be lost!)")))
            nodeGroupCanvas = CreateInstance <NodeCanvas> ();

            editorState         = CreateInstance <NodeEditorState> ();
            editorState.drawing = edit;
      = "GroupNode_EditorState";

        foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)

        foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)

        if (!edit && nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Edit Node Canvas"))
                rect = openedRect;
                edit = true;
                editorState.canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, GUIStyle.none);
                editorState.drawing    = true;
        else if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
                nodeRect.position = openedRect.position + new Vector2(canvasSize.x / 2 - nodeRect.width / 2, 0);
                rect = nodeRect;
                edit = false;
                editorState.drawing = false;

            editorState.canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(canvasSize.x - 200, canvasSize.y, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
            NodeEditor.DrawSubCanvas(nodeGroupCanvas, editorState);

            GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(canvasSize.x - 200 + 2, editorState.canvasRect.y + 42, 200, canvasSize.y),;

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Node Editor (" + + ")", "The currently opened canvas in the Node Editor"));


            // Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms screen position pos (like mouse pos) to a point in specified GUI space
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector2 ScreenToGUIPos(NodeEditorState editorState, Vector2 pos)
     return Vector2.Scale (pos - editorState.zoomPos - editorState.canvasRect.position, new Vector2 (editorState.zoom, editorState.zoom));
Exemple #22
    protected internal override void NodeGUI()
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Load", "Loads the group from an extern Canvas Asset File.")))
            string path = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load Node Canvas", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/", "asset");
            if (!path.Contains(Application.dataPath))
                // TODO: Generic Notification
                //if (path != String.Empty)
                //ShowNotification (new GUIContent ("You should select an asset inside your project folder!"));
            path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");
            //AdoptInputsOutputs ();
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Save", "Saves the group as a new Canvas Asset File")))
            NodeEditorSaveManager.SaveNodeCanvas(UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Group Node Canvas", "Group Canvas", "asset", "", NodeEditor.editorPath + "Saves/"), nodeGroupCanvas);
        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New Group Canvas", "Creates a new Canvas")))
            nodeGroupCanvas = CreateInstance <NodeCanvas> ();

            editorState         = CreateInstance <NodeEditorState> ();
            editorState.drawing = edit;
      = "GroupNode_EditorState";

            Node node = NodeTypes.getDefaultNode("exampleNode");
            if (node != null)
                NodeCanvas prevNodeCanvas = NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas;
                NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas = nodeGroupCanvas;
                node = node.Create(;
                NodeEditor.curNodeCanvas = prevNodeCanvas;

        if (nodeGroupCanvas != null)
            foreach (NodeInput input in Inputs)

            foreach (NodeOutput output in Outputs)

            if (!edit)
                if (GUILayout.Button("Edit Node Canvas"))
                    rect = openedRect;
                    edit = true;
                    editorState.canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, GUIStyle.none);
                    editorState.drawing    = true;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Stop editing Node Canvas"))
                    nodeRect.position = openedRect.position + new Vector2(canvasSize.x / 2 - nodeRect.width / 2, 0);
                    rect = nodeRect;
                    edit = false;
                    editorState.drawing = false;

                Rect canvasRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(canvasSize.x, canvasSize.y, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
                if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
                    editorState.canvasRect = canvasRect;
                    Rect canvasControlRect = editorState.canvasRect;
                    canvasControlRect.position += rect.position + contentOffset;

                NodeEditor.DrawSubCanvas(nodeGroupCanvas, editorState);

                GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(canvasSize.x + 8, 45, 200, canvasSize.y),;
                GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Node Editor (" + + ")", "The currently opened canvas in the Node Editor"));
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                editorState.zoom = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Zoom", "Use the Mousewheel. Seriously."), editorState.zoom, 0.6f, 2);

                // Node is drawn by parent nodeCanvas, usually the mainNodeCanvas, because the zoom feature requires it to be drawn outside of any GUI group
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the mainNodeCanvas and it's associated mainEditorState from an asset at path
    /// </summary>
    public void LoadNodeCanvas(string path)
        // Load the NodeCanvas
        NodeCanvas nodeCanvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas (path);
        if (nodeCanvas == null)
        mainNodeCanvas = nodeCanvas;

