Exemple #1
        private async Task <Response> InitiateLongRunningProcess(NextPipeProcessType processType, string cmdName, Func <Task> func)
            // Check if there exists a Process of respective type which is already running...
            LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"Request processLock for processType: {processType}");

            var processLock = await RequestProcessLock(processType);

            if (processLock == null)
                // Request for process lock was not successful return unsuccesfull cmd and try new cleanup in 30 secs
                LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"Couldn't receive processLock for type:{processType}, occupied by other host: {new Hostname().Value} waiting for next {processType} session");

            LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"ProcessLock of type: {processType} received for cmd: {cmdName}");

                await func();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"An exception was thrown while executing long running process of type: {processType} for cmd: {cmdName} --> {ex.Message}");

            LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"{processType} process done, deleting processLock with id: {processLock.Id}");
            // The process is done, remove the processLock
            await _processLockRepository.Delete(processLock.Id);

            LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"Deleted processLock withId: {processLock.Id} for process {processType}");

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns null if the method was not able to assign a processLock. Else returns a processLock
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <ProcessLock> RequestProcessLock(NextPipeProcessType processType)
            // Find process of processType
            var process =
                await _processLockRepository.FindProcessLockByProcessType(processType);

            if (process != null)
                LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"Process already running on host: {process.Hostname}");
                // The process is already running - Make sure that the processLock is not assigned to a dead host
                var hostPods =
                    await _kubectlHelper.GetPodsByCustomNameFilter(NEXTPIPE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME,

                LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose("Running hosts");
                foreach (var hostPod in hostPods)
                    Console.WriteLine($"- {hostPod.Metadata.Name}");

                if (!hostPods.Any(t => t.Metadata.Name.Trim().ToLower().Equals(process.Hostname.Trim().ToLower())))
                        $"Process was hanging on dead host: {process.Hostname}. Rescheduling the process to host: {new Hostname().Value}");
                    // The hostname of the process does not match any of the current hosts
                    // Re-schedule the CleanupHangingTaskCommand by deleting and inserting a new processLock
                    // Attached to this host
                    return(await _processLockRepository.ReplaceProcessLock(new ProcessLock
                        Hostname = new Hostname().Value,
                        Id = new Id().Value,
                        ProcessId = new Id().Value,
                        NextPipeProcessType = processType.ToString()
                    }, process));
                LogHandler.WriteLineVerbose($"No process of type: {processType} was running trying to request processLock");
                // The process is not running, create a processLock for this host
                // This might fail if another replica beats us to the finish line
                return(await _processLockRepository.InsertAndReturn(new ProcessLock
                    Hostname = new Hostname().Value,
                    Id = new Id().Value,
                    ProcessId = new Id().Value,
                    NextPipeProcessType = processType.ToString()
                }, new Hostname().Value));

 public async Task <ProcessLock> FindProcessLockByProcessType(NextPipeProcessType type)
     return(await Collection().Find(t => t.NextPipeProcessType == type.ToString()).SingleOrDefaultAsync());