Exemple #1
        public string CreateSeriesWithClassificationSystem(string fondsId)
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a Series with a classification system and one class.");
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Klassifikasjonssystem classificationSystem = new Klassifikasjonssystem("Oppkvest");
            Klasse   klass  = new Klasse("01", "Tilbud");
            Arkivdel series = new Arkivdel("Barnehage");

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Klassifikasjonssystem savedClassificationSystem =
                transactionResponse.Saved[classificationSystem.Id] as Klassifikasjonssystem;
            Klasse   savedClass  = transactionResponse.Saved[klass.Id] as Klasse;
            Arkivdel savedSeries = transactionResponse.Saved[series.Id] as Arkivdel;

                $"New classification system '{savedClassificationSystem.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {classificationSystem.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedClassificationSystem.Id}.");
                $"New class '{savedClass.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {klass.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedClass.Id}.");
                $"New series '{savedSeries.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {series.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedSeries.Id}.");

Exemple #2
        public string CreateFonds()
            Console.WriteLine($"Create Fonds");

            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Arkivskaper fondsCreator = new Arkivskaper("B7-23-W5", "John Smith");
            Arkiv       fonds        = new Arkiv("Arkiv");

            // Execute transaction
            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Arkiv       savedFonds        = transactionResponse.Saved[fonds.Id] as Arkiv;
            Arkivskaper savedFondsCreator = transactionResponse.Saved[fondsCreator.Id] as Arkivskaper;

                $"Fonds creator '{savedFondsCreator.ArkivskaperNavn}' created. Temporary Id: {fondsCreator.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedFondsCreator.Id}.");
                $"Fonds '{savedFonds.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {fonds.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedFonds.Id}.");

            // Return the id of the new fonds
Exemple #3
        private Klasse CreateClass(string classificationSystemId, string classId, string title)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Klasse klass = new Klasse(classId, title);

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permament id's
            Klasse savedClass = transactionResponse.Saved[klass.Id] as Klasse;

            Console.WriteLine($"Created a new class '{savedClass.Tittel}'. Permanent Id: {savedClass.Id}.");

        public void SignOffRegistryEntry(string registryEntryId, List <string> associatedRegistryEntryIds = null)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            Avskrivning signOff = new Avskrivning(Avskrivningsmaate.TATT_TIL_ETTERRETNING);

            Transaction transaction = client.Transaction()

            if (associatedRegistryEntryIds != null)
                foreach (string associatedRegistryEntryId in associatedRegistryEntryIds)

        public void FinalizeObjectsInArchive(string seriesId,
                                             string folderId,
                                             string basicRecordId,
                                             string documentDescriptionId
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            // Note that currently finalizing objects will not finalize child objects!
            // We first finalize the objects in the bottom of the hierarchy, and then finalize parent objects up to Series.

            // Finalize series by setting changing the series status to Closed Period (P).
            Arkivdel series = GetNoarkEntityById <Arkivdel>(seriesId);

            series.Arkivdelstatus = Arkivdelstatus.AVSLUTTET_PERIODE;

            // Finalize folder by setting the finalized date field.
            Mappe folder = GetNoarkEntityById <Mappe>(folderId);

            folder.AvsluttetDato = DateTime.Now;

            // Finalize basic record by setting the finalized date field.
            Basisregistrering basicRecord = GetNoarkEntityById <Basisregistrering>(basicRecordId);

            basicRecord.AvsluttetDato = DateTime.Now;

            // Finalize document description by changing the document status to Finalized (F).
            Dokument documentDescription = GetNoarkEntityById <Dokument>(documentDescriptionId);

            documentDescription.Dokumentstatus = Dokumentstatus.DOKUMENTET_ER_FERDIGSTILT;

        public void FinalizeObjectsInJournal(string seriesId,
                                             string caseFileId,
                                             string registryEntryId,
                                             string documentDescriptionId
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            // Note that currently finalizing objects will not finalize child objects!
            // We first finalize the objects in the bottom of the hierarchy, and then finalize parent objects up to Series.

            // Finalize series by setting changing the series status to Closed Period (P).
            Arkivdel series = GetNoarkEntityById <Arkivdel>(seriesId);

            series.Arkivdelstatus = Arkivdelstatus.AVSLUTTET_PERIODE;

            // Finalize case file by changing the case file status to Finalized (A).
            Saksmappe caseFile = GetNoarkEntityById <Saksmappe>(caseFileId);

            caseFile.Saksstatus = Saksstatus.AVSLUTTET;

            // Finalized registry entry by changing the record status to Archived (A).
            Journalpost registryEntry = GetNoarkEntityById <Journalpost>(registryEntryId);

            registryEntry.Journalstatus = Journalstatus.ARKIVERT;

            // Finalize document description by changing the document status to Finalized (F).
            Dokument documentDescription = GetNoarkEntityById <Dokument>(documentDescriptionId);

            documentDescription.Dokumentstatus = Dokumentstatus.DOKUMENTET_ER_FERDIGSTILT;

Exemple #7
        private static void JournalingSample()
            Console.WriteLine($"Journaling example {Environment.NewLine}");

            //Create a new Arkiv with an Arkivskaper
            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            var newArkivskaper = new Arkivskaper("B7-23-W5", "John Smith");
            var newArkiv       = new Arkiv("Arkiv");

            var transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //When the transaction is committed, the transaction response contains a map with saved objects.
            //One can access the saved Arkiv by providing its temporary Id as a key to the map.
            //Notice that arkiv.Id is the permanent Id of the Arkiv.
            var arkiv = transactionResponse.Saved[newArkiv.Id] as Arkiv;

                $"Created Arkiv: Id={arkiv.Id}, Tittel={arkiv.Tittel}, OpprettetDato={arkiv.OpprettetDato}");

            //Update the description of the Arkiv and create a new Arkivdel in it
            //Create a new Klassifikasjonssystem with one Klasse
            //Set the new Klassifikasjonssystem as the primary Klassifikasjonssystem for the Arkivdel
            arkiv.Beskrivelse = "Barnehage Arkiv";
            var newArkivdel = new Arkivdel("2007/8");
            var newKlassifikasjonssystem = new Klassifikasjonssystem("Barnehage");
            var newKlasse = new Klasse("01", "Tilbud");

            transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            arkiv = transactionResponse.Saved[arkiv.Id] as Arkiv;
            Console.WriteLine($"Updated Arkiv: Id={arkiv.Id}, Beskrivelse={arkiv.Beskrivelse}");

            var arkivdel = transactionResponse.Saved[newArkivdel.Id] as Arkivdel;

            Console.WriteLine($"Created Arkivdel: Id={arkivdel.Id}, Tittel={arkivdel.Tittel}");

            var klassifikasjonssystemId = transactionResponse.Saved[newKlassifikasjonssystem.Id].Id;
            var klasseId = transactionResponse.Saved[newKlasse.Id].Id;

            //Create a screening code
            Skjerming newSkjerming = new Skjerming(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "Description",
            Skjerming skjerming = client.PutCodeListValue(newSkjerming);

            //Screen the Arkivdel
            arkivdel.Skjerming  = skjerming;
            transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //Find the Arkivdel by id
            //By default the service will return null values for all screened fields of screened objects
            //To see the values of screened fields call SetPublicUse(false)
            var queryResults = client.Query <Arkivdel>("id=@arkivdelId", 10)
                               .AddQueryParam("@arkivdelId", arkivdel.Id)

            Console.WriteLine($"Found {queryResults.Results.Count()} Arkivdel object(s) with Id {arkivdel.Id}");

            //Print a screened field:
            arkivdel = queryResults.Results.First();
            Console.WriteLine($"Tittel of Arkivdel is masked: {arkivdel.Tittel}");

            //For convenience, objects in query and transaction responses contain the id's of many-to-one reference fields
            Console.WriteLine($"Arkivdel.RefArkiv: {arkivdel.RefArkiv}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Arkivdel.RefPrimaerKlassifikasjonssystem: {arkivdel.RefPrimaerKlassifikasjonssystem}");

            //Create two other Klassifikasjonssystem objects and link them to the Arkivdel as secondary Klassifikasjonssystem
            var sekundaerKlassifikasjonssystemSkole         = new Klassifikasjonssystem("Skole");
            var klasseInSekundaerKlassifikasjonssystemSkole = new Klasse("07", "Report");
            var sekundaerKlassifikasjonssystem2             = new Klassifikasjonssystem("EOP");

            transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //We need the id of the saved Klasse for the next transactions
            var sekundaerKlasseId =

            //Create a new administrativEnhet value
            AdministrativEnhet newAdministrativEnhet =
                new AdministrativEnhet(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            AdministrativEnhet administrativEnhet = client.PutCodeListValue(newAdministrativEnhet);

            //Create a new Saksmappe in the Arkivdel
            //The new Saksmappe needs to have a Klasse in the primary Klassifikasjonssystem of the Arkivdel
            //Also link the Saksmappe to a secondary Klasse
            var newSaksmappe = new Saksmappe("Tilbud (Smith, John)", administrativEnhet);
            var newSakspart  = new Sakspart("Alice", "internal");

            var savedObjects = client.Transaction()

            var saksmappe = savedObjects[newSaksmappe.Id] as Saksmappe;

            Console.WriteLine($"Created Saksmappe: Id={saksmappe.Id}, Saksdato: {saksmappe.Saksdato}");

            //Create another Klasse
            //Unlink the Saksmappe from its Klasse and link it to the new Klasse
            var anotherKlasse = new Klasse("02", "Klage");

                $"Unlinked Saksmappe wiht Id {saksmappe.Id} from Klasse '{newKlasse.Tittel}' and linked it to Klasse '{anotherKlasse.Tittel}'");

            //Find all available codes for journalstatus in Journalpost
            var journalstatusCodeList = client.CodeLists(type: "Journalpost", field: "journalstatus").First();

            Console.WriteLine($"CodeList list for {journalstatusCodeList.Type}.{journalstatusCodeList.Field}:");
            foreach (var code in journalstatusCodeList.Values)
                Console.WriteLine($"    Code={code.Code}, Name={code.Name}");

            //Create a new Journalpost in the Saksmappe
            //Create an EksternId object and link it to the Journalpost
            //Create a new Korrespondansepart and link it to the Journalpost
            //Create a Noekkelord (keyword) object and link it to the Journalpost
            var newJournalpost = new Journalpost("Tilbud (Smith, John, Godkjent)", Journalposttype.UTGAAENDE_DOKUMENT)
                Journalaar           = 2007,
                Journalsekvensnummer = 46

            var newEksternId          = new EksternId("External System", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            var newKorrespondansepart = new Korrespondansepart(Korrespondanseparttype.INTERN_MOTTAKER, "John Smith");
            var newNoekkelord         = new Noekkelord("keyword");

            savedObjects = client.Transaction()

            var journalPost = savedObjects[newJournalpost.Id] as Journalpost;

                $"Created Journalpost: Id={journalPost.Id}, Tittel={journalPost.Tittel}, Journalstatus={journalPost.Journalstatus.Code}");

            //Find the Journalpost by the eksternID value
            var journalpstQueryResults = client.Query <Journalpost>("refEksternId.eksternID=@eksternId", 10)
                                         .AddQueryParam("@eksternId", newEksternId.EksternID)

                $"Found {journalpstQueryResults.Results.Count()} Journalpost objects with eksternID {newEksternId.EksternID}");

            //Upload a file
            Dokumentfil dokumentfil;

            using (var inputStream = File.OpenRead(testDoc))
                dokumentfil = client.Upload(inputStream, "godkjenning.pdf");
            Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded file {testDoc}");

            //Create a new value for Dokumenttype
            Dokumenttype newDokumenttype = new Dokumenttype(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            Dokumenttype dokumenttype    = client.PutCodeListValue(newDokumenttype);

            //Create a new Dokument and Dokumentversjon using the uploaded file
            var newDokument = new Dokument(dokumenttype, "Tilbud (Smith, John, Godkjent)",
            var newDokumentversjon = new Dokumentversjon(Variantformat.PRODUKSJONSFORMAT, ".pdf", dokumentfil);

            savedObjects = client.Transaction()

            var dokumentversjon = savedObjects[newDokumentversjon.Id] as Dokumentversjon;

                $"Created Dokumentversjon: Id={dokumentversjon.Id}, Versjonsnummer: {dokumentversjon.Versjonsnummer}, Filstoerrelse: {dokumentversjon.Filstoerrelse}");

            //Download the Dokumentversjon file
            var downloadPath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            using (var outputStream = File.Create(downloadPath))
                client.Download(dokumentversjon.Dokumentfil, outputStream);
            Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded file {downloadPath}");

            //Find all dokument objects in a Saksmappe called "Tilbud (Smith, John)"
            //Results should be ordered by creation date in descending order
            var queryResponse = client.Query <Dokument>("refRegistrering.refMappe.tittel=@saksmappeTittel", 50)
                                .AddQueryParam("@saksmappeTittel", "Tilbud (Smith, John)")
                                .AddSortOrder("opprettetDato", Order.Descending)

                $"Query returned {queryResponse.Results.Count()} Dokument objects in Saksmappe objects called 'Tilbud (Smith, John)'");
            Console.WriteLine($"More results available: {queryResponse.HasMore}");

            //Delete the DokumentVersjon by id
            client.Transaction().Delete <Dokumentversjon>(dokumentversjon.Id).Commit();
            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted Dokumentversjon with Id {dokumentversjon.Id}");
Exemple #8
        private void SubmitData(
            Arkivdel series,
            Klasse primaryClass,
            Klasse secondaryClass,
            AdministrativEnhet administrativeUnit,
            Skjerming screeningCode,
            Dokumenttype documentType,
            string caseFileTitle,
            string caseFileExternalId,
            string caseResponsibleName,
            string caseResponsibleId,
            string registryEntryTitle,
            string registryEntryExternalId)
            #region Case file

            Saksmappe caseFile = new Saksmappe(caseFileTitle, administrativeUnit)
                Saksansvarlig            = caseResponsibleName,
                SaksansvarligBrukerIdent = caseResponsibleId

            EksternId caseFileExternalIdObj = new EksternId(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM, caseFileExternalId);

            #endregion Case file

            #region Registry entry

            Journalpost registryEntry = new Journalpost(registryEntryTitle, Journalposttype.UTGAAENDE_DOKUMENT)
                Skjerming = screeningCode

            registryEntry.VirksomhetsspesifikkeMetadata.AddBsmFieldValues("gr-1", "f-string", "value 1");

            EksternId registryEntryExternalIdObj = new EksternId(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM, registryEntryExternalId);

            Korrespondansepart correspondenceParty =
                new Korrespondansepart(Korrespondanseparttype.AVSENDER, "John Smith");

            #endregion Registry entry

            #region Documents

            //Upload two files

            Dokumentfil mainFile       = UploadDocument(this.testFile1);
            Dokumentfil attachmentFile = UploadDocument(this.testFile2);

            //Link the first document description to the registry entry as main document (HOVEDDOKUMENT).
            //Subsequent document descriptions will be linked as attachments (VEDLEGG).

            Dokument mainDocumentDescription =
                new Dokument("Main Document", TilknyttetRegistreringSom.HOVEDDOKUMENT)
                Dokumenttype = documentType,

            Dokumentversjon mainDocumentVersion =
                new Dokumentversjon(Variantformat.ARKIVFORMAT, ".pdf", mainFile);

            Dokument attachmentDocumentDescription =
                new Dokument("Attachment", TilknyttetRegistreringSom.VEDLEGG)
                Dokumenttype = documentType     //here might as well be used another type

            Dokumentversjon attachmentDocumentVersion =
                new Dokumentversjon(Variantformat.ARKIVFORMAT, ".pdf", attachmentFile);

            #endregion Documents

            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            // When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            // transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Dictionary <string, INoarkEntity> savedObjects = transactionResponse.Saved;

            string template = "{0}: Temporary Id: {1} Permanent Id: {2}";

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Case file", caseFile.Id, savedObjects[caseFile.Id].Id));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Registry entry", registryEntry.Id,
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Main document description", mainDocumentDescription.Id,
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Attachment document description",
                                            attachmentDocumentDescription.Id, savedObjects[attachmentDocumentDescription.Id].Id));