        // Load the associated MainEditorState
        List<NodeEditorState> editorStates = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates (path);
        mainEditorState = editorStates.Find (x => == "MainEditorState");
        if (mainEditorState == null)
            mainEditorState = CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> ();

        // Set some editor properties
        string[] folders = path.Split (new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.None);
        openedCanvas = folders [folders.Length-1];
        openedCanvasPath = path;

        NodeEditor.RecalculateAll (mainNodeCanvas);
        Repaint ();
Exemple #24
	public void LoadNodeCanvas (string path) 
		NodeGroupCanvas = NodeEditor.LoadNodeCanvas (path);
		if (NodeGroupCanvas != null) 
			List<NodeEditorState> editorStates = NodeEditor.LoadEditorStates (path);
			EditorState = editorStates.Count == 0? CreateInstance<NodeEditorState> () : editorStates[0];
			EditorState.Canvas = NodeGroupCanvas;
			EditorState.ParentEditor = NodeEditor.CurEditorState;
			EditorState.Drawing = Edit; = "GroupNode_EditorState";

			string[] folders = path.Split (new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.None);
			string canvasName = folders [folders.Length-1];
			if (canvasName.EndsWith (".asset"))
				canvasName = canvasName.Remove (canvasName.Length-6);
			name = canvasName;
			name = "Node Group";
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the NodeCanvas to a simplified CanvasData
        /// </summary>
        internal static CanvasData ConvertToCanvasData(NodeCanvas canvas)
            if (canvas == null)

            // Validate canvas and create canvas data for it
            CanvasData canvasData = new CanvasData(canvas);

            // Store Lookup-Table for all ports
            Dictionary <ConnectionPort, PortData> portDatas = new Dictionary <ConnectionPort, PortData>();

            foreach (Node node in canvas.nodes)
                // Create node data
                NodeData nodeData = new NodeData(node);
                canvasData.nodes.Add(nodeData.nodeID, nodeData);

                foreach (ConnectionPortDeclaration portDecl in ConnectionPortManager.GetPortDeclarationEnumerator(node))
                {                 // Fetch all static connection port declarations and record them
                    ConnectionPort port     = (ConnectionPort)portDecl.portField.GetValue(node);
                    PortData       portData = new PortData(nodeData, port, portDecl.portField.Name);
                    portDatas.Add(port, portData);

                foreach (ConnectionPort port in node.dynamicConnectionPorts)
                {                 // Fetch all dynamic connection ports and record them
                    PortData portData = new PortData(nodeData, port);
                    portDatas.Add(port, portData);

                // Fetch all serialized node variables specific to each node's implementation
                FieldInfo[] serializedFields = ReflectionUtility.getSerializedFields(node.GetType(), typeof(Node));
                foreach (FieldInfo field in serializedFields)
                {                 // Create variable data and enter the
                    if (field.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ConnectionPort)))
                    VariableData varData = new VariableData(field);
                    object varValue = field.GetValue(node);
                    if (field.FieldType.IsValueType)                     // Store value of the object
                        varData.value = varValue;
                    else                     // Store reference to the object
                        varData.refObject = canvasData.ReferenceObject(varValue);

            foreach (PortData portData in portDatas.Values)
            {             // Record the connections of this port
                foreach (ConnectionPort conPort in portData.port.connections)
                    PortData conPortData;                     // Get portData associated with the connection port
                    if (portDatas.TryGetValue(conPort, out conPortData))
                        canvasData.RecordConnection(portData, conPortData);

            foreach (NodeGroup group in canvas.groups)
            {             // Record all groups
                canvasData.groups.Add(new GroupData(group));

            canvasData.editorStates = new EditorStateData[canvas.editorStates.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < canvas.editorStates.Length; i++)
            {             // Record all editorStates
                NodeEditorState state    = canvas.editorStates[i];
                NodeData        selected = state.selectedNode == null ? null : canvasData.FindNode(state.selectedNode);
                canvasData.editorStates[i] = new EditorStateData(selected, state.panOffset, state.zoom);

 public void ChangeState( NodeEditorState state )
     this.state = state